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Look Into Ikeda's Rape Case !!

Quotations from the account, which was written by the victim of Ikeda's rape Mrs.Nobuhira are as follows ; It was in 1971 when the Soka Gakkai constructed Onuma Training Center, an expansive facility covering nearly 2 acres of land inside the boundaries of the Onuma National Park ( in Hokkaido ). And, since June, 1973, Daisaku Ikeda came there for the summer. Taking care of Ikeda at the main building of the Onuma Training Center was my responsibility. That was an order from the top leaders of the Soka Gakkai. The third floor of the main building was Ikeda's private facility, which had a Japanese cypress bath. No one, not even the top leaders, were allowed to go there. In those days in 1973, I was the only one allowed to go to the third floor.

A Photo taken at the Onuma Training Center ( The woman directly on Ikeda's right side is Mrs.Nobuhira. The second over from Ikeda on his left is his wife, Kaneko. ) The First Rape Case It happened on the 3rd day after Ikeda's arrival in Onuma, in other words, the evening of June 27. As part of my duties, I went up to the 3rd floor at 9:00 p.m. to lay out Ikeda's Futon, just as I had done on the two previous evenings, never suspecting that I was about to undergo a terrifying and humiliating experience. On the first and second evenings, Ikeda had not been present, but when I

went up that night, he was in the office next to the bed room, writing something. He wore long under pants and a crepe shirt. I entered, saying, " Please pardon my intrusion.", and thinking that I must not disturb him, I began to close the sliding doors between the bedroom and the office. However, Ikeda said, " Leave them open. " I was slouched over, spreading out the sheets with my back to Ikeda when he suddenly leaned against me from behind. This happened in the blink of an eye. While pushing down on me, Ikeda's hands reached for my shoulders and he pulled at both the collar of my blouse, so it offered not the slightest resistance. The buttons popped off and scattered about. I tried desperately to flee, but with Ikeda's enormous body crushing me, I was unable to even move. He violently tore open my skirt. As he panted with harsh breath, Ikeda spit out, " Just one layer of underwear, I see. " and he shoved his hand into my underwear. Aside from being pushed down upon with tremendous force, I was so afraid I was unable to speak. Then Ikeda firmly speared me from behind. I continued to attempt to resist, struggling and writhing, when everything went pitch black. I lost consciousness lying prostrate. How much time elapsed, I have no idea. Though I was prostrate when I blacked out, when I regained consciousness feeling cold, I found that I had been asleep under the blankets facing the ceiling. With a start, I attempted to be flee, but perhaps because I was petrified with terror, I was unable to stand up. In spite of that, I somehow managed to get to my feet and, clutching my clothes which had lain scattered about, I started to flee. When I did,Ikeda firmly pulled on my ancle. and shouted, " Let's stay in bed awhile ! ". With my ancle in his grasp, I struck my knee against the threshold.When I made another effort to flee, Ikeda again pulled on my ancle.Crawling, I made it to the door. Ikeda persisted in pursuing me. I hit my head on the door. My heart was beating frantically. I truly felt that I might be murdered right there. I was terribly frightened. I finally opened the door, ran down to the second floor and dashed into the bathroom. Violent nausea overtook me for some time. Then I calmed myself and wiped repeatedly at the body fluids which smeared my lawer parts. I continued wiping all the more even after my skin turned red. Ikeda's Intence Body Odor

Ikeda's Problematic Speech

The Speeches on Taking Over Japan

He is in the habit of saying, " Let's take over the country.". ( The Seikyo Shimbun, March 10 1952 ) " When Kosenrufu is accomplished, ( Kosenro is a Buddhist term. According to Ikeda's interpretation, it is a situation where most people have become faithful Soka Gakkai members. ) some of us will have gained influencial positions in Japanese politics such as in the House of Councilors or the House of Representitives. They will usually have at least 100,000 yen to 200,000 yen in their wallet. They will wear nice clothes which will not be purchased in monthly installments but will be paid for in cash. Let's meet in the Diet Building or the Prince Hotel. We must place the Soka Gakkai members in all the key position of Japanese government and society, otherwise Kosenrufu will not be accomplished. " ( The Seikyo Shimbun, September 6 1957 ) " I feel the time to take over Japan has come close. A party that can't take the rein of the government need not exist. But don't worry. Here, I am behind the party " ( Photo gathering with members of the Komei Party, November 16 1976 ) " What I learned ( from the second president Toda ) is how to behave as a monarch. I shall be a man of the greatest power. The Soka Gakkai may be disbanded then. ". ( The Gendai = Japanese monthly magazine,July 1970 issue ) " Extend our power inconspicuosly, set up networks in the industrial world. Nakasone is under our control. He is just a boy on our side. When he asked me to help make him Japanese Prim Minister, I said " Okay, Okay, I'll let you bem a Prime Minister. " He puts on airs like Kennedy, He is just a kid. " ( The 6th Shachokai, November 25 1967 ) " My men manipulating even police are Takeiri and Inoue. " (the 13th Shachokai, July 8 1968 )

The Speeches on " the Soka Kingdom "

"To found the Soka Nation, the Soka Kingdom, on earth, in the universe. I shall protect SokaGakkai members." ( The 2nd Head Quater Meeting in Tokyo, June 10 1975 ) " As long as the Soka Gakkai exists, everything,- - - Japan, the world also, is preserved. Based on that, have a view point toward the world and the Soka Gakkai. I have taken measures to realize world Kosenrufu. " ( The 1st Central Meeting. June 16 1975 ) " To tell the truth, facism is my real ideal. " ( The 61st Shachokai, June 15 1972 )

Speeches that Were Carefully Planned in Advance

" let's found an independent country on our of 224.4 million square meters of land. It will be" the Soka Kingdom ", or " the Soka Republic ". Then, the Minister of Education will be Morita,the Minister of Finance will be Nakanishi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will be Kojima, the Secretary of Defence will be Kimura, the Minister of Transportation will be Tanaka, the Minister of Construction will be Sugimoto, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications will be Yokomatsu, Hojo will be the Superintendent-General. There are all the candidates. " (The 51st Shachokai, July 20 1971 ) " Let's go to Kirishima at the beginning of September, and stay there three nights. It's hard to walk around it, because it has 2.145 million square meters, as much as Bunkyo-Ku ( A Ward in Tokyo ). Shall we found an independent country there ? Our plot should be planned without being noticed, and gradually. " ( The 51st Shachokai, July 20 1971 ) " If the Soka Gakkai is allowed to become a nation, it would be the 21st biggest country in the world according to the UN's statistics on population. "( " Soka Gakkai " written by Takane )

Ikeda's Dishonesty on his Obstruct of Freedom of Speech

" It was not a big obstruction. Everyone does it. " ( The 32nd Shachokai, February 27 1970 ) " Shall we tell Takeiri to unite religion and politics to realize the ( Buddhist ) concept of Unity of Buddhism and Government ( Japanese : Obutsu- Myogo ). It may take ten years to say "I told you so ". But I want to do that. " ( The 34th Shachokai, May 5 1970 )

Soka Gakkai Has Deteriorated into a Scheming Cult

" Be as ready to talk as to work. Be clever. Even the Japan Socialist Party does the same. So does the Communist Party. They make schemes for their purposes. Everyone in our society does. Why not us ? We will make schemes for our belief, for our organization." ( The guidance in Fuso Institute, June 1st 1976 ) " Uh- -, how is Clinton doing ? Uh- -, yes,, as he is doing, talking slyly, deceiving people a lot. Well,but don't be apprehended by the police. Uhu-hu-hu- -, oh, that's Okay. You know, you must talk more slyly than Clinton does in Shakubuku activities ( Recruiting new members ), and in instructions. Remember, poor talkers are behind time. Clinton is really a glib talker." ( The SGI USA & the Kansai Combined General Meeting, Jan.27, 1993, Los Angeles, California )

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Ikeda : " Members in San Francisco, this time, you showed incredible hospitality to the Kansai exchange members. Thank you so much ! Chubu ( the middle of Japan ) members will visit there in next March, look after them, please. If you pay complements to followers, you can get more Kofu fund ( donation ). I'd like to say in a low voice. Oh, heavens! don't translate what I said. (to the interpreter ) Interpreter : " Don't translate ? "( Speech in the SGI & Kansai combined General Meeting, Jan.27 1993, Los Angeles, California )

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" Hit them, especially Nikken ( shonin ). Tie him up with a wire, and beat his head with a hammer. " ( All Japan Top YMD members' Meeting, Dec. 13 1992 )

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Ikeda's Speeches on the Unity of Religion and Politics

" We have come to a great era, you know, cabinet members ( from the Komei Party ) will
be appointed soon. Do you know what I'm saying ? Very soon. Probably tomorrow. Tell you what, they, they are all your men. Remember that.(Daisaku Ikeda acurately released Komei Party members' posts of ministers letting himself loose the day before the announcement of the Cabinet members. / Aug.8, 1993, The 69th Headquaters Top Leaders Meeting ) "

wav 429k, "Man! The Soka Gakkai is the greatest, in the world, in Japan, you know!"

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Ikeda's Obscene Speeches

" Golden eggs, not balls."

wav 165k, " Itoman Peace Center ? No, no. I guess the name should be changed. Um..., Itoman.. , sounds like feminine, sounds like feminine,--- , response ?..Here's a much better one,...Kinman, Itoman,..that's it ! Kinmanko ( Private parts of a woman ) ! ."

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Crimes Committed by the Soka Gakkai

Dummy Votes Incident ( In the election of the House of Councilors, 1968 ) Violence, Kangaroo Court Incident ( Group violence at the polling station in Nerima Ward Tokyo, July 1969 ) Interference in the freedom of speech Incident ( Emerged in the year-end of 1969 ) Wire Tap Incident ( At the chairman of the Japanese Communist Party Mr.Miyamoto' home, 1970 ) The Gekkan Pen Incident ( 1976 ) Bribery cases committed by Komei Party members ( Recruit Scandal / 1988, Jari Senpaku Scandal / 1988, Meidenko Scandal / 1989 )

" An Encounter Contents : Daisaku Ikeda's abnormal behavior at with a Dementia the SGI & Kansai combined General Meeting in " LA, additionally, you can hear Ikeda's guidances at the SG meetings in Japan. Video Tapes Contents : This depicts how the Seikyo Shimbun Company ( publishing SG's organ newspapers ) " PhotoMontage altered photos that were used in the photo Incident " montage incident which were subsequently published in " The Soka Shimpo " ( SG's organ mewspaper for YMD members ), in November 1992


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