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Simple Present - Exercise

Use short forms (isn't, don't,...).

1. We have some milk. We   any milk.

2. Mother sews Jenny's jeans. Mother   Jenny's jeans.
3. I hate Maths lessons. I   Maths lessons.
4. My brother likes eating oranges. My brother   eating oranges.
5. My parents often watch westerns. My parents   often   westerns.
6. Children like ice cream. Some children   ice cream.
7. The monkey wants some bananas. The monkey   some bananas.
8. They are hungry. They   hungry.
9. We get up early on Sundays. We   up early on Sundays.
10. Peter is sometimes very tired. Peter   sometimes very tired.
11. I am a good pupil. I   a good pupil.
12. School always starts at seven o'clock. School   always   at seven o'clock.
13. Kate always has her piano lesson on Fridays. Kate   always   her piano
lesson on Friday.
14. In summer it's sometimes very hot. In summer it   sometimes very hot.
15. Mum washes all my dirty clothes. Mum   all my dirty clothes.
16. Peter has got a brother. Peter   a brother.
17. The frog is under the caravan. The frog   under the caravan.
18. They are cool. They   cool.
19. Dad buys a new car. Dad   a new car.
20. The boys play football. The boys   football.

Put the sentences into the negative form. Use short forms (doesn't, don't,
Example: I like reading. - I don't like reading.
1. They wash the car. They   the car.
2. I get up early. I   early.
3. They walk to school. They   to school.
4. Jim eats an orange. Jim   an orange.
5. My sister listens to her new CD. My sister   to her new CD.
6. Ann cleans her shoes. Ann   her shoes.
7. Henry climbs the tree. Henry   the tree.
8. They meet at the cinema. They   at the cinema.
9. We like pizza. We   pizza.
10. Gary and Peter go to the party. Gary and Peter   to the party.
11. My parents work in a restaurant. My parents   in a restaurant.
12. We like our uncle. We   our uncle.
13. She sings her favourite song. She   her favourite song.
14. Bill reads a book. Bill   a book.
15. Mary goes to the zoo. Mary   to the zoo.

Put the verbs into present simple negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't,
Example: Example: We like singing. - We don't like singing.

1. Peter goes to the party. Peter   to the party.

2. His schoolbag is brown. His schoolbag   red.
3. Mary can ski. Mary   .
4. We meet our friends. We   our friends.
5. The teacher hands out the books. The teacher   the books.
6. Pat is a clever boy. Pat   a clever boy.
7. The monkey takes the banana. The monkey   the banana.
8. Tony is hungry. Tony   hungry.
9. Tim has a brother. Tim   a sister.
10. They are at Sarah's party. They   at home.
11. I like apples. I   oranges.
12. Winter begins in December. Winter   in October.
13. They are at home. They   at home.
14. Tom can play football. Tom   football.
15. My mother speaks Spanish. My mother   Spanish.

Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...)
Example: I am hungry. - I'm not hungry.

1. They can dance. They   .

2. I like good books. I   bad books.
3. We live in a big city. We   in a big city.
4. I can play the guitar. I   the guitar.
5. They are cool. They   cool.
6. We are pen friends. We   pen friends.
7. The parrot eats apples. The parrot   apples.
8. She is Austrian. She   Austrian.
9. Brad listens to the radio. Brad   to the radio.
10. Elephants eat grass. Elephants   meat.
11. I am good at school. I   good at school.
12. They go to school by bus. They   to school by bus.
13. Henry does his homework. Henry   his homework.
14. Simon reads comics. Simon   comics.
15. Sally smokes. Sally  .

Fill in don't or doesn't into the gaps.

1. Sarah   like reading books.

2. Rita's mother   watch horror movies.
3. We   often go to the cinema.
4. Kevin   like spinach and beans.
5. The children   play in the garden very often.
6. They   study for their tests very much.
7. She   play football.
8. My cat   catch mice.
9. I   want to get up early in the morning.
10. We   have to wear school uniforms.
11. His sister   like watching TV shows.
12. My brother and I   go to work by bus.
13. My parents   eat anything for breakfast.
14. He usually   eat anything for dinner.
15. My neighbours   go on holidays in winter.

Use the negative form of the verbs to complete the sentences. Use short
forms (don't, isn't, can't, ...).
Example: We get up early. We don't get up early.

1. He has a sister.
He  .
2. They know his address.
They  .
3. She loves strawberry milkshake.
She  .
4. They live in New York.
They  .
5. He can speak English.
He  .
6. Peter eats fruit every day.
Peter  .
7. We study Spanish in school.
We  .
8. I like reading books.
I  .
9. Francis likes his new teacher.
Francis  .
10. Sue is a smart girl.
Sue  .
11. I can play the piano.
I  .
12. They drink coffee.
They  .
13. He meets his friends after school.
He  .
14. The boys are at home.
The boys  .
15. My brother sings in a band.
My brother  .

Form the questions.

Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry?

1. Peter goes to the party.

2. His schoolbag is brown.
3. Mary can ski.
4. I meet my friends.
5. The teacher hands out the books.
6. Pat is a clever boy.
7. The monkey takes the banana.

8. Tony is hungry.
9. Tim goes to school.
10. They are at Sarah's party.
11. You like apples.
12. Winter begins in December.
13. They are at home.
14. Tom can play football.
15. His mother speaks Spanish.

Form the questions.

Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry?

1. He goes to school.
2. She wants an ice cream.
3. We are ready.
4. Lions eat meat.
5. Donald can skate.
6. Tamara likes sweets.
7. The cat is on the chair.
8. Pam wants another T-shirt.
9. Mother irons the shirts.
10. They listen to the teacher.
11. I like black shoes.
12. He can come.
13. It is raining.
14. They talk about stickers.
15. She helps Roger.

Form the questions.

Example: I live in London. - Do you live in London?

1. They can dance.

2. I like reading books.
3. We live in a big city.
4. I play the guitar.
5. They are cool.
6. We are friends.
7. The parrot eats apples.
8. They are Austrian.
9. Brad listens to the radio.

10. Elephants eat grass.

11. I am good at school.
12. They go to school by bus.
13. Henry does his homework.
14. Simon reads comics.
15. Sally has a cat.

Form questions in the present simple.

Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry?

1. I like grey.
2. The window is open.
3. Sam is happy.
4. Mother likes butterflies.
5. The children stand up.
6. I get up early.
7. Pamela watches TV.
8. Father has coffee.
9. I drink milk.
10. Robert has a plan.
11. We go to work.
12. They run to school.
13. Mick opens the door.
14. All children come to the party.
15. The garden is full of flowers.

Form the questions.

Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry?

1. Phil's book is boring.

2. Peter helps in the kitchen.
3. Laura likes popcorn.
4. Mary plays with her friends.
5. They work in the garden.
6. We hate spiders.
7. They are friendly.
8. They are at the cinema.
9. I hate chocolate.
10. The rubber is red.
11. He has a blue bike.

12. They go to Italy.

13. His sister works hard.
14. I understand.
15. We are at the theatre.

Form the questions with do or does.

Example: I often help her. - Do you often help her?

1. They wash the car.

2. I get up early.
3. They walk to school.
4. Jim eats an orange.
5. My sister listens to her new CD.
6. Ann cleans her shoes.
7. Henry climbs the tree.
8. Tina and Paul eat spaghetti.
9. We like pizza.
10. Gary and Peter go to the party.
11. My parents work in a restaurant.
12. We like our uncle.
13. She sings her favourite song.
14. Bill reads a book.
15. Mary goes to the zoo.

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