Algebra A

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Giri Tutorials

Preliminary Examination
Std: SSC (E.M) Subject: Mathematics I Time: 2 Hours
Date :
Max Marks: 40

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Use of calculator is not allowed.
(iii) Total marks are shown on the right side of the question.
Q.1 (A) Choose the correct alternative: 4
(1) One side of the rectangle exceeds the other side by 2. If its area is 195 cm². Choose
the quadratic equation so framed to find the sides of rectangle.
(a) 2x² + 2x – 194 = 0
(b) x² + 2x – 195 = 0
(c) x² + 2x + 195 = 0
(d) x² + (x +2)² – 195 = 0
(2) A committee of 3 members from 3 boys and 3 girls is created for a NGO work, write
event and number of sample points to form committee of at most 1 boy.
(a) n(A) = 9 (b) n(A) = 12 (c) n(A) = 15 (d) n(A) = 10
(3) The product of two consecutive odd natural numbers is 399. What is the sum of the
digits of the greater number?
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9
(4) x = 0 and y = 0 are two ……… lines
(a) intersecting (b) parallel
(c) overlapping (d) none of these
(B) Solve the following: 4
(1) How many possibilities are there in each of the following: Vanita knows the following
sites in Maharashtra. She is planning to visit one of them in her summer vacation.
Ajintha, Mahabaleshwar, Lonar Sarovar, Tadoba wild life sanctuary, Amboli, Raigad,
Matheran, Anandavan.
(2) Which of the following sequences are A.P. ? If they are A.P. find the common

(3) Write the following equation in the form ax² + bx + c = 0, then write the values of a,
b, c for each equation:
p(3 + 6p) = -5
(4) Find the value of the following determinant.

Q.2 (A) Complete the following activities:(Any TWO) 4

(1) The first term a and common difference d are given. Find first four terms of A.P: a =
-3, d = 4

(2) Two numbers differ by 3. The sum of twice the smaller number and thrice the greater
number is 19. Find the numbers.

(3) Basketball players John, Vasim, Akash were practising the ball drop in the basket.
The probabilities of success for John, Vasim and Akash are 4/5, 0.83 and 58%
respectively. Who had the greatest probability of success ?
(B) Solve the following: (Any FOUR) 8
(1) Solve the following quadratic equation by factorisation:
m² - 14 m + 13 = 0
(2) If one die is rolled then find the probability of each of the following events.
(i) Number on the upper face is prime
(ii) Number on the upper face is even.
(3) Find the value of the following determinant.

(4) Solve the following quadratic equation by factorisation: 2y² + 27 y + 13 = 0

(5) Find k if x = 3 is a root of equation kx² - 10x + 3 = 0.
Q.3 (A) Complete the following activity:(Any ONE) 3
(1) Solve the following simultaneous equation using Cramer's rule.
6x - 4y = -12; 8x - 3y = -2

(2) Solve the following quadratic equation: 5m² + 2m + 1 = 0

(B) Solve the following: (Any TWO) 6
(1) Sum of the present ages of Manish and Savita is 31. Manish’s age 3 years ago was 4
times the age of Savita. Find their present ages.
(2) The roots of each of the following quadratic equations are real and equal, find k.
(1) 3y² + ky + 12 = 0
(2) kx (x - 2) + 6 = 0
(3) Find the sum of first n even natural numbers.
(4) Solve using formula: y² + ⅓ y = 2
Q.4 Solve the following: (Any TWO) 8
(1) The product of four consecutive positive integers is 840.Find the largest number.
(2) Sum of two numbers is 97. If the larger number is divided by the smaller, the quotient
is 7 and the remainder is 1. Find the numbers by using two variables.
(3) Find the probability of getting 53 Fridays in a leap year.
Q.5 Solve the following: (Any ONE) 3
(1) When the son will be as old as his father today, the sum of their ages then will be 126.
When the father was as old as his son is today, the sum of their ages then was 38. Find
their present ages.
(2) How many two digit numbers leave the remainder 1 when divided by 5 ?
-------- All the Best --------

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