Methodic Principals The Are Six Different Principal Couple

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Methodical Principals

Methodic Principals There are six different principal couple

Methodic principals are the general and fundamental Possibilities of teaching,

fundamental methodic Aspects of teacher’s behavior, characteristic methodic
Guideline and typical methodic Orientation.
Methodic Principals are not the Methods. But Methods consist of numerous
Methodic Principals in many different ways.
There are six different principal couple . The first three are related to the teaching
and learning person. The last three are related to the subject of teaching and
learning process.

1. Form of Teacher-Student’s Interaction:

Maneuver - selfactivity/selfdetermination

2. Media of Communication:
Language - Bodylanguage

3. Subjective activity experience:

Work - Play

4. Presentation of Learn-subject:
Descriptiveness - Comprehension

5. Development of Learn-subject:
Wholeness - Elements

6. Way of reaching the Aim

Directly - Indirectly

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