June 2011

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Andrews Announcer - June 2011

Monthly newsletter of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Prineville, Oregon Minutes of the Vestry Meeting St. Andrews Episcopal Church May 11, 2011
Irene opened with Prayer. Finances: concern was voiced regarding expenses being higher then income each month. The year to date budget vs. actual was reviewed. It was motioned and approved to move the Childrens Outreach Fund to the St. Andrews Discretionary Fund for community outreach. Lawn Care: All of the sprinklers have been repaired/replaced. The total cost was $ 203.57. Lawn Care donation envelopes are in the pews and announcements will be made. We will gather bids on lawn care for the summer. Deacon Al Wintermute: Al has officially retired from active service. He will be listed as retired wherever appropriate. Morgan Stanley Account Signers: In keeping with account signers being Vestry members, it was motioned and approved to appoint Jan & Jerry as signers on this account. Retreat: no plans have been made for a Vestry retreat. Several options were discussed. The decision was made to schedule a retreat for long range planning. Jan will contact Diane Adams from the Diocesan office to see what resources are available. PCOM: The Parish Commission on Ministries has invited the Executive Committee to attend their next meeting to discuss the needs of the congregation and how we can meet those needs. It was suggested for all to visit another church service before then to see what they are doing. Parish Secretary: Debi asked if several branches can be trimmed from the tree outside the office. She suggested sending records of giving once a year instead of 4 times in an effort to save on expenses. After discussion it was decided to send them twice a year instead. Debi requested 8 days a year of paid vacation. The Vestry approved this request. Thank You.

Pentecost June 12
One of the great high points of the Christian year is the feast of the Holy Spirit. Fifty days after our Lord had risen from the dead, the Holy Spirit came to his worshipping followers. This happened on an old Jewish feast day called Pentecost. The coming of the Spirit was the fulfillment of our Lord's promise, "...stay in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high." The Holy Spirit filled them with such joy and courage, they went out and proclaimed throughout the city that Jesus was Lord and Christ. On this day the Church started to grow. It was possessed by a new life full of love, joy, power and hope. Pentecost is also known as Whitsunday, a contraction of "White Sunday" because of the white robes worn by those who were to be baptized. What gift(s) has the Holy Spirit given you? How do you express these gifts - reading to children, singing, serving meals at the Senior Center? How about this Pentecost Sunday we read a little description of how we use our gift(s) to serve the Lord. Just stand up in our pew and share with the congregation. How will the Spirit move us? Submitted by Anna Ferguson, Worship Committee GOD WASHES WHITE God washes white* . . . all the black sins of man White as fresh snow on the wintery land Only He can realize what He does for me Without a receipt or a slip of duty. God washes white as the pristine virgin snow The sins I commit whether aware or no He washes them clean as the whitest of cloth He cleanses them away in His taciturn wash. What more could I ask of my loving God Than to forgive each and every sin that I laud To overlook each little spiteful remark Spoken in haste from that conspicuous spark. Thank you, dear Lord, for my bland thoughtfulness Redeemed by your holy crucifixion so blessed Please let me celebrate your forgiveness today Trying to do better in my own humble way. (c) Patricia Ann Tennant, P.A.T., March 10, 2011 Quote: From the British Film, The Taste of Honey.

Meeting in Fellowship Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

Each month on the first Thursday Sally Burger has suggested there be a no host luncheon. This is an opportunity for those who wish to attend to meet in fellowship. The June luncheon will take place on the 2nd. Contact Jean Gillis 541-447-7125 for more information.

Seeking to Serve
Discretionary & Outreach Funds
In April we were able to help 6 families with their rent totaling $ 605.00 We thank you for your generosity and ask that you continue to support and pray for those in need within our community and the world.

Bits n Pieces
Meeting times: The Worship Committee meets the 1st Tuesday at 7:00pm. The Vestry meets the 2nd Wednesday at 6:00pm. PCOM & Altar Guild meetings will be announced in the bulletin. Please check your weekly bulletin for any changes. Home Eucharist: if you are unable to attend services and would like to receive communion at home please contact: Debi in the office 541-447-5813.

If anyone is interested in being a server of lunch at the Senior Center on the fourth Friday of every month while representing St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, please call Al Wintermute at 541-350-3286. The serving time required is 10:30am to 1pm and includes a free lunch. First Plate Offering The first plate offering each month is deposited into the St. Andrews Discretionary Fund. These funds can be accessed by our Ministry Team for community or individual needs in emergency situations. Offerings of Thanksgiving Offerings to the little church go out into our community to assist those that are in need. We call this the Outreach Fund or the Birthday/Thank Offering. A weekly e-mailed diocesan newsletter and announcements is available to all. Anyone who would like to receive this newsletter needs to send their email address to Jeanie Senior, Diocesan Communications Coordinator at evangelist@gorge.net and ask to subscribe. This will also be posted in the Fellowship Room.

April Financial Information

Total Income: Total Expense: Balance: Date 4-03 4-10 4-17 4-24 $4,509.57 ** $ 5,235.76 $ -726.19 General Operating Funds/Donations 640.00 938.00 332.00 1,726.52

Attendance 21 27 33 50

To meet our expenses we need to receive $ 835.00 a week. **Income reflects: $ 14.00 to the Outreach Fund, $ 20.00 St. Andrews Discretionary Fund, $87.50 from Maundy Thursday services was donated to The Landing an afterschool program for youth.

Date Service Greeters Musician Worship Leader Deacon Acolyte Preacher Worship Assistant/ Eucharist Visitor Lector Altar Guild Hospitality Flowers Ferguson Leonard Parker Sanders Gillis Cindy Wiggins Cindy Wiggins Cindy Wiggins Jeff Spreier Jerry Reynolds Cindy Wiggins Sally Burger Sally Burger Carol Parker Sally Burger Jeff Spreier Sally Burger Jerry Reynolds Sally Burger Cindy Wiggins 7-03 7-10 HE 7-17 MP 7-24 HE 7-31 MP

Pat Tennant Dorless Reid Cindy Wiggins

Jan Uffelman Nancy Myers Dorless Reid

Denise Steffenhagen Cindy Wiggins

Please contact Cindy Wiggins regarding openings on the schedule. Or visit our web site at: standrewstoday.org

Carol Parker Cecily Cooper Karen Berg 7-01 Kirby Warner 7-05 Keith Seaber 7-07 Mary Gillen 7-13 7-18 7-27

Dates to Note
TBA 3:30 pm 5th 7:00 pm 13th 6:00pm PCOM Meets Worship Committee Meets Vestry Meets

Jack & Betty Royle 7-02

Please let Debi in the office know if you would like to use the building. If it is a nonchurch meeting forms will need to be filled out.

Date Service Greeters Musician Worship Leader Deacon Acolyte Preacher Worship Assistant/Eucharist Visitor Lector Altar Guild Hospitality Flowers Puckett/Rothe Davenport Thomas Royle Nancy Condron Jeff Spreier Jeff Spreier Scott Cooper Paul Morton Sally Burger Carol Parker Sally Burger Steve Uffelman Sally Burger Scott Cooper Sally Burger Paul Morton 6-05 HE 6-12 HE 6-19 MP 6-26 HE

Pat Tennant Nancy Condron

RD Nancy Condron

Jan Uffelman Nancy Myers Nancy Myers

Please contact Cindy Wiggins regarding openings on the schedule. Or visit our web site at: standrewstoday.org

Denison Thomas Rita Bowne Ann Rothe Dick Davenport Christina Allen 6-01 6-04 6-10 6-10 6-14 Betty Royle Candy McLain Anna Ferguson Mari Arvizu 6-17 6-21 6-22 6-23

Dates to Note
TBA 3:30 pm 7th 7:00 pm 15th 6:00 pm PCOM Meets Worship Comm. Meets Vestry Meets

Lawrence & Betty Claypool Stan & Cindy Wiggins Steve & Jan Uffelman Larry & Anna Ferguson 6-06 6-07 6-15 6-28

St. Andrews Episcopal Church Family

Ministers: All the People of St. Andrews Vestry: Sr. Warden-Nancy Condron Jr. Warden-Scott Cooper Pat Tennant, Bud Maxwell, Seth Crawford, Irene Stiles, Jan Uffelman Executive Committee: Nancy Condron Scott Cooper Jerry Parker - Treasurer Secretary: Debi Allen Priest: Rev. Carol Parker Rev. Steve Uffelman Rector Emeritus: Rev. Larry Ferguson Deacon: Rev. Al Wintermute - Retired Rev. Janet Warner Musicians: Karen Berg Sally Burger - Coordinator Gary & Rita Bowne

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8amnoon Phone/Fax 1-541-447-5813 Web Site: standrewstoday.org E-mail: standrews@crestviewcable.com

Diocesan Web Site: www.episdioeo.org Diocesan E-mail: diocese@episdioeo.org National Church Web Site: www.episcopalchurch.org

St. Andrews Episcopal Church East First & Holly St. PO Box 299 Prineville, OR 97754

Mission: We, being in love with Christ, worshiping as Episcopalians, share our joy by reaching out to all and caring for one another.

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