SUP 2083 Group Assignment-5

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Spring 2021 SUP 2083

Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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Group Assignment 5

[Case Study]

Distribution Methods and Warehousing Technologies

Companies: ………………………………………………………

 Total Marks: 100 [Weightage for the final grade: 10%]

 Use this template for submitting your assignment.
 Upload a soft copy of the assignment [MS Word file] on Turnitin by 11:59 hours on …
 Present your findings in class on ……….





Spring 2021 SUP 2083
Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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Purpose of the assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to identify distribution models and storage solutions [technologies]
used in Canadian and global companies.


1. Select a major one Canadian company and one global company for which you can easily
find online which distribution methods and storage technologies they are using.
2. Conduct a research what kind of distribution methods and storage technology are being
used in their supply chain.
3. Analyze how the distribution methods and storage technologies utilized by the companies
support their business needs and help them to develop competitive advantage in global
and domestic markets.
4. Analyze how the choice of distribution methods is influenced by customer service goals
of the company, product attributes, cost and other supply chain constraints.
5. Compare Canadian company and global company from distribution methods and storage
technologies perspectives.

Include the following points in your report / presentation:

 A brief introduction about the chosen organizations

 A description of the distribution methods and storage solutions which the companies are
using in their supply chain.
 The influence which the following factors have on the choice of distribution methods and
storage solutions:
a. Customer service goals of the company
b. Product attributes
c. Cost
d. Physical constraints


Spring 2021 SUP 2083
Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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e. Geography
f. Competition
 The benefits which the company obtains from these distribution methods and storage
 The challenges involved in adopting these distribution methods and storage technologies.


1) Report:

The deliverable is a concise, professionally prepared report not to exceed 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
plus references (APA format). The report submitted should be original work; ensure to complete
the report in your own words. Sources must be clearly cited within the report and references
must be provided. Electronic submissions in MS Word format will be made with Moodle


 Time: 5 minutes per group for presentation.

Note: Each research report must be supported by at least 5 reliable sources.

Tips for Success:

 Ensure you complete the report in your own words.

 Use the cover page as provided with the Assignment for submission.


Spring 2021 SUP 2083
Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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Presentation Marking Rubric (Group)

Presentation Marking Rubric (Group)

4 3 2 1 Mark

Visual Appeal There are no errors in There are some There are many There are many errors in
spelling, grammar and errors in spelling, errors in spelling, spelling, grammar and
punctuation. grammar and grammar and punctuation. The slides were
Information is clear and punctuation. Too punctuation. Too difficult to read and too much
concise on each slide. much information much information information had been copied
Visually on two or more was contained on onto them.
appealing/engaging. slides. many slides.
Significant visual Minimal effort made No visual appeal.
appeal. to make slides
appealing or too
much going on.
Extensive knowledge of Most showed a Few members Presenters didn’t understand
topic. good understanding showed good topic.
Comprehension Members showed complete of topic. understanding of
understanding of
assignment. Accurately All members able some parts of topic. Majority of questions
answered all questions to answer most of Only some members answered by only one member
posed. or majority of information
audience questions. accurately answered
questions. incorrect.

Presentation Regular/constant eye Most members Members focused on Minimal eye contact by more
Skills contact, The audience spoke to majority only part of than one member focusing on
was engaged, and of audience; steady audience. small part of audience.
presenters held the eye contact. Sporadic eye contact
audience’s attention. The audience was by more than one The audience was not
Appropriate speaking engaged by the presenter. engaged.
volume & body presentation. The audience was
language. Majority of distracted. Majority of presenters spoke
presenters spoke at Speakers could be too quickly or quietly making
a suitable volume. heard by only half of it difficult to understand.
Some fidgeting by the audience.
member(s). Body language was
body language.

Content The presentation was a The presentation The presentation was The presentation was a brief
concise summary of the was a good informative but look at the topic but many
topic with all questions summary of the several elements questions were left
answered. topic. went unanswered. unanswered.
Comprehensive and Most important Much of the Majority of information
complete coverage of information information irrelevant and significant
information. covered; little irrelevant; coverage points left out.
irrelevant info. of some of major
Preparedness/ All presenters knew the Slight domination Significant Unbalanced presentation or
information, of one presenter. controlling by some tension resulting from over-
Spring 2021 SUP 2083
Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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participated equally, and Members helped members with one helping.
helped each other as each other. minimally
needed. contributing. Multiple group members not
Participation/ Very well participating.
Extremely prepared and prepared. Primarily prepared
Group Dynamics Evident lack of
rehearsed. but with some
dependence on just preparation/rehearsal.
reading off slides. Dependence on slides.

Total   /20



Spring 2021 SUP 2083
Logistics -Warehousing and Distribution

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Report Paper Grading Rubric

The ability to write clearly, precisely, and concisely is a primary skill for most professional
careers. Worth (1990) revealed that 90% of college graduates rated effective writing as
greatly important for their work, regardless of their career. “No one is impressed by
careless grammatical and typographical errors. Failure to attend to such details raises
concerns about conscientiousness and reliability… You should also carefully attend to
your use of vocabulary. Large doses of unusual or obscure vocabulary will only distract
readers and cause them to doubt your writing ability” (Bottoms & Nysse, 1999, p. 24).
Scientific writing, as done by social scientists, differs from creative and interpretive
writing done in other fields (Light, 2001). Your ability to be an effective scientific writer
depends on understanding the differences among these various forms of writing. The
purpose of this rubric is to help you learn the expectations for professional writing in the
social sciences.

< 13 points 14-16 points 17-19 points 20-22 points 23-25 points Score
 Meaning is  Less than  Satisfactor  Solid language  Superior language
impeded by satisfactory y language control control
many serious control of control  Grammar,  Grammar,
mistakes in language  Grammar, stylistic variety, stylistic variety,
grammar,  Contains stylistic variety, accepted accepted

usage and significant accepted conventions of conventions of

sentence mistakes in conventions of writing writing
structure grammar, usage writing  Few minor flaws  A couple minor
and sentence  Many minor flaws flaws
 Does not follow  Many errors of  Several errors of  Few errors of  A couple errors of
APA-style APA-style APA-style APA-style APA-style
Documentation and Formatting

including including including including including margins,

margins, font margins, font margins, font margins, font font size line
size line spacing, size line spacing, size line spacing, size line spacing, spacing,
header/page header/page header/page header/page header/page
number, text number, text number, text number, text number, text
justification justification justification justification justification
 Reference  Reference  Reference  Reference  Reference
list does not list does not matches text matches text matches text
match text match text citations citations citations
citations citations  Several errors for  Few errors for  A couple errors for
 Does not use  Many errors for quotes, & in-text quotes, & in- text quotes, & in-text
APA style for quotes, & in- text citations citations citations
quotes, & in-text citations


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 < sources or  > sources or  > sources; all  > sources; all  > sources; all
not all are cited not all are cited are cited are cited are cited
Content: What did you include? What did you leave out?

 Most  Most references  Most references  All references  All references

references are are from are from are from are from
NOT from journals or journals or journals or journals or
journals or reliable sources reliable sources reliable sources reliable sources
reliable  Contains most  Contains all  Contains all  Contains all major
sources major sections major sections major sections; sections; basic
 Missing major and most of and basic basic information information in
sections and basic information in in method, method, results;
significant information each section results; greater greater depth of
information  Mentioned theory  Attempted depth of understanding
 Did not mention but did not theoretical understanding is characterizes
theory attempt analysis analysis in attempted in intro intro and
 Did not identify  Identified only discussion and discussion discussion
limitations, superficial  Identified  Some depth of  Theoretical
application, limitations, relevant and thought for analysis is
future research application, non- superficial theoretical sophisticate
future limitations, analysis d
research application,  Limitations,  Limitations,
future research application, application,
future future
research research
include include
some detailed
justification analysis
 There is no flow of  Flow of ideas is not  Logical flow  Attempts to tell a  Effectively tells
Synthesis: How did you help your reader make

ideas logical of ideas but story interesting

 Did not integrate,  No successful tends to be  Demonstrates story
sense of the literature & your research?

synthesize integration, formulaic some  Sophisticated

literature in synthesis of  Demonstrates sophistication in integration,
introduction (i.e., literature in basic ability to integrating, synthesis of
each study is its introduction (i.e., integrate and synthesizing literature,
own paragraph) each study is its synthesize literature in includes
 Relied heavily on own paragraph) literature in introduction appropriate
quotes and did  Relied heavily on introduction  Used quotes analysis in
not connect them quotes and  Relied on quotes sparingly, introduction
to content attempted to for content connected  Used quotes
 Did not relate the connect to  Attempted to to content sparingly and
findings to the content relate findings to  Successfully connected to
literature  Attempted to literature; relates findings to content
related the analysis is at the literature;  Demonstrates
findings to surface level analysis shows depth of thought
the literature; some relating findings
there is no superficiality to literature;
analysis analysis



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