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Who is more superior - human or computer?

We all know that 21st Century is the growth of technologies, computers and even Artificial
Intelligence that becoming a great entity into the near future. But the mere fact that computers
build by the humans and they are more prominent and more mindful in what society is. The
mere fact that human is more intelligence than computer, they can also apply this into
computers by means of applying some sorts of idea, programs, and also similar to human
brain. So who’s smarter? Human is the superior of computer, why? Because we all know that
Human is more capable in many things, we do work, we solve task, we make sure that
everything is alright, we experience the hardness in life and we are familiar on what society
is. Computer is just a program that create by the human to have more information and a lot of
dedication but they can’t experience the life we are taking for, they just do whatever human
say but they can’t feel anything, they don’t feel what the hardness of life is. Some of the
Artificial Intelligence created by the human to have a comfort, to have someone to talk about
life, to have someone to rely and to have someone to share. There are some that computer can
be smarter than human says by Professor Shlomo Maital, Senior Research Fellow for the S.
Neaman Institute at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology that it have two types of
Intelligence which is the ability to learn and the ability to solve the problems and that is
the case where computer can be smarter than human. In this world, we are all equal value
and understanding in everything but we all know that Computer is just a thing than
Human created to do something a bit faster than human.

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