Chaos Knights Compiled

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DETACHMENT ABILITIES ‘A owes Knits Devichment i on that only includes model, suththe CHAOSKmNTS keyword (excluding model withthe Jerr or Chaot or Unssente keyword) «cases Knonts Detchmcas gain the Traitors Lanees and Fallen Hero bites + ouoskwiens units in Caos Kwewrs Detachments gain ‘he Towering Foe, Traitors Ambitions and Househeld Bond bits «wun d96-CUSs unt in ChOS RENT Detachment xin the Objective Secured abilty (this aby i described in the Warhanmer40,000 Core Book) ‘Not the! CusosKMIGNTS Super-heary Asliary Detachinents silt these Detachment ables, even though Super. heavy Aulary Detachment: do not normally grin any Datachment ables. TRAITORIS LANCES “Though hey hae left fir nity fr behind, Chaos Kaights are st ied over by despti lords who lead with brat auchority. + HhieDetachment a Super hewvy Detachment or i'you are paying a Combet Patrol batle and his Detachment a Siperherey Ausiliary Detachment electone Wan Doo-cass, ABMORRENT-CUASS oF TrRANT-CLASE model in this Detachment. That nodel gains the CHARACTER Keyword + Ifthis Detachment contats between and 2 kowontemt- ‘ass model or if: contains beeen 3-5 Wak Doc-css ‘modal this Detachment Command Benefits are changed {o:'43 Command points ifyour WARLORD is pat of this Daachinent + TithisDetcment cntars 3 or more AawoRsewr-cLss ‘models or contsine Gor more Wan Doo-ciass models and ormoce Tame ris, this Detachment’s Command Beneits sechanged t-“+6 Command peintsifyour aRLOR i pat. ofthis Detackment FALLEN HERO. Deadhaeofo mander te aly carving path of Aaron sing he fort of has thei ‘his Deathmen sa Super heavy Auxiliary Detachment that tis ene OagaUoe ni unit end ofthe ate, that ltgsinsth Aw orCHaos Keyword. Oaly one ‘i fom your ary can have this keyword. “Ticinclaion ofa Deeapstapc Acen? OF Chaos unit from your ot prevent CHAOS units i your army fom ting any {US tBatrequir every mode! from your army te have the same Keyword. Centapons of Nagle, Cabbliatic Rituals 53 tmering orm oft ands power than a mats fora score of lesser foes TRAITORIS AMBITIONS All Chacs Kgs mach alga path of damnation. However the refered methods by which ey enact thir ral aniston eifer betweos ones ud Infernal houscholls. All hos knonts units with his bility [excluding OREADBUDE unite. and all he models them, gain « Teiteris Ambion so longs eer unitin th Detachment owe their allegiance to thesame Trators household (every modelin their Detachment has theleenoctastHouseneto keyword or every sodelintheie Detachment has the NFERWAL HOUSEHOLD ‘eyword). The Tratoris Ambition gained depends upen which Allegiance they haves shown below and you must wite own) = sltof your Dachments TasorisAmbitons on Your ry rster EMV Sochnteumns Jack ete aa ‘bye Doon ate ars Anton, ok Iconoclast Household: Conquerors Without Mercy. ‘The mary Kosoast hosed have carved a pat of fames ‘crs the gan. Ter bral charger ony dea and asain i thei wake reducing whole world orn, Notrace-) 2 meny ssw thas who dae stares hem andra feat give hehe wit Chas Keita akon, = Each time a rode with thi ambidon fights it made charge moves charged or perfrmed x Hern: Intervention this turn, ther it ha ight resolved rer See + Add tothe Attacks characteristic ofthis model + Improve the Armour Penetration chiractertic of melee weapons tis model i equipped with by Infernal Household: Daemonic Surge ‘hela power ofthe warp course trough the Knight nits of the Infenalhuscholdc In kt these Krghts drow upon blitertive energy to bolter her read foriidable might, ‘hater prices necesary in onder to beter dest thet ‘in eachot yor Commana phases each model with th’ Ambion nse ene Danone Surge amole use Daemenic Suge, yoe must do one of hefllowang + nc 1 mrt wound o this node and ol one D3 on tablet tndermine there hat pit thi med tnt th str ofyournet Commandphase «Tet 3 mortal wounds on thi model andslet oe es : testa. yournext Command phe. mene Ponr: See one weaporths models euiped wrth Etchtine an atekis made wit that weapon add fo HOUSEHOLD BOND "The dread households tat have for ‘ts the length and breath of the imperium. Tl tats and specials ave as wide ranging as ther rasa reveig hiroahsof ely, bu ell pose an ely that othe rain they previusy fh te defend from ily and all be models ‘Af cwaos Kates units with this bility, and all he {nthnm, gun ¢ Household Bond sofong their Detachment ‘Dreapetaot moves) Detachment TRAITORIS AMBITION TRpxtaoHOUstHOLD> Detachment owes allegiance w an suas oran infernal howschod it ea Kabition described on page 55, HOUSEHOLD BONDS Allkbneds HUSEHOLDD units (excluding DREABsLapE unit jax Duta HovsenoLo> Detachment will gaina Hovechole Banda described on page $6. On these pages you wll hea bold Bonds associated with each dread household thelist of Fell Bonds (pg 64-65) that you must use if our dresd household does not have an associated Houschald Fen erifyour Detachment includes any Dreaoatase unit WARLORO TRAITS xh dread household has an associated Dread Household ‘sor Tal fa CHAOS KNIGHTS }Cauictermode gains a Waslord Trait, they can have the Diead Household Warlord Trait instead ofa Warford mpage 74. Nos that DREADBLADé modes can neverbe en Dead Hovschold Wailord Trait STRATAGEMS ch dread household has an associated Dread Household Staiger Ifyour army includes « achat, you will uin access tothe relevant Dread thld Statagem and can spend CP to use them. FELICS OF TYRANNY. ph househol hs an associated Dread Household Pane nora ed bya Caos Ks Ont (ttt Wanna (xcding a DueaDo.aDe mode) ‘ealboushols named nthe secon youcan get ‘eg Dad Heaschold Rel of Tyranny to a 1408 KNIGHTS yeah 98#H018>Chanactex model fom your army stead nue Felc of Tyranny from pages 76-7. DREADBLABE snot begien« Dread Household Relic of Tyranny rupee ktitseplace one of the modelsexisting tens of mah thsisthe cae you mut fyou are using Pos ie? cot f the wargear that being reper. arg Yes of Tyranny your models have on JOU MP ee bred armynchudes @CHOSKMIONTE [Besa ping 6Housevexrmx models A HouseYE=™ eon gaan the Daemon Surge Tors 7 en Hohl ond Yow a nag RATEY Stage and « Mouse VEHTVECHARAETES Deyo stmer that given Warlord Tit ca se Wedel Dox Mechanar ft aes Mamie 6 Pesce thn asm ness von oH Mg pa fn iy tl hat wse have we fr your cation god, stngd and Dcayig upon bis gud throne? Jour stfers of allegiance are but aviation to ban he shackles that you rote lite ots, ab to bind wilingty about ourslis thet bragping chats, ‘Wet be not Downeaid, for we shall ed use fr those chains yet as we wind ‘thea tight about your nets.” Baro Kaveri of Howse Merpetax fe imperal Eney Barilinanus Phalp HOUSE HERPETRAX Fouse Herpes disdain the Imperium as a weak ine ile within ced ham Afer all what nced have he wi ofthe Emperor when they already vier darker place? WITHOUT MERCY Mouse Hene1ax medels gun the Congacrors Without Mer itor Arsen (pg 55) every model in their Deachment has theleonociasrHousenoto keyword HOUSEHOLD BOND: DAUNTLESS “he Falen Noles of House Herpetrax arindonttabl refusing to surrender vena the Knight suits urn eround them + Ad? tothe Wounds characteristic of Wan D0G-cLss modes + Add tothe Wounds charactritic of amie mode's with Tae ry House Merpetras~ Strategie Ploy Stratagent , the presence ofthe Knights of House Herptrx is Gethin Statgm atthe endo the Fight phase Select oe Hane ener mos ror your army Rolo De fr ethene it itn oft odaon a2 tat enemy ani sate eal ound: anata ney uit calles DS marl yous WARLORD TRAIT: 30W TO NONE i urbe hat stared de a ard down even the mos erring daemons the warp They eras emit Ie a sn or tend oer be * is omsone can ignore aay or al moles to thee fle (the only exceptions ae characteristics Sino aay Come nl at nesordedares usage jouct ois Advance alls or cage rls RELIC:CROWN OF JeDaTHta fie ates Nett ence he nat agit ad es demey ater Hho bond with aatlonig ere he rabaoe ie oftheir rae aes Jerereany all mouiteny esters tec ne SPECS model Huse ener Tr rom he ele tack imac pie ih a pine wa yoUSELUCARIS sve ation and versatile strate. They Tantei poser salon roRIS AMBITION: CONQUERORS iruaur MERCY nT eas modes gan the Conquerors Wiout Metey re tbtion (pB95) every modal in their Detachment has. cust HoustOLD keyword. E oUSEHOLD BOND: VIRTUE THROUGH STRENGTH ABE of Hie Cnc Fahey ea Ea gue into te dirtand tostride rodel with this hod selected 1 fight, you one hit roo ofe wound roll when resolving that tacks Msn He Eacare~Shategic Ploy Stratagem sium ning ey (mu eae eel Qe. “es fangs and ir sales, Us seg nyour Move pase wien ors iS fectnua aac std nyo aay weed re stibing from every side to poison eae eer teed coy that, Ue fe moe ars (excadingAneRAET nis) androll one D6. Al 19 fis fiat een unitcontans Between 6-10 meds ead? headed beast, the Gabe: ‘ral at ryan or nore des 09835 i EM mya conee me en es ce ee alleconsuning vif that ays ‘WLOROTRAIT: STRIKE FIRST, STRIKE OFTEN lose Lacuris vie wih each therfrthehonou ttl the Hod of the enemy. abate they ie ected of uchlarge war mass ESC the Fag phase if hi WanLonD within Engpgeest ary enemy unis, can fight fst that Phase Re 2h SERPENTSTRIKE CORE Sg tt power he ri weapons of Mad Prime gt Hae aca aang nt ith ili low any who coe wt skin dare St ad ny Sete dameonbeat nei Me Secgrthmengun, daemonbreath zpearor daemon ®en at mod is equipped with Te, by, PON is, reittin tant ioe Adapt pols Srengh character weapons Damage characterise. “Bre vengeance bo we ght aginst those who _euph tribution frou vole agaist then, og atx! by our ned far vacate sit ei ty rag ou us. or wageance bo we fight aatst ite to seg tutes ors ‘yas the, beaghCabou by eur ned tr geass then fr he vile thy ionabtupo ws. For veagente be we fy ‘gait hse who sought reibutin fr eat ola agains ther, broght abut by ot ‘efor agen agaist tet forte lece ‘Hey weeght won us. For vengeatec do ‘abt guint." - Reveing Woe Kigmereoxmanire deed urn the batt eta HOUSE KHYMERE anowerving fath House Komere Oc i rg spon wor of the bnerian. Sunlric tue, mow thee areoly Nyy he ned for everge TRATORI AMBITION-CONOUERORS WITHOUT ME aan) every model athe Detaceent bs the makes an tack ifthatatackis ach ine model with this bod sete sand ft a below Half-izengih when hsm Masel sbotor ii ad tthe wound rl EAE HED House Khymere~ Strategic Ply Strtagem ning ho ar cg teas ‘es Surge your Charge phase when a House tent ted foray nia Secon ene {his ode state, cl sxe instead). Tor cack dive ‘gutlor eed th ene wnt WARLORDTRAMT MADDENED CRI Traene 86ers into the nen line, ending thi fos fleing Mop win” ths aon at he stat fei Deedes (97) tate sad, ‘hats Tm ed hi nen sis within CUE. wanrriRe SHLD Mie Men cpegse acer tae {0 bun and ear any who wad se Saas Shek une at? tere einai ond edge ho 6, the atacking mess unit sufiers 1 i acuisicpm aircon Panag HOUSE VEXTRIX traitorous Legio Mortis is the ultimate expression cy mans of the TRAITORIS AMBITION: DAEMONIC SURGE HOUSEHOLD BOND: TITANKIN Trained and adapred top Surge Traitoris Ambition nt has the lvremmac rform to he high standards set. Legio Mortis alles the Knight of House Ve es xtris persecute the enemy with incredible tenacity oe hime a model with this bond is selected to choot. you an re-rllone hit rolland one wound roll when res clving that models attacks. a Mag Mouse Vextrix ~ Battle Tactics Siratagem Reaching out with their mind and activating a xeno-tech interception array built into their Knights sensoriums, the Fallen Noble is bombarded with «flurry of information that allows them to predict ‘he movements ofeven the mest elusive fo. Use tis Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when a House YexraDx ‘model from yourarmy is selected to shoot. Unil the end ofthe phase each ime that model makesa ranged attack, you can ignore ‘any orall it roll and Ballistic Skill modifiers. Se te ines of Zeaio Mortis ander WARLORD TRAIT: FAVOUR OF THE eeeree ihc wale, igi IARK MECHANICUM forever in thir shadow that we wight ‘This warlord has been bionically augmented with a series of mecha- better see their guiding fights. Chey tens tha permeate the mechanisms of her Krght tf ace the masters and we thes willing deep ty ca fc serps witout being tH ous sodbgnn tr whenever va tty avis there a pact of servitude hat fered * He timone a vanOnecas model aed 1018 sa gh vars? + hs Winan eanantemods add 8 Wounds characteristic. * Athe stu of ech of your Command phases "ans Dost wounds. RELIC: HERETEK POWER CORE ering daemons nase power cals with forbieen ees Sephari Par core pss te clive potent even greater height this wamtoaa. HoWse Vern model only + M2" othe hearers Move chancel * ch ine thebearermakesammdee ata UIST og ale usr the sweep prole oF meee EOPO™ ‘amage characteristic of that attac tess that atc 6 the heunly of endless a : e a B Pst so Se te 5 . = : = a = 5 = af 5 rervitule enc, rll wer TRATORISAMBTION-DAENONICSURGE avs Kove mel in the Daemon Sure Aiton 39) ory el nh HOUSEHOLD BOND: PROFANE SYMBIOSIS. rte ay tru wth daemons iting hei ‘he pls of Hose Khomenth wil fen et of trate + Moa choo int ven er ort wand. yucan 1 ffm the Dacrocc Sure abl (5) apply ths model ttl thesart of our net Command phase ELEIEIOITy House Khoments-StratigcPoy Stratagem Theale Noes of Hoe Ehomets send te fate vast ‘iceehindthc enemy and drive em onthe masts ane {se Bs Stage your Mover ph Sale one Huse osews Wn Opes i WARLORDTRAIE OREAD HUNTER Ths ert et abhorrent damon pre ning ching hing so ‘Once per bt at be start of you Shooting phase this anus cnmake ablingske Fit doc eerie Fogel ween this Wanton equiped sith Ul ead of thease cxch meses htt weapon, So rcrlibeht ol antes hewn M0 the Damagecaracerisic eat ce: RELIC: DAEMONIC SHRIKE atts teva tsoen een jour Shooing phase Soke a ‘sally eben ies SHOE all oly At thstart ofeach elcome ey ot within Le nd oftheumeath nes ea crags hat eemy ut mpen e ton hari ft ase ear ‘nee, 3 was but flesh and bone, a flimsy mortal cage within which flickered the pitiful fight of my meagre Suman soul, 3 was follow. 3 was weak. 3 was mworthy, Then came the ther, and with it yower beyend imagining. Sow, my flesh churns with the Plague Zord's sifts. Flow, my mind is filled with Visions of eternal decay and fecund rebirth, of a galaxy that seethes with the same abundity as does the rust- {hickened full of my blessed steed. Flow, ¥ chant the scventoto prayer and, 8 do, my voice, the @ther’s and the ‘oat of wy Buight intertwine to form Atri-fobe chorus, for 3 am more now than ever 8 might have been alone. yguSE KORVAX soe Korva was founded thr gh the diabori is House Raven. Iti f ie tndering of 8 sep Imperium in the name ofthe Dex march to way Mk Maser wh bry ;RaORIS AMBITION: DAEMONIC Suge Dont nscale ha Dicabioes AL HOLSENOU keyword. ge Traitors tachmenthas the yoUSEHOLD BOND: FORGED IN TERROR ioe Xorvas ar servants of shadow and te oe the sta ofan bt ond rou cael Hatbager ality (pg 98) from those corresponding tou eo fezoundorany previous bate ound Thais sane br every model with thisbond in your army. eee iy army doesnot ve te Caos Koa nn” Mises rap Hose Korvax itegic Ploy Stratagem idk phantoms, the Knights of House Korvaxcan move ‘hough solid was without hindrance Ut Statagem atthe start of your Movement phase or atthe Seefour Charge phase, Select up to two HOUSE KORYAX WAR HEU modes or one House Konvax Ttante model fom your etl end f the phase the selected model) can mave Sraaally through models and terrsin features as ifthey wore tthe a ARLORD TRAIT: LORD OF DREAD se eral isthe epitome of dread power insti Se Mion they do ver the enemy, ensrng he Foi sage of his wasanos Aura lis (4 Sinai ~ the ange ofthis WarLonp’s Dreaded abilities (P57): Rey °S RUNE OF DARKNESS edi imoired to mark the bearer as having te fo Spexeg BE" patron. While they carry such favous they. Peavey tt of mysterious protection to ensure hal “Peg teow is about ola ei form tT 2 shadow, fo ka pina ‘Model only. Once per battle round) Mes pastebesrsfated youcan eth stn i claractrsticot that attack is hanged Pees ses syabe theres ot ena Deters Leadership characteris “tain curing the battle. when a saving Relic Wh? Truc horas to have yur ems oped at st, lyf ce tat fess iin vik heh ysl se lp. tretun (igh re of that age w stot gore ab gies alee see a gs hp go Ee isfaction oily hao ie on : fig eine gl, en their minds to the true teachi Onmisich Unfetired the the * = i i = § fad hae jon we Le FELL BONDS yon choen dread household doesnot ave Higcbold Sond on pages 58-6), you must instead let. Bond frit fom the lstsher, In addition, Dneapece units Inyuurarny mus also Bae Fal Bord fom the its hee [Remember that each DREApBLave unit must have a unique Fell onl ano yocannotselocts Fell Bond fer a DREADBLADE tniifanyother model fom yoar army has the same Fell Bond. asodated ll les otherwise tated, eonacias Heuseno.o unis haveone Fell Bond fom the Iconocast Household Fell Bonds st and Inreanat Hovseneto unis have one Fell Bond from the Infernal Houshold Fell Bends it. You annotselect he Infmous ‘Heredity or Bound Vasa Fell Bods or « OnEABHABE wri ICONOCLAST HOUSEHOLD FELL BONDS BOLD TYRANTS ‘Tre Knight ofthis dreathousebold side int the vey teth of ‘the enemy, uns being where Sey can wines first hand the embers of ei cable omer Each times moda with shi Fel Rond makes ranged attack if the target ofthat tack i witis 18" this adel, Improve the “Amour Penetration characters of that tack by 1 FRENZIED INVADERS. he Knfs torn inthe hea oe ney ns aes and Pola ot aida ahd of gre ack time mode with his Fel Bond makera mele attack, an ‘unmodified hit rll of sores addtional hit Inrawous HeReorry tral poole rine det hooters ge ier drone be teh lesion in i ee fame with heir own, He Sect on ofthe bllowing dread housthokk: House Lucans, House Hemereaxor House Knraene , Sree seenaore ical withthe dead howl you os oe aod rat ucel te eae mate aa = \RNED IDOLATORS Sea eed antansa cial of ola who aaranovned for their cafe and forbidden knowiedge, using aturalesoerca to dield the Koights from harm. adh timean atack with an Armour Penetration chaniceristic (Of isallocatedto a model with ths Fell Bond, that tack has an Armour penetration characteristic of insted. LOPING PREDATORS Thee sui attackers are adept firing onthe moves trating the predatory senses of their Knights machine spiristo singe out targets ofepportanity. nyour Shooting phate each time a moda with this Fal Bond is sectd to shoot, ifithas Advanced this tur, then ‘unt the end four Shooting phase, t counts as having RemainedStationary PRECISION CRUELTY ‘The allen Noblesof this dread houschold ae masters of finding the enemy! weak points and exploiting ther without mary. ‘Hach umea model with this Fell Bond makes a ranged attack ‘onan unrroliied wound rllof 6 + Inprovethe Amour Penetration characteristic of byl + Add 1 tothe Damage characteristic ofthat attack, PRIDEFUL WRATH Thee Kg rent withlet onto t ay foc impud enon toc them harm ee Moh wit hs Fel Bod whose characte can change thy se dane ar cnr have eae tere of onda spon dng a es WORTHY OFFERINGS he fallen Noble and Knight sit off up thee might il fo Leen Pe no * Bich time a model with this Fell Bond makes an attack amy VEMCLE cr CARACTER nit, od If that + amodd with hie Casa th this Fl Bond has Favour ofthe Dat Gods it destroys a Monste, Vevacuso: CnamicrER INFERNAL HOUSEHOLD FELL BONDS BOUND VASSALS Selec one of the flowing dread houscholds House Vert, ovat Knosanris cx HOUSE Konvas, + Use the Household Bond ofthe dread household you selected, a listed on pages 58-63, aCaanacree model with thie Fell Bond gains a Warlod Tra they can have the Dread Householé Warlord rat assodated with the dread hoisehold you selected, nvced ofa Warerd Tait from page74, Ifa Chataeten has sucha ‘Warlord Tait replaceal ingancesof the nese Hovsevo.o» keyword on that Dread HouscholdWarloc Tait (eg House Korvax), any. with the named dread hoasehol thet his ‘unten is fom, You will in access tothe Dread Household Statagem associatec with the dread household youselected. When using such a Statagem, replace allinstances of he keywordon that Dretd Hossehol Strtagem (eg, House Konvax) vith the keyword tha: he nits wi this Fell Hond bate DARK FORGING Pacts with he most powerful soul forges ensire that this ight furnished with weapons of truly informal power and mali + AL tothe Range characteristic of ranged weapons model “hi el Bd oe eid ith. eo + Aad he Seng nd Damage characteris ofa habs heavy stubbesthata model with hi Fe ads ‘pedi «Hh timea model with his ell Bon sects target a dabolus heey stubber tha: ts quipped wi YOu gyre the Look Out, Sr ule MERCILESS TORMENTORS Ths read heuscholds sions arerenowned and fear for lying don anuaemiting burage of dese range fe Each ime a moda with this Fel Bond makes ranged atc ‘the target ofthat attack is within 18” ofthis model, e-r0 vollot! GHEISTS OF RUIN : The Kgs of ths dread household are shrouded in wing eet ‘veges the cherie of ir mented vcs en ‘hem na ghostly ve Dates ngeanackismale ea Bend ithe sere hn 1 evermeneee# ‘Ns Fel Bond ited a having te bei EE ‘ans that attack (Gee the Warhammer 40,000 HELLFORGED CONSTRUCTION efor with rp: if al wna ct onda ln nd natural evel of prihmert. Eich ime an atack wih a ha Suength characersticof7 orks [allocated to model with this FellBond, uta from the unagecharaceistic of thatatack (oa minimum of BIOMECHANICAL FUSION Th pt of ise area ering fin of fish nd machine nae tone eight hwo death “something darker ~ takes them. iB + fa DntaneLioe model hs this Fl Bond that model gins the Daemons Surge Tatrs Ambition (pg $5) even tough DReABALADE units cinnot rormallyhavea Traitors Ambition, + Bach ime a model with ths Fell ond exclading Dreaoncan nodes sues a moral wound whist sng its DiemonicSurge Traitors Ambion, ol one D6: on 2 45, hat wound oot lot LUNHALLOWED INSCRIPTIONS The lof these Kights are covered with indecipherable runic cal, ong dark powers keep enemy magicks tb. + Bach ume model wih this Fel ond vwouldlosea woundas a result of moral ‘wotnd ines that mortal wound was ict asthe est fusing the Demonic Surg ‘rats Ambition (pg 55) roll one D6 en a5 that wound isnot os. «+ Add Ito Deny the Witch ests made for Fsvcen ‘models with tis Fel Bond WARP VISION Exsoraled sensrs evo lnitedwihsight lipo the Fallen Noble, allowing ef tack ther victims soubspoons sch time an atack sade ly ‘model with ths Fell Bond, the tare does aot recive the benefits of ight Cover puna that attack ks war as mde. Cone, any male je Rrughls rfera, and pray we lay you fly ed il it fe night of. the yet witness in this entire beni Ne force afl oatsasthyopen STRATAGEMS Jes anyone knots Detahen ypu ary inl caccesto te Staeges and Weslo stages pice instances from oor. tha Sager ay) wih theme harjour lected wits awn 0 omens HousthO.0> 8 she Dea tencoll abane ea alestance 0 thats ony) wk DRO EREVaR EONS up (Chaos Knights ~ Battle Tact tratagem hts ml th sheer weigh and mas 0 arg. ina dvi headlong ts Sratgenin he Ft pn wien nlewoaust foseots med fom yarn ected ip Ul Were cocina trl males tack ‘hatodel made charge rove hist, ad otha attack’ he Pee Choos Knights Bate hurgry War Dogs wade int the or enmity and malice powering thes bls aps anshing thin reach ED atl Tete Srategem Use this uatagem in the Fight phase. Sect on: enemy unit ftom your opponents amy Unt the end of th phase each timea WanBoe-cuss model frm your amy makes a melee Nac gut hat ener ait an unmolied tll of ‘utonatialy wound the arget Penis (Chaos Knights Battle Tactic Stratagem Like predator chasing dw tire, Wu Degpilos ence ‘eivicimsthen ack ina ferocous mass ru ai Sirager tthe to ic igh phase. Sle one SE tin Ege Range 2 or an sociass odes fom yosrarny Unite cnlo¢ toni ad tothe tac characte ec Wan nected fomyour amy tha stare pase win eee Range of that enemy unit, 4 ae ‘Chaos Kegs Bate Tactic Sratagom Fe or Despie bacchs the Dr Gasfr gui Fre upon thet airborne enanies, {iis Srugem ia you Shooting phi, when a wand ust nda ro yo chacpiae fot 8 amy secede set Un ng Arete eer cia ance ntoring w LEensS A sanesh delight in infiting round thelr Knight ou, le i riven into Fallen sen nthe ight pase, whens COSRMTS Sa am our amy nocd tight. th Laan gpa Range of oe OF Te I uns andi oe mre modes ntl he nd ofthe phase add oer ntact ifoneo mot of oe woe ‘units contains 11 or more models, until the end of the Saya dnmodel Atockecaracteisticinstad FoRveNTeOWeAT ce] ‘Chaos Knights Rattle Tacte Stratagem War Dogs are dept o vent ir pet up rath. When heir prot ts Gn lead ho fo cash a pursing torent fre {se ths Stratigem in your Shooting phase. Select one enemy nit fom your oppanentsarmy. Until the end ofthe phase, each dime a NAR Doe1Ass mode fom Your army makes a ranged attack sas that enemy unit an unmodifie hit rll of 6scoces Tadaitona st (Chaos Knights - Battle Tactic Stratagem Screaming enamy werrors are crashed to gory paste es the Chaos Knight trample pity through ther midst stamping and raking wiht huge tloned fet. ‘Use ths Strtigem in the Fight phase, when aTame Cuaes ts mode from your army's seleced to ght. Untl the end ofthe phase cach time that model makes a mele afack with ts » Subeact | fom ta atte it ol * lf that attack successfully hits thatatack ta Monsrenor a ‘mors wounds ard the ata isthe target, unless the targt of YORE Unit, the target sulers 2 cksequence ends Chaos Knights ~ Battle ‘tctic Sratagem Whaterer real or per ‘Us this Strata v oder nh BM hase, ven stank Mash de ree FX Uncen he mewmémodd, aldo that aac % ESM 0 (Choos Knights - Battle Tactic Stratagem ‘Whe Chaos Knighs march to war, the ndtwisted wrecage in their wake your ary each time that (Chios Knights ~Battle Tactic Stratagem Tepilts f Chaos Knight are bitter and twisted sul whe ets are fled with rage. They refs to yi whist fovea rennin tbe slain by their blades or crushed beneath the hel ‘sets Suatager in the Fight phase, when a Cus Kwowrs soe frm yourarmy is seleced a the target ofan attack ‘Uri the ead ofthe phase, each time an atck s llocted to tha mode subirit | from the Damage characteristic of that ‘ack toa minimum of 1), Thi is aot cumulative with any ‘rules that reduce the Damage characteristicoan atack (eg the Helforged Construction Fel Rond, pages). that ‘oes Man Obe-cass model, ths Statgem costs 1CPs thers ost 2CP hos Knights Epic Deed Stratagem Th Chae Knights engage in dels no for honour but set thet dominoes over he bate it wk thats within Engagement Range ofthat model You ‘ntvurepponet secretly cheose a umber rom 1103008 Ditresag eS ‘hsbecatpour a Sinan you and), then revel yor coe ‘Te then unt he end of tha pas, ad he number mute tack character ofr one ees Tre atc made by tht mode can na SSS TEE *0*Koihts Epic Deed Stratagem 2 G08 Chaos can even grant the boonof Hf ord Sethu epnefe nah meton sane) “een LUNoNMDE® Sa fom ole wher CHaas KNIGHTS rar a isheceepa Sn otoltd rs cedih wounds remating apo Were destrayed and not within Engagement NeQE7 Rode her adel a noe CU ‘ony ST SOs ICP: otherwise costs 2CP, This SAB “Sed once per bale Steen leave only broken bodies gs turning « D6 to show the number but conceal, SIT Z h408 sighs Epc Ded Siratagem The econ vty of, centage Gl pow ish xa dul sy be ext and sere tacks within range CET (Chaos Knights Epic Deed Sratagem ‘Where the Chacs Knights mand, doom and despair Calling spo the malig power ofthe wir eae ofc ost can cauethe darkest detcend and drown fo In madne se this stratagem tthe start ofhe hid arth oft ‘te rand four Wan onthe ate Sct one Harbinger abiliy (998) fm any previous bale roun whe yur Won onthe bate syste fac every CaaosKmens mde fom your amy. Youcen ony se thi Stag every nit om yours bas i AE ant eywor (exadng us ih he Daou oe ety ar Couoskeywrds) This Strange cin only ced once, perbatle aN (Chaos Knights Epe Deed Sratagen Wh sadistic gle the Fllen Noble reaches outwith thr Knights" rormous tl fi pckng her enemy fromthe ground ad ashing toa bla pulp punting te ine aaoes o aeeeee Sorcerers eae Sores ck a ‘Chaos Koights EP Sensing inven genet eh he if ete alle a eight a bO (hav Kgs - Strategic Ply Satay ed Sa ‘Onis Hovstnoum> Wie Does model declared) oe (Chaos Knights ~ Strategic Ploy Stratagem yen hates ths Khore-vriping Kihei Bd End vengene spon these wo eer ct ma {se ti Statagem in your opponcnts Psyche phase, when a Pxtictesttaken fora PsYRER units failed while that wot x wii 1 a Chios KusnrsKvonve mod! fom yrange ‘That sree unit sffrs Perils of the Warp. ETON Fm (Chaes Knights - Strategic Ploy Stratagem War Dogs igh with agilty and cunning, giving ground only 0 saegein on the tteck from another angle, ‘sets Stetagem in your Movement phase when a Wan DOG- ‘uussmodel fom your army Falls Back, Tht mode sil igbl to shot ad charge this tur even thought FelBack, EE (hace Knights ~ Wargear Stratagem nse gives nay to frentied savagery asthe Fallen Noble swings ‘he howingchainblade wild ares ra ‘eis Strtagemin the Fight phase when a CHAGS KMIOATS ‘pode fom your army that is equipped witha reaper sword or reaper chaintalon (or a Relic that replaces such ‘{q2ap0" is selected to fight. Until the end ofthe phase, each {foethat model makes an attack, you can never reroll that Sptshitrll,butf that attackis made using the sweep profil far ape chainsvord or reaper chaintalon (or Relic that * sucha weapon), make { additional hit rolk CEM ae ‘nights — Wargear Stratagens a tgs gh fois "ight feeds power to it shield emitters. ets f when a ents Shooting pase. Wh eaters ome sy occ be ‘gn tack Unt the end ofthe phase, that model bas Want save again ranged tacks that _ pt Pod dst css CP hares Weg Sare = fh pow of esr panacom e Dron ape fn cnmy eer ce Be seageour onents Cammand phate Select SIE Truruss tod fam yours Ua en Cea (Chaos Knighis - Wergear Stratagem ‘emetnes Palen Notes wil not cen wai for tha vii tote Lily ded bere tearing of yet aks oflvng eo be ‘er hing thom nts fe oa ‘Use this Stratagem at the end of he Fight hase. lect one ‘haa Katonts model fom jour army equipped with = emer ali hat reper sate Si) fa htceor Monsen model was destoyed within Engagement Range othe sdected Ens tnents mode during that pas, os can now sect one enemy unt withing of and vse to that Cmts Knewts mode. oll ne, sbtractng fom ‘he esl ifthe enemy it ou sete is CHAAMETER Wh ‘Wounds chancteristcof or lew-on 435, thatenemy unit saffers D8 moral wotnds: on 46 tht enemy uni uflen 3 ‘mortal wounds [RAVENOUS PTERRORSHADES (Chaos Knights WargearStratagem Shricking with ghoul ung, darn entities descending taterwinged whirling to ed apart the souls of se ena iho show evens moment er eta nth Most Soe ony nk hn aoe ls my Teeny nn sed I Terie tht eneny uniter moral woud rec ‘hry ich ie Da tts el (oa manana eral wos See Sl pee BLOOD SHIELD Wl fo he Babes of lec I a Maas ae ated il len tia ebbig hel Wher aaa Se codon er ee ae wenga window of opportu for unbridled carnage rape «sno ans the mron keyword Deomerererenneiy Se pass Sued Wie doesnt au aga oe erac eee ee ponte track «Endings ae stad dat bx, ile saving hows cannot made agar aac «Vi odes ver ARON, es tbe a Teor and enna manifest pychic er bt te ‘open Sl craters nroveby and tes Ganaisi increased FAVOURED ABILITY Thumode can activatelts Blood Shield one addivonaltime doen thebattle COLLAR OF INFERNAL BRASS Forged in the moltexcoreofa Khornaie daenon world and inscribed with runes of nullfietion upon athnderonate anil of thrice cursed noctth ths collar wards peo een ml ptt warpera ‘hdl hon keyord {inti thefloweg abi Calla neal $e Ara hsm enn Peer sit tin 2 of Scr seat rom yc testa ar at nk! + Troi en Avon th oan Leper ed canta poe per ey Mae Sl arcertiisimprvedy 1 ads Macks sect creed AURED ABILITY “Tismodel cannot be targeted or aflected by psychic powers. THRONE MECHANICUM OE ; SKULLS. Tis tazen Thrones nid wie the carved anes remy tt choot eae with slo “re Pets. Throwgh it an all consuming need for murder sips lon ge mo us hekvonekeyord sight! charge rollsmade for this model pba Ken Anounan, tess the PVE and cannot manifest psychic | ec but ite (EPS carcersics mprvedby Lad i AAS Stes incacd fh : Woureoaeuiry crea ed + Thismodel gains the Treanren keyword. * ths mode i nota Kain Agao keyword: ican atumpt to mane owe st one payee power it YourPsychc phase and atempttodery one pychicpowesin our oppocints yee phate This nl nws ie and ‘ne power rom the War Stem discipline (75) + ths mode is ahusnrAsoMiar, it knows one ational Doyshic power from the Warp Storm dciplie and x can attenpt to manifest one edditional psychic power incach ef your Psychic phases FAVOURED ABILITY In each of your Psychic phases, ou can Fol one ayhie tat taken fo this model jy CURSED RUNE OF FATE {A Teention rine of rer power sins dea tench igh lk ever moving ie nfetn srs pling ater Rowe tthe strand of ss he rn Plc ene fo ipo sha Ree ge ‘Revel eal ot dem td alice le il eet fen tee ete ‘chee gay sero mao + Tismodel uns he Tate eon ie) + Eachimearanged atc ema agaist hebearer.on ah Unmadinedeanng owt te aang mode a Suffers I mortal wound ater all ofthe units atackshavebeen {oked (os mezmum 6 mera wands) FAVOURED ABILITY idecope hata sarcasm MARK OF THE DREAD KNrgwrr ghifold Patho Daration Keight th thcon est iflct detrclon father taee rhs mode asthe PANTHEON UNDIIOED keyword, hime this rode would lore a wound rll one Dé:on a avQURED ABILITY: Fachtime this model would ‘k WARP-BORNE STALKER Demonic whispers guide Shs Knight plo along crt path th the eter tempest and acre on words ofthe empyrean. In ths way tis able ob sot a he abr f robert crag +s motel ans the Parton Une Keyword cal ffeng tp on hebatcid Gthismodelise Mindoecussmode. any ther nodelsn tare op say sence ea) ae erg ioeens pf neyo Monee a FATQURED ABILITY: rate, the dart of your Movement pias, you can ‘the bef andthe, during the of your next Movement phase, youcan st tts model fr sunitback upon the bated anywhere fom any enemy modal. Ifthe bate ends and this un on the baefek tis detroyed. BLESSING OF THE DARK MASTER afi Kg sins wor ier ean mii ce cles en wt ey oss about hee asters owen which na luis the Pano Uno Keyword chattack made ageint themed YOU poret carn recllthe hit, cannot re ll the acetyl the damage rll Mowe sous 22 ae sack ismade aga al 13 fer attack as especie OF) oP eweapor or the mod making teatack™ : of any abilities: a and ays The wey ightares ‘archeotech wouders turned herical nl in the Mead 2 a ip at at ste mise a dict i z aay & ; Ru ee iin Kear (0 war are their tally of sins is endless. dosti y WARLORD TRAITS srs Trane ounacsen mod ic bclow fo determine w Tea cnos kn Wore Tals tb Ysdomlypeerate one iyhivethebager rt $a can lene D3to rancom 4. EAGER FORTHE KILL 1 EAE Kn is len cha ac Tse bls andre ors and em ade tn th ath «Ad to Afrnceand charge lls made for this wanton. + While hisWanuoeoiethin your ‘opponent deployment one, add Tf: ‘Mtcks characters 2, HARBINGER OF SCRAPCODE “salen Nob ha given heir igh hl overt the ere powers ofthe Dark Meche, becoming a cari for ead serapede In the Mora phase selec oneencany vowed unitithin 1S ofthe WARLOR stunt must take arene (p57) the tet fal + That unt afers 3 moral wound 5 Gate nartof he net Mora pas, oldsnthat unt ws characteris can ‘hinges hey Suter dunoge a conslered tobave haf thenamber of wound remaining Sethe pupae ef dering what hose fact a od na tne ‘hrnctritcs donot change they ser anage ined edce the Balist Sl and ‘Wein Sil chances by), 3, WARP-HAUNTED HULL nekinnth vige of rp shut e WaRDOG-Cuss model swine ata Perum, cach ime that medel loses a wound, oll ons Desc Gh wound snot lost 2, VORTEX TERRORS. Dawn fiom thetrtued skies ashe: a howling empyrigalethck ih sorred sls and screching aan heist They wil abou In foeinan ephemeral storm that ows ferro and confor month enay ranks Maledicion: Vortex Terors has a warp charge alte of. IF ‘nf elt one ems anit within 1 of his PEER {hl start of your next Paychic phase + Sob from the Leadership characteristic of models in that eit, * Each ime tha nit is seecied to shoot or fight, it mst fst takes Dread test (p97) that ts falled then wt theeadof thecurrent phase, reduce the Weapon Skil and kl Garaceriics of mala that enemy it 3 THE STORM MALEVOLENT enor by words oj dark power, astorm from the depths of. ‘hvarp srges up against the skin ofreaity Is lashing tendrils ‘rte coruping nrg rough tata ty 1, Mp natomof ned ray ELM aelef horribly esposedto attack, and mayeven be driven Sek how the puting warp onto rf hob ole pileitin: the Storm Maleolent has a ‘warp charge value of ULB concern nti a ho tof re pase ech tinea ren Sterns since wackaguss 1 il iat atc wound ‘Rodi wound ll ofthe ta ‘Perdinaddtin to Ge noanal damage Foes fom th di he tratna Midis ech) or yn can eet sci line, replace alinstace ofthe mchold thi yourPeman's dean 4 CYCLONIC LaAMENTATION Pagid ind sing vous te en andchanesin the Chaos deer fi blithe ng its neal asa reactor non stants ign GEzPla ls into singh tormoned net tht wee rd fa Sack wove, shedding he ous ofall who her on has a warp charg valu EE ney win Lo tater na Dread st (pg 97). Exch unt aa is ereenoe morta wound (theres fe Pichi st war 1s eh un ht fat egut Deno stond stl norton) 2 5. CORUSCATINGHATE tn caste haf te fo ha ment ‘ling nls am earn es ho Oncor snot ding bls of hls hcg ah ose fog sighs xpd ama heey toe acs rey ‘he poner he ap tha bos eptng stone une nn th sy ms ap ‘Witch: Consctng Hates warp charge vale of 6.1F ‘manifested the closes enemy anit within" of ad ise to {hls sma sufers Ds morta wou, Then rl one DE. 09 82.3 th closet ote enemy ua within of nd vise to that enemy unt safes motel wounds ont safer D3 ‘potal wounds 6, SPITESQUALL Hie cn ecco ahead ‘atl winds. Bad ena tht this ter ppt fing (tle Es et oer ad fel iedreces te victim! bis so oy dost mnbbem ed, ‘eventual drovns ther soul slain: pqs pare IC waved st onceney ant tn of BSP Tana yurae etc ae: ee ~fepriscgalyornolng ey i iene Dae omer nerraiitnes moral wound, The untsSpitscuall aly eet 40 Sears eee a RELICS your army i led by a Cates KMcitts Wanton, you can, when mastering your amy the fllowing Relic of Tyranny toa Cwaos Knicwis CHatacTER mode Remember that Cnaps Kniss De Lances ability (pg 38), which ensbles that Detachment tobe a CHaRacten to select one m Note that some Relics replace one ofthe models existing iems ‘of wargear. Where thsi the case, you mus, if you ee using points values, stil pay the cost ofthe wargear that i being replaced. Weie down any Relics your modelshave on you amy reser, THE BLASPHEMOUS ENGINE Toler the workings ofa Kright pl 9 against the Onmisich. The agi ofthe Derk Mechanica Singer In rituals Sat ca ake decade these heretical adeps can bid @ herd or even centuries o cond Grate the war machine to ighon of caged entity. 4 Chaos right, le cnermous power ofthe InrenwAt HoUSev0L0 AOHORRENT-CLAss or NFENHaL HovsENOLD Wan Doe-ciass modelonly + Each ime the bearer would lose a wourd as areslt ofa mortal wound while using its Daemonie Surge Tries Ambition (pg59), roll one D6: ona 2+, that wound not ot + The bearer is conscered to have double the numberof sees eae Fe ees alae oe = KEYWORD ny Every datasheet in this section has the = RS 2 Sear fore oft Sect noone ee en Ge unit withthe Oneao ouseno19> keyword in your amy. yor mss then do one o the flowing Declare this unit elongsto a doesd household, in which ase you must nominate which dread household it from. You then replace the keywordincvery instance on its datasheet withthe nan of your chesen read houschold. This could beone ofthe dread households stalled in a Warhammer 40,000 publeatio, or one of your ‘own design Declare this unit belongsto no dicad household in which ‘case itis a Oreaoouase. You then replace the keyword in sery instance on ite datasheet with DteaDs.abe Example Ifyou include a Keant Pause mote in your try and you decide from Hose Luar Hs One ovsenotas keyword becomes Wvse Lucas ond Rampogeabiliy reas Whi a fandy House eam Wan oe etlss models wahin¥ ofthis odd achive at inode makes anele atack r-rella hit lf If your army is Bate Sng, you canotinlde unis dea fran oie dra hss sn se Detchnn. thtyou ean incide ay nuaber of nent nthe sane schnent ou can ind ot oe about Bate forged aris inthe Wahamer 40000 Core Beok. THE KEYWORD sr allegiance to etheran Konocast | pit GhaosKoiges oeialogce other an no sousehold or an lferral household. When youinciade eran whe cueson furan koword lneed to fight battles with ctable Keywords found on those dat use datasheets in the Warhammer 40,000. \yourChaos Knights tasheets and cet + Hfyour units from House Lucas use Hetrrnat or Mouse Kinuent from an lonachst howto seg yours replace the ond oy, Snstnce oats dtashee with kowocustHowseneag Ifyour units from House Vextix House Runenns oe oust Kona, ita oman Infra Roticha anda met replie the Keywordin ety sence ‘on ts dtatheet with tensa Hoven, + fyeur units feem anyother read household, otic has the DReabeuaDe Leywor, you mst somite whesers ‘owesallegance tan Iconocast househelder an Inia household You muir replace the keywords hero changed toleonocuas Hous Coen orone na ce Sere ec eT eer reeeate! a eter Sar rial Knight Ward ers WARGEAR & WEAPON LISTS. The weapon profiles found ona unis dataset esi the primary weapons tat models in hat unit canbe equiped wih Some weapons ae only relerencedon a dataset, poe fr {hese and allother weapoas canbe found on page 108 ABILITIES ‘Ais atasct wil Tit ll the clits its Certain bts thatare common tomany unis ae onl referesced onthe Alatashees rather than deeribed in full These bits 26 described below and opposite. Jon Shields (Chaos Knighs ae protected by a powefeldicona Feld, ble fo ward of incoming atic, ts unithave a inva een ye a HARBINGERS OF DREAD esp are wracked wh ali every uni your rm has the Ems Kn Keyword (cluding uns th he Unstone or Aen F 0s {prod} the this nt ab aban (ee opposite) depending on wich Hasbinger Ath at of ach bate rod Shy ethers Despa, Doc Danes tent ceteponing cokes fer da Wate ound Ini ae thos epee Nolet when mating sien + During the fest and th bate rounds, you mst select the + Yow an only select the Despair ably you selected the Despite Doom abit inthe previous bate round + You can ony selecttne Darknesabiity you selects the Darloes oc Doom sbltyin the previoes battle ound. cB) ‘Once you hae selected a Harbinger ability itbecemes ative for the rersinder of eta and wth this abil. Somerules en ablesbecome atv fr oreo Duplicated actve Harbinger ables on thesamevnit hres pple to al untsin your army, more unt rig the Ete BATTLE ROUND 1 Aithe Chaos Right begin thet attack, ame of dad ‘march om eroding the wills of eves the est stele warns (Ciel by the sight of suck dire and overwhelningengineof destruction, ‘elena solders have been how 0 abandon their posts with scams ter BATTLE ROUND 2 det is To moun arose atl the phere ofc far ames ver more unite. Phantasm ikea vio of Id edie oe ls tcl ala aration tensa the coin rena of darks mils rds Bee cereniga ee eee Pee eae Go iivnt an brat deat. BATTLE ROUND 3 ‘The wep shadow crowds round panicking cles they espera ry {0 bnk ay hallucinatory mists and ereepng threat the edge of 0, ‘The foes concentration becomes more difiul, though loin a nebing inertiaand tend of fear vertale the minds of thos daring to fac the towering monstrosities, nthe presence oj such dread, standing orden are forgten and comraieship's reveled asa wordless cuch BATTLE ROUND 4 The mst shld Fallen Noles are able tose terror asa weapon, dng ‘he daness tat ars within dhe soul ike alace-thrast if he beat of her ners, hers drape therzlesin materi mats of darkness, oF summon 5 of immaterial gheists that screech in the foes. minds dowigar rece maria sit y BATTLE ROUND pas The fort of the Chaos Knight sau ial seeps tet Ent lnk com neers fc oc pce ngs afin Se ae sentcn Shadn proai hedoiante DESPAIR (CREEPING DISMAY ‘Shean enemy units within Dred hog (9697) this model: ft enemy ont has any Aura bili, sotract fromthe range of ttoseabies, + fbi enemy unit has any abies thats weed in theComnand as subtract 3" from the range of those abilities, sai ee ea no ee Seiesies cae oo aber Seats ceaoes Pome es PARALYZING INSANITY "Wile enemy uns within Dread ‘Seog tis mode tha wit eee OOM HOST «Bet oa si ly iden ric aula font Cone yen ENCROACHING DOOM ‘Add tothis mel Aid ths mel Dea ge MORTAL TERROR 9 ‘While anenemy units witin Dread range (9e97) ofthc made eck me ‘at unt alsa Morale, atonal ‘del evs rom that init efre Combat ‘Aion ss ate aken (if theese th More estat eat tice that of Uc highot Leienbip characte Jntht ust, thea D3 aditiond moda Mee insted, ‘When enny tn sila ed reateia cennoatecieses Dees aa pra | Seg ate en eae tows tpued tense peed Soe ee ‘Soy tac bo teed one 1 Sekine ce Soupacceas ee Serie ee pierre ete ator ae Splat uy Cesar Kinoirs nate Sop phsern ech oni ‘PALL OF DARKNESS Eachtime arngedattack s made Ties oe tee eae ee 1 eaynbiat fom bat R DOG KARNIVORE atin nN | ia on eT cna a os ie ub ure coe chino sagen 24 ey mot ever poo GEE tc oa Hea ears aaa Pon EOE ofthe roe been Seth Esch sen nate mde man ia \nedoen rolls mske Shs of suntstesoga one Dé befare removing Fem ply On abies ana | EIN EORDS.CHAos, Chaos Kw Ghs,, EWORDS. Venicus, Cone, WaR Doc-CLASS, PTERRORSIADES, Wan DOG KAnMIVORE /AR DOG BRIGAND | Seach mods chratontics change as tsffers damage. a5 shown brow: Ho tame Cy 19 WuDogbigand Pewoundsrenainng) 2" 3+ 34 WWitigkigind (GS woundsrenaining) 4s ae Lrtatined(tSwendsronsning _¢_6+_f+_€ fh neretchangamn,doemonbeat par have mutlaunehe mo (aad Ss ssaut 12 aes chin rockin wh sepa etsa untae, AB pattack asa Damage hace ofDse2, ‘as. Tisveoponcantatuntstat eevee revatio tee beste Hee 9 Cy Keinoilscn eenhave hei havoc mult lnncherrpaced wt 1 ablshenny MEE Ra a eines re Bo noalveuds. ped ere Scoererengn ton em enna een : 0S, CHADS KNIGHTS, Bs 0S Ch405,Cuaos Kwrcnts, ,, sittin 206' suffers 6 marl winds Pe oe War DoG-cLAss model withn "ofthis medel, each peeekiaeitie ean time that fiendly model makes 2anged ta hitvlt oft FACTION KEYWORDS: CHa0S, CHAOS KNIGHTS, , KEYWORDS: VEHICLE, TITAN! JORRENT-CLASS, KNIGHT DESECRATOR " (NIGHT DESPOILER Picasa GR 5 Nerang To oe , ,, roe 0S. VEHICLE TITANIC, CORE, ABHORRENT-CLASS, KNIGHT RAMPAGER ee ae AIGHTTYRANT 0 a CS Biexcsivencsrmanind 84s, og Gtwownkeeersiings FS. ag iyex(s2oeunsremanes) _€ 6+ seg eps binstone volcano IBN eceplasmadecinary mavwin doseratorcanne;titaic Feet heise mseg Ja us SG ar Heay03 16S Oe ghee Before Faleeng tants, elect ane of eproites bean. ea ake Bek th ee Aemasetoronackvinreen wounds ter shacting vith apon, Etchtie he bens slctete store ong ate stacey one ghisstersie ndncne nivsho och phase iSequepedwinonceprtous te tin anstacismate in est trade aint thtatace Ecchi an tickat Wie apontrgets senting tatoo hes abamagechaaonae fez ‘bet an insane vor ano lnce ad ecoplasms ceciator can be place with 1 daria canon and capone, de gheinsirhemissiles and win desecr‘or cannon canbe replaced with 2 heistsikemssies nd 2 Walker, Hrbingoro of x Expledee: When thie modelie destoyedll woD6 before removing rom pla. eter ofthe dice we 6 pera itempledeajoneseh unkwthn 206'sufersO5nors! ESR Nounds(ibath ofthe diceare a6 each unit watn 308 aaa Sulers 06 mortal wounds netead) en > theenemys atecks wth ROS: Chaos, CHAOS KwiGHTS, ,

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