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There are people who cant afford clothes. What

sets us apart from good will, savers and other thrift
stores is we want to make a non profit organization
that allows people to get donated clothes free. This
is important because family’s have a lot on their
mind financially they might not be able to afford
new clothes but if we give clothes this could ease
their mind and have them save money for other
necessities such as food, housing, medical and
many more. Specific activities would involve
looking through clothes that either don’t fit, are old
or warn out and bringing them in. Then we would
sort them in categories the tops, bottoms, socks,
underwear and so on. Anyone can do this just look
in their closet or dresser.

ABSTRACT & OBJECTIVE There are people who cant afford clothes. What
sets us apart from good will, savers and other
thrift stores is we want to make a non profit
Since many dont have the luxury of affording organization that allows people to get donated
clothing, we want to ensure that everyone has clothes free. This is important because family’s
access to clothes by hosting clothing drives to have a lot on their mind financially they might

donate clothes to those in need. We all have a not be able to afford new clothes but if we give
clothes this could ease their mind and have
few clothing items in our closet that go unworn
them save money for other necessities such as
and forgotten, but they would be much more
food, housing, medical and many more. Specific
useful in the hands of those who would use
activities would involve looking through clothes
them. We want to encourage people who have that either don’t fit, are old or warn out and
clothes that they may have outgrown or dont bringing them in. Then we would sort them in
wear, to donate their clothes to those who categories the tops, bottoms, socks, underwear
would benefit from having those miscellaneous and so on. Anyone can do this just look in their
items that we take for granted closet or dresser.

ACTIVITY February:
Aquire all the
The reason that we chose this solution was because my
supples needed
older sister gives me her hand-me-down clothes to wear, Host our first
but i dont usually fit all of her clothing, therefore i have no Donations drive
use for it. Instead of throwing out the items, i want to give
back to the community by donating what i do not use. March:
Donating to the Salvation Army is another solution, Obtain a 501c3 to
however, the Salvation Army sells back the clothing items acquire funds for
that they are donated, which doesnt help those who
cannot afford to buy clothes. Donating to IHS is also

another option, but many dont have the time to drive to

their drop-off location, and that inhibits them from April:
Host regular drives
donating their clothes to an organization that actually
Regular ship clothes
helps those in need. to Thailand
The activities involved would be collecting clothes from
people who want to donate them. Sorting out the clothes
by size. And partnering up with Catholic Charities and IHS
to distribute out the clothes to the people in need.
To communicate our work to the
public we will
create posters to advertise the
clothing drives
announce the clothing drives on
the PA system
host multiple clothing drives in
different parts of the island
spread through word of mouth
One day, we hope to be worthy
enough for a newspaper clip, or a
A business proposal is a written offer radio mention, but for now, we will
from a seller to a prospective buyer. stick to the ideas listed above.
Business proposals are often a key step
in the complex sales process—i.e.,
whenever a buyer considers more than
price in a purchase.


There are many ways to get the

news to people like creating a blog
where people are able to read about
who run/participate in this no profit
organization. We can branch out to
other social media platforms such
as instagram there are so many
members and being able to reach
that big of an audience could
interest others. Last one we could
make flyers or put out ad in a

Trash bags (plan to acquire these free from our households)
Paper (plan to acquire these free from our households)
Pens (plan to acquire these free from our households)
Shipping boxes (plan to acquire these free from the post office)
Packaging tape ($2.36 +tax)
Shipping fees ($200 – plan to acquire these finds through fundraisers and our 501c3


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