Villa Savoye Analytical Drawing

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Villa Savoye - Rosemary Still Circulation Light green lines map open paths, dark green lines map

central methods of circulation and red lines map closed paths. When the drawings are overlaid, common paths become evident between levels. One begins to see patterns in the method of circulation over the different levels of the house.

Paths of circulation

Overlaying the paths of circulation

Interior/Exterior In this study, the exterior and interior are not only defined by walls, but penetration and integration of the outside landscape. Interior spaces are defined in red, exterior spaces are defined in green. Comparing these drawings to the circulation studies above shows that there is a link between exterior spaces and open circulation, and interior spaces and closed circulation throughout the entire house.

The spaces have been modelled to allow examination of spatial dimensions.

This iteration sees the three levels compressed into one level that encompasses all the interior or exterior spaces. This is possible because all the interior spaces tend to occupy the same spaces of the individual levels, as do the exterior spaces. The interior space has been modelled as a closed in box while the exterior space has no defined roof/ceiling boundary.

Structural Strategy This diagram focuses on the structural strategy of the house specifically in relation to programmatic occupation. The axonometric view shows all the structural piloti. While most of the piloti are incorporated into walls, some intrude upon the living space. These have been isolated in red.

Plan with circulation indicated.

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