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There are four main types of essays. These include the narrative, descriptive, expository, and argumentative. You can
able to identify the differences of these essay types:

1.) Narrative essay

- Narration means you’re telling a story from a certain viewpoint, and there is usually a reason for telling. All
narrative essays have characters, setting, a climax, and most importantly, a plot.

- The narrative essay makes a point and that point is often defined in the opening sentence but can also be found as
the last sentence in the opening paragraph.

- A plot is the focus of the story and is usually revealed chronologically, but there are sometimes flash-forwards and
flashbacks. If you’re looking to write a personal narrative essay, here are some tips to get you started.

When writing a narrative essay, remember to:

 Include sensory and emotional details, so the reader will experience the story, not just read it.
 Allow the story to support the point you’re making, and make reference to that point in the first sentence.
 Write in the first or third person.

To summarize, the narrative essay

 Is told from a particular point of view.

 Makes and supports a point.
 It is filled with precise details.
 Uses vivid verbs and modifiers.
 It uses conflict and sequence as does any story.
 May use dialogue.

Conventions of Narrative Essays

In writing your narrative essay, keep the following conventions in mind.

 Narratives are generally written in the first person, that is, using I. However, third person (he, she, or it) can also
be used.
 Narratives rely on concrete, sensory details to convey their point. These details should create a unified, forceful
effect, a dominant impression. More information on the use of specific details is available on another page.
 Narratives, as stories, should include these story conventions: a plot, including setting and characters; a climax;
and an ending.

Examples of Narrative Essays

"Looking back on a childhood filled with events and memories, I find it rather difficult to pick one that leaves me with
the fabled "warm and fuzzy feelings." As the daughter of an Air Force major, I had the pleasure of traveling across
America in many moving trips. I have visited the monstrous trees of the Sequoia National Forest, stood on the edge of
the Grand Canyon, and have jumped on the beds at Caesar's Palace in Lake Tahoe."

"The day I picked my dog up from the pound was one of the happiest days of both of our lives. I had gone to the pound
just a week earlier with the idea that I would just "look" at a puppy. Of course, you can no more just look at those
squiggling little faces so filled with hope and joy than you can stop the sun from setting in the evening. I knew within
minutes of walking in the door that I would get a puppy… but it wasn't until I saw him that I knew I had found my
"Looking for houses was supposed to be a fun and exciting process. Unfortunately, none of the ones that we saw
seemed to match the specifications that we had established. They were too small, too impersonal, too close to the
neighbors. After days of finding nothing even close, we began to wonder: was there really a perfect house out there for

Famous narrative written by John Updike, Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu.

The afternoon grew so glowering that in the sixth inning the arc lights were turned on--always a wan sight in the
daytime, like the burning headlights of a funeral procession. Aided by the gloom, Fisher was slicing through the Sox
rookies, and Williams did not come to bat in the seventh. He was second up in the eighth. This was almost certainly his
last time to come to the plate in Fenway Park, and instead of merely cheering, as we had at his three previous
appearances, we stood, all of us, and applauded."

2.) descriptive essay

Descriptive essays describe the traits and characteristics of people, objects, events, and feelings in intricate detail.
What’s being described will be thoroughly examined.

This genre encourages the student’s ability to create a written account of a particular experience. This genre allows you
to have a great deal of artistic freedom (the goal of which is to paint an image that is vivid and moving in the mind of
the reader). For example, if you were describing roses, you might want to detail:

 The Origin
 Their appearance
 Their color
 Their fragrance

The reader’s senses and emotions must be involved in writing descriptive essays.

Here are some guidelines for writing a descriptive essay:

 Take time to brainstorm.

- If you wanted to describe your favorite food, or clothes, or even your favorite shade of make-up, you must
make sure that you jot down some ideas before you begin describing it. For instance, if you choose pizza,
you might start by writing down a few words: sauce, cheese, crust, pepperoni, sausage, spices, hot, melted,
etc. Once you have written down some words, you can begin by compiling descriptive lists for each one.

 Use clear and concise language.

- Words are chosen carefully, particularly for their relevancy concerning that which you are intending to

 Choose vivid language.

- Why use horse when you can choose stallion? Why not use tempestuous instead of violent? Or why not
miserly in place of cheap? Such choices form a firmer image in the mind of the reader and often offer
nuanced meanings that serve better one’s purpose.

 Use your senses!

- You must describe emotions or feelings related to your topic to be able to connect with the reader on a
deeper level. Many have felt crushing loss in their lives, or ecstatic joy, or mild complacency. Tap into this
emotional reservoir in order to achieve your full descriptive potential.

 Leave the reader with a clear impression

- One of your goals is to evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation in the reader. If your reader can
walk away from the essay craving the very pizza you just described, you are on your way to writing effective
descriptive essays.

 Be organized!

- It is easy to fall into an incoherent rambling of emotions and senses when writing a descriptive essay.
However, you must strive to present an organized and logical description if the reader is to come away from
the essay with a cogent sense of what it is you are attempting to describe.

Examples of Descriptive Essays:

"Like his twisted feathers, his many scars, the reliable old owl chose the gnarled, weather-beaten, but solid branch often
- it being a companion to the wise alone with the night and the last branch to creak in the heaviest wind. He often came
to survey the fields and the clouds before his hunt, to listen to the steady sound of the stream passing through reeds
under the bridge while combing his feathers for the unwanteds - whatever they might be."

"When entering the door at Lou's, two things are immediately noticeable: the place is rarely empty and seems to consist
of a maze of rooms. The first room, through the door, is the main part of the restaurant. There is another, rarely used,
dining room off to the right. It was added during the oil well boom of the seventies. Through the main dining room is yet
another room; it guards the door leading into the kitchen. This room contains the most coveted table in the place. The
highest tribute Lou can bestow on anyone is to allow them access to seats at this table. This table is the family table; it is
reserved for Lou's, and her daughter Karen's, immediate family and treasured friends."

"Billy Ray's Pawn Shop and Lawn Mower Repair looked like a burial ground for country auction rejects. The blazing, red,
diesel fuel tanks beamed in front of the station, looking like cheap lipstick against the pallid, wrinkled texture of the
parking lot sand. The yard, not much larger than the end zone at General G. Patton High School on the north end of
town, was framed with a rusted metallic hedge of lawn mowers, banana seat bicycles, and corroded oil drums. It wasn't
a calico frame of rusted parts, but rather an orchestra of unwanted machinery that Billy Ray had arranged into sections.
The yellow-tanked mowers rested silently at the right of the diesel fuel. Once red, now faded orange, mowers stood at
attention to the left. The oil barrels, jaded and pierced with holes, blared like chimes when the wind was right. The bikes
rested sporadically throughout the lot. In the middle of it, all was the office, a faded, steel roof supported by cheap two-
by-fours and zebra paneling. Billy Ray was at home, usually, five blocks east of town on Kennel Road."

3.)Expository essay
Expository essay compare, explore, and discuss problems. While there’s a bit of a storytelling element to them, their
purpose is greater than that. It’s always to explain some integral concepts to the reader. As such, they inform, describe,
and explain.

An expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on
the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea clearly and concisely. This can be accomplished through
comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

When writing an expository essay, the text needs to:

 Be concise and easy to understand.
 Offer different views on a subject.
 Report on a situation or event.
 Explain something that may be difficult to understand.

The structure of the expository essay is held together by the following.

 A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of the essay.

- This thesis statement must be appropriately narrowed to follow the guidelines outlined in the assignment. If
the student does not master this portion of the essay, it will be quite difficult to compose an effective or
persuasive essay.

 Clear and logical transition between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

- Transitions are the mortar that holds the foundation of the essay together. Without the logical progression
of thought, the reader is unable to follow the essay’s argument, and the structure will collapse.

 Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

- Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and
direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s
audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical
connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

 Body paragraphs that include evidential support.

- Each paragraph should be limited to the exposition of one general idea. This will allow for clarity and
direction throughout the essay. What is more, such conciseness creates an ease of readability for one’s
audience. It is important to note that each paragraph in the body of the essay must have some logical
connection to the thesis statement in the opening paragraph.

 Evidential support (whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal).

- Often, students are required to write expository essays with little or no preparation; therefore, such essays
do not typically allow for a great deal of statistical or factual evidence.

 A bit of creativity

- Throughout creativity and artfulness are not always associated with essay writing, it is an art form
nonetheless. Try not to get stuck on the formulaic nature of expository writing at the expense of writing
something interesting. Remember, though you may not be crafting the next great novel, you are attempting
to leave a lasting impression on the people evaluating your essay.

 A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence

- It is at this point in the essay that students will inevitably begin to struggle. This is the portion of the essay
that will leave the most immediate impression on the mind of the reader. Therefore, it must be effective and
logical. Do not introduce any new information into the conclusion; rather, synthesize and come to a
conclusion concerning the information presented in the body of the essay.
The Five-paragraph Essay

A common method for writing an expository essay is the five-paragraph approach. This is however, by no means the
only formula for writing such essays. If it sounds straightforward, that is because it is the method consist of:

- An introductory paragraph
- Three evidentiary body paragraphs
- A conclusion

Expository Essays Examples:

"This family was a victim of a problem they could have avoided a problem that, according to Florida park rangers,
hundreds of visitors suffer each year. "Several times a month," ranger Rod Torres of O'Leno State Park said, "people get
scared and leave the park in the middle of the night." Those people picked the wrong kind of park to visit. Not that there
was anything wrong with the park: The hikers camped next to them loved the wild isolation of it. But it just wasn't the
kind of place the couple from New Jersey had in mind when they decided to camp out on this trip through Florida."

"Did you know that 7 out of 10 students have cheated at least once in the past year? Did you know that 50 percent of
those students have cheated more than twice? These shocking statistics are from a survey of 9,000 U.S. high school
students. Incredibly, teachers may even be encouraging their students to cheat! Last year at a school in Detroit, teachers
allegedly provided their students with answers to statewide standard tests."

"Throughout history and through a cross-section of cultures, women have transformed their appearance to conform to a
beauty ideal. Ancient Chinese aristocrats bound their feet as a show of femininity; American and European women in
the 1800s cinched in their waists so tightly, some suffered internal damage; in some African cultures, women continue
to wear plates in their lower lips, continually stretching the skin to receive plates of larger size. The North American ideal
of beauty has continually focused on women's bodies: the tiny waist of the Victorian period, the boyish figure in vogue
during the flapper era, and the voluptuous curves that were the measure of beauty between the 1930s and 1950s.
Current standards emphasize a toned, slender look, one that exudes fitness, youth, and health. According to
psychologist Eva Szekely, "Having to be attractive at this time... means unequivocally having to be thin. In North America
today, thinness is a precondition for being perceived by others and oneself as healthy." However, this relentless pursuit
of thinness is not just an example of women trying to look their best, it is also a struggle for control, acceptance, and

4.)argumentative essay
When it comes to argumentative essays, you are convincing the reader of something. You must demonstrate the validity
or falsity of a topic. Your claim or proposition should be backed up with shreds of evidence, including statistics or the
opinion of experts. In this kind of essay, you are not only merely offering an opinion, but you are making an argument
for or against something, and supporting that argument the data, to be able to convince the reader to side your claim.

Here is the general structure of an argumentative essay (format):

1.) Introduction

- Your introduction must grab the attention of the readers. You provide background information about your
topic, and of course, your thesis statement.

2.) Body

- Three-body paragraphs (three major arguments).

- In each of your body paragraphs, you must have a general idea, and provide transitions that swift between
sentences and paragraphs.

3.) Counterargument:

- An argument to refute earlier arguments and give weight to the actual position.
- It is a viewpoint that opposes your main argument. It is a part of good persuasive writing and it shows that
you’ve considered other points and to persuade them successfully.

4.) Conclusion:

- Rephrasing the thesis statement, major points, call to attention, or concluding remarks.
- A concluding remark is the last sentence of the conclusion in an essay. It is called a concluding remark
because it sums up the entire purpose of the essay in a single sentence.
- In your conclusion, you must summarize your evidences that supporting every argument.

It is important to research and back up what you say in the text. Here are some argumentative essay writing tips:

 Find a good argument.

- First of all, you must find a concreate (and potentially controversial) argument to use as your base. This is
the best way to keep your reader hooked.
- You can start by finding out what people are talking about on social media or your favorite news outlets, and
see if you can take an interesting approach to the subject.

 Pick a topic you are passionate about.

- As you search for a topic, you probably find several hot buttons, but you must also make sure that you truly
care about this exact topic. It will make all the ensuing research far more enjoyable.
- When there is no passion in an argumentative essay, the reader can easily get disinterested. If you do not
believe in your writing, no one else will.

 Research as much as possible

- If you already own a topic that you are passionate about, you should start having a thorough research. Be
sure to read about your topic as well as the opposing viewpoints. You can’t make a good argument if you
don’t understand where the other side is coming from.
- You have to not only backup your own opinion with solid data, but you also have to point out why the
opposing argument doesn’t work. The more you can flesh out a good argument and back it up with research,
the stronger your essay will be.

 Gather all your facts.

- Due to your thorough research, you can able to seek facts that support your arguments. These are known as
the supporting details.
- You should make sure that you have gathered verifiable facts that will substantiate your argument. Without
these facts, you risk looking unprofessional and unprepared. Offer statements made by leaders of world
organizations or respected authorities. City Statistics and figures that relate to your topic. Share a small
narrative that illustrates how your topic has evolved over tie.

 Formulate an Outline.
- An argumentative essay outline will help you layout your facts, choose the strongest elements, and map
them out effectively.
- Establish the three core sections of your essay---introduction, body, and a conclusion—and then set out
subsections with bulletin points. Once you see your ideas gathered and mapped out like this, you’ll be able
to move forwards with writing your essay.

 Mind your formatting

- You should format your essay if you don’t want it to detract from the effectiveness of the potentially sound
argument you’re trying to make. You can look at an essay as having three broad sections:

1.) Introduction – You should have an introductory paragraph or two that contains your thesis statement
and offers a bit of a tease as to why should readers continue reading your essay.
2.) Body – The body of the essay will contain the meat of your argument. This is where you’ll include
relevant facts, statistics, narratives, testimonials, and more. The body is your chance to leverage various
modes of persuasion too, like an appeal to emotion or logic.
3.) Conclusion – Finally, your conclusion will offer a summary of what has been written. It’ll reiterate how
the “meat” of your essay ties back into your thesis statement and why your stance is correct. You might
consider ending with a rhetorical question or some other striking comment.

 Let your passion bleed through

Argumentative Essay Examples:

"Gun control has been a controversial issue for years. A vast majority of citizens believe that if gun control is strictly
enforced, it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for
protection, or even for the pleasure of hunting. These people are penalized for protecting their lives, or even for
enjoying a common, innocent sport. To enforce gun control throughout the nation means violating a person's
Constitutional rights. Although some people feel that the issue of gun control will limit crime, the issue should not exist
due to the fact that guns are necessary for self-defense against crime, and enforcing gun control is violating a citizen's
second amendment right to bear arms."

"Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that medicine could be bad for your
health, which should at least come as good news to people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is
a blow to the medicine industry and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of science. This new theory
argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by doing Reiki on a regular basis."

"Online games aren't just a diversion, but a unique way to meet other people. As millions of gamers demonstrate,
playing online is about friendship and cooperation, not just killing monsters. These games are a viable social network
because players focus on teamwork, form groups with like-minded people, and have romantic relationships with other
players. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) feature millions of players interacting in the same environment.
The games are social in nature as they allow players to band together and complete missions based on a storyline, or
test their skills by fighting against each other. At the start of the game, the user creates a fictional character and
customizes its physical appearance. Since many games involve combat, players also outfit their characters with armor
and weapons, as well as choose their "profession." Many popular game titles like World of Warcraft and Everquest
follow a fantasy theme, so most professions have magical abilities like healing other players or raising undead minions.
While the process seems simple, players may spend hours agonizing over the perfect look for their character, from their
armor color to the type of skills to use in battle. Once their character is created, the player is free to explore the vast,
digital world and interact with other players; however, they must pay on average $15 a month for game content. MMOG
users are mostly male - usually between the ages of 18-34 - although titles like World of Warcraft have a healthy
population of female players as well. With millions of players, there are plenty of people to adventure with."
Ways on Developing my Essay Writing Skills
Reference: scribendi

There are 5 ways on developing my essay writing skill according to Scribendi. Through these exact ways, I can
able to write better essays:

1.) Make an Outline

An outline is a list of the hierarchical relationships and a kind of tree structure. Outlines are used to present the
main points of the main topics of an essay. Through this, you could able to sort your ideas hierarchically and in a
more organized way.
There is a basic structure of an academic essay. These includes:
- The introduction is where you would able to provide the
readers with a brief but concise background of your essay
topic and to attract their attention.
- Also, your introduction must consist of a thesis. A thesis
statement is one sentence that expresses the main idea
of a research paper or an essay. Oftentimes, the thesis
statement is provided in the last line of your introductory paragraph.
- In your body paragraph, it must consist of a topic sentence. A topic sentence summarizes the main
idea of the whole paragraph.
- When you have already provided a topic sentence, you should expand your topic sentence with
specific evidence that supports your claim and supporting details.
- Examples are a must. You should provide examples.
- There should be Unity and Cohesion. Your sentences, details, examples, and paragraphs must unite.
There should be Cohesion, where every paragraph of your essay connects with each other. You
should drift from your main topic.
- Transitions between sentences and paragraphs must be concise and fitting. There are two basic
types of transitional devices, conjunctive adverbs, and conjunction.
Conjunctive Adverbs modifies the action by creating logical connections in meaning independent
clauses. Unlike conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs are not always at the beginning of the clause.
 Of Addition
-Also, besides, furthermore, moreover, etc.
 Of Contrast
-However, still, nevertheless, conversely, nonetheless, instead, etc.
 Of Result
-Therefore, hence, thus, consequently, etc.
 Of Time
-Next, then, meanwhile, finally, subsequently, etc.

A Conjunction is used to join words or groups of words.

 Coordinating Conjunctions
-Join grammatically equivalent sentence elements.
-And, for, or, yet, but, nor, so
 Correlative Conjunctions
-Pairs of words that join words, phrases, and clauses of equivalent grammatical structure.
-not only…but (also)
 Subordinating Conjunctions
-Join clauses that are not equivalent to grammatical structures. It introduces independent
-After, although, as, as if, as though, because, before, even if, even though, if, so that, too,
rather than, since, too, so that, than, that, though, unless, until, when, whenever, where,
wherever, whether, which, while, who.
 Referents
-Referent is a noun or noun phrase that occurs earlier in the text and is subsequently
referred to using words such as it or this.
-Pronoun is a word used to replace or as a substitute for a noun. -If you are pertaining to a
person, you can use words such as he, his, she, hers.
-You can also use who, whom, it, its, they, them, their.
- A conclusion is as important as the introduction. In argumentative essays, the conclusion is
where your claim is proven. It is where the essay will be put to an end. To be able to have a
strong conclusion, there are things you should consider:
 Restate the thesis by making the same point with the other words (paraphrase).
-It is important to remind the readers of your essay thesis and you could remind them
through paraphrasing.
 Review your supporting details.
 For that, summarize all arguments by paraphrasing how you proved the thesis.
 Connect back to the essay hook and relate your closing statement to the opening one.
 Combine all the above to improved and expanded the conclusion.
2.) Acquire a solid understanding of basic grammar, style, and punctuation.
- You must make sure that you have a solid understanding of basic grammar. These include verb and
subject agreement, proper article and pronoun usage, and well-formed sentence structures.
- You should be knowledgeable enough in terms of the use of punctuation. Be mindful of your comma
usage and know when a period is needed.
- You must also innate an active voice instead of a passive one. To make your essay seems stronger.
Don’t include unnecessary wordiness that would only detract from your argument.
3.) Use the right vocabulary.
- You must make sure that you know what the words you are using actually mean. You should also
not overrate your use of language for you could only risk using it incorrectly. You should make sure
that the message you want the readers to receive is clear.
4.) Understand the argument and critically analyze the evidence.
- Your main argument must be in your mind. Always be doubtful and question the evidence that you
want to include in your essay if it directly supports your thesis, but if you found it unnecessary, it
should be excluded from your essay.
- You should use the strongest research to back up your thesis. You should make sure that everything
you included in your thesis has a clear connection to your topic and your argument.
5.) Know how to write a proper conclusion that supports your research.
- Your conclusion is what ties all your research together to prove your thesis. It should not be a
restatement of your introduction or a copy-and-paste of your thesis itself. A proper conclusion
quickly outlines the key evidence discussed in the body of an essay and directly ties it to the theses
to show how this evidence proves or disproves the main argument of one’s research.
a.) Introduce a Topic
b.) State a Thesis
a.) Write a topic sentence (the argument for your thesis)
b.) Support this argument: data, facts, examples.
c.) Explain how they relate to your thesis
a.) Write a Topic sentence (another argument for your thesis)
b.) Support this argument: Data, facts, examples.
c.) Explain how they relate to your thesis.
a.) Write a topic sentence (another argument for your thesis, or a counterargument)
b.) Support this argument, or explain why the counter-argument doesn’t work: data, facts,
c.) Explain how they relate to your thesis.
a.) Summarize all main points
b.) Restate your thesis.
c.) Add a call to action: what you want readers to do after reading your essay.


Sample Outline - Persuasive Essay
Competitive Swimming, an Ideal Sport for Kids


State your point of view and/or present your persuasive argument.

Thesis: Competitive swimming is a great alternative to other youth sports.

Body Paragraph 1

Introduce your primary persuasive argument and provide supporting details.

Topic Sentence:  Competitive swimming provides the same benefits as other sports.

 Detail Sentence 1:  It is good exercise and builds muscular strength.

 Detail Sentence 2:  It promotes cooperation among team members, especially in relays.

Body Paragraph 2

Introduce a secondary argument and provide supporting details.

Topic Sentence:  Competitive swimming provides some unique additional benefits.

 Detail Sentence 1:  Swimming is an important skill that can be used forever.

 Detail Sentence 2:  Swimming poses a reduced risk of injury.
 Detail Sentence 3:  Each swimmer can easily chart his or her own progress.


Conclude the essay with a summary of the thesis and persuasive arguments.

Concluding Sentence:  There are many reasons why competitive swimming is a great alternative to other youth
sports, including...

Sample Outline - Narrative Essay

How Losing a Swim Meet Made Me a Better Swimmer


Introduce the subject of your narrative essay using a thesis statement and a plan of development (POD).

Thesis: The first time I participated in a competitive swim meet, I finished in last place. With more focused
training and coaching, I was able to finish 2nd in the State Championship meet.

Plan of development:  I was very disappointed in my results from the first meet, so I improved my training and
fitness. This helped me swim better and faster, which helped me to greatly improve my results.

Body Paragraph 1

Set the scene and provide supporting details.

Topic Sentence:  I was embarrassed at finishing last in my first competitive swim meet, so I began working on
ways to improve my performance.

 Detail Sentence 1:  I spent extra time with my coach and the team captains learning how to improve my
 Detail Sentence 2:  I started running and lifting weights to increase my overall fitness level.

Body Paragraph 2

Provide additional supporting details, descriptions, and experiences.

Topic Sentence:  Over time, my results began to improve and I was able to qualify for the state championship

 Detail Sentence 1:  My technique and fitness level made me faster and able to swim longer distances.
 Detail Sentence 2:  I steadily got better, and I began winning or placing in the top 3 at most of my
 Detail Sentence 3:  My results improved to the point that I was able to qualify for the state
championship meet.

Body Paragraph 3
Provide additional supporting details, descriptions, and experiences.

Topic Sentence:  With my new confidence, techniques, and fitness level, I was able to finish 2nd at the state
championship meet.

 Detail Sentence 1:  I was able to swim well against a higher level of competition due to my training and
 Detail Sentence 2:  I was no longer embarrassed about my last-place finish, and was able to use it as


Conclude the essay with a recap of the events described or a reflection on the lesson learned in the story.

Concluding Sentence:  I used my last-place finish in my first competitive swim meet as motivation to improve
my performance

Sample Outline - Descriptive Essay

Visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame


Introduce the subject of your descriptive essay with a thesis statement covering the person, place, object, etc.
you are writing about.

Thesis: The Hockey Hall of Fame is full of sights, sounds, and experiences that will delight hockey fans of all

Body Paragraph 1

Set the scene and provide factual details.

Topic Sentence:  The Hockey Hall of Fame is located in Toronto, Canada and features exhibits from amateur
and professional hockey.

 Detail Sentence 1:  The Hall is located in downtown Toronto and is visited by 1 million people every
 Detail Sentence 2:  You can see exhibits ranging from the early beginnings of the sport to the modern
NHL and Olympics.

Body Paragraph 2

Provide additional sensory details, descriptions, and experiences.

Topic Sentence:  There are many types of exhibits and shows, including activities you can participate in.

 Detail Sentence 1:  Player statues, plaques, and jerseys decorate the walls in every room of the Hall.
 Detail Sentence 2:  Many of the exhibits have movies and multimedia activities that make you feel like
you're part of the game.
 Detail Sentence 3:  You can even practice shooting pucks on virtual versions of some of the game's
greatest goalies!

Conclude the essay with a paragraph that restates the thesis and recaps the descriptive and sensory details.

Concluding Sentence:  The Hockey Hall of Fame is an experience that combines the best sights, sounds and
history of the game in Toronto.

Sample Outline - Expository Essay

Why The School Year Should be Shorter


Introduce the primary argument or main point of your essay using a thesis statement and context.

Thesis: The school year is too long, and should be shortened to benefit students and teachers, save districts
money, and improve test scores and academic results. Other countries have shorter school years, and achieve
better results.

Body Paragraph 1

Describe the primary argument and provide supporting details and evidence.

Topic Sentence:  A shorter school year would benefit students and teachers by giving them more time off.

 Detail Sentence 1:  Students and teachers would be able to spend more time with their families.
 Detail Sentence 2:  Teachers would be refreshed and rejuvenated and able to teach more effectively.

Body Paragraph 2

Provide additional supporting details and evidence.

Topic Sentence:  A shorter school year would save school districts millions of dollars per year.

 Detail Sentence 1:  Districts could save money on energy costs by keeping schools closed longer.
 Detail Sentence 2:  A shorter school year means much lower supply and transportation costs.
 Detail Sentence 3:  Well-rested and happy students would help improve test scores.

Body Paragraph 3

Provide additional or supplemental supporting details, evidence, and analysis.

Topic Sentence:  Shortening the school year would also provide many benefits for parents and caregivers.

 Detail Sentence 1:  A shorter school year would mean less stress and running around for parents.
 Detail Sentence 2:  Caregivers would have more balance in their lives with fewer days in the school


Conclude the essay with an overview of the main argument, and highlight the importance of your evidence and
Concluding Sentence:  Shortening the school year would be a great way to improve the quality of life for
students, teachers, and parents while saving money for districts and improving academic results.

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