Turn The Following Sentences Into Passive

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Turn the following sentences into passive:

1.- The art gallery sold the vase for almost 25,000 $ in 2015.
2.- My friends have given me a surprise .(2)
3.- My sister is sending him a picture.(2)
4.- You must obey these instructions.
5.- They are modernising the theatre.
6.- You have to see it to believe it.
7.- A man told us to wait outside.
8.- Did anyone send you the photographs? (2)
9.- Do you keep the documents in this drawer?
10.-Sanders and Company are building that hotel.
11.-Poor John! A bus ran him down.
12.- People don´t use this road very often.
13.-Have they changed the day of the meeting?
14.- We check every car engine thoroughly.
15.-Paul is writing the words and John is making the music.
16. Did they open the factory in 1998?
17.-They paid me a lot of money to do the job (2)
18.-We must sell everything before the end of the year.
19.-The director didn´t sign the letters.
20.- Fortunately, they did not damage the machinery.
21.- Someone is going to give her a box of chocolates. (2)
22.- Has anyone mended that chair?
23.- Somebody will tell you where to go.
24.- My friends buy a sports magazine every month.
25.-My parents have not bought a new car.
26.- Paul and I wrote a new entry on mobiles in our blog last weekend.
27.-People expected La La Land to win the Best picture Oscar in 2017.(2)
28.-They think the price of a cienma ticket is outrageous. (2)
29.-People suppose celebrities will raise their voices against racism.
30.- She will adjust this costume for me before the play begins. ( causative
31.-They won’t show this film in cinemas in my country.
32.- They were recording our class for a documentary.
33.-They aren’t going to deliver your parcel this week.
34.-They know the exam will be difficult. (2)
35.- Many people consider the concert was great.

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