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Course Title: Organizational Behavior

Course Code: ALD2201

Submitted To:
Mafi Rahman
Department of Business Administration-General
Faculty of Business Studies
Bangladesh University of Professionals

Submitted by:
Group 1
Section A
Tanveer Bin Khaleque
Faisal Rizwan Noman
Aunik Mahmud Niloy
Nishat Tasnim Tithee
Humaira Amin Raisa
Tasmia Fatima Habib

Department of Business Administration-General

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216

1. Is there any issue with Sara and other employees?

If seen from a subjective point of view, the given situation relays an atmosphere where there
are some issues between Sara and the other employees. The problems are more or less related
to Sara's dress code based on her ethnicity. The clothes she wears do not go well with the
working environment. Not only that, but Jack’s appreciation towards Sarah’s performance
might also precipitate issues in the workplace, as it shows an instance of favouritism.

 Unfair Discrimination: This mostly arises due to the differences in surface-level diversity
in the bank. Sarah, proud of her African background, wear clothes that do not correspond
with her workplace as per other employees. She was not maintaining the surface-level
formality that every organization strictly follows. The "ultraconservative" senior
executives started showing discriminative behaviour against Sara due to surface-level
differences that arose due to biographical characteristics like ethnicity.
Currently, businesses are forming a more heterogeneous workplace, including people
from different backgrounds and genders with varying working techniques and skills. A
heterogeneous business environment allows people to encourage deep-level diversity.
Sara's circumstances are surface-level diversity from other employees, and in the
workplace, deep-level surfaces matter more as working obligations progress.
 Favouritism: Additionally, Jack's amiability towards Sara's work and addressing her work
as "outstanding" may cause an issue with the other employees as his distinct attention
towards a particular employee may not sit well with the others. Jack's special
attentiveness towards Sara's work may negatively affect the other employees and turn
them against Sara based on favouritism.

Sara's behaviour can result from one of the two conditions explained above with the help of
logic and qualitative statistics.
2. Has his extra friendliness with her been an issue? How should Jack handle the


Dialogue between Mr. Jack Nicholson and Ms. Sara Rahman:

Being annoyed and taken aback by the mistreatment and racist remarks against her due to her
racial background and cultural outfits, Sara decides to walk up to Jack's office and hand him
over an Application for Transfer.
Meanwhile, another employee in Jack's office is complaining about how Sara dresses too
informally, and it is unfit for the workplace, where Sara overhears Jack defending her and
taking her side.

Employee leaves after his complaint get disregarded, and Sara enters Jack's room.
Sara: Jack, I know you know the general attitude around here and how it's incredibly hostile
against me, especially because of my racial background and outfits.

Jack: I am not exactly sure, but I did notice you've been gloomy lately.

Sara: I don't like how I'm being treated here solely based on my race and culture. It's taking a
big toll on my mental health. I cannot focus on my work either. I don't think I can take this
anymore. Can you transfer me to another branch? Here's my Application for Transfer.

Jack: I understand your frustration. You have my sympathy, but I don't want to lose an
efficient employee like you. Your presence and contribution are crucial to this branch, and
that is why you have been promoted, too. Without your efficiency, the branch may as well be
dysfunctional. So I'm sorry. I cannot approve your transfer request. I hope you'll also
understand why the executives want to maintain formal workplace culture. I think it's great.

Sara (in an aggravated tone): Alright, then. I quit. Your culture may be "great", but it doesn't
seem so great to me. I'll email you my resignation letter by tonight.

Sara storms out of the room.

3. Depict banks working environment before and after the issue came up.

Situation Before the Issue Came Up:

The workplace diversity was respected, and employees maintained cordial relationships with
each other. Surface level differences did not hamper productivity, and employees conserved
the professionals as demanded by their workplace. According to the situation, before Sara got
promoted and wanted to move to another branch, no one expressed their displeasure of
working alongside her, and the executives had no qualms with how she chose to dress in the
organization. Sara's productivity wasn't hampered, and Jack didn't face any dilemma
regarding losing one of his best employees, which could also hamper his own reputation in
the organization.

Situation After the Issue Came Up:

After the issue was acknowledged, the workplace faced the backlash of disrespecting
workplace diversity, and judging others based on surface-level differences became an ethical
issue, i.e., discrimination following stereotyping behaviour. Professionalism was hindered
due to the discriminative behaviour of the employees. After Sara got promoted, her
appearance became an issue to the executive members as, according to their expectations,
Sara should dress more professionally that speaks the volume of the work she has been
entrusted with. This hindered Sara's productivity, and Sara's behavior affected Jack as he had
to compensate for keeping Sara from leaving and save his reputation from being tarnished.

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