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Vanessa Joco and

Jayden Asato

Vegan for
the Day
Proposal for
Solutionary Project
A non-profit organization aiming at
English 11B S2- B3
promoting public and environmental

Vegan for the Day is a non-profit organization that strives to reduce the impact of
factory farming and the issue of obesity in the United States. Factory Farming has
started to become a growing issue as it has negative effects on our health. Factory
Farming produces contamination that could lead to various diseases such as
respiratory diseases that could be detrimental to our health and safety. It also has a
negative impact on our environment as well as producing a chemical called
methane which is a key aspect in the growth of global warming. Another issue that
Vegan for the Day looks to address is the increasing amount of obesity in the
United States. Through this past year, the obesity rate has been the highest that it
has ever been surpassing over 40 percent. To address these issues, we came up
with Vegan for the Day where we will be providing vegan meal packages for about
1-2 people that will suffice them for an entire day. In these packages, we will
include the ingredients, recipes on how to cook the meal, and even smaller snack
items such as trail mix and kale chips. Our plan is to sell these packages for the
exact price that it took to make them as our organization is a nonprofit. But with
money that we receive from the purchases, we will also donate $2 of that money to
World Animal Protection. We will also have a donation link on our website where
people will be able to donate to our cause to help make the packages. Our hope is
that we can lower the usage rate of Factory Farming so that we can protect our
health, environment, and those who are located closely to these farms as well. We
also hope to help our society by lowering the obesity rate or even just helping
people start a new healthy lifestyle with a vegan diet that is suitable for everyone.
of Need
The issue that we are addressing is Factory Farming.
Factory Farms are industrial operations that raise
animals in poor conditions as a means for food and
profit. Factory Farms negatively affect our health
because they produce waste and contamination that
can lead to neurological disorders, respiratory disease,
miscarriages, infections caused by bacteria, and other
serious health problems. Factory Farming also
negatively affects our environment. About 37% of
methane emissions come from livestock production.
Methane is detrimental to our environment because it
contributes to global warming. Compared to carbon
dioxide, methane traps over 100 times the amount of
heat in the atmosphere within a span of five years.
According to the CDC, children that live near factory
We are also addressing the growing problem of Obesity
farms are also at a higher risk of developing bronchitis
in America. As of 2020, the current obesity rate in
America stands at 42.4%, which is the first time America or asthma, due to the poor air quality caused by
has passed 40%. The obesity rate has increased by 26% hydrogen sulfide emissions. The only way to reduce
since 2008. Studies show that those who identify as factory farming is to be more conscious of the produce
vegan or maintain a vegan diet have a lower BMI (body
you are buying in the grocery store or going vegan
mass index) and are at a lower risk of obesity. Vegan for
the Day will benefit not only the public health, but also
every now and then, which is what Vegan for the Day
the environment’s health. aims to assist people in doing.

The issue of factory farming and obesity has not

been addressed in the past because many people
assume that becoming vegan is more costly than a
meat-based diet. Those that live in high income
areas are more likely to maintain a vegan diet
because they have access to healthier eating
choices, such as grocery stores like Whole Foods.
However, a new study has shown that vegans
spend 40% less on food than those on omnivorous
diets. It is also proven that vegans save $23 during
weekly grocery shopping compared to those who
eat meat.
Project Activity and

We have chosen to address this problem through Vegan for the Day
because it attacks two issues head on: factory farming and obesity.
Vegan for a Day also allows people to experiment with new diet
plans. We also know that changing your entire diet for weeks at a
time is very difficult, and something as little as making the sacrifice
and going vegan for just one day would help a lot. If our consumers
don’t like the vegan diet, they do not have to purchase another
package. It would also allow those who occupy low-income areas or
those who do not have access to healthy food options to receive
healthy meals and make healthier choices, since we are delivering
the packages to them instead of them having to make the commute.

Vegan for the Day would provide a vegan meal package that would
be able to serve one person for an entire day. It would supply the
recipient of the package with all the ingredients needed to make
each meal and the recipe printed out on a piece of paper on how to
make each meal.

We hope that through Vegan for the Day we will expose more
people to a vegan lifestyle and help them to keep an open mind to
maintaining a vegan diet. We are the best ones to carry out Vegan
for a Day because we are very passionate about the proper and
humane treatment of animals. We also believe in maintaining a
healthy lifestyle and are open to experimenting with a vegan diet

Our quantitative goal for this Solutionary Project is to sell or give out about 20-25
vegan meal packages to those who want to support our goal. In order to do this,
we will have a website where we will have our packages up for sale for a very
affordable price. In order to get more clicks on our website and more packages
sold, we are going to have an Instagram account where we can market our
packages and cause. We would also print out flyers and even have stands that
would present our ideas to others. These would be located near places where the
people are most likely to check out our website, such as places like Whole Foods,
a farmers' market, or any vegan establishment. For our qualitative goal, we just
want to give out the best quality packages that we can so that the people we help
are satisfied and they will continue to follow the diet. To do so, we are going to
purchase our ingredients from the best places possible such as Target and Whole
Foods. We are also going to make the recipes beforehand and make sure we are
giving out the best recipes possible.
To share our work to the public, we are creating a
website on Weebly and plan on creating an
Instagram account for people to place orders or
learn more about why we are doing what we are
doing. We can also print out flyers and post them
around our neighborhoods or around the school.
Another idea is to email the Star Advertiser and
have a section in the newspaper reserved for our
story and what Vegan for the Day is all about!

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