Ribeiro Et Al-2019-Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials

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A new era for sterilization based on supercritical CO2 technology

Article  in  Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B Applied Biomaterials · May 2019

DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.34398


26 1,738

7 authors, including:

Nilza Ribeiro Víctor Santos-Rosales

University of Aveiro University of Santiago de Compostela


Angel Concheiro
University of Santiago de Compostela


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Received: 8 November 2018 Revised: 5 April 2019 Accepted: 17 April 2019
DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.34398


A new era for sterilization based on supercritical CO2


Nilza Ribeiro1 | Gonçalo C. Soares1 | Víctor Santos-Rosales2 | Angel Concheiro2 |

Carmen Alvarez-Lorenzo2 | Carlos A. García-González2 | Ana L. Oliveira1

CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química
Fina, Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior Abstract
de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica The increasing complexity in morphology and composition of modern biomedical
Portuguesa, Porto, Portugal
2 materials (e.g., soft and hard biological tissues, synthetic and natural-based scaffolds,
Departamento de Farmacología, Farmacia y
Tecnología Farmacéutica, R+D Pharma group technical textiles) and the high sensitivity to the processing environment requires the
(GI-1645), Facultad de Farmacia and Health
development of innovative but benign technologies for processing and treatment.
Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela
(IDIS), Universidade de Santiago de This scenario is particularly applicable where current conventional techniques
Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
(steam/dry heat, ethylene oxide, and gamma irradiation) may not be able to preserve
Correspondence the functionality and integrity of the treated material. Sterilization using supercritical
Carlos A. García-González, Departamento de
carbon dioxide emerges as a green and sustainable technology able to reach the ste-
Farmacología, Farmacia y Tecnología
Farmacéutica, R+D Pharma group (GI-1645), rility levels required by regulation without altering the original properties of even
Facultad de Farmacia and Health Research
highly sensitive materials. In this review article, an updated survey of experimental
Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS),
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, E- protocols based on supercritical sterilization and of the efficacy results sorted by
15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
microbial strains and treated materials was carried out. The application of the super-
Email: carlos.garcia@usc.es
critical sterilization process in materials used for biomedical, pharmaceutical, and
Ana L. Oliveira, Universidade Católica
food applications is assessed. The opportunity of supercritical sterilization of not only
Portuguesa, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia
e Química Fina, Laboratório Associado, Escola replace the above mentioned conventional techniques, but also of reach unmet
Superior de Biotecnologia, Porto, Portugal.
needs for sterilization in highly sensitive materials (e.g., single-use medical devices,
Email: aloliveira@porto.ucp.pt
the next-generation biomaterials, and medical devices and graft tissues) is herein
Funding information
Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación
Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, Grant/Award
Numbers: ED431C 2016/008, ED431F 2016/010; KEYWORDS
European Regional Development Fund, Grant/ biomedical materials, drug-medical device combination products, drug products, sterilization
Award Number: 0245_IBEROS_1_E; Fundação
efficacy, sterilization treatment, supercritical carbon dioxide
para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award
Numbers: IF/00411/2013, IF/00411/2013/
CP1167, UID/Multi/50016/2013; Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad, Grant/Award
Numbers: RYC2014-15239, SAF2017-83118-R,
RTI2018-094131-A-I00; Agencia Estatal de
Investigación (AEI) of Spain

Abbreviations: AC2O, acetic anhydride; API, active pharmaceutical ingredients; BisGMA, bisphenol A glycidyl methacrylate; CaCO3, calcium carbonate; CO2, carbon dioxide; CFU, colony forming
unit; EMA, European Medicines agency; EN, European standard; EtO, ethylene oxide; EtOH, ethanol; FDA, Food and drug Administration; GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe; HCOOH, methanoic
acid; HHP, high hydrostatic pressure; H2O, Water; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; ISO, International Organization for Standardization; LoC, lab-on-a-chip; MeOH, methanol; MSCs, mesenchymal stem
cells; OEMs, original equipment manufacturers; P, pressure; PAA, peracetic acid; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PC, polycarbonate; PEG, polyethylene glycol; PLLA, poly(L-lactic acid);
PMDA, Pharmaceutical and Medical devices Agency; PMMA, polymethylmethacrylate; PS, phosphatidylserine; SAL, sterility assurance level; SAL-x, sterility assurance level of 10-x; scCO2,
supercritical carbon dioxide; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; SUDs, single-use medical devices; T, temperature; t, time; TBHP, tert-butyl hydroperoxide; TEGDMA, triethylene glycol
dimethacrylate; TFA, trifluoroacetic acid.

Nilza Ribeiro and Gonçalo C. Soares contributed equally to this work.

J Biomed Mater Res. 2019;1–30. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jbmb © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1


1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N pharmaceutical compounds/materials toward heat, chemical, and radia-

tion treatment as well as the product state (liquid, semisolid, or solid)
Healthcare-associated infections represent a global concern, with an should be taken into account to choose the most suitable sterilization
average of 8.7% of hospital patients suffering infectious complications method (Pacheco, Lorenzo, & Fernández, 2016). For medical equipment
(Tikhomirov, 1987). Physical and emotional harm, irreversible sequels and devices, the sterilization treatment should ensure a SAL-6 level
or even patient death are direct consequences of nosocomial infec- prior to their use to reduce the risk of infections. Depending on the
tions, as well as the closely related socio-economic burden. In general, composition of the material and its lifetime, different sterilization tech-
a combination of aseptic practices and a suitable treatment of the niques are used, but the same legal requirements EN 556–1 must be
medical devices are common approaches to mitigate the risk of infec- accomplished in all cases (EN 556-1 Beuth Verlag, Burggrafenstr, n.d.).
tions. Microbial contamination represents, therefore, an important Steam/dry heat, ethylene oxide (EtO) and gamma irradiation are
issue in the manufacture of pharmaceutical and medical device prod- the most industrially used sterilization techniques and the only ones
ucts, mainly because of the patients' safety but also of the hindrance approved by the regulatory agencies. These conventional techniques
in the stability of the drugs and formulations. In this regard, steriliza- have certain disadvantages that can prevent the sterile material from
tion has the purpose of total inactivation of viable microorganisms, maintaining the original properties of the untreated materials. This is
including vegetative and sporulated bacteria, fungi, yeasts, and especially the case for biomaterials and medical devices, usually con-
viruses. It is important to highlight the difference between sterilization taining materials sensitive to temperature, chemical agents, and/or
and disinfection, the latter term referring to the selective process for radiation. Table 1 summarizes the major advantages and disadvan-
the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms (Willey, Woolverton, & tages of the standard conventional sterilization techniques.
Sherwood, 2008). Steam sterilization and dry heat sterilization are the gold standard
The national regulatory agencies from each country are responsible techniques to sterilize metal-based medical instruments and are the
for guaranteeing the quality, safety, efficacy, and reliable information most implemented in hospitals and medical divisions (White, Burns, &
regarding drug products and medical devices, from their development Christensen, 2006). Specific legislation exists for certain processes of
to their use. Nevertheless, due to their wide region of application and sterilizing medical devices, like the ISO 17665-1:2006 (2006) and ISO
their relevance, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, US), the 20857:2010 (2010) that postulate requirements for the development,
European Medicines Agency (EMA, EU), and the Pharmaceuticals and validation, and routine control of a moist heat sterilization process and
Medical Devices Agency (PMDA, Japan) represent the reference enti- of a dry heat sterilization process, respectively (Sterilization Validation
ties. In these terms, the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals is regulated Services, n.d.). Steam sterilization uses high temperatures (>120 C) and
under a detailed legal framework (EudraLex, n.d.)** to eliminate, includ- moisture. According to ISO 17665-1:2006 (2006), to be replaced by
ing sterilization requirements. Clean rooms with extremely controlled ISO/NP 17665–1; Sterilization Validation Services, n.d.), steam steriliza-
supply, distribution, and air filtration are used in the production of med- tion generally requires 121 C for 15–30 min (Qiu, Sun, & Connor, 2011)
icines to limit the particle and microbial contamination to acceptable to kill resistant bacteria, so it cannot be applied to heat- and moisture-
levels (ISO 14644-1:2015, 2015). Some pharmaceutical formulations, sensitive products. Most medical devices, such as surgical instruments,
mainly for parenteral and ophthalmic administration must guarantee a biopsy forceps, and medical implants are made of heat resistant mate-
sterility assurance level of 10−6 (SAL-6), thus requiring an additional rials. In these cases, steam sterilization is mainly used because it has the
sterilization method to accomplish the legal requirements. In accor- largest safety margin in terms of reliability, consistency, and lethality.
dance to reference agencies (EMA, FDA), the sterilization should be However, steam sterilization has certain drawbacks with certain metallic
preferably performed on the final container, process known as “terminal medical devices that are coated with an oxide layer to improve corro-
sterilization” (Council of Europe, 2018). sion resistance and biocompatibility, because this sterilization technique
The selection of the most suitable sterilization technique for bio- can result in premature corrosion of the metal. Moreover, steam sterili-
medical products should be a trade-off between many features. zation can cause the formation of cracks and crevices that can lead to
Accordingly, the typical microbial contamination and stability of the the release of heavy metals into the human body or serious mechanical

TABLE 1 Major advantages and disadvantages of standard regulated sterilization techniques

Sterilization technique Advantages Disadvantages

Steam/dry heat Nontoxic Not compatible with heat- and/or moisture- sensitive materials
Low cost
EtO Possibility of using low temperatures Potential processing hazards
Good penetration in materials EtO is toxic, flammable, and carcinogenic
Long aeration cycle
Gamma irradiation Nontoxic Negative effects on many polymers and biological materials
Good penetration in materials High cost

Abbreviation: EtO, ethylene oxide.


failures (Keller, Draughn, Wightman, Dougherty, & Meletiou, 1990; Shih, impact on the properties of the material such as biocompatibility, sta-
Su, Chen, Shih, & Lin, 2010; Thierry, Tabrizian, Savadogo, & Yahia, bility against thermal and enzymatic degradation, and mechanical
2000). This technique is also not suitable for the vast majority of poly- properties (resistance to fracture) (Curran, Adams, Gill, Steiner, &
mers and can only be used for polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) and sili- Scheller, 2004; Grimes, Pembroke, & McGloughlin, 2005; Nguyen,
cone rubber (Qiu et al., 2011). Morgan, & Forwood, 2007; Noah, Chen, Jiao, Heschel, & Pallua, 2002;
Dry heat sterilization, regulated by the standard ISO 20857:2010 Ohan & Dunn, 2003). Moreover, gamma radiation has been shown to
(2010), overcomes some of the limitations of steam sterilization generate free hydroxyl radicals and other radiotoxins, which increase
related to the presence of water as it uses little or no water vapor at the risk of its carcinogenic and mutagenic effects in patient's lives
the expense of higher standard temperatures than in steam steriliza- (Harrell, Djonov, Fellabaum, & Volarevic, 2018).
tion (Sterilization Validation Services, n.d.). This sterilization method Other nonregulated techniques for sterilization like hydrogen per-
can be applied for heat resistant products like surgical and diagnostic oxide, gas plasma, peracetic acid, or ozone treatments have also been
devices, powdered compounds, drugs and suspensions in nonaqueous explored as alternative methods to the conventional techniques.
solvents, oils and oily injections (Sterilization Validation Services, n.d.; All have their own limitations, and shown to alter morphology, struc-
Qiu et al., 2011; Rogers, 2012). ture, and surface properties of different organic polymers (Dai,
EtO is a toxic, flammable, and explosive gas frequently used as a Ronholm, Tian, Sethi, & Cao, 2016).
chemical agent to sterilize heat- and moisture-sensitive biomaterials, Overall, each current sterilization technique has its own application
and regulated by ISO 11135:2014 (2014); soon to be amended by target. However, there is no effective sterilization technique for applica-
ISO 11135:2014/CD Amd 1. The carcinogenicity of this chemical tion in a wide range of medical devices, especially when these are
agent and its reaction products raise great concern. Toxic levels of formed by different materials and/or materials of biological origin. There
EtO residues and byproducts from reactions between EtO sterilant are also many scaffolds for tissue engineering and medical devices con-
agent and the constituent material (e.g., polymeric or elastomeric taining advanced polymers that cannot tolerate the harsh conditions of
materials) can be present in the sterilized devices (Mendes, Brandão, & conventional sterilization processes that use heat, irradiation, or chemi-
Silva, 2007). Moreover, the use of the EtO gas has been also impli- cal treatment. In this review, the possibility of using supercritical carbon
cated as a cause of an axonal polyneuropathy in medical personnel dioxide (scCO2) as an alternative sterilization tool will be critically
and hospital sterilizer workers and is being progressively banned by revisited to cover the huge gap that exists on viable sterilization solu-
several hospitals from EU and USA in their routine medical device tions for highly sensitive biomaterials, like thermolabile and hydrolyti-
reprocessing (EOSA, 2011; Grogan & Katz, 2009). The effectiveness cally sensitive biomaterials. Experimental protocols leading to
of this technique is dependent on the combination of factors such as sterilization efficacy higher than SAL-4 with respect to previous reviews
temperature, moisture, EtO concentration, and exposure time. EtO on supercritical sterilization (Zhang, Davis, et al., 2006) were updated
sterilization cannot be easily applied to biomaterials that are very sen- through a careful analysis of the results published during the last
sitive to temperature and moisture without increasing the toxicity of
decade. This review will have a special focus on three application fields
the material after sterilization. The materials treated with EtO are
(medicine, pharmaceutical, and food industries) where sterilization pro-
usually subjected to long aeration periods or to rinsing processes
tocols are of utmost importance.
to remove any residual EtO agent and its by-products before use.
Despite these safety practices, the use of this sterilization technique
for biomaterials of biological origin, such as in the case of grafts, has 2 | S U P E R C R I T I C A L CA R B O N DI O X I D E
been significantly reduced because of carcinogenicity concerns and of S T E R I L I Z A T I O N TE C H N O L O G Y
implant failures linked to the presence of toxic residues present in the
sterilized materials (Jackson, Windler, & Simon, 1990). Supercritical fluid technology stands out as a technological platform for
Gamma irradiation sterilization, regulated by the standards ISO the versatile processing and treatment of materials, particularly biomed-
11137-1:2006/Amd.1:2013 (2006), ISO 11137-2:2013 (2013), and ical materials (García-González, Concheiro, & Alvarez-Lorenzo, 2015).
ISO 11137-3:2017 (2017) and (Sterilization Validation Services, n.d.), A fluid is under supercritical conditions when it is at a pressure (P)
has been used as the standard sterilization method for materials sensi- and temperature (T) above those of the critical point (Pc, Tc) of the said
tive to temperature, moisture, and chemical agents, such as polymers fluid. Supercritical fluids are characterized by intermediate properties
and materials from biological origin. Additives are often used during between those of liquids (liquid-like density) and gases (gas-like viscos-
the sterilization process to prevent side reactions initiated by gamma ity and diffusivity). Supercritical conditions of CO2 are achieved at par-
rays. However, there are numerous studies demonstrating that this ticularly mild pressures (Pc = 7.39 MPa) and temperatures (Tc = 31.1 C).
technique induces significant changes in the structure of the material Coupled to the GRAS status, non-flammability, innocuity, and low cost
that may have an important impact in their performance during clinical of this fluid, supercritical fluid shows promise for several applications.
use. Gamma irradiation can cause degradation of polymers by break- scCO2 has an excellent permeability into a wide range of materials with
age of the polymeric chains or by the formation of undesired chemical porous and/or complex structures, that is, exploited as extracting agent
bonds (Affatato et al., 2002; Goldman & Pruitt, 1998; Streicher, and for impregnation of substances (García-González, Uy, Alnaief, &
1998). For biological materials, this sterilization technique has a strong Smirnova, 2012; Kankala, Zhang, Bin Wang, Lee, & Chen, 2017). scCO2

is a good solvent for molecules with low-molecular weight and low thus enhancing its ability for microorganism inactivation (Shieh,
polarity. The presence or absence of solvation power of scCO2 toward Paszczynski, Wai, Lang, & Crawford, 2009).
a specific solute is exploited for the formation of particles (e.g., drug The sterilization process with scCO2 consists of pumping CO2 into a
crystals) through solvent or antisolvent processing strategies, respec- high-pressure cell previously loaded with the material to be treated for
tively (Kankala et al., 2017). scCO2 can also dissolve in amorphous and the selected pressure, temperature, and duration of the process.
semicrystalline polymers acting as a plasticizer for the low-temperature Optionally, the setup can be equipped with an additional pump for injec-
processing of foams and particles (García-González, Concheiro, & tion of a sterilant additive. After contact with scCO2 for a certain time
Alvarez-Lorenzo, 2015). All the advantages associated to this technol- period, the CO2 is vented out during the depressurization step and the

ogy, lead the possibility of new processing routes of scaffolds and treated material is collected. For the sake of the economy of the pro-

membranes for drug delivery and tissue engineering purposes (Cardea, cess, the use of CO2 in a recycling loop is also possible by condensation

Baldino, Pisanti, & Reverchon, 2014; Davies et al., 2008; Duarte, and subsequent pumping. The pressurization/depressurization rate can
be regulated with a programmable controller to automate the process.
Mano, & Reis, 2009; Pisanti, Yeatts, Cardea, Fisher, & Reverchon,
An example of an equipment setting used for supercritical sterilization
2012). Finally, the low reactivity of scCO2 does not cause the formation
operating in the batch mode is sketched in Figure 1.
of free radicals and reactive species, which may otherwise alter the
The sterilization efficacy by the supercritical treatment depends
structural and mechanical properties (Bernhardt et al., 2015; Dai et al.,
on several factors including pressure, depressurization rate, pressure
2016; Scognamiglio et al., 2017). The properties of scCO2 described
cycling, temperature, use of additives, treatment time, CO2 flow rate,
above render this fluid attractive for sterilization purposes. Further-
or density of CO2 (Chen, Temelli, & Gänzle, 2017; Enomoto,
more, the scCO2 sterilization technique is considered a “green” and sus-
Nakamura, Nagai, Hashimoto, & Hakoda, 1997; Furukawa et al., 2006;
tainable technology because it does not leave toxic residues. CO2 can
Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007; Lucien & Foster, 1999; Perrut, 2012;
be reused in the various sterilization cycles and does not require com-
Rao et al., 2016; Spilimbergo & Bertucco, 2003; Spilimbergo,
plex operating or ventilation systems.
Bertucco, Lauro, & Bertoloni, 2003; Zhang, Burrows, et al., 2006;
Evidences for using scCO2 as a sterilization method date back to
Zhang, Davis, et al., 2006; Zwietering, Jongenburger, Rombouts, &
1951 when Dean Fraser reported the use of dense CO2 to inactivate
Van't Riet, 1990). Although pressure is a basic parameter for achieving
live bacteria (Fraser, 1951). Other studies reported that gaseous CO2
the supercritical conditions of CO2 (variations in pressure do affect
can inhibit microbial growth and boost the inactivation rate of differ- the deactivation kinetics; Furukawa et al., 2009), pressure alone is not
ent gram-positive and Gram-negative vegetative bacteria (including responsible for the inactivation of microorganisms. Higher tempera-
spores) during thermal treatment, even at pressure as low as 6 bar tures are believed to stimulate inactivation by enhancing the solubility
(Cuq, Roussel, Vivier, & Caron, 1993; Fraser, 1951; Spilimbergo & of CO2 and by increasing the fluidity of the cell membrane, allowing
Bertucco, 2003; White et al., 2006; Witter, Berry, & Folinazzo, 1958). for a better CO2 penetration into the cells (Garcia-Gonzalez et al.,
Nowadays, it is generally agreed that sterilization using scCO2 2007; Perrut, 2012; Zhang, Davis, et al., 2006). Treatment time is cru-
under mild operating conditions (e.g., low temperature and pressure cial for the efficacy of the sterilization process and for its feasibility
parameters) does not promote complete bacterial spore inactivation. To with studies ranging from 5 min to 100 h (Zhang, Davis, et al., 2006).
overcome this situation, scCO2 can be combined with certain additive The use of additives or co-solvents along with the scCO2 has been an
sterilants (co-solvents), such as acetic acid, tert-butyl hydroxyperoxide, effective strategy for accelerating the microbial inactivation rate while
and hydrogen peroxide. These additives have acidic/oxidative proper- proving to be the only alternative to sterilize spores at mild tempera-
ties that may improve CO2 penetration through cellular membranes, ture conditions. Thus, water (moisture) or other more chemically

F I G U R E 1 Schematic diagram of a typical scCO2 equipment. Legend: 1. CO2 bottle; 2. Chiller; 3. Injection pumps; 4. Valves; 5. Mass flow
meter; 6. Heat exchanger; 7. Pressure vessel with a stirrer and a refrigeration circuit, surrounded by a heater resistor; 8. Back pressure regulator
with heater resistor; 9. Collection cup with heater resistor

active additives such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ethanol, process. The diffusion rate of supercritical CO2 through an aqueous
trifluoracetic acid (TFA), PAA, methanol and Nisin have been studied medium is higher than under subcritical conditions and favors the pene-
(Bernhardt et al., 2015; White et al., 2006). From these additives, PAA tration and accumulation of CO2 in the cells (Lin, Yang, & Chen, 1992).
seems to be the most effective against spores (Leggett et al., 2015; Accordingly, the kinetics of sterilization is commonly characterized by
White et al., 2006). two steps, which are highly linked to the CO2 diffusion rate: an initially
slow deactivation rate with low CO2 penetration, followed by a faster
step with high presence of CO2 in the cell membranes and cytoplasm
3 | I N A C T I V A T I O N OF M I C R O O R G A N I S M S
(Tarafa, Jiménez, Zhang, & Matthews, 2010).
BY scCO2
Other mechanisms of action of the supercritical treatment, such as
chemical modifications, extraction, interference with the cell metabo-
The sterilization mechanism of scCO2 is a topic generating much dis-
lism, and cell lysis may also contribute to the sterilization efficacy
cussion in the literature. The increase of CO2 concentration outside
(Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007). The chemical modification of the cell
(extracellular medium) and inside (intracellular medium) the cells may
membrane is linked to a high concentration of CO2 inside the cells, as it
trigger several mechanisms with different grades of relevance for cell
can favor the precipitation of carbonate salts (Lin, Yang, & Chen, 1993).
viability (Figure 2), acidification being the primary mechanism (García- The lipophilic behavior of CO2 explains its capability to extract lipids
González, Díaz-Gómez, Concheiro, & Alvarez-Lorenzo, 2015; Purcell, from the double layer of phospholipids from the cell membranes and
Howdle, Shakesheff, & White, 2013; Spilimbergo & Bertucco, 2003). also from intracellular structures to a significant extent (Lin et al., 1992).
Acidification of cytoplasm and extracellular medium requires that This mechanism of action can be favored by a series of intermediate
CO2 dissolves in the aqueous medium containing the microorganisms CO2 pressurization/depressurization cycles during the experiments.
and transforms into carbonic acid form, which in turn dissociates into Moreover, the presence of CO2 and bicarbonates inside the cells
bicarbonate and hydrogen ions. CO2 dissolution lowers the extracellular can interfere in the cell metabolism and certain biochemical path-
pH and damages the cell membrane structure resulting in an increase in ways (e.g., through inactivation of decarboxylase enzymes; Jones &
permeability that facilitates further penetration of CO2 (Garcia- Greenfield, 1982). Finally, the burst of cells by a sudden depressuriza-
Gonzalez et al., 2007; Kamihira, Taniguchi, & Kobayashi, 1987). The tion of supercritical CO2 was proposed in the early 1950s as the main
mass transfer of CO2 into the medium (i.e., the material to be sterilized) sterilization mechanism (Foster, Cowan, & Maag, 1962; Fraser, 1951).
and through the cell membranes is the limiting step in the acidification However, the dissimilar sterilization results obtained with different

F I G U R E 2 Scheme of some mechanisms of action (referred as “Steps”) of scCO2 in deactivating microorganisms. 1: CO2 solubilization in the
extracellular medium; 2: Cell membrane modification; 3: Intracellular acidification; 4: Enzyme inactivation and metabolic interference by acidic pH;
5: Metabolic interference by carbonic acid; 6: Disorder of the electrolyte balance inside the cell; 7: Extraction of substances in the cell membrane
and cytoplasm. Notation: (1) phospholipid bilayer, (2) integral membrane proteins, (3) plasma membrane, and (4) intracellular substances. Adapted
from Garcia-Gonzalez et al. (2007)

TABLE 2 Summary of experimental conditions and sterilization efficacy of supercritical CO2 protocols for deactivation of vegetative Gram-positive bacteria

Medium and initial microbial Depressurization rate

Strain concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives (bar/min) Log R References
Bacillus cereus Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 60 2 – ND 5 (Dillow, Dehghani, Hrkach,
5.2 107 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100) Foster, & Langer, 1999)
Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 60 4 – ND 8
1.8 108 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Bacillus Biofilm Continuous 137.8 35 0.32 – Two steps (1 min at 1.1 (Mitchell et al., 2008)
mojavensis 2.3 109 CFU (~1 mL/min) 1.14 bar/s ! 4 min
at 0.29 bar/s)
Suspended growth Continuous 137.8 35 0.32 – Two steps (1 min at 3
1 109 CFU (~1 mL/min) 1.14 bar/s ! 4 min
at 0.29 bar/s)
Bacillus subtilis Blood waste Static 200 60 1.25 – ND 6.81* (Hossain et al., 2016)
6.5 106 CFU/mL 400 60 0.75
200 40 1.5
200 60 1
Cell suspension in PBS Static 58 38 0.5 – ND >7 (S. Spilimbergo, Elvassore,
107 CFU/mL (25 mL/min) 74 38 0.04 & Bertucco, 2002)

Enterococcus Cell suspension in PBS Static 60.5 25 0.42 – 60.5 7–8 (Erkmen, 2000)
faecalis 1.2 107 to 9.3 107 CFU/mL 60.5 35 0.28
60.5 45 0.25
Orange juice Static 60.5 45 3 – 60.5 5
7.8 105 CFU/mL
Peach juice Static 60.5 45 3 – 60.5 5
9.1 105 CFU/mL
Carrot juice Static 60.5 45 8 – 60.5 5
4.8 105 CFU/mL
Enterococcus Spheres of 108–9 embedded in Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 6–7 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
faecium alginate/agarose cylinders 0.15% H2O2
0.5% Ac2O
Enterococcus Spheres of 108–9 embedded in Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 6–7 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
hirae alginate/agarose cylinders 0.15% H2O2
0.5% Ac2O
Lactobacillus Cell suspension Static 78.5 30 1 – 34.3 6 (Hong & Pyun, 1999)
plantarum 2.4– 6.2 108 CFU/mL 58.8 30 2.1 34.3 7–8
50 30 2 35 5 (Hon & Pyun, 2001)
70 30 0.67 35 6
Leuconostoc Cell suspension Static 69 35 0.34 – ND 8 (Lin, Yang, & Chen, 1993)

dextranicum 1.5 109 CFU/mL 207 35 0.25

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Medium and initial microbial Depressurization rate

Strain concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives (bar/min) Log R References

Listeria innocua Suspension 5.8 10 CFU/mL Semicontinuous 205 34 0.6 – ND 3 (Dillow et al., 1999)
(3 Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Suspension 2.1 109 CFU/mL Semicontinuous 205 34 0.6 – ND 9
(6 Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Listeria Cell suspension 108–9 CFU/mL Static 80 40 0.25 – 80 8 (Kim et al., 2008)
monocytogenes in PS 100 45 0.17 100
Cell suspension 108–9 CFU/mL Static 100 45 0.42 – 100 8
in PBS
Mycobacterium Spheres of 108–9CFU/mL Static 85 38 0.17 0.25% H2O 13.1 8–9 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
terrae embedded in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Staphylococcus Suspension Semicontinuous (3 205 34 0.6 – ND 3 (Dillow et al., 1999)
aureus 2.5 109 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 34 0.6 – ND 7
1.2 109 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 40 2 – ND 6
6.7 108 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 40 4 – ND 9
1.9 109 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Blood waste Static 200 60 1 – ND 7.14 (Hossain et al., 2016)
1.4 107 CFU/mL 400 60 0.5
200 30 1.25
200 60 0.5
Spheres of 10 CFU/mL Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 7–8 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
embedded in alginate/agarose 85 38 0.17 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Cell suspension in sterile H2O Static 200 34 0.17 – "Slow" 8–9 (Sara Spilimbergo,
108–9 CFU/mL Dehghani, Bertucco, &
Foster, 2003)
Clinical solid waste Static 300 35 0.67 – “Slow” 6–7 (Hossain, Balakrishnan,
5 107 CFU/g (58.03 bar/min) Rahman, Rajion, & Kadir,
Clinical solid waste Static 400 35 0.5 – “Slow” 6–7 2013)
5 107 CFU/g (68.38 bar/min)
Clinical solid waste Static 100 45 1.5 – “Slow” 7–8
5 107 CFU/g (107.5 bar/min) 100 80 1


compressed gases and supercritical fluids shifted this physical rupture

effect toward a secondary role in bacterial deactivation (Zhang, Davis,

Note: The degree of inactivation is based on log reduction, according to the following formula: log R = log (N0/N), being N, the number of living cells after treatment; and N0, the number of living cells before
(Karajanagi et al., 2011)
et al., 2006).

(Haas et al., 1989)

(Qiu et al., 2009)
The multifaceted mechanisms of supercritical sterilization circum-

(Qiu et al., 2009)

vent bacterial specificity and can be applied to gram-positive and

Gram-negative bacteria in the vegetative and dormant forms as well as

fungi and viruses. A collection of experimental trials for supercritical
sterilization up to 2006 can be found elsewhere (Zhang, Davis, et al.,
2006). In this section, experimental protocols that lead to sterilization

Log R

efficacy higher than SAL-4 have been updated through a careful analy-

sis of the results published during the last decade (Tables 2–5). In gen-
eral, vegetative Gram-positive species have cell walls with higher
Depressurization rate

thickness and different composition than the Gram-negative counter-

parts and thus they show higher mechanical resistance and lower CO2
membrane permeation (Cinquemani, Boyle, Bach, & Schollmeyer,

2007). Therefore, Gram-positive bacteria usually require more intense

operating conditions for deactivation by supercritical sterilization, but




both bacterial groups are susceptible to achieve high levels of steriliza-

tion (Tables 2 and 3).
PAA (55 ppm)

PAA (55 ppm)

Abbreviations: Ac2O, acetic anhydride; ND, not defined; PAA, peracetic acid; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PEG, polyethylene glycol.

Bacteria in the form of spores are more resistant to sterilization


than in the vegetative form, because of the higher resistance of spores

to thermal and chemicals penetration (Willey et al., 2008). Therefore,

spores are the common standard indicators used to test the steriliza-
tion efficacy of certain experimental conditions. Spores are highly

t (h)


resistant to the supercritical treatment as can be ascertained in the

experimental results summarized in Table 4. For the cases of Bacillus
T ( C)


cereus and Bacillus subtilis, longer sterilization periods, higher operating



temperatures, and/or the use of additives are the practices reported to

counteract the increased inactivation resistance of bacterial spores
P (bar)



when compared to the corresponding vegetative forms (Bernhardt



et al., 2015; Dillow, Dehghani, Hrkach, Foster, & Langer, 1999; Hossain
et al., 2016; Karajanagi et al., 2011; Spilimbergo, Dehghani, Bertucco, &
Foster, 2003). These modifications can influence the process' econom-
Operating mode

ics but are needed to reach the required sterilization efficacy.

Regarding fungi, SAL-6 is usually obtained using mild operating
pressures (85–150 bar) and temperatures (38–50 C) and moderate



processing times (less than 1 h; Table 5). In some cases, additives are
also required but in general, complete inactivation of yeasts seems
viable through supercritical sterilization and feasible to be performed
Acellular dermal matrix cultured

Acellular dermal matrix cultured

Inoculated PEG hydrogels with
Medium and initial microbial

in conjunction with the sterilization of bacteria.

In the case of viruses, viral contamination is of special concern for
with 1.26 1010 CFU

with 1.26 1010 CFU

biological tissues like xenografts and allografts (Qiu et al., 2009;

Liquid culture (pH 5)

treatment. Asterisk denotes total inactivation.

4.6 105 CFU/mL

Watanabe et al., 1989). The inactivation of viruses depends on their

107 CFU/mL

structure, which determines the resistance toward the used steriliza-

tion technique (Watanabe et al., 1989). Particularly, nonenveloped
viruses are more resistant to traditional sterilization techniques such

as irradiation and sterilization with chemicals and the operating con-

ditions (e.g., temperature, concentrations of chemicals) needed for
complete deactivation might be harmful to the target matrix (Block,




2001; Qiu et al., 2009; Watanabe et al., 1989). To overcome these



drawbacks, supercritical sterilization has been tested as an alterna-


tive technique for the inactivation of several families of virus. The

obtained sterilization efficacies showed that the technique can be
TABLE 3 Summary of experimental conditions and sterilization efficacy of supercritical CO2 protocols for deactivation of vegetative Gram-negative bacteria

Medium and initial Depressurization

Strain microbial concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives rate (bar/min) Log R References

Acinetobacter baylyi Biofilm 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 4 (Checinska, Fruth, Green,
5.2 104 cells Continuous H2O2) Crawford, &
(1.5 mL/min) ! Paszczynski, 2011)
Static !
(1.5 mL/min)
Enterobacter Acellular dermal matrix ND ~97 ~38 0.02 PAA (55 ppm) ND 7 (Qiu et al., 2009)
aerogenes cultured with 1.58 1010
E. coli Blood waste Static 200 60 1 – ND 7.61* (Hossain et al., 2016)
4.1 107 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 400 60 0.5 – ND 7.61*
4.1 107 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 200 30 1.25 – ND 7.61*
4.1 107 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 200 60 0.5 – ND 7.61*
4.1 107 CFU/mL
Cell suspension in sterile Static 200 34 0.17 – “Slow” 8–9 (Sara Spilimbergo,
H2O 108–9 CFU/mL Dehghani, Bertucco, &
Foster, 2003)
Liquid culture ND 62 23 2 – ND >4 (Haas et al., 1989)
Nutrient broth 8.2 105 to Static 75 20 1.34 – 75 7–8 (Erkmen, 2001)
4.3 106 CFU/mL
Nutrient broth 8.2 105 to Static 75 40 0.83 – 75 7–8
4.3 106 CFU/mL
Nutrient broth 8.2 105 to Static 50 30 1.67 – 50 7–8
4.3 106 CFU/mL
Nutrient broth 8.2 105 to Static 100 30 0.83 – 100 7–8
4.3 106 CFU/mL
Suspension Semicontinuous (3 205 34 0.5 – ND 8 (Dillow, Dehghani, Hrkach,
6.4 108 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100) Foster, & Langer, 1999)
Dried cells 6.5 108 Static 140 34 1 – ND 8.81*
Dried cells 6.5 108 Static 140 34 0.5 1 mL H2O ND 8.81*
Gluconacter Liquid culture (pH 2)3 ND 55 22 2 – ND 5 (Hon & Pyun, 2001)
oxydans 105 CFU/mL


Medium and initial Depressurization

Strain microbial concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives rate (bar/min) Log R References
Klebsiella Spheres of 108–9 Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 8–9 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
pneumoniae embedded in alginate/ 0.15% H2O2
agarose cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Klebsiella Biofilm 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 5 (Checinska et al., 2011)
pneumoniae 2.01 105 cells Continuous (1.5 H2O2)
mL/min) ! Static
Continuous (1.5
Legionella dunnifii Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 40 1.5 – ND 4 (Dillow et al., 1999)
6.7 104 CFU/mL Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Proteus vulgaris Suspension Semicontinuous (6 205 34 0.6 – ND 8 (Dillow et al., 1999)
9.1 108 CFU/mL Cycles of ΔP 100)
Spheres of 108–9 Static 85 38 0.25 0.25% H2O 13.1 7–8 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
embedded in alginate/ 0.15% H2O2
agarose cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Inoculated PEG hydrogels Static 250 40 1 – ND 7 (Karajanagi et al., 2011)
with 107 CFU/mL
Inoculated PEG hydrogels Static 75 70 6 – ND 7
with 107 CFU/mL
Biofilm Static 150 35 0.12 – 50 6.9 (Mun, Jeong, Kim, Lee, &
107–8 CFU/cm2 Yoon, 2009)
(<1% of H2O content)
Biofilm Static 200 35 0.12 – 50 7.9
107–8 CFU/cm2
(<1% of H2O content)
Biofilm Static 100 40 0.12 – 50 6.5
107–8 CFU/cm2
(<1% of H2O content)
Biofilm Static 100 45 0.12 – 50 7.7
107–8 CFU/cm2
(<1% of H2O content)
Cell suspension in PBS Static (25 mL/min) 58 38 0.5 – ND >7 (S. Spilimbergo, Elvassore,
107 CFU/mL & Bertucco, 2002)
Cell suspension in Static 74 38 0.04 – ND >7
PBS107 CFU/mL (25 mL/min)
TABLE 3 (Continued)

Medium and initial Depressurization

Strain microbial concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives rate (bar/min) Log R References

Salmonella enteritis Biofilm 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 6 (Checinska et al., 2011)
subspecies 1.54 106 cells Continuous (1.5 H2O2)
enteritis serovar mL/min) ! Static
Typhimurium ! Continuous
(1.5 mL/min)
Salmonella Salford Suspension 1.5 109 Semicontinuous (3 205 34 0.6 ND 3 (Dillow et al., 1999)
CFU/mL Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Suspension Semicontinuous (6 – 34 0.6 – ND 3
1 109 CFU/mL Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Suspension 6 108 Semicontinuous (6 – 40 2 – ND 6
CFU/mL Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Suspension 2.2 109 Semicontinuous (6 – 40 4 – ND 9
CFU/mL Cycles of
ΔP 100)
Salmonella Liquid culture ND 62 23 2 – ND >4 (Haas et al., 1989)
Salmonella Cell suspension Static (~50 bar/min) 100 35 0.34 – ~100 8 (Kim, Rhee, Kim, Lee, &
typhimurium 108–9 CFU/mL Kim, 2007)
Cell suspension Static 100 40 0.25 – ~100 8
108–9 CFU/mL (~50 bar/min)
Cell suspension Static 100 45 0.17 – ~100 8
108–9 CFU/mL (~50 bar/min)
Serratia marcescens Spheres of 108–9 Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 8–9 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
embedded in alginate/ 0.15% H2O2
agarose cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Clinical solid waste Static 300 35 0.5 – “Slow” 6–7 (Hossain, Balakrishnan,
58.03 bar/min Rahman, Rajion, & Kadir,
Clinical solid waste Static 400 35 0.5 – “Slow” 6–7 2013)
68.38 bar/min
Clinical solid waste Static 100 45 1 – “Slow” 6–7
107.5 bar/min
Clinical solid waste Static 100 80 0.5 – “Slow” 6–7
107.5 bar/min

Note: The degree of inactivation is based on log reduction, according to the following formula: log R = log (N0/N), being N, the number of living cells after treatment; and N0, the number of living cells before
treatment. Asterisk denotes total inactivation.
Abbreviations: ND, not defined; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PEG: polyethylene glycol.

TABLE 4 Summary of experimental conditions and sterilization efficacy of supercritical CO2 protocols for deactivation of bacterial spores

Medium and initial microbial Depressurization

Strain concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives rate (bar/min) Log R References
Alicyclobacillus Sterile H2O10 spores/mL Semicontinuous 100 30 0.5 – ND 4 (Casas, Valverde, Marín-
acidoterrestris Iniesta, & Calvo, 2012)
Bacillus atrophaeus Spheres of 108–9 embedded Static 85 38 0.5 0.25% H2O 13.1 8–9 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Acellular dermal matrix ND ~97 ~38 0.02 PAA (55 ppm) ND 2.9 (Qiu et al., 2009)
inoculated with 2 108 CFU
Spores strip1–4 106 Static 304 40 4 0.6% H2O2 1824 6.0 (Hemmer, Drews, LaBerge, &
Matthews, 2007)
Spores strip1–4 106 Continuous 304 40 4 0.6% H2O2 1824 6.0 (Hemmer et al., 2007)
(2.5 mL/min)
Bacillus cereus Spheres of 108–9 embedded Static 85 38 0.75 0.25% H2O 13.1 6–7 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Cell suspension in sterile Static 200 40 24 – “Slow” 3 (Spilimbergo, Dehghani,
H2O 107–8 spores/mL Bertucco, & Foster, 2003)
Bacillus cereus Spore suspension in sterile Static 300 35 2.22 – 150 1a (Watanabe et al., 2003)
H2O 106 CFU/mL
Bacillus coagulans Spore suspension in sterile Static 300 35 2.73 – 150 1a (Watanabe et al., 2003)
H2O 106 CFU/mL
Bacillus licheniformis Spore suspension in sterile Static 300 35 3.03 – 150 1a (Watanabe et al., 2003)
H2O 106 CFU/mL
Bacillus megaterium Slurry reservoir Static 61 60 24 – 73.2 5.8 (Enomoto, Nakamura, Nagai,
109 spores/mL Hashimoto, & Hakoda,
Bacillus pumilus Spheres of 108–9 embedded Static 85 38 0.75 0.25% H2O 13.1 3–4 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Microscope cover slips 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 6 (Checinska, Fruth, Green,
4.9 106 spores Continuous (1.5 mL/min) H2O2) Crawford, & Paszczynski,
! Static ! 2011)
Continuous (1.5 mL/min)
TABLE 4 (Continued)

Medium and initial microbial Depressurization

Strain concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives rate (bar/min) Log R References

Metal surface (coin) 3 stage process: 101 50 0.75 3.3% H2O (3% H2O2) 5 4 (Shieh, Paszczynski, Wai, Lang,
1.7 104 spores Continuous (1.5 mL/min) & Crawford, 2009)
Metal surface (coin) ! Static ! 101 50 0.75 3.3% H2O (3% TBHP) 4
1.7 104 spores Continuous (1.5 mL/min)

Metal surface (coin) 101 50 0.75 3.3% H2O (0.5% 5

1.35 105spores HCOOH + 10%
Metal surface (coin) 101 50 0.75 3.3% H2O (1% 5
1.35 105spores HCOOH + 10%
MeOH + 2% H2O2)
Metal surface (coin) 101 50 0.75 10% MeOH (6% 4
1.7 104 spores H2O2+ 6% TBHP)
Metal surface (coin) 101 50 0.75 10% MeOH (12% 4
1.7 104 spores H2O2)
Metal surface (coin) 101 50 0.75 10% MeOH (12% 4
1.7 104 spores TBHP)
Bacillus subtilis Inoculated PEG hydrogels Static 75 70 6 – ND 7 (Karajanagi et al., 2011)
with 107 CFU/mL
Inoculated PEG hydrogels Static 150 70 4 – ND 7
with 107 CFU/mL
Inoculated PEG hydrogels Static 50 80 1 – ND 7
with 107 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 200 40 1.31 – ND 6.81* (Hossain et al., 2016)
6.5 106 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 300 40 0.85 – ND 6.79*
6.2 106 CFU/mL
Blood waste Static 400 40 0.75 – ND 6.84*
6.9 106 CFU/mL
Bacillus subtilis Spore suspension in sterile Static 300 35 27.78 – 150 1a (Watanabe et al., 2003)
H2O 106 CFU/mL
Geobacillus Spheres of 108–9 embedded Static 85 38 0.5 0.25% H2O 13.1 6 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
stearothermophilus in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Spore suspension in sterile Static 300 35 6.42 – 150 1a (Watanabe et al., 2003)
H2O 106 CFU/mL
Spores strip1–4 106 Static 304 40 4 0.6% H2O2 1824 6.0 (Hemmer et al., 2007)
Spores strip1–4 106 Continuous (2.5 mL/min) 304 40 4 0.6% H2O2 1824 5.0

suitable for viral inactivation alone or in combination with other ster-

ilization techniques (Fages et al., 1998; Osajima et al., 1997; Qiu

Note: The degree of inactivation is based on log reduction, according to the following formula: log R = log (N0/N), being N, the number of living cells after treatment; and N0, the number of living cells before
et al., 2009).
(Bernhardt et al., 2015)
Overall, the supercritical treatment may lead to suitable sterilization
levels against a wide range of microorganisms and is suitable for
the terminal sterilization or disinfection in several environments and

applications. As an example, are the main families responsible of

periprosthetic infections in joint replacements (from early infection to
24 months postsurgery), Staphylococcus spp. (70% incidence, mainly
Staphylococcus aureus but also Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococ-
cus simulans, Staphylococcus caprae, and Staphylococcus lugdunensis),
Streptococcus spp. (10%, mainly β-haemolytic Streptococci Groups B
Log R

and G) and gram-negative microorganisms (10%, mainly Escherichia coli


and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Kasper et al., 2015; Tande & Patel, 2014).
rate (bar/min)

4 | W H A T K I N D O F M A T E R I A L S CA N B E

Supercritical sterilization can be used in a myriad of materials for

microbial inactivation to reach terminal sterilization in several applica-
tions, such as regenerative medicine, food, clinical wastes, drug prod-
0.15% H2O2
0.25% H2O

ucts, or water treatment (García-González, Díaz-Gómez, et al., 2015;

0.5% Ac2O

Hossain et al., 2015; Purcell et al., 2013; Vo et al., 2014; Zani et al.,
2013). Apart from its efficacy, the supercritical sterilization treatment
should be innocuous to the material to be sterilized without signifi-
P (bar) T ( C) t (h)

cantly changing its composition (molecular weight, components

content) and properties (biological, mechanical, and physicochemical).

scCO2 may be used as a plasticizer, extraction, and purification

agent and solvent of different materials (García-González, Camino-

Rey, et al., 2012; García-González, Concheiro, & Alvarez-Lorenzo,

2015; Kankala et al., 2017). If these roles of scCO2 could modify the
composition and material properties of the material being sterilized,
the sensitiveness of the material to scCO2 needs to be tested. There-
Operating mode

fore, several biological, natural based, and synthetic materials have

been surveyed in the literature regarding the feasibility of being steril-
ized by a supercritical treatment from a sterilization efficacy and post-
Spheres of 108–9 embedded in Static

treatment changes in material properties points of view.

Regarding biological tissues, the supercritical sterilization approach
Abbreviations: ND, not defined; PEG, polyethylene glycol.
Medium and initial microbial

alginate/agarose cylinders

is promising for organ transplantation medical research with the prepa-

ration of ready-to-use biological grafts. Biological tissues are recurrently
susceptible to be contaminated through its handling, preservation, or
treatment. Asterisk denotes total inactivation.

packaging, even under strict aseptic conditions. Effective sterilization is


necessary to prevent disease transmission associated with the use of

these biological tissue grafts. Alternative sterilization techniques have
D value; decimal reduction time.

limitations regarding low penetration capacity, the pernicious inactiva-


tion of thermolabile compounds and the degradation of materials under

radiation or oxidative environments resulting in low-sterilization effi-

cacy, loss of biological activity, and changes in other tissue properties

(e.g., mechanical), respectively (Dearth et al., 2016). Supercritical sterili-

zation has been reported for soft and hard tissues to have low or no

influence in the structural and biological performances of the obtained

grafts (Balestrini et al., 2016; Bui et al., 2015; Hennessy, Go, et al.,
TABLE 5 Summary of experimental conditions and sterilization efficacy of supercritical CO2 protocols for deactivation of fungi species

Medium and initial microbial Depressurization rate

Strain concentration Operating mode P (bar) T ( C) t (h) Additives (bar/min) Log R Ref.
Aspergillus Spheres of 108-9CFU/mL Static 85 38 0.17 0.25% H2O 13.1 3-4 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
brasiliensis embedded in alginate/agarose 0.15% H2O2
cylinders 0.5% Ac2O
Aspergillus Suspension Static 350 75 1.5 – “Slow” 6 (Efaq, Rahman, Nagao,
fumigatus(spores) 106 spores/mL Al-Gheethi, & Ab. Kadir, 2017)
Microscope cover slips 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 6 (Checinska, Fruth,
4.76 108 spores Continuous (1.5 mL/min) H2O2) Green, Crawford, &
! Static !Continuous Paszczynski, 2011)
(1.5 mL/min)
Aspergillus hortai Suspension Static 350 75 1.5 – “Slow” 6 (Efaq et al., 2017)
(spores) 106 spores/mL
Aspergillus nidulans Microscope cover slips 3 stage process: 101 50 0.5 3.3% H2O (0.1% 5 6 (Checinska et al., 2011)
(spores) 1.83 108 spores Continuous (1.5 mL/min) H2O2)
! Static !
Continuous (1.5 mL/min)
Aspergillus niger Suspension Static 350 75 1.5 – “Slow” 6 (Efaq et al., 2017)
(spores) 106 spores/mL
Aspergillus Suspension Static 350 75 1.5 – “Slow” 6 (Efaq et al., 2017)
tubigensis 106 spores/mL
Candida albicans Spheres of 108-9 embedded in Static 85 38 0.08 0.25% H2O 13.1 7-8 (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
alginate/agarose cylinders 0.15% H2O2
0.5% Ac2O
Saccharomyces Moistened microbial cell simple Static 60 40 4 – 1.33 8 (Kumagai, Hata, &
cerevisiae (228.6% H2O content) (20 bar/min) Nakamura, 1997)
Moistened microbial cell simple Static 150 40 4 – 1.33 4
(228.6% H2O content) (20 bar/min)
Moistened microbial cell simple Static 150 40 1 – 1.33 8
(228.6% H2O content) (20 bar/min)
Penicillium oxalicum Spore suspension 107 CFU/mL Static 100 40 0.75 EtOH 0.8 w/v ND 7 (Park, 2013)

Note: The degree of inactivation is based on log reduction, according to the following formula: log R = log (N0/N), being N, the number of living cells after treatment; and N0, the number of living cells before
treatment. Asterisk denotes total inactivation.
Abbreviation: ND, not defined.

F I G U R E 3 Evaluation by scanning electron microscope (SEM) microscopy of sinus sections of decellularized porcine heart valves after
different sterilization treatments: (a) without, (b) with electrolyzed water, (c) by gamma radiation, (d) with 96% ethanol with 2% peracetic acid,
(e) with 6% liquid hydrogen peroxide, and (f) with supercritical CO2 (35 C, 99 bar, 2 h) using water, peracetic acid, and hydrogen peroxide as
additives. Arrows indicate the presence of microorganisms for some sterilization treatments. Decellularized porcine aortic valves sterilized by the
supercritical treatment were used in in vivo tests in the right ventricular outflow tract of sheeps: (g) decellularized valve before implantation, and
(h) recellularized aortic cusp of sheep 5-month postimplantation. Inset: Extracellular matrix with infiltration of host cells. Scale bars: (a–f) 12 μm,
(g) 1,000 μm, and (h) 400 μm. Reproduced with permission from Hennessy, Jana, et al. (2017b) with permission from Elsevier, and from Hennessy,
Go, et al. (2017a)

2017a; Hennessy, Jana, et al., 2017b; Nichols et al., 2009; Qiu et al., with acellular dermal matrices; SAL-6 conditions were reached for
2009; Russell et al., 2015; Russell, Oliver, & Walsh, 2013; Russell, Rives, spores and viruses in less than 0.5 h while the matrices maintained the
Bertollo, et al., 2013; Russell, Rives, Pelletier, et al., 2013; Wehmeyer & biomechanical properties in the usual range for dermal tissues (Qiu
Christy, 2015). et al., 2009). Supercritical sterilization with peracetic acid as additive
For soft tissues, xenografts are a prominent alternative in tissue was also successful with human bone-tendon-bone, tendon, and amni-
engineering. These grafts should undergo decellularization and removal otic membrane allografts as well as decellularized lung tissue xeno-
of proteins to obtain an extracellular matrix that does not trigger immu- grafts, where SAL-6 levels were obtained (Balestrini et al., 2016;
nogenic and other postsurgical foreign body responses. Graft contami- Matheny, 2012; Nichols et al., 2009; Wehmeyer & Christy, 2015). For
nation can take place during this treatment and, therefore, sterilization the case of scCO2-treated decellularized lung tissues, the grafts
is needed before the graft is implanted. However, there is no consensus maintained the mechanical properties and cell seeding capacity after
on the most suitable technique that can provide terminal sterilization of 6 months of storage (Balestrini et al., 2016). In general, grafts processed
decellularized scaffolds while being minimally destructive (Dearth et al., by supercritical sterilization showed better biomechanical properties
2016). Among the different techniques tested for decellularized heart when compared with gamma-irradiation, as the latter induces important
valves, the supercritical sterilization (with peracetic acid and hydrogen and irreversible structural changes in the extracellular matrices (e.g., in
peroxide as additives and in the presence of water) turns out to be the the fibrous collagen network; Balestrini et al., 2016; Dearth et al., 2016;
only method of achieving at least SAL-6 without causing significant Nichols et al., 2009).
structural changes, like degradation, molecular fragmentation, or the For hard tissues, tissue banks search for safe graft sources using
cross-linking of the biological graft, which could compromise the tissue technologies allowing in-house processing and giving response to the
integration and graft performance (Hennessy, Jana, et al., 2017b). In increasing tissue demands worldwide not solved by autografting. The
particular, gamma radiation of these heart valves damaged the valve sterilization method to be used for bone grafts should ensure microbial
cusps and a electrolyzed water/hydrogen peroxide treatment was not inactivation while preserving the inherent mechanical and biological
effective enough for a terminal sterilization due to microbial remnants properties of the bone graft. Gamma irradiation is the common stan-
(Figure 3a–f). The heart valves sterilized by the supercritical treatment dard for terminal sterilization of bone allografts due its high level of
were tested in vivo in a sheep model showing regeneration response penetration, although this technique is not exempt of certain limita-
(Figure 3g,h) as well as correct hemodynamic function at least for tions regarding the resulting biomechanical properties and histologi-
5 months (Hennessy, Go, et al., 2017a). The sterilization with scCO2 cal differences (Harrell et al., 2018). Several studies highlight the
using peracetic acid as sterilant has been also shown to be compatible efficacy of supercritical sterilization at low temperatures and

F I G U R E 4 Photographs of bisected
bone-tendon-bones from a single donor
with respective sterilization treatments.
Reproduced with permission from Nichols
et al. (2009)

moderate pressures in the inactivation of microbes as well as the ter- In food applications, supercritical sterilization is used to simulta-
minal sterilization of bone allografts from different regions (humerus, neously inactivate microorganisms and undesirable enzymes in solid
meniscus, femur, and tibia) and sources (ovine, rabbit, and bovine; and liquid products (Liao, Hu, Liao, Chen, & Wu, 2007; Michelino,
Bui et al., 2015; Fages et al., 1998; Russell et al., 2015; Russell, Oli- Zambon, Vizzotto, Cozzi, & Spilimbergo, 2018; Mohd Omar et al.,
ver, & Walsh, 2013; Russell, Rives, Bertollo, et al., 2013; Russell, 2017; Omar et al., 2018; Ortuño, Balaban, & Benedito, 2014). The con-
Rives, Pelletier, et al., 2013). in vitro and in vivo studies showed that ventional steam sterilization of food can be ineffective in the deactiva-
the biomechanical properties of the supercritically sterilized grafts tion of certain enzymes (e.g., lipases) and the high temperatures used
were much closer to the original one than those of the gamma- may result in organoleptic changes as well as variation of appearance
irradiated sterilized counterparts (Figure 4); (Bui et al., 2015; Nichols and nutritional value of the resulting sterilized food. Alternatively,
et al., 2009; Russell et al., 2015; Russell, Rives, Bertollo, et al., 2013; supercritical treatment for food is a process proposed and usually per-
Russell, Rives, Pelletier, et al., 2013). formed in the continuous mode for liquid food-products to reduce the
The use of certain sterilants (hydrogen peroxide and peracetic operating time by improving the CO2 mass transfer in the liquid
acid) did not significantly alter the static and dynamic mechanical (Ortuño et al., 2014; Paniagua-Martínez, Mulet, García-Alvarado, &
properties of the bone (Russell et al., 2015; Russell, Rives, Bertollo, Benedito, 2016). The use of ultrasounds to assist in the supercritical
et al., 2013; Russell, Rives, Pelletier, et al., 2013). Moreover, in vivo treatment improves the contact between the CO2 and the microorgan-
studies confirmed that the supercritically sterilized grafts were isms and also contributes to shortening the processing times (Figure 5;
osteoconductive and there were no histological differences with the Ortuño et al., 2014). As a result, the low temperature and moderate
untreated allografts (Bui et al., 2015; Russell et al., 2015; Russell, Oli- pressures used in supercritical sterilization is a promising approach for
ver, & Walsh, 2013; Russell, Rives, Bertollo, et al., 2013; Russell, Rives, the processing of food with enhanced quality (i.e., premium quality
Pelletier, et al., 2013). products) and reduced environmental impact because it avoids steam

Near-critical or supercritical sterilization (70–240 bar; 25–60 C; generation and wastewater treatment of effluents (Mohd Omar et al.,
0.3–12 hr) of cancellous and cortical bone, demineralized bone, and 2017; Omar et al., 2018).
composite bone matrices has not only proved effective for steriliza- Regarding other natural materials, such as polysaccharides, super-
tion but also with reduced rejection rates when used for bone allo- critical fluid technology opens a new processing window for steriliza-
grafts (Christopher & Nichols, 2008). The sterilization process tion by attenuating detrimental effects typically associated to
included additives (0.00001–2.0 vol%) and an entrainer (CaCO3) to common treatments for the microbial inactivation on the chemical
enhance the sterilization effect and to retain the activity of the osteo- structure and materials performance. Cylindrical agarose hydrogels
inductive agents present in the bone matrix. were prepared containing an alginate hydrogel core contaminated
scCO2 is also used as defatting and decellurization agent for soft with different microbial strains and sterilized by a supercritical treat-
and hard tissues usually in combination with additives (e.g., acetone, ment to get an insight of the penetration ability of the technique in
ethanol, and surfactants; Biberger, 2007; Wang et al., 2017). These these 3D-structures (Bernhardt et al., 2015). Supercritical sterilization
methods are effective in removing DNA and lipids to prepare extracel- of these polysaccharide hydrogels using water, hydrogen peroxide,
lular matrix scaffolds and the combined use of supercritical CO2-based and acetic anhydride as additives was effective to reach SAL-6 for
extraction and sterilization processes seems an auspicious solution for several bacterial species after 45 min of treatment, except for Bacillus
the preparation of sterile decellularized grafts. pumilis spores. In other case, dried alginate membranes were sterilized

F I G U R E 5 Inactivation of (a,b) microorganisms (E. coli) and (c,d) enzymes (pectin methylesterase) in food products (orange juice) through an
ultrasonic-assisted supercritical carbon dioxide treatment. Inactivation kinetics were tested (a,c) at different temperatures and a pressure of
225 bar, and (b,d) at different pressures and a temperature of 36 C. Experimental and modeling (M) data are represented as discrete points and
straight lines, respectively. Reproduced from Ortuño et al. (2014) with permission from Elsevier

under scCO2 and in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as sterilant technical clothing. The sterilization of thermoset materials with super-
(Scognamiglio et al., 2017). After the supercritical treatment, alginate critical CO2 did not induce any changes in the thermal and mechanical
degradation was mitigated by means of the tuning of the sterilization properties of the materials, but served to purify the material by
conditions (sterilant content, processing time). The mechanical proper- removing unreacted monomers (Donati et al., 2012; Ellis, Titone, Tom-
ties of the natural polymer-based membranes were preserved and the asko, Annabi, & Dehghani, 2010). The processing time needed for the
material was biocompatible according to in vitro tests. An in vivo test terminal sterilization of these materials depended on the concentra-
with a porcine model showed no inflammation or early adverse effects tion of H2O2 used as additive. Supercritical sterilization of biomedical
on the biological tissue when in contact with the sterilized alginate grade stainless-steel plates was tested against spores of B. subtilis and
membranes. The supercritical sterilization method was also able to Geobacillus stearothermophilus and was only effective in reaching ter-
preserve the complex nanostructure of starch aerogel materials minal sterilization when nisin, an antimicrobial agent, was used as an
(Santos-Rosales et al., 2019) admixture (Da Silva, De Araujo, Ferreira, & Kieckbusch, 2016). The
Collagen, a thermally sensitive natural protein, was successfully effectiveness of dense CO2 microbial inactivation (gram-positive and

sterilized with scCO2 at 35 C and supplemented with low amounts of Gram-negative bacteria and yeast) from artificially contaminated cath-
hydrogen peroxide as additive (Herdegen et al., 2014). Interestingly, eters was also confirmed and no obvious modification to the surfaces
this technique was also successful in sterilizing collagen and mineral- were observed with multiple treatments (Bertoloni, Bertucco, Rassu, &
ized collagen in the form of highly porous 3D-sponges obtained by Vezzù, 2011). The sterilization efficacy of poly(-lactic acid; PLLA)
freeze-drying and showed no significant mechanical or morphological porous scaffolds inoculated with E. coli bacteria and with Streptomyces
damage (Figure 6); (Bernhardt et al., 2015; Herdegen et al., 2014). coelicolor spores using scCO2 was also confirmed (Lanzalaco et al.,
After supercritical sterilization, alginate hydrogels and collagen scaf- 2016). The treatment of PLLA with dense CO2 did not alter the bio-
folds showed cytocompatibility with human mesenchymal stem cells compatibility and the structure of the scaffold as demonstrated by
(Bernhardt et al., 2015). biological culture tests and calorimetric and SEM analyses. The disin-
Regarding synthetic materials, supercritical sterilization has been fection rate and efficacy of supercritical and liquid CO2 treatments
mainly focused on biomaterials for use in human implants and in were also compared in poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) hydrogels

F I G U R E 6 Morphology by electron
microscopy of collagen sponges (a) before
and (b) after supercritical sterilization
treatment. Reproduced from Herdegen
et al. (2014), Copyright (2018), with
permission from John Wiley and Sons

(Tarafa et al., 2010). The supercritical treatment showed much faster procedures in healthcare facilities (Collins, 2008). As a result, various
disinfection kinetics than the liquid CO2 treatment due to the infections after surgery or minor routine medical interventions may
enhanced mass transfer of CO2 through the gel network when the occur with varied degrees of complications that can even compromise
fluid is under supercritical conditions. In other study, SAL-7 levels the life of the patient. For the majority of medical devices, sterilization
were obtained after the supercritical sterilization of injectable hydro- is mandatory and required by regulatory authorities. This process is
gels from polyethylene glycol (Karajanagi et al., 2011). The sterilization supposed to inactivate all forms of life and other biological agents pre-
treatment was effective with spores even in the absence of additives sent on the surface of a device or in a fluid that cannot be eliminated
and was related to the indirect sterilizing effect of the water con- by regular cleaning/disinfection protocols. In general, the require-
tained in the hydrogel itself. The sterilization treatment did not com- ments associated to the development, validation, and routine control
promise the rheological properties, pH and structure of the gels, and of the methods used for sterilization of medical devices and for the
in vivo tests using a ferret model showed biocompatibility and non- characterization of a sterilizing agent have been addressed by the ISO
toxicity of the sterile hydrogel when administered subcutaneously. 14937:2009 (ISO 14937:2009, 2009; Rutala et al., 2008). Moreover,
Finally, scCO2 treatments have been also explored in technical there is an increasing number of smart and functional materials for
textiles for biomedical and military purposes regarding their cleaning, diagnostic and therapeutic medicine seeking a suitable sterilization
disinfection, and sterilization capacity (Aslanidou, Karapanagiotis, & solution (Bhat & Kumar, 2013). Such materials include biodegradable

Panayiotou, 2016; Cinquemani et al., 2007). In these cases, the indi- polymers and modified materials which act as controlled/sustained

rect transfer of pathogens through contaminated textiles is a concern delivery vehicles that slowly release bioactive molecules (e.g., growth

and a suitable disinfection or sterilization approach is needed to avoid factors, anti-inflammatory agents, or antibiotics) for tissue engineering

cross-infections. Contaminated textiles can also result in coloration and regenerative medicine (Bhat & Kumar, 2013). The increased com-

losses or changes as well as the appearance of odors (Aslanidou et al., plexity in the design of these biomaterials results in the need for
implementation of a suitable sterilization method compatible to the
2016). The supercritical treatment emerges as an alternative method
medical device as well as to the packaging.
for textile disinfection and sterilization operating at low temperatures
The reprocessing of single-use medical devices (SUDs) represents
and avoiding the use of harsh chemical disinfectants. Several textiles
other timely and controversial topic related to sterilization technology
from silk and 50% cotton-50% polyester as well as multilayered mili-
(AMDR, 2014; Kapoor et al., 2017; Ware & Kelly, 2008). The routinely
tary swatches have been tested. The disinfection efficacy of the
reuse of these SUDs for reducing the costs of medical and surgical
supercritical treatment has been shown to increase with the addition
procedures and for treating a larger number of patients can be found
of water alone or in combination with calcium hydroxide, without det-
in hospitals, mainly in developing countries. This reprocessing practice
rimental effects on the physical properties of the treated textiles,
of SUDs is not currently regulated in the EU and different legislations
which fell within the specifications of the manufacturers (Aslanidou
can be found in several member states. Some countries allow the
et al., 2016; Calvo & Casas, 2018; Cinquemani et al., 2007).
reprocessing of SUDs and have developed guidelines (e.g., Germany),
while others countries prohibit it (e.g., France, Spain, Italy, and Portu-
5 | F I E L D S O F A P P L I C A T I O N OF TH E s c C O 2 gal) or do not have any specific regulations on this matter
STERILIZATION METHOD (Commission to the European Parliament and the Council, 2010).
Since 2000, the FDA has regulated reprocessors of SUDs as medical
The challenge of sterilizing sensitive materials can be found in differ- device manufacturers, subjecting all reprocessors (third-party, hospi-
ent contexts and fields of application. Current knowledge regarding tal, and original equipment manufacturers [OEMs]) to the same
scCO2 sterilization in the areas of medicine, pharmaceutical, and food requirements that apply to OEMs. Until now, there are no clear evi-
industry is herein described. dences regarding the reprocessing of SUDs and the patient's benefit
In the medical sector, as referred in Section 1, the risk of infection from these potential cost savings. On the other hand, there is a seri-
is often associated with a lack of proper disinfection and sterilization ous concern about the inability to properly clean, decontaminate and

TABLE 6 Summary of the state-of-the-art regarding the sterilization of sensitive biomaterials using scCO2 technology

Materials Microorganisms P (MPa) T ( C) t (min) Cycles Additive time References
Alginate-matrix – 27.0 40 60/180 – H2O2 (200/1000 ppm) (Scognamiglio et al., 2017)
Decellularized heart valves – 9.9 35 120 – NovaKill™ Gen2 (800 ppm) (Hennessy, Go, et al., 2017;
Hennessy, Jana, et al., 2017)
Chitosan flock scaffolds – 8.5 38 5/ 10/ 30/ 45 – H2O (0.25%) + H2O2 (0.15%) + – (Gossla et al., 2016)
PMMA microchips – 12.0 40 60 – – (Yavuz, Oliaei, Cetin, & Yesil-
Celiktas, 2016)
Tibial tendons – – – – – – – (Baldini, Caperton, Hawkins, &
McCarty, 2016)
Decellularized lung matrix Bacillus atrophaeus spores 9.9 35 90 – NovaKill™ Gen2 (100 ppm) 7 days (Balestrini et al., 2016)
PLLA porous scaffold Escherichia coli 10.0 40 5 – – 3 days (Lanzalaco et al., 2016)
Stainless steel plates Bacillus atrophaeus ATCC 30.0 60 30 3 Nisin (0.03 ppm) 2 days (Da Silva, De Araujo, Ferreira,
6633 spores & Kieckbusch, 2016)
Adult bovine femur – 16.0 37 240 – H2O2 / PAA / EtOH / NovaKill© – (Nicholas Russell, Rives,
Pelletier, Wang, & Walsh,
Escherichia coli 10.0 35 90
10.0 70 30
30.0 35 30
Staphylococcus aureus, 40.0 35 30
Enterococcus faecalis 10.0 80 30
Collagen sponges and Bacillus atrophaeus ATCC 20.5-8.0 35 30 3 H2O2 (300 ppm) 7 days (Meyer et al., 2015)
membranes 9372
Alginate hydrogel Candida albicans, 8.5 38 5 – H2O (0.25%) + H2O2 (0.15%) + – (Bernhardt et al., 2015)
Alginate/ Staphylococcus aureus, AC2O (0.5%)
Methylcellulose paste Enterococcus faecium,
Collagen scaffold Enterococcus hirae,
Klebsiella pneumoniae,
Serratia marcescens, Phage
MS2, Phage PhiX174
Mycobacterium terrae 10
Bacillus atrophaeus spores, 15
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Bacillus cereus spores, Bacillus 45
pumilus spores, Geobacillus
stearothermophilus spores
TABLE 6 (Continued)

Materials Microorganisms P (MPa) T ( C) t (min) Cycles Additive time References
Human amniotic Clostridium sporogenes spores 9.9 35 20 – PAA (2 mL) 14 days (Wehmeyer, Natesan, &
membrane tissue graft Staphylococcus epidermidis Christy, 2015)
10 PAA (1 mL)
10 PAA (0.5 mL)
Candida albicans spore 10.0 45 60
Ovine meniscal allograft NovaSterilis© Supercritical – – – – – – (Bui et al., 2015)
CO2 sterilization protocol
Collagen sponges and films Bacillus atrophaeus spores 20.5-8.0 35 30 6 H2O2 (300 ppm) 7 days (Herdegen et al., 2014)
Rabbit humeri (allograft – 10.0 37 60 – PAA (600 ppm) + H2O2 (200 – (Nicholas Russell, Oliver, &
bone) ppm) / Nothing Walsh, 2013; Nick Russell,
Rives, Bertollo, Pelletier, &
Walsh, 2013)
Cortical-cancellous – 10.0 35 60 NovaKill© (25/100 ppm) – (N. A. Russell, Rives, Pelletier,
allograft chips Bruce, & Walsh, 2013)
Corticosteroids powders Staphylococcus epidermidis 20.0 55 30 2 H 2O 4 days (Zani et al., 2013)
ATCC 12228, Bacillus (50% of samples)
pumilus BGSC 8E2
BisGMA and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 20.0 40 240 – – – (Donati et al., 2012)
TEGDMAThermoset and 25923
fiber reinforced
Geobacillus 27.0 40 240 – H2O2 (200 ppm)
stearothermophilus ATCC
7953 spores
PEG hydrogels Pseudomonas aeruginosa 25.0 40 60 – – – (Karajanagi et al., 2011)
ATCC 25668,
Staphylococcus epidermidis
ATCC 14990
Bacillus atrophaeus ATCC 15.0 70 240
6051 spores 7.5 70 360
Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 8.1 50 15 –

TABLE 6 (Continued)

Materials Microorganisms P (MPa) T ( C) t (min) Cycles Additive time References
Catheters Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, 10.0 40 30 – – 30 days (Bertoloni, Bertucco, Rassu, &
Staphylococcus aureus Vezzù, 2011)
ATCC 25923,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
ATCC 35218, Candida
albicans ATCC 90028
Skin allograft – 7.58 31 30/ 60/ 120 NovaKill© – (Shaw, Au, Hull, & Hunter,
Human bone and tendon Bacillus atrophaeus spores 9.9 35 90 – NovaKill™ (800 ppm) 7 days (Nichols, Burns, & Christopher,
musculoskeletal 2009)
UHMWPE Bacteria (Gram + and Gram -) 17.0 37 120 – H2O2 (375 ppm) / H2O2 (188 1 day (Ellis, Titone, Tomasko, Annabi,
and fungus (Not specified) ppm) + EtOH (625 ppm) / & Dehghani, 2010)
H2O2 (188 ppm) + H2O (625 (Titone, 2009)
ppm) / H2O2 (188 ppm) + H2O
(625 ppm) + EtOH (625 ppm)
Porcine acellular dermal Bacillus atrophaeus spores 10.0-9.4 41-35 27 – PAA (55 ppm) – (Qiu et al., 2009)
EMC, PPV, PRV, LRV viruses 15
Penicillium, Aspergillus, 5
Enterobacter aerogenes, 1
Staphylococcus cohnii,
Debaryomyces hansenii
Poly(acrylic acid-co- Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 27.6 40 240 – – – (Jiménez, Zhang, & Matthews,
acrylamide) potassium 25923 2008)
salt hydrogels Escherichia coli ATCC 15597

Note: The applied experimental conditions and tested microorganisms are described.
Abbreviations: P, pressure (MPa); T, temperature ( C); t, time (min); PAA, peracetic acid; PLLA, poly(-lactic acid); PMMA, polymethylmethacrylate; TFA, trifluoracetic acid.

F I G U R E 7 Example of application of scCO2

sterilization in the medicine field. Reproduced
with permission from Hennessy, Jana, et al.
(2017b), Copyright 2018, with permission from

F I G U R E 8 (a) Variable-volume
equilibrium cell of the experimental
apparatus for human milk processing with
supercritical carbon dioxide and (b) a front
view of the cell. Reproduced with
permission from Berenhauser
et al. (2018)

sterilize the devices, eliminating transmissible agents as prions or the spores, so in this case the scCO2 treatment should be viewed as a
toxic/chemical residues, as well as the potential failure of the device process to extract both organic solvents and PAA from the drugs.
on repeated use (material degradation, alteration of the functionality) The food industry has traditionally relied on thermal preservation
compromising the human health. for reducing the microbial count of many types of food. However, ther-
scCO2 sterilization has been applied with scientific relevance and mal pasteurization can impact the food quality, for example, detrimental
potential clinical impact in implantable devices and allograft tissues organoleptic changes and reduction to the nutritional quality of food
(Table 6); (Baldini et al., 2016; Balestrini et al., 2016; Bertoloni et al., products by the degradation of heat-sensitive nutrients. For years, high
2011; Bhat & Kumar, 2013; Bui et al., 2015; Hennessy, Jana, et al., hydrostatic pressure (HHP) has been viewed as the most promising
2017b; Nichols et al., 2009; Qiu et al., 2009; Wehmeyer & Christy, alternative to thermal pasteurization (Devlieghere, Vermeiren, &
2015; White et al., 2006). Several studies have highlighted the effec- Debevere, 2004). Notwithstanding, this process has serious limitations
tiveness and safety of allograft tissues sterilization using scCO2 while in respect to the occurrence of pressure resistant vegetative bacteria,
preserving its structural and functional tissue properties (Figure 7); the investment and operation costs and the nature of the process,
(Baldini et al., 2016; Balestrini et al., 2016; Bui et al., 2015; Nichols which runs in a batch process (Devlieghere et al., 2004; Estrada-Girón,
et al., 2009; Wehmeyer & Christy, 2015). Swanson, & Barbosa-Cánovas, 2005). In the last decade, the use of
The next generation of biomaterials, obtained either from nature or scCO2 has emerged as an alternative nonthermal pasteurization tech-
designed in the laboratory, relies on the development of complex and nique (Garcia-Gonzalez et al., 2007). It presents some advantages when
bioactive materials that function not only as a structural support but compared to HHP, such as (a) lower pressures (scCO2 is generally bel-
can guide cell attachment, proliferation, and differentiation through the low 20 MPa, while HPP is often between 300 and 600 MPa),
dynamic reciprocity for tissue development. In this sense, there has (b) possibility of running in batch, semibatch, or continuous mode,
been an incessant research in tissue engineering and in drug delivery to (c) more affordable investments and capital expenditure (Garcia-
find innovative scaffolding materials (e.g., hydrogels, cryogels and aero- Gonzalez et al., 2007). Supercritical sterilization has been used with var-
gels). Also, in diagnostic, newer sensors are being developed to make ious food products, such as grape must (Parton, Elvassore, Bertucco, &
the detection easy and accurate. Lab-on-a-chip technology, for Bertoloni, 2007), milk (Figure 8); (Berenhauser et al., 2018; Werner &
instances, integrates one or several lab functions on a single chip and Hotchkiss, 2006), a wide variety of juices (Briongos et al., 2016; Chen
uses polymers like polydimethylsiloxane, polymethylmethacrylate, or et al., 2010; Gasperi et al., 2009; Gunes, Blum, & Hotchkiss, 2005; Guo
polycarbonate (Bhat & Kumar, 2013). The sterilization of such polymer- et al., 2011; Oulé et al., 2013; Spilimbergo & Ciola, 2010; Spilimbergo,
based biomaterials modified with bioactive compounds is a critical point Mantoan, & Dalser, 2007), coconut water (scCO2 combined with high

in determining its function success. Indeed several studies report the power ultrasound) (Cappelletti, Ferrentino, & Spilimbergo, 2014), fresh-

potential use of the scCO2 technique for the sterilization of engineered cut coconut (Ferrentino, Balzan, Dorigato, Pegoretti, & Spilimbergo,

biomaterials (Table 6); (Donati et al., 2012; Ellis et al., 2010; Gossla et al., 2012), tomato puree (Bizzotto, Vezzù, Bertucco, & Bertoloni, 2009),

2016; Karajanagi et al., 2011; Lanzalaco et al., 2016; Scognamiglio et al., paprika powder (De Luna, Cabrero, & Calvo, 2008), rice (Capilla, Mañez,

2017). For pharmaceutical applications, sterility compliance is manda- Moreno Marí, & Jiménez, 2003), coriander leaves (scCO2 combined

tory for ocular formulations including suspensions (EDQM, 2011) as with high power ultrasound; Michelino et al., 2018), and oil palm fruits

well as for many inhalation formulations such as nasal liquids and (Omar et al., 2018).

single-dose products for nebulization (QWP, 2012). The first reference

to the use of scCO2 sterilization for drug molecules was the US patent 6 | FUTURE APPLICATIONS AND
(US 8012414 B2) filed by Burns, Humphrey, Eisenhut, and Christensen POSSI BILITIES
(2011), in which they claim the invention of a sterilization method using
scCO2, together with a chemical sterilization additive consisting of Presently, sterilization with scCO2 is definitely playing a role for those
H2O2, acetic acid, PAA, and TFA and/or a mixture thereof, for a drug in applications not heavily dependent on regulatory restrictions and
a microcrystalline or powder form state. Zani et al. (2013) successfully where, besides microorganisms' inactivation, structural integrity, and
sterilized micronized beclometasone dipropionate and budesonide pow- biofunctionality are also needed. Sterilization, decellularization and
ders, for application as aerosol therapy or ocular delivery, inoculated impregnation of biological tissues with bioactive factors or therapeutic
with S. epidermidis by scCO2 and using water as sterilization aid. In other molecules such as antibiotics are the most important applications and
study by Howell, Niu, McCabe, Zhou, and Decedue (2012), a process companies such as HCM-Medical in Europe or NovaSterilis in
using scCO2 to simultaneously sterilize and extract organic solvents the United States, have been dedicated to advance on these particular
from drug solutions, namely acetaminophen and paclitaxel, is reported. areas. For instance, HCM-Medical offers scCO2 assisted services,
The supercritical treatment successfully sterilized three bacterial spore which allows for the cleaning of autologous tissue to prepare for re-
types with a direct addition of PAA to the drugs, prior to the treatment, implantation into the patient (HCM-Medical, n.d.). On the other hand,
without degradation of the said drugs (Howell et al., 2012). However, over 70,000 allograft tissues have been transplanted using NovaSterilis'
this study cannot be regarded as an example of scCO2 sterilization pro- scCO2 proprietary process with no adverse reports, adding real-life sup-
cess, as PAA alone in contact with the drugs was able to fully sterilize port for this green sterilization process (NovaSterilis Technology, n.d.).

Therefore, there is a real market in the medical sector, which is already Cajal Fellowship (RYC2014-15239). Work carried out in the frame of the
benefiting from the mild sterilization conditions of the supercritical COST-Action “Advanced Engineering and Research of aeroGels for Envi-
process. ronment and Life Sciences”(AERoGELS, ref. CA18125) funded by the
Another opportunity for the supercritical sterilization concerns the European Commission.
reuse of medical devices where the extension of the life time of these
devices is an interesting possibility. Single-use devices are defined as
such based on their low resistance to traditional sterilization tech-
niques. In this sense, scCO2 opens room for reusing these devices with Gonçalo C. Soares https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6694-2063
a straightforward economic benefit. Carlos A. García-González https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9542-3679
The use of biopolymers alone or combined with synthetic poly-
mers is growing in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sectors. The
ability to confer different biofunctionalities to polymeric materials and RE FE RE NCE S

the advances made in their processing is providing new opportunities Affatato, S., Bordini, B., Fagnano, C., Taddei, P., Tinti, A., & Toni, A. (2002).
to obtain specialized products. These advanced materials require spe- Effects of the sterilisation method on the wear of UHMWPE acetabu-
cial attention concerning the use of sterilization techniques that do lar cups tested in a hip joint simulator. Biomaterials, 23(6), 1439–1446.
AMDR. (2014). AMDR summary: International regulation of ‘Single-Use’
not alter the end-use performance. This is the case of commercially
medical device reprocessing. Association of Medical Device Reprocessors.
available biopolymers such as collagen, chitosan, and alginates, where
[Online]. Retreived from http://www.amdr.org/wp-content/uploads/
scCO2 can be applied in the future, as soon as regulatory agencies 2014/06/International-Regulation-of-Medical-Device-Reprocessing_
fully approve this sterilization technique as a viable and safe method. 2014-update-06.14.pdf
Other related applications can attest the relevance of the tech- Aslanidou, D., Karapanagiotis, I., & Panayiotou, C. (2016). Tuneable textile
cleaning and disinfection process based on supercritical CO2 and Pick-
nique such as in applications to extract residual EtO trapped during
ering emulsions. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 118, 128–139.
sterilization of small molecules of the so-called high-quality active Baldini, T., Caperton, K., Hawkins, M., & McCarty, E. (2016). Effect of a
pharmaceutical ingredients. This process is important to allow these novel sterilization method on biomechanical properties of soft tissue
products to reach the market overcoming the strict regulations, which allografts. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy, 24(12),
require residual EtO to be below a threshold which would not be pos- 3971–3975. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00167-014-3221-0
Balestrini, J. L., Liu, A., Gard, A. L., Huie, J., Blatt, K. M. S., Schwan, J., …
sible to achieve with conventional outgassing techniques.
Niklason, L. E. (2016). Sterilization of Lung Matrices by Supercritical
The use of scCO2 to simultaneously sterilize and induce a physical Carbon Dioxide. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 22(3), 260–269.
or chemical modification to a polymeric structure is a possibility that https://doi.org/10.1089/ten.tec.2015.0449
adds value to this technology. In fact, scCO2 is currently used to pro- Berenhauser, A. C., Soares, D., Komora, N., de Dea Lindner, J., Schwinden
duce foams, particles, and fibers in different contexts such as drug deliv- Prudêncio, E., Oliveira, J. V., & Block, J. M. (2018). Effect of high-
pressure carbon dioxide processing on the inactivation of aerobic mes-
ery and tissue engineering. It is also used to impregnate a variety of
ophilic bacteria and Escherichia coli in human milk. CyTA – Journal of
biologically relevant molecules. Supercritical CO2 with the addition of Food, 16(1), 122–126.
co-solvents can be also used to remove biological material, for Bernhardt, A., Wehrl, M., Paul, B., Hochmuth, T., Schumacher, M., Schütz,
instances in a decellularization process. The combined use of these K., & Gelinsky, M. (2015). Improved sterilization of sensitive biomate-
supercritical processes along with the supercritical sterilization can rials with supercritical carbon dioxide at low temperature. PLOS ONE,
10(6), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0129205
definitely expand this technology to an exciting new world of appli-
Bertoloni, G., Bertucco, A., Rassu, M., & Vezzù, K. (2011). Medical device
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