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Consensus Document
Implementing TIMERS: the race
against hard-to-heal wounds

Social factors


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Authors: Review panel:
Leanne Atkin, PhD, Vascular Nurse Consultant. Mid Nahla Abdulrahman Al Mansoori, Consultant Physician,
Yorkshire NHS Trust/University of Huddersfield, England Medical Institute, Medical Affairs, Sheikh Khalifa Medical
City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Zofia Bućko, Dr med. Head of Non-Healing Wounds
Dave Barillo, Principal, Disaster Response/Critical Care
Department, Centrum Medycznym HCP, Poznań, Poland
Consultants. Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, US
Elena Conde Montero, MD, PhD, Specialist in Dermatology. Apirag Chuangsuwanich, Clinical Professor, Division of
Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor, Madrid, Spain Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine
Keith Cutting, Clinical Research Consultant, Hertfordshire. Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
Honorary, Tissue Viability Specialist, First Community Health Klarida Hoxha, Head Nurse Hyperbaric Center of Ravenna,
and Care, Surrey, England outpatient wound care center, member of the national
executive board of Italian Association of Wound Care (AIUC)
Christine Moffatt, Professor of Clinical Nursing Research, and Italian Association of Hyperbaric and Underwater
University of Nottingham, and Nurse Consultant, Derby Medicine (SIMSI)
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Lymphoedema Service, Daniel L Kapp, MD, Chief of Plastic Surgery. Palm Beach
England Gardens Medical Center, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, US
Astrid Probst, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Wound Christina Lindholm, Professor Emerita, PhD, SRN,
Care, Klinikum am Steinenberg/Ermstalklinik, Sophiahemmet University, Stockholm, Sweden
Reutlingen, Germany Jeanette Milne, Clinical Lead, Tissue Viability, Northumbria
Marco Romanelli, President WUWHS, Associate Professor Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, England
of Dermatology. Department of Clinical and Experimental Zena Moore, PhD, MSc, RGN. Professor and Head, School of
Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy Nursing and Midwifery. Director, Skin Wounds and Trauma
Research Centre, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,
Gregory S Schultz, PhD, Researcher. Professor of Obstetrics Dublin, Republic of Ireland
and Gynaecology, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Amy Tucker, MD, Orthopedic Surgeon, Team Health,
Florida, US
Nashville TN, US
William Tettelbach, MD, FACP, FIDSA, FUHM, CWS.
Associate Chief Medical Officer, MiMedx, Georgia. Adjunct Dominic Upton, Professor, Dean, College of Health
Assistant Professor, Duke University School of Medicine, and Human Sciences, Charles Darwin University,
Durham, North Carolina. Medical Director of Wound Care Darwin, Australia
and Infection Prevention, Landmark Hospital, Salt Lake City, Randall Wolcott, MD. Southwest Regional Wound Care
Utah, US Center, Lubbock, Texas, US

This document was supported by: Essity (T/A BSN medical); Klox; Medline; MiMedx; Next Science;
Organogenesis; and Silverlon

Suggested citation for this document: Atkin L, Bućko Z, Conde Montero E, Cutting K, Moffatt C, Probst A,
Romanelli M, Schultz GS, Tettelbach W. Implementing TIMERS: the race against hard-to-heal wounds. J Wound
Care 2019; 28(3 Suppl 3):S1–S49

Editor: Rachel Webb

Senior Project Manager and Chief Sub Editor: Camila Fronzo
Medical Writer: Jerry Hutchinson
Designer: Sam Meaden
Managing Director: Anthony Kerr: anthony.kerr@markallengroup.com

Published by: MA Healthcare Ltd, St Jude’s Church, Dulwich Road, London, SE24 0PB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7738 5454 Web: www.markallengroup.com

© MA Healthcare Ltd 2019

All rights reserved. No reproduction, transmission or copying of this publication is allowed without written
permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
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Although the editor and MA Healthcare Ltd have taken great care to ensure accuracy, neither the editor nor MA
Healthcare Ltd will be liable for any errors of omission or inaccuracies in this publication.
Published by MA Healthcare Ltd.


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Foreword  S4

Section 1. Introduction  S5

Section 2. Identification of hard-to-heal wounds S8

Risk factors for hard-to-heal wounds S8
Disease state and pathophysiologyS8
Clinical risk factorsS10
Non-clinical risk factorsS10
Service-delivery factorsS10
Patient management S8
Section 3. Pathophysiology of hard-to-heal wounds S12
From underlying cause to wound: the tissue breakdown pathway S12
Biofilm in hard-to-heal wounds S13
Hard-to-heal ulcer cells: can they heal a wound? S13

Section 4. Fundamentals of standard of care S15

Wound management pathway and process guidelines  S15
Diagnostics and assessment tools S23

Section 5. Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how? S25
Advanced therapy considerations  S28
The components of TIMERSS28
Inflammation and infection S30
Moisture balance S33
Repair and regeneration S35
Social- and patient-relatedS37

Section 6. Management of patient-related factors S38

Psychosocial factors  S38
Factors that affect adherence  S38
Extrinsic factors S39



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n July 2018, the authors of this document met in 1. Holistic patient assessment: physical, psychological,
the Royal Borough of Windsor to discus hard-to- spiritual and social needs. This must include and
heal wounds. The two-day meeting resulted in identify the underlying pathophysiological cause(s)
this consensus document. It is a very difficult area to and risk factor(s)
examine; even the starting point is complicated. 2. Wound assessment: measurement
What is a non-healing wound? Or is that a chronic 3. Decide the desired outcome (healing or
wound? Or a hard-to-heal wound? Is this different for maintenance) and care plan
every wound type? Does the definition vary by 4. Address/manage the underlying pathology or plan
aetiology? Probably. By region? Possibly. A favourite maintenance care
was wanting to ask the panel if there is such a thing 5. Implement local wound care according to WBP/
as a chronic, hard-to-heal or non-healing wound, or TIME, etc or maintenance/palliative care
are they wounds that haven’t been assessed and 6. Follow-up, reassessment and measurement
treated with a good standard of care (SoC) from the 7. Modify the care pathway and refer if necessary to
beginning? Then there were the difficult ethical specialists or MDT
questions,such as should you stop treating the wound 8. Patient/family education throughout the SoC
of a non-adherent patient? 9. Discharge or transition to maintenance treatment to
Over the two days, these questions and many others prevent recurrence
were examined at length. Here we are going to try and 10. Record actions/outcomes at every episode of care.
summarise the main points of this consensus. In terms This consensus panel also recommends updating
of what to call these wounds, it was decided hard-to- TIME to TIMERS, adding regeneration/repair of tissue
heal was the most appropriate—not wanting to put the (R) and, importantly and often overlooked, social
emphasis on non-healing, that all starts off a little factors (S). S is an overarching theme, as patient
negative. There is also a body of literature out there, and factors are crucial to healing. The new framework,
in the document, on when you would consider a wound discussed in Section 5, provides structured
to be hard-to-heal. This was quite a tough one;in approaches to managing wounds and identifies where
diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) <50% reduction over four advanced adjunctive therapies should be considered
weeks is considered hard-to-heal. In venous leg ulcers along with SoC.
(VLU) the value is <40% and in pressure ulcers (PU) the Another important point raised was bioburden,
value is <20–40%. Obviously, aetiology plays a big role. especially biofilm. It is becoming generally accepted
Here it is recommended that any wound that has not that hard-to-heal chronic wounds contain biofilm and
healed by 40–50% after four weeks of good SoC should that treating this could be a key factor in pushing the
be considered a hard-to-heal wound and alternative wound toward a healing state.
strategies should be sought, often via referral to a There are many other important points, including:
wound care specialist or multidisciplinary team (MDT). the more understanding/agreement the patient has
Of course the wound may have been present for about their care plan, the more likely they are to
much longer, as the patient may have avoided—or adhere; use of medical jargon should be avoided; and
thought they did not require—treatment; however, the ethically, it is not acceptable to withdraw or stop
baseline recommended here is from the first therapy that is recommended in best-practice
documented visit for the wound. statements, even if the wound has not progressed.
A 10-step approach in the management pathway We enjoyed the meeting and discussion and hope
required for each wound is outlined in Section 4. This you find this consensus informative and useful.
also includes how to treat palliative wounds in a
maintenance fashion: Rachel Webb and Camila Fronzo


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Section 1. Introduction

ard-to-heal wounds are a challenge for the
patient, the health professional and Key points
health-care systems. Chronic wounds create l Hard-to-heal wounds affect the patient’s
poor health and personal issues for the patient and quality of life, as well as being a burden on
substantial costs to health-care systems.1,2 There are the health-care system
l Incidence of hard-to-heal wounds is rising
known issues in the delivery of health care and in as the age of the population increases
patient engagement with their therapy. An l Patient-related factors that influence
international panel of experts met in July 2018 to outcomes include comorbidities, severity
discuss the challenges with wounds that do not heal of the underlying condition and adherence
l Correct treatment at an early stage could
over extended time periods. This consensus prevent many hard-to-heal wounds
statement summarises the outcome of the meeting l Provider-related factors include awareness
and recommends approaches to addressing the of treatment options available, the
delivery of care and patient engagement. influence of external wound-healing
inhibitors such as biofilm and availability
The prevalence of chronic wounds is estimated at of products
between 1% and 2% in developed countries. 3 l This document addresses the challenge of
However, there is wide variation in the reported long-term, hard-to-heal wounds—those
prevalence and incidence of chronic wounds that do not close after care for up to a year
or more
worldwide and within each care setting.4 The most
prevalent wounds are venous leg ulcers (VLU),
pressure ulcers (PU) and diabetic foot ulcers (DFU)5–7 Up to 10% of patients with diabetes have a DFU
in people aged >60.8–10 A percentage of wounds may and the lifetime incidence is reported to be 19%, but
not heal completely for a year or more,11,12 and this may be as high as 34%.30,31 Furthermore, the
places a significant burden on health-care systems prevalence of diabetes is increased in the elderly32
and economies. In the context of this consensus population, resulting in an increase in the prevalence
statement, complete healing means full epithelial and incidence of DFU. Lower extremity ulcers
resurfacing and discharge, or transition to patient- including DFU may last for up to 13 months with
management strategies to prevent recurrence. estimates that nearly 40% of patients have a
Hard-to-heal wounds consume disproportionate recurrence, within one year of their DFU healing.31
amounts of medical products—devices and Healing times in more severe DFU are worse than in
medicines—and the time of health professionals. less severe ulcers19,33 and referral times are longer.34,35
Despite the relative standardisation of management Analysis of The Health Improvement Network
for chronic wounds, healing rates vary (THIN) database of patient records managed by
considerably.13–18 DFUs classified as stage 4 primary care in the UK has identified deficiencies in
according to the Wound, Ischemia, and foot Infection delivery of care for VLU and DFU related to
(WIfI) system19 may take up to a mean of 190 days to diagnosis1 and appropriate wound management.1,2
heal.20 VLUs properly managed with 12 weeks of Referrals may take place in months rather than the
compression have healing rates of 32 to 55%; at recommended days. 36 Over a 12-month period,
24 weeks, up to 68% may heal.21–24 Furthermore, approximately 50% of PUs may heal. However, the
between 12% and 47% of VLU patients managed proportion of PUs that heal is inversely proportional
over 12 months may not heal.10,25–28 Healing rates to its category. In Guest et al, 37 all category I PUs
with compression bandaging over more extended healed over the 12-month audit period, but the
periods of up to 420 days can reach around 90%12 likelihood of a category IV or unstageable PU healing
and over 500 days, 93%.29 was less than 20%. 37


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There may be significant deficiencies in the Patients with chronic wounds suffer increased
knowledge among nurses, 38–40 an issue recognised by morbidity and decreased quality of life (QoL).52–67
many.41 A survey of community nurses in Ireland There have been and are numerous studies
found that more than half did not use Doppler to assessing the financial cost of hard-to-heal, chronic
assess ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) in the wounds, of many different types.57–67 These assessed
assessment of VLU patients.42 Differences43 and parameters including nursing time and length of stay
deficiencies in referral and care have been noted in in hospital, along with how severity increases costs,
other countries.44–46 some examples are shown in Table 1.
Patient engagement is an important part of the A number of factors may influence the likelihood
equation and may be affected if they cannot of a wound healing. Variation in delivery of care
understand the reason(s) for the management of their affects outcomes. The skill level of the health
wounds.47 This will likely lead to poor adherence to professional, particularly outside specialist centres,
the care plan and poor healing. Often, the evidence may be insufficient to ensure optimal treatment.68–70
for efficacy of many medical products is limited and Diagnosis,71 referral36 and delivery of a recognised
of poor quality48 and carers find managing chronic standard of care (SoC) may be suboptimal.10,71–74 The
wounds challenging.49 diagnosis and management of the underlying
There is a variable understanding among general condition may vary. For example, the application of
practitioners (GPs) about the underlying causes of compression bandages is known to be variable75 and
chronic wounds and incomplete understanding of the outcomes in plantar neuropathic DFU are
the organisation of care pathway structures.50,51 A significantly affected by the type of offloading 76,77
study from four European countries showed that not used, which varies considerably,78 particularly as the
all GPs identify specialised practitioners to refer foot changes shape.79 Patients with severe ischaemia
patients to, and many are unaware of clinical may not have vascular reconstruction. 36 These
guidelines and protocols.50,51 These factors are highly variations may be compounded by different
likely to be contributors to poor healing outcomes guidelines that present similar advice on care, but
and to be mirrored in health-care systems worldwide. may vary to the point of contradicting each other,
leading to confusion in implementation.80,81
Patient-related factors that influence outcomes
Table 1. Examples of the cost of hard-to-heal wounds include comorbidities—there is a correlation
Aetiology and situation Costs between the worst wounds and the sickest patients,
as patients with multiple comorbidities are the ones
VLU >grade 1 UK37 £7600 (2015/2016) that often fail to heal82—severity of the underlying
PU >grade 1 UK37 £7800 (2015/2016) condition, illness beliefs83 and adherence to the care
plan. Adherence to the care plan84 is considered a key
VLU >grade 1 UK37 >£8500 (2015/2016)
factor in successful management of chronic ulcers.
VLU Community care, Germany €9060 (2014) This consensus statement addresses the challenge
Chronic wounds Medicare >US$52 billion (2014) of long-term, hard-to-heal wounds—those that do not
close after care for up to a year or more. Importantly,
Hospital acquired PU US US$8041 per ulcer we emphasise the need to assess patients quickly and
DFU61 US$44,200 yearly intervene early with the optimal SoC to increase the
probability that a wound will heal.
DFU Europe36 €10,000 yearly
This working document addresses general
VLU—venous leg ulcers; PU—pressure ulcer; DFU—diabetic foot ulcer principles and provides guidance intended to


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maximise the likelihood that wounds that have not practice together and offers areas of reflection that
healed over extended periods will progress. It should allow the reader to review the information and then
be read and implemented in conjunction with the decide where and how to use it to underpin their
clinician’s local guidelines. It brings theory and own practice.


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Section 2. Identification
of hard-to-heal wounds

hronic wounds start by either direct trauma
to tissue already compromised by underlying Key points
pathology or by breakdown of tissue under l An approach needs to be taken that is
unbroken skin. Patients with diabetic neuropathy designed to identify hard-to-heal wounds
may not be aware of the trauma—pressure, friction, and the action that should be taken
l The most important risk factor for
shear or penetrating/other injury—that has led to the developing a VLU is underlying chronic
wound. Patients with undiagnosed venous disease venous disease
may notice abrasion or laceration, but not l Diabetes may lead to a number of risk
understand the seriousness of the wound. In factors for ulcer formation, including
peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial
instances when the wound does not heal and the disease and a history of previous DFU
patient does not understand its seriousness, they may l Critical risks for the formation of a PU are
attempt self-care before seeking advice from a health the forces of pressure, friction and shear
professional. In many cases, that would be a GP or l A wound that has not reduced in size by
>40–50% at 4 weeks should be regarded as
physician who may have limited knowledge of hard-to-heal and be referred to a specialist
wound care. wound practitioner or a complex
Wounds can fail to heal due to a lack of wound clinic
understanding/awareness of the importance of
establishing and treating the underlying
pathophysiology, which has either caused the wound Venous leg ulcers
or provides significant barriers to healing. It is The most important risk factor for developing a VLU is
important that these factors are addressed or underlying chronic venous disease that leads to chronic
managed to optimise healing outcomes. Crucially, a venous insufficiency, a spectrum of diagnoses of
‘hard-to heal’ wound needs to be flagged by a health increasing complexity classified by the Comprehensive
professional before intervention can take place. The Classification System for Chronic Venous Disorders
key to effective care is application of SoC, including (CEAP).85,86 Other classification systems for chronic
identification of risk factors, monitoring outcomes venous disease have been developed.87
and recognition of the correct course of action if the Chronic venous disease leads to haemodynamic
wound responds or it does not. changes88,89 that increase intravenous blood pressure
in the deep, superficial and/or perforator systems.
Venous insufficiency or muscle pump deficiency
Risk factors for reduce the effectiveness of return of blood to the
hard-to-heal wounds heart, and defects in the intravenous valves lead to
venous reflux and blood pooling in the lower
Fig 1 summarises the risk factors associated with extremities. The high venous pressure caused by
hard-to heal wounds. Risk factors may be pooling stimulates chronic inflammation that
characterised as disease state and pathophysiology eventually makes the skin break down to form a VLU.
specific to the wound aetiology; clinical risk factors Effective management of VLU addresses venous
not specific to the aetiology; and patient-related and hypertension with external compression and
non-clinical risk factors. potentially venous intervention.

Disease state and pathophysiology Diabetic foot ulcers

Details of pathophysiology are discussed in section 3 Diabetes may lead to a number of risk factors for
and are summarised here. ulcer formation. Key risks are:90


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Identification of hard-to-heal wounds

Fig 1. Risk factors for hard-to-heal wound formation. Note: the more factors a patient has, the more likely
the wound will not heal

Presentation of wound/lesion/ulcer

No Risk factors associated with hard-to-heal wounds Yes

Obesity Diabetes Cancer

Older age Arterial disease Systemic medication
Poor nutrition Venous disease Radiation
Genetics Neuropathy Psychosocial
Smoking Chronic inflammation Patient adherence
Anaemia Lymphatic insufficiency Patient economic status
Hypoxia Oedema (if on lower limbs) Demographic factors
Comorbidities Immune suppression or disease Behavioural factors

Pressure ulcer
Risk of a hard-to-heal wound
Leg ulcer
Address underlying cause
Diabetic foot ulcers
Modify risk factors where possible
Peripheral arterial disease

Maintenance care
When underlying cause and risk
factors cannot be sufficiently altered
to facilitate healing

1. Peripheral neuropathy (sensory, motor and A number of classification systems for DFU have
autonomic neuropathy) been developed, including PEDIS (perfusion, extent,
a) Sensory: reduces or eliminates touch sensation depth, infection, sensation),91 by the International
and nociception Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF), SINBAD
b) Motor: foot deformity as a result of distal nerve (site, ischaemia, neuropathy, bacterial infection, area,
damage, causing small muscle wasting and depth)33 and Wound Ischaemia and Foot Infection
muscle atrophy. The protective fat pads over (WIfI).92 DFU are, however, generally classified by the
the heel and metatarsal heads become Wagner and University of Texas systems.93–95 These
displaced, and atrophy exposing bony classification systems effectively stratify the ulcer by
prominences to pressure damage and callus the level of risk it presents. Risk stratification for a DFU
formation could lead to ulceration is a critical input for planning and delivering care.
c) Autonomic: leads to lack of sweating, dry skin,
cracking and endothelial dysfunction Arterial ulcers
2. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) leading The main risk factor for arterial or ischaemic ulcers is
to ischaemia arterial disease manifested as poor blood supply to the
3. A history of previous DFU. extremities and low partial pressure of oxygen in tissue.


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Identification of hard-to-heal wounds

Pressure ulcers concordance with care pathway;108,109 the impact of

A triumvirate of aetiology-specific factors create the care pathway on the patient’s activities of daily
critical risks for the formation of PU.96 These are the living (AoDL); patient choice; patient’s own goals;
forces of pressure, friction and shear. Pressure deforms quality of life (QoL); previous experience of
tissue and may occlude blood supply. Pressure causes treatment; mobility; reduced ability to self-care as a
direct damage to tissue faster than ischaemia result of comorbidities and/or frailty; sleep disorders;
does97–99 and leads to shear forces, which deform environment and living conditions, including
tissue structures over bony prominences. Tissue that distance from the clinical setting and living alone;
has been starved of blood supply may be damaged by access to care; and patient’s economic situation
reperfusion injury from reactive oxygen molecules where, for example, travel to a clinical centre or
when the patient is moved to re-establish blood supply. treatment is self- or part-funded. It may not be
Shear forces also arise from the effects of friction at possible to address all of the patient’s non-clinical
the skin surface, which causes lateral skin deformity risk factors. Patient-related risk factors and their
and shear damage.100 Moisture increases the friction management are addressed in Section 6.
of skin, exacerbating the effects of friction-related
deformity.101 A previous PU is a further risk factor for Service-delivery factors
new PU formation. Traditionally, PU are classified by a There is increasing evidence for sub-optimal service
grading system that takes account of the depth and delivery in which wounds are not managed using best
severity of skin damage.96 practice. Examples include: inadequate diagnosis;
failure to identify the wound type; not using best
Clinical risk factors practice for managing underlying pathology; poor
A wide range of clinical factors not directly related to selection of dressings; and lack of adequate, health
the aetiology102 of the wound are risks for hard-to- professional education and training.
heal wounds. These include: the number of
concurrent wounds of any aetiology; obesity; Patient management
increasing age; poor nutritional status; diabetes; Measurement of the reduction in wound surface area
local or systemic hypoxia; ischaemia103 and arterial at four weeks is an accepted marker for progression
supply to the lower extremities indicated by the to wound closure.110–114 Past research involving
6-minute walking test; arterial hypertension; lower extremity ulcers has demonstrated that a
dyslipidaemia and metabolic syndrome;104 critical <40% reduction at four weeks for a VLU and <50%
limb ischaemia;105 the presence of biofilm; clinical reduction at four weeks for a DFU indicates the ulcer
infection; genetic factors; smoking; lymphatic is refractory to the current treatment plan.111–114
insufficiency; chronic inflammatory disorders; Other studies have confirmed that PUs with
cancer; immune suppression or immunological <20–40% change in size over initial 2–4 weeks
disorders; and systemic medications. Wound size provide a reliable indication that the wound is not
greater than 10cm2 and ulcer duration greater than responding to treatment.115 These metrics provide
12 months106 are independent prognostic factors. wound care clinicians with an expected trajectory of
healing, 40–50% reduction at four weeks, that can be
Non-clinical risk factors reasonable applied to all wounds. At this stage, a
They include: psychosocial factors;107 educational change in management or reevaluation of aetiology
attainment and its relationship to understanding the is warranted; furthermore, wounds that fail to close
care needs of the wound; patient beliefs; dementia; by at least 40–50% over four weeks of a good SoC are
depression; social support; adherence to or not likely to heal fully without more specific


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Identification of hard-to-heal wounds

intervention. Such wounds require more focused and modifying the underlying pathophysiology and risk
intensive intervention. factors, and providing local wound care according to
Here we introduce a modified, best-practice the principles of TIMERS. Follow-up and
system—TIMERS—designed to ensure that Tissue, measurement of the wound size/volume should be
Inflammation/Infection, Moisture balance, wound carried out over a period of four weeks. At the 4-week
Edge, Regeneration of tissue and Social factors juncture, a wound that has satisfactorily reduced in
are addressed. surface area by at least 40–50% should continue on
Risk factors (Section 2) must be identified, as the elected care plan, with ongoing monitoring and
should the underlying pathophysiology (Section 3) measurement. Should the healing trajectory of this
and a wound assessment, along with a full holistic wound fall below the expected progression (at least
assessment of the patient (Section 4), all must be 40–50% reduction), then the patient should be
completed. A care plan should be agreed with the referred to specialist health professionals or a
patient and implemented, with primary focus on complex wound clinic.


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Section 3. Pathophysiology
of hard-to-heal wounds

he majority of hard-to-heal wounds are
associated with risk factors, as discussed in Key points
Section 2 . In addition to patient-related, l The pathophysiology of hard-to-heal
non-clinical factors, and to clinical risk factors not wounds varies and can be caused by a
directly related to the wound, a critical feature is the number of factors
l Biofilm has been recognised as an
presence of an underlying endogenous important contributor to the hard-to-heal
pathophysiological cause. status of chronic wounds
Acute wounds may be characterised broadly as l Endogenous tissue-breakdown
those with an identifiable acute external cause, little mechanisms, common to all skin
ulceration: tissue-destructive enzymes; an
to no causative pathophysiology, and thus a oxidative environment; impaired
controlled inflammatory response116 and largely endogenous control mechanisms that
predictable healing. In contrast, chronic, hard-to- modulate enzyme activity
heal wounds are characterised by a physiological l It is critical to manage the underlying
cause to encourage healing
barrier to recovery before the breach in the skin
appears, an underlying pathophysiology, chronic
inflammation,117–119 and a mostly unpredictable
healing trajectory. The inflammatory impact of the 2. An oxidative environment caused by reactive
presence of biofilm120 is overlaid on the patient’s oxygen species (ROS)
pathophysiology. Clinically, these differences mean 3. Impaired endogenous control mechanisms
that acute wounds are usually treated by managing that modulate enzyme activities.
the wound environment and the risk of infection,
whereas chronic wounds also require a focus on and These mechanisms are capable of destructive tissue
management of the underlying pathophysiology and breakdown leading to wound formation, the key driver
risk factors. Fig 2 shows the major molecular factors of which is a chronic inflammatory stimulus driven by
that need to be addressed to allow optimal healing. the nature of the aetiological causes.117,119,124,125 Chronic
stimulation of the endothelial lining of blood vessels117
sets up a persistent cycle of leukocyte adhesion to the
From underlying cause vessel walls,117 extravasation of leukocytes and
to wound: the tissue accumulation of neutrophils and macrophages,

breakdown pathway creating a complex, persistent inflammatory state. The

expression of inflammatory cytokines and growth
Excellent overviews of the chronic wound factors is disturbed compared with acute wounds,126–128
pathophysiology may be found in a number of leading to over-expression of several proteases129 such
reviews.119,121,122 It is critical to manage the underlying as MMP-1, MMP-9 and MMP-8, elastase and
cause to encourage healing. The cycle of relentless plasminogen activators (PA).130–134 PAs activate
chronicity must be broken to manage and reduce the plasmin, an important activator of MMP135 and
persistent inflammatory state and encourage ROS136,137 in tissue. PA is expressed in non-ulcerated
conditions that are conducive to healing.123 skin of patients with chronic venous disease, possibly
Endogenous tissue-breakdown mechanisms, indicating its role in the development of VLU.138
common to all skin ulceration, have three Exacerbating the effects of the over-expression of
main components: proteases capable of degrading dermal extracellular
1. Tissue-destructive enzymes, principally matrix (ECM) is the concomitant down-regulation of
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) the inhibitors that keep the protease activity in check:


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Pathophysiology of hard-to-heal wounds

tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and Fig 2. Molecular reasons for hard-to-heal wounds
TIMP-3.139–142 Together, the effect of higher levels of
Initial injury Healing
proteases and reduced expression of TIMPs
contributes significantly to wound chronicity. Diagnosis
Fibroblasts become quiescent/senescent143,144 or
themselves may have over-express of collagenase, Hypoxia, micro/macroangiopathy,
elastase and stromelysin, and reduced levels of TIMP-1 venous stasis, bioburden (planktonic
and biofilm)
and TIMP-3.145 Fibroblast senescence has been
associated with slow healing.146,147 The overexpression
of proteinases and ROS is responsible for creating a
Addressed by
dysfunctional ECM with reduced integrin binding148 wound bed
Chronic inflammation (TNFa IL-1, 6,8
that does not support cell migration and wound preparation/
healing. debridement

Addressed by
Biofilm in modulation of
Proteases, ROS,
Cytotoxic exotoxins
hard-to-heal wounds factors

Addressed by
Biofilm is a complex polymicrobial community of methods of GF, GFR, ECM, wound cells
microorganisms embedded in a predominantly closure
extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) that protects
the microbes from antimicrobial activity (Box 1).
Chronic, hard-to-heal wounds
Biofilm is now believed to be ubiquitous in chronic
wounds,149,150 and once removed, is able to reform
quickly,151 unless prevented from doing so. Biofilm TNF-a–tumour necrosis factor-a; IL–interleukin; CRP–C-reactive protein;
has been recognised as an important contributor to ROS–reactive oxygen species; GF–growth factor; GFR–growth factor
receptor; ECM–extracellular matrix
the hard-to-heal status of chronic wounds.120 While
there is no direct clinical evidence from chronic,
hard-to-heal wounds that biofilm is solely responsible evaluations of healing in wounds with biofilm have
for poor or non-healing, there is a wealth of evidence shown impaired healing.162 Overall, current opinion
that implicates biofilm in wound chronicity.149 The supports the importance of biofilm as a mediator of
consensus is that biofilm stimulates chronic chronicity in hard-to-heal wounds.163 Furthermore,
inflammation,152 thereby adding to the burden of biofilm begins to reform after debridement within
endogenous inflammatory stimulus. Biofilm 24 hours.164
expresses inflammatory signals153 that attract
neutrophils154,155 and may interfere with neutrophil
function, causing inappropriate degranulation Hard-to-heal ulcer cells:
releasing proinflammatory cytokines.156 Biofilm can they heal a wound?
inhibits activation of the complement cascade,157
induces microRNAs that inhibit tight junction Fibroblasts explanted from chronic, hard-to-heal
proteins that maintain skin barrier function,158 VLU tissue grow significantly more slowly than
reduces the effect of host defences159 and affects pH fibroblasts from acute wounds or normal skin.
and local oxygen concentrations.160,161 Preclinical Chronic wound fibroblasts respond less well to


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Pathophysiology of hard-to-heal wounds

Box 1. Biofilm: what you need to know Box 2. What is cell senescence?
Biofilm is a polymicrobial community of organisms Senescence is a cell state related to the number of
embedded in a complex extracellular polymeric substance cell divisions that a cell has experienced. During
(EPS) that protects the organisms from host-derived and every cell division, a part of the chromosomal
medical antimicrobial activity. Organisms in biofilm are structure—the telomere—shortens until a limit is
tolerant of systemic and topical antimicrobial agents, which reached. The limit, known as the Hayflick limit,
are restricted from gaining access to the organisms, and by determines when a cell will be subject to
alterations in the metabolism of organisms in biofilm. It has programmed cell death (‘apoptosis’). As telomeres
also been shown that biofilm contains fungi as well as shorten, the cell’s proliferative potential is reduced.
bacteria.338 There is no point-of-care diagnostic test for
wound biofilm and it is not possible to make a definitive
diagnosis of wound biofilm by eye, so it is possible that a
wound affected by biofilm will not be identified as such. A
wound that is impeded by biofilm but is not managed as
inflammatory cytokines and MMPs.167 A chronic
such adds cost to the care and continued poor QoL for wound in which unregulated chronic inflammation
patients. exsists is likely to have experienced several cycles of
The determination that a wound is not healing because of
cell division, each of which will have led to telomere
biofilm is based on research that established biofilm is shortening and increasing the proportion of wound
present on over 70% of all chronic wounds,149 and by cells that are senescent. Senescent fibroblasts are
eliminating other possible causes of non-healing through
the implementation of a high standard of care that
now considered important contributors to the
addresses identified risks and underlying causes and by chronicity of ulcers, and these characteristics of
observation of surrogate signs for biofilm. Chronic wounds senescence help provide a mechanism. Box 2 explains
by definition generally present with biofilm in the wound
which should be addressed at the initial encounter. Signs
cell senescence.
that a wound is likely to be hard-to-heal because of the Hard-to-heal wounds are also likely to be related
presence of biofilm include: to impaired proliferation as a result of senescence
History of or current recalcitrance to antibiotic or
following normal ageing or accelerated cell
antimicrobial treatment proliferation in the inflammatory wound
Treatment failure, even with appropriate antibiotic or environment. Biofilm may also play a role in
antimicrobial treatment
Delayed healing
increased senescence in wound cells through stress
Cycles of recurrent infection/exacerbation and secreted factors that target and usurp host
Excessive moisture and wound exudate cellular pathways.168 However, as noted in Agren et
Low-level chronic inflammation
Low-level erythema
al’s study,165 cell proliferation may not be abolished
completely. There is no point-of-care diagnostic to
identify senescence in chronic ulcers; however, it is
reasonable to assume that at least a proportion of
platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB). cells in a wound are senescent. This implies that, in
Moreover, fibroblasts from leg ulcers of a longer many, if not most ulcers, the cells are able to mount a
duration show morphology consistent with aged or proliferative response, which will contribute to
senescent fibroblasts.165 Studies show that neonatal healing. Clinically, the strategy must be to provide
fibroblasts, which have a high proliferative rate, are the wound environment most conducive to healing
impaired in the presence of VLU wound fluid.166 In for the cells in the wound. The strategy is accurate
addition, senescent cells have an altered phenotype— patient and wound assessment, wound bed
senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)— preparation (WBP) and TIMERS, as discussed
which relates to increased expression of in Section 4.


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Section 4. Fundamentals
of standard of care

he most important components of an
effective SoC are: Key points
l Standard of care (SoC) is crucial for wound
l Early intervention healing and a series of international,
l Accurate assessment and diagnosis of the patient national and local guidelines are available
for health professionals to refer to
and wound
l SoC must modify the risk factors and the
l Optimal patient and wound management strategy effects of comorbidities, as well as deliver
l Appropriately-skilled health professionals care that optimises the probability
l Early referral to specialists. of healing
l Optimal wound healing occurs when the
A patient managed without delay using the
same SoC is delivered across the whole
optimum care plan is more likely to heal.169 The speed care pathway
of healing diminishes with increasing age of the l A 10-step approach in the management
patient,170,171 which is associated with alterations in pathway required for each wound is
outlined in this section
the expression of growth factors,169 MMPs,172 tissue
inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases (TIMPs),173
elastase,133 and reduced deposition of ECM
constituents.174 Wound healing also diminishes with practice. A list of guidelines is provided in Box 2 (note
increased wound age.175 that this is not a complete set of guidelines, but is
The healing response is controlled by risk factors intended to illustrate examples that cover all aspects
and comorbidities (Section 2) that are independent of of a good SoC). Health professionals are advised to
the inherent capacity of the tissue to repair. In order consult their local health-care providers for
for SoC to be effective, it must modify the risk factors information on guidelines used in their clinic, region
and the effects of comorbidities, as well as deliver or country and adopt those. Where recommended
care that optimises the probability of healing. guidelines have not been identified, health
Optimal wound healing occurs when the same professionals should select the most appropriate from
effective SoC is delivered across the whole care those presented, or conduct a search for guidelines
pathway as the patient transitions between health relevant to their circumstances.
professionals and care settings. The care pathway
defines who does what, with which products/devices,
using which methods and services, and in which care Wound management
settings. It is well-established that the high standard pathway and process
of care delivered through a multidisciplinary team
(MDT) approach leads to better outcomes.64,169,176–178
Although the evidence may be relatively weak, There are a number of management and process
effective multidisciplinary communication is likely pathway guidelines, including Biofilm Guidelines:
to lead to better care.179 The Global Wound Biofilm Expert Panel,120 Infection
A number of expert international, national and Guidelines: The International Wound Infection
local guidelines have been produced specific to the Institute (IWII);180 WBP and TIME;181,182 see Box 3.
main wound aetiologies and to processes in the The overarching SoC for any wound comprises a
wound management pathway and as general logical set of actions informed by the requirements of
guidelines that cover most major wound types. effective care. These actions are:
Health professionals should refer to these guidelines, 1. Holistic patient assessment: physical,
appropriate to their health-service delivery, for best psychological, spiritual and social needs. This


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

Box 3. Best-practice guidelines to consider must include and identify the underlying
if local/national guidelines are not available. pathophysiological cause(s) and risk factor(s)
2. Wound assessment: measurement
Wound bed preparation and TIME
Wound bed preparation: TIME for an update171
3. Decide the desired outcome (healing or
Management of chronic wounds: diagnosis, maintenance) and care plan
preparation, treatment and follow-up172 4. Address/manage the underlying pathology or
Infection and biofilm plan maintenance care
Consensus guidelines for the identification and 5. Implement local wound care according to
treatment of biofilms in chronic nonhealing wounds The
Global Wound Biofilm Expert Panel120
WBP/TIME, etc or maintenance/palliative care
Wound Biofilm: current perspectives and strategies on 6. Follow-up, reassessment and measurement
biofilm disruption and treatments253 7. Modify the care pathway and refer if necessary
Wound infection in clinical practice: The International
Wound Infection Institute (IWII)180
to specialists or MDT
Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management. 8. Patient/family education throughout the SoC
NICE guidelines 339 9. Discharge or transition to maintenance
DFU treatment to prevent recurrence
Diabetic foot problems: prevention and management 10. Record actions/outcomes at every episode of care.
NICE guidelines194
Prevention and management of foot problems in In some cases, steps 1 and 2 overlap and may not
diabetes: a summary guidance for daily practice take place in that order; however, all should be
International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot performed before a treatment/maintenance care plan
Local management of diabetic foot ulcers. (WUWHS)340 can be successful.
Identifying and treating foot ulcers in patients with A suggested timeline for treatment and referral is
diabetes: saving feet, legs and lives JWC consensus outlined in Fig 3. Wound management should be
A clinical practice guideline for the use of hyperbaric conducted by an individual wound care or tissue
oxygen therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers341 viability specialist. The expected skill-set for this
Pressure ulcers individual includes:
PU Guidelines. EPUAP, NPUAP, PPPIA96 l Revisit holistic assessment
Lower limb and odema l Establish the underlying cause
Management of venous leg ulcers: Clinical practice l Identify barriers (pathophysiology and risk
guidelines of the Society for Vascular Surgery and the factors) to healing
American Venous Forum. Society for Vascular Surgery;
American Venous Forum342 l Referral to a complex wound clinic or MDT, as
Wound Healing Society 2015 update on guidelines for appropriate
venous ulcers. WHS198 The specialist individual should be competent to
Management of patients with venous leg ulcer:
challenges and current best practice. EWMA81 undertake the steps involved in TIME:
Best Practice Statement: Holistic management of venous l Debride using autolytic, enzymatic, mechanical,
leg ulceration. Infectious Diseases Society of America343 sharp, ultrasound or larval debridement
Wound healing society 2014 update on guidelines for
arterial ulcers. WHS344 l Treat local or systemic infection and ensure the
Standards of practice for lymphoedema services British biofilm pathway is followed
Lympology Society.345 l Ensure adequate moisture levels by selecting the
Assessment appropriate dressing
Best Practice Statement: Improving holistic assessment l Provide an environment for encouraging wound
of chronic wounds. London: Wounds UK, 2018346
edge advancement.
Note: this list is not comprehensive and many The specific steps in the management pathway
others are available
required for each wound and each wound type must


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

Fig 3. Timeline for suggested treatment and referral

First presentation: Day 1

A wound of four-week duration (including four weeks of treatment) and identification as ‘hard-to-heal’
Same timeframe/indications for specialist complex clinics

At four weeks/30 days 40–50% decrease

Indicators to failed treatment include: Clinically , Exudate, Devitalised tissue, or new onset Pain,
progression or recurrent infection, Maceration

Referral required

Individual specialist (limited skill-set/access to therapies)

Complex wound clinics: multidisciplinary teams

be tailored to the patient and wound, and at every hard-to-heal because of factors that are local to
stage of wound progression. Different wound types/ the wound, affect the limb or anatomy more
aetiologies require different approaches to diagnosis generally, or are related to the whole patient and
and management of the underlying causes and risk their beliefs and environment. All these factors
factors. Outside of the common chronic wound types should be identified by discussion with the
(arterial ulcers, DFU, PU and VLU), a number of other patient. Holistic assessment identifies past
underlying conditions also predispose a wound to medical history, assesses the limb or anatomy
become hard-to-heal.183,184 These include: Marjolin’s and records the wound history.185 Factors to
ulcer, associated with squamous cell carcinoma; assess include medical history, comorbidities,
pyoderma gangrenosum, a non-infectious, obesity, functional status, mobility, ankle reflex,
inflammatory skin disease often associated with smoking, medications, laboratory parameters
Crohn’s disease, colitis ulcerosa, rheumatoid and vital signs, nutrition, and an assessment of
arthritis and other conditions; radiotherapy causing the ability of the patient to adhere to an agreed
radionecrosis; erysipelas; mycosis fungoides, a form care plan.121 In obtaining this information, staff
of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma; and the infection- should help identify pathological causes and risk
related Buruli ulcer, caused by Mycobacterium factors (ie comorbidities, life style), although
ulcerans. These should also be managed in the same further information or testing may be required,
way as other hard-to-heal wound aetiologies and as outlined below.
follow a referral-and-treatment pathway. The specific Risk factors. Include parameters identified in
details of their treatment are outside the scope of the patient assessment and pathophysiology
this document. Basic wound easement is outlined (Fig 1). Identifying the risk factors that are the
in Fig 4. dominant influencers of non-healing is critical
1. Holistic patient assessment. A wound may be to effective management of the patient.


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

Fig 4. Fundamentals of wound assessment and referral

Holistic assessment: international/local guidelines/best practice statements, Patient risk factors of a hard-to-
heal wound, additional assessment (eg venous duplex, biopsy)
Wound assessment: volume, extent, area, exudate

Diagnosis: refer on if appropriate/required

Treatment: standard to best practice, including wound bed preparation, initiation of biofilm
prevention/treatment, TIMERS wound assessment, control oedema, refer to local formulary

Patient-centred outcomes: healing or maintenance (this needs to be a multidisciplinary team approach)

Modifying these risk factors where possible will failure, lymphatic failure and medication, should
increase the chances that the wound will heal. be assessed. Compression, although not strictly
Pathophysiological cause(s). Diagnostic contraindicated, is a relative contraindication in
procedures, alongside patient history, should be congestive heart failure. Foot ulcers should be
used to identify the underlying pathophysiology examined for the presence of diabetes-related
of the wound. Minimally, an assessment of causes, such as neuropathy. A number of methods
vascular status should be made. A range of are available to achieve this, including the simple
methods are available to achieve this: pulse Ipswich touch test that requires no equipment;
palpation, ABPI, toe pressure and radiological touch perception using monofilaments; vibration
imaging, including duplex Doppler ultrasound, perception threshold; or more complex
MRI and computed tomography (CT) imaging. An electromechanical tests.93 The classification of the
ABPI <0.8 or 0.9 may indicate arterial involvement, wound at this stage may be neuropathic or
but care should be taken with patients with neuroischaemic. Particular care should be taken to
diabetes who may have hardened arteries that will distinguish a PU on the foot in a person with
lead to a false, high ABPI value. In this case, the diabetes and a DFU, because of the requirements of
patient should undergo more detailed vascular different MDTs needing to be involved.93
assessment using methods other than ABPI. Where
significant peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is 2. Wound assessment and measurement.
identified or suspected, the patient should be Parameters that should be assessed include
referred to a vascular specialist before debridement depth, volume, extent, area, exudate (amount
and compression are implemented. Oedema, which and type), location, appearance, temperature,
may be related to the underlying pathophysiology odour, overt and subclinical infection and
or to comorbidities such as congestive heart structural deformity. The presence and relative


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

amounts of different tissue types in the wound that have elicited a host-defensive, inflammatory
should be assessed. These include slough, reaction. It is distinct from colonisation or
necrosis, granulation tissue, and epithelial cells. contamination. Biofilm is likely to be present in
Wound size (depth and area) should be almost all chronic wounds, but cannot yet be
measured using the best available method. Size diagnosed, other than by biopsy and microscopy.120
can be measured using simple methods, such as Where biofilm is determined to be a cause of a
a tape measure and sterile cotton tipped hard-to-heal wound, a biofilm-management
applicator—more detailed methods include pathway should be implemented at the initial
tracing and planimetry, or advanced electronic stages of treatment, as discussed  later.
devices such as Tissue Analytics’s wound
management platform, capable of accurately 3. Decide the desired outcome (healing or
photographing, tracking and analysing patient maintenance) and care plan. Assessment
wounds, with automatically calculated metrics provides the input to the decision on the desired
that include measured depth and area, and the outcome. In many cases, this will be a healed
creation of an electronic record for the patient wound. However, an alternative may be
notes.186 Wound volume can be estimated by maintenance of the patient where healing is
covering the wound with a plastic film and unrealistic, for example in a critically-ill patient
injecting a gel, to be sucked out and measured. It is at the end of life, in which case management may
important to use the clock method to indicate be focused on maintaining dignity, managing
undermining etc. Infection should be identified wound symptoms such as infection, pain,
based on clinical signs:180 redness, swelling, heat, exudate and reducing odour. Limb amputation
pain, presence of pus, malodour and, in the case of may be a desired outcome if healing is
DFU where osteomyelitis is suspected, probing to unrealistic and the patient prefers it or when the
bone. Osteomyelitis may be present in a DFU risk of complications related to an open wound
without overt clinical signs of inflammation; is higher than the risks of amputating. The
imaging should be used to rule out osteomyelitis.121 desired outcome determines the care plan, the
Please note that overt signs and symptoms of elements of which should state how the patient
biofilm are not always present and should be and wound will be managed, using which
considered early in treatment before clinical signs methods and involving the appropriate health
of infection present. Specimens for microbiological professionals through referral, if necessary. The
analysis should be taken.121 Surface swabbing is desired outcome and associated care pathway
considered the minimum level of sampling and should be agreed with the patient and their
tissue biopsy is regarded by some as the standard. assent to adherence to it gained.
When swabbing, the wound must be cleansed first
and the swab taken under/along the wound edges. 4. Address/manage the underlying pathology.
Pus may also be collected for microbiological Clinicians should refer to the guidelines for the
analysis. Results from microbiological analysis will recognised standards of care for managing the
not confirm or refute the presence of infection, but underlying pathology. In the case of VLU, the
are used to guide antimicrobial therapy. This is why standard is to manage oedema and venous
all wound culture results should be clinically hypertension using compression,81,187 delivered
correlated when determining the necessity for by using one of a number of different methods
initiating antimicrobial therapy. Infection is a including short- or long-stretch elastic
clinical diagnosis of tissue invasion by microbes bandaging, hosiery, pneumatic devices, or


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

inelastic products such as Unna boot or automated alternating inflation of

orthostatic wraps (Circaid, Medi; JOBST pneumatic cells.
FarrowWrap, Essity T/A BSN medical). Patients
should undergo venous imaging to identify if 5. Implement local wound care according to
there is any venous disease which, when WBP/TIME, etc. The fundamentals of local
corrected, would increase the rate of healing and wound care are summarised in the acronym
reduce risk of recurrence. VLU healing was TIME, which stands for tissue, infection/
significantly higher in a 450-subject randomised inflammation, moisture imbalance, wound
controlled trial (RCT) with early venous reflux and edge.181
ablation (EVRA) to correct venous disease and
compression, compared with compression Note: this consensus panel recommends
alone.188–190 Hosiery may be used for post- updating TIME to TIMERS, integrating
healing prevention of recurrence and higher regeneration/repair of tissue (R) and social
compression is more effective than lower.191 factors (S). The new framework, discussed in
Long-term follow-up outcomes from the EVRA Section 5, along with the main elements of
trial, evaluated in the ESCHAR trial, shows that TIME, provides structured guidance on
recurrence was reduced in patients who approaches to managing wounds and
underwent EVRA.192 identifies where advanced adjunctive therapies
For an uninfected DFU, the standard is offloading should be considered alongside standard care.
and management of diabetes. Offloading may be
achieved with a number of different approaches, 6. Follow-up, reassessment and measurement.
including simple shoes, orthotics, removable A patient with a hard-to-heal wound should be
walker boots or non-removable total contact casts followed up and re-assessed at every dressing
(TCC). Clinical outcomes are better with change and/or treatment episode. Where the
non-removable offloading devices,193 especially in wound has not responded, the re-assessment
non-adherent patients. Ischaemic DFU and should evaluate risk factors, comorbidities and
patients with PAD should be assessed for a underlying causes. In cases where the response
possible vascular intervention to reinstate blood is <40–50% at four weeks, it is appropriate to
supply if indicated and before any sharp consider causes that may not be readily visible to
debridement. In patients in whom the ABPI is <0.8 the naked eye on clinical assessment, including
and >0.5, the practitioner should determine malignancy. The appropriate diagnostic tests, for
whether the PAD or venous disease is the example, biopsy and histology, should be
predominant factor in hard-to-heal wounds and considered and the patient referred.
manage the patient accordingly. Patients in whom Measurement of the wound size is mandatory at
ABPI is <0.5 should have revascularisation if each dressing change and photography should
access to the skills and service is available; some be considered as part of the patient records.
authorities advocate referral to a vascular Some assessments conducted at the initial
specialist for any abnormal ABPI. The standard presentation may not be necessary; an example
for managing the underlying cause with PU is is ABPI, which is unlikely to change significantly
pressure relief or reduction, which may be over a short period. However, if ABPI was the
achieved by frequent repositioning and/or the use only vascular assessment method used at
of pressure-relieving products such as cushions, presentation, referral for more detailed vascular
pads, mattresses, and advanced beds with assessment by duplex ultrasound or other


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

Fig 5. Proposed step-down and then step-up biofilm pathway. Adpated from Schultz et al.120

Start multiple
therapies Personalise

De-escalate treatment

Evaluate and
Identify bacteria; Advanced
Manage risk therapies;
factors Assess healing
Assess healing; maintenance products
Manage risk factors debridement; Assess need for Standard
antimicrobials; Manage risk factors care

Days 1–4 Days 5–7 Weeks 1-4 Continue till healed

perfusion assessments is warranted. If the of the members and must be multi-professional

patient receives revascularisation procedures, and characterised by strong internal
retesting for maintenance of blood flow should communication. Other specialities that may be
be done within 30 days of the intervention. integrated into a DFU MDT include podiatric
If maintenance/palliative pathway was followed, skills, endocrinology and nutrition. The MDT
check if this is meeting the goals set, such as may be stratified by the level of care195 that may
pain control, management of exudate, be delivered and a 3-level structure.
prevention of infection. Also check for Competencies recommendations for a DFU MDT
unexpected deterioration. have been made by the IWGDF. A recommended
clinical skills mix required for effective inpatient
7. Modify the care pathway and referral. management of DFU has also been made.196 The
Implementing a high SoC will recognise that the skills are:
current management pathway is ineffective or l Performing haemodynamic and anatomic
less effective than expected. The individual vascular assessment and revascularisation
wound care specialist or tissue viability l Performing neurological workup
specialist should then escalate care to a complex l Performing site-appropriate deep culture to
wound clinic and/or MDT. In the case of DFU, direct antibiotic therapy
guidelines state that a patient newly diagnosed l Performing bone assessment, for example,
with a DFU should be referred early36 and, in X-ray or CT scans
some guidelines, within 24 hours to the MDT.194 l Wound assessment and staging/grading of
Best practice, and the recommendations in this infection and ischaemia
consensus, stress that chronic, hard-to-heal l Performing bedside and intraoperative incision
wounds of all types should be managed by health and debridement to decompress abscesses
professionals in a multi-professional service l Initiate and modify culture-specific and
structure. The MDT is defined by the skill set and patient-appropriate antibiotic therapy
clinical procedures required, not the profession l Performing postoperative monitoring to


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

reduce recurrence and reinfection assumptive early intervention with a de-

l Provide basic foot care education through escalating series of steps to remove as much
the care pathway. biofilm as possible and prevent its regrowth.
The integration of these skills should also be From around day one to day four, implement
considered whenever possible in the multi-modal therapies, including: aggressive
development of MDTs at outpatient complex debridement if indicated, biofilm directed
wound clinics. Unfortunately, these are not topical antimicrobials and systemic antibiotics;
generally established for management of however, systemic antibiotics should be backed
patients in the community, but are common in up with microbiological data. The next stage, up
the acute setting, for example, a surgical team. to approximately one week, is assessment of
This does not mean that referral can be ignored response, further debridement appropriate to
when a wound does not respond as the objective the wound and personalised antimicrobial
of the care plan states. The patient should be therapy. As the wound improves, treatment is
referred for specialist management using either de-escalated up to approximately four weeks. In
escalated diagnosis and assessment tools, the de-escalation phase, inflammation and
clinical interventions that require differently healing are assessed, maintenance debridement
skilled practitioner(s), or advanced products that implemented, antimicrobial strategy reassessed,
require different skill levels. Referral to the MDT and host factors are managed. The pathway may
or specialist is indicated by non-responsiveness follow different paths at four weeks (depending on
to SoC and/or when the wound status clinical response) until full closure, if that is the
has worsened. stated aim of the care plan. Where the wound
Examples of interventions that may require shows potential for closure, then SoC is
different skill levels include surgical continued. Where the wound does not show
debridement for a patient who has been promise of closure, through a reduction in size,
managed using autolytic or mechanical treatment is stepped up, with the introduction of
debridement, vascular reconstruction, advanced products and continued standard care.
microbiology and infection control where wound If maintenance/palliative pathway is to be
infection is suspected, or plastic surgery. The followed, the full MDT needs to be involved with
biofilm pathway120 is a case where referral may any decision to palliate the patient.
be required. Referral to an MDT may not be
necessary, but patients managed in the biofilm 8. Educate the patient and family. Education
pathway must have at least a tailored should be provided throughout the entire care
management plan. The reader is directed to the pathway. In brief, the level of the patient’s
consensus for further detail on the understanding of their condition and their ability
biofilm pathway. to learn about it and its care should be determined.
It is generally assumed, based on the available The health professional should tailor education to
evidence, that all chronic wounds contain the patient and consider the need to educate others
biofilm.149 Fig 5 shows a schematic of how it is in the patient’s family and social group in order to
suggested that the biofilm care pathway is facilitate a greater degree of adherence and
implemented.120 The pathway follows well- improve outcomes. If a maintenance/palliative
established principles based on the natural pathway was followed, ensure patient’s family/
history of biofilms and clinical practice in carer is involved in any decision-making.
managing them. The pathway relies on 9. Discharge or transition to prevention therapy.


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

In patients for whom all risk factors have been compression is more effective, patients often find
controlled but wound healing is not a realistic adhering to continued use challenging. Patients
outcome, and this has been discussed and agreed should have undergone venous assessment to
with specialists, transition to maintenance or determine the need for EVRA. For DFUs, the
palliative therapy may be implemented. It is not fundamentals of prevention of recurrence in
acceptable to stop treatment for patients who are plantar neuropathic DFU are continuous
not expected to heal. Patients must continue to offloading, education, diabetes control, regular
receive a high standard of care to alleviate foot inspections and early intervention when
symptoms that affect QoL and activities of living, signs of pre-ulcerated tissue are identified.199 In
and to prevent the wound deteriorating. In these patients with healed PU, focus on pressure relief
cases, and where possible, the patient should and reduction, management of friction and
receive care for the underlying pathology, shear, skin care and repositioning, along with
including offloading, compression therapy, management of comorbidities, should be used.
management of friction and shear forces or 10. Record keeping. Meticulous recording of all
pressure relief, where indicated. Infection should patient interactions, interventions and outcomes
be managed according to the TIME principles. with dates must be kept.
Debridement should be done where indicated;
wound moisture should be managed to Diagnostics and assessment tools
maintain a healthy moisture balance in the There are few diagnostic tools specific to wound
wound and to manage leakage of exudate from management applications available. A non-invasive
the wound. Pain and odour should also be method to visualise organisms in wounds as an aid to
managed. The patient should be followed up as debridement is Moleculight (Smith & Nephew), which
required, and care appropriate to the patient uses violet light to induce autofluorescence. A red or
and wound should be delivered. The use of cyan fluorescence signals when bacteria are present,
advanced therapies, as outlined in Section 5 of due to the presence of endogenous porphyrins or
this document, may not be appropriate pyoverdine. Cyan is typically associated with the
clinically or economically. It is critical that this presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . Organisms
wound-management pathway is discussed in distributed on the wound surface can be easily
detail with the patient before embarking on it. identified and their removal monitored.200,201
Both the patient and the clinician must be fully Another non-invasive imaging system that has been
appraised of the implications and be used in assessing DFUs among other medical
in agreement. applications is hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Using
Once a wound has healed, if there are no the method, the visible and near infrared spectral
underlying factors that predispose the patient to range, has been shown to provide information on the
further ulceration or wound formation, then physiological parameters, with high spatial and
they will be discharged from care. Recurrence in spectral resolution.202,203
chronic wounds with underlying causes, A way to assess the microbiome (what
particularly VLU and DFU, is high. Strategies to microorganisms are present) of a wound is DNA
prevent recurrence should be implemented. For sequencing, a diagnostic service offered by a number
VLU, continued elastic medical compression of different companies. It is a highly specific and
should be used for life.197 The level of sensitive technology that may be appropriate to
compression may be lower than that for the countries and health-care systems with very
treatment phase.198 Although higher developed health-care such as the US and some EU


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Fundamentals of standard of care (SoC)

and Pacific Rim countries. The output includes quality clinical observation and ongoing assessment
details on the organisms found and their relative by a health professional skilled in the area.
proportions and a suggested wound-management Diagnostic methods that assist in determining the
plan based on the results, although cost and diagnosis of wounds include: vascular assessment
availability could be an issue. with imaging technology, such as duplex ultrasound
There is no point-of-care tool to identify biofilm scanning; blood pressure in the extremities (for
and best practice is biopsy, microscopy, or swabbing, example toes); transcutaneous oxygen measurement;
although swabbing will not identify the absence of and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) of the
biofilm. Access to a diagnostic microbiology oxygenation of blood. Neuropathy may be assessed,
laboratory may not be possible in many locations, as discussed in the sub-section on identification of
and biopsy is a specialised procedure that requires a underlying causes. In patients at risk of PU
specifically-trained practitioner. Where microbiology formation, a tool is available to measure the presence
laboratory services and a health professional trained of extravascular fluid, so-called subepidermal
in biopsying are not available, other indicators of the moisture (SEM), by measuring impedance. SEM is a
presence of biofilm should be used. marker of potentially harmful pathology developing
There is no tool to predict whether or not a wound in at-risk skin and typically identifies these changes
is likely to heal based on its biochemistry or before they become clinically observable by eye.204
metabolites. The principal method for wound The use of this test may drive earlier intervention and
diagnosis and measurement of healing is high- prevent the formation of PU in at-risk patients.


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Section 5. Advanced and
adjunctive product use:
when and how?

t is important that every health professional
understands the signs and indications that referral
Key points
is necessary. In primary care, SoC consistent with l We suggest updating TIME to TIMERS,
the competencies in that setting should be used for adding repair/regeneration (R) and social
two to four weeks and the progress of the wound factors (S)
l S is an overarching theme, as patient
monitored, although this is always dependent on the factors are crucial to healing
ability to treat the wound on presentation. This l When the desired outcomes and
consensus panel recommends that a wound that does timeframes are not met, the patient should
not reduce in size 40–50% by week four should be be referred to the appropriate
multidisciplinary team (MDT) or advanced
referred to a wound care specialist or complex wound care setting
clinic. This period to see evolution before referral does l Each element of TIMERS is supported by
not go against strategies for early detection of recommendations for advanced therapies
complications. If criteria exist suggesting that the and approaches, with evidence that they
will meet the clinical goals
patient is at risk due to the wound, or that the wound
may benefit from an early specialised treatment, a
pathway for immediate referral should be activated.
This may vary from country to country.
Health professionals should identify desired The first step in the care pathway is holistic patient
objectives and outcomes within timeframes to meet assessment, clear identification of the underlying
realistic goals for the patient. Where these are not met, causes and risk factors, followed by wound assessment
the patient should be referred to the appropriate MDT/ and measurement. The more detailed assessments
advanced care setting. Advanced therapies used in a complex wound clinic/MDT will guide the
appropriate to the competencies in the complex definition of the desired outcome and care plan and
wound clinic/MDT should be deployed based on the how the patient and wound will be managed.
outcomes of patient and wound assessment. Advanced
adjunctive therapies are most likely to be used by
complex wound clinics/MDTs because of the TIMERS
advanced skills in those settings. The TIME concept is a framework focused on
The care pathway that the referred patient should management of specific, important parameters of the
follow is outlined in Section 4 on SoC, best practice for wound. When a wound does not respond, even when
common wound types is outlined in Box 4. The 10 steps its management is guided by TIME, other factors that
are the same; the implementation is more complex. have an impact on outcomes must be recognised.
The diagnostics will provide a more detailed This consensus panel recommends updating TIME to
assessment of the underlying factors that prevent recognise these factors with the integration of repair/
healing, informing the therapies to be used. The regeneration (R) and social factors (S). The new
treatments used in the care pathway are more framework provides structured guidance on
discriminating than those at the primary care level approaches to managing wound parameters and it
and must be prescribed and used by health identifies where advanced adjunctive therapies
professionals with certified competencies in these should be considered alongside standard care. TIME
complex therapies. becomes TIMERS:


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

Fig 6. TIMERS framework for managing hard-to-heal wounds. Diagnosis and holistic assessment, as well
as social- and patient-related factors, are the foundation on which treatment should be based

Treat underlying cause and risk factors

I: Inflammation/
T: Tissue M: Moisture E: Edge R: Repair

Observation: edge Observation:

Observation: Slow/stalled
Observation: rolled/epibole/
Observation: inflammation
incorrect moisture callus. Poor closure failing
devitalised tissue and/or infection,
balance advancement of conservative
bioburden therapy
wound edge

Debridment Treatment
options: options: Amnion/chorion
Treatment membrane
Autolytic Antimicrobials Options:
Cell scaffold
Sharp Antibiotics See also
Surgical Biofilm pathway debridement
Treatment technologies
Mechanical Bacterial binding options: Cyanoacrylate
Growth factors
dressings periwound
Including; NPWT Platelet-rich
Hydrosurgery Fluorescence Compression plasma (PRP)
biomodulation Excision of
Debridement pads Absorbent sclerosed margins Bioengineered
Gas plasma dressings substitutes
Enzymatic Fluorescence
Oxygen therapy NPWT
Larval biomodulation
(hyperbaric and
Ultrasound topical) Wound fillers Oxygen therapy
(e.g. collagen) (hyperbaric and
Laser CO2 MMP/TIMP topical)
Concentrated management
Stem cell therapy
surfactants Surfactants
skin graft

Outcome: Manage moisture Outcome:
Inflammation, Outcome:
Clean wound Wound Reduced
infection and Wound closure,
bed, debride environment wound size
biofilm controlled repair tissue
devitalised tissue conducive to Epithelialisation

S: Social- and patient-related factors

Patient education
Social situation Understanding belief system
Patient understanding Motivational literacy
Engage the patient
Patient adherence Active listening
with the care plan
Patient choice Psychoeducation
Psychosocial Patient’s own goals
Patient’s family/caregiver education


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

T: tissue viability Box 4. Best practice for the most common

I: infection/inflammation wound types
M: moisture balance
Venous leg ulcer
E: wound edge Compression therapy and venous intervention
R: repair/regeneration Pressure ulcer
S: social- and patient-related factors. Pressure reduction, relief and redistribution
Diabetic foot ulcer
TIMERS is a general framework (Fig 6) to guide Offloading and management of diabetes
care at all competency levels in all settings. Although Arterial ulcer
Vascular reconstruction
relevant to all care settings, the details of wound
management would vary according to each setting All can be aided by disruption of wound microbiota
and health professional competencies.
The overarching standard of care is holistic
The risk of complications is elevated when a assessment and accurate diagnosis, leading to
wound is open.205 The window of opportunity to management of the underlying causes and
minimise the likelihood of complications by pathophysiology using best practice according to
expert guidelines
encouraging the wound to heal is short; for example,
a DFU that remains open for 30 days is associated
with a 4.7-fold increase in the likelihood of infection principles or technologies with a range of modes of
and warrants an early intervention mind-set.205 action supported by comparative evidence.206
Identification and management of social- and Advanced therapies are categorised in the EWMA
patient-related factors perfuses the entire TIMERS statement according to the technology that
framework. Management of the underlying causes underpins them. The categories are: materials; cell
and risk factors is supported by a high SoC, using and tissue engineering; physical and biophysical;
evidence-based, symptomatically-guided treatment sensors; and IT-related.
for each of the components. This consensus document categorises advanced
A wound that has been referred to a complex wound therapies for wound management functionally in
clinic/MDT may be managed with one or more relation to the symptoms and clinical goals under
modality, including adjunctive advanced therapies. The TIMERS. Each of the six elements of TIMERS is
cost of advanced therapies may seem high; however, supported by recommendations for advanced
expensive therapy is any therapy that does not work, is therapies and approaches, with evidence that they
not matched to the clinical goal, or is inappropriate for will meet the clinical goals.
the patient. Such therapies lead to prolongation of the
wound, low adherence and potentially adverse Advanced therapy considerations
outcomes. Advanced treatment does not mean The size and location of the wound must be
expensive treatment when used appropriately. considered in the choice of any product, but
particularly in the choice of advanced therapies.
Their effectiveness could be compromised if, for
Definition of advanced example, a tissue equivalent is used on a plantar DFU
therapy and the patient is non-adherent to offloading. Wound
healing located over a pressure point in most cases
The European Wound Management Association cannot be achieved without appropriate offloading.
(EWMA) has defined advanced therapies for wound Effective, yet costly, treatment options should be
management as therapies that are based on novel avoided in situations where patient non-adherence


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

ensures treatment failure. Careful discussion with form of WBP than autolytic/enzymatic debridement,
the patient and a clear understanding of their social or cleansing with liquid products. Past studies,
situation and personal goals are required to assure including two multicentre RCTs, have demonstrated
that an appropriate product is used. Many products and confirmed that sharp debridement is safe and
are incompatible with, and should not be used in, an effective in stimulating healing of recalcitrant
infected wound. In these cases, therapy should be wounds, especially when combined with advanced
directed at addressing infection/biofilm. therapies.207–210 However, the type of debridement
Commissioning of treatment services by the regional methods employed needs to be determined by the
or national health services may also be a factor in the patient’s clinical circumstances and preferences, and
choice and use of advanced products. by variations in clinical skills.
Advanced therapies are not available to, approved in
or affordable by all care settings. They may be Considerations for debriding the wound
covered financially by a health-care system only Before debriding, considerations include: the health
when a defined response threshold has been reached. professional’s competence; tissue type (for example,
An example is select Medicare Administrative slough, necrosis, hard eschar); presence of biofilm and
Contractors (MAC), which will cover specific implementation of the biofilm pathway; wound
advanced therapies only after the wound has been location and depth; presence of ischaemia; the
managed for four weeks using SoC or other underlying cause; the duration of the debridement
conservative measures. Some health-care systems process; site of the devitalised tissue; and use of
require their clients to pay in full or in part for their immunosuppressants. Where debridement is being
treatment if their deductibles have not been met, and contemplated, any patient use of anticoagulants should
this may limit the use of treatment, particularly those be considered a possible contraindication before sharp
priced higher per unit or treatment episode than less debridement. Where the wound area is very large or the
advanced wound care products. international normalised ratio (INR) is >2.5, sharp
debridement may be contraindicated. Anticoagulant
therapy can extend the duration of a clinic visit,
The components of TIMERS because of the need to ensure that all post-debridement
For each component of TIMERS, clinical intervention bleeding has stopped.
is defined along with functionally-linked therapies or
processes (Fig 6). The outcome for each component is When not to debride
defined. Guidance on when not to use therapies is Aggressive, excisional sharp debridement should not
provided. The sixth component, ‘S’, is discussed in full be conducted where PAD has been diagnosed if ABPI
in Section 6. T, I, M and E are similar to the is <0.5. The lack of perfusion and consequent
equivalent components of TIME with regard to their ischaemia compromise the patient’s ability to heal,
definition, meaning and the goals of therapy.181 and debriding, particularly surgically, is likely to
exacerbate the wound. Debridement can be conducted
Tissue if revascularisation is possible and successful. Non-
The focus is on the presence of devitalised or viable, necrotic tissue can be removed carefully, while
non-viable tissue that does not contribute to healing avoiding the underlying viable tissue. If pyoderma
and may play a role in delaying healing or facilitating gangrenosum is suspected and diagnosed, the
infection. The clinical observation is the presence of inflammatory component should be adequately
such tissue and the goal is to eliminate it. Mechanical suppressed medically before engaging in conservative
or sharp debridement is a more intensive or invasive sharp debridement, since these ulcer types when left


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

untreated can exhibit pathergy, where it worsens in appropriate for patients who cannot withstand or do
response to minor trauma. not want surgery.

Advanced and other therapy Chemical debridement: a number of antiseptic

options for debridement preparations have been suggested as chemical
Sharp or surgical debridement: a surgical blade is debriders, such as Santyl (Smith & Nephew) or
used to cut tissue from the wound with an appropriate Octenidine (Schülke), may be used.212
local or general anaesthetic. Patients with peripheral
neuropathy may not require anaesthesia and this must Larval debridement/biosurgery: larvae of the
be guided by clinical assessment of nociception. greenbottle fly (Lucilia sericata or Lucilia cuprina)
Non-viable tissue, biofilm, slough, foreign bodies and remove moist slough by excreting proteolytic enzymes
callus can be removed efficiently from the wound edge to digest non-viable tissue and ingesting the liquefied
and base until healthy bleeding tissue is seen. tissue.213 Larval debridement is atraumatic. The
However, it should be noted that it has been proven specificity of larval debridement for non-viable tissue
that debridement does not completely remove is thought to be based on the patient’s endogenous
biofilm, but only provides a window of opportunity protease inhibitors, as for autolytic debridement. The
for continuation of biofilm-directed therapies.64,211 A enzymes that digest devitalised tissue are inhibited by
key advantage is speed and the control to remove the the endogenous inhibitors in healthy tissue.
majority of non-viable tissue in one clinic visit versus Disadvantages include the time required to debride,
autolytic debridement, which can take weeks squeamishness on the part of the patient, its inability
to months. to remove callus, and the availability of larvae.

Autolysis: autolytic debridement uses the patient’s Mechanical debridement: a number of debridement
own endogenous proteolytic enzymes produced by methods that use mechanical energy to remove
phagocytic cells to degrade devitalised tissue. A tissue are available:
dressing that seals the wound is applied. The natural l Debridement pads, for example, Debrisoft
accumulation of wound fluid in the wound space (Lohmann & Rauscher) and UCS Debridement
moistens the environment, allowing the proteases to (Medi), have recently been adopted for their ease
work. A number of dressings can act in this manner, of use, rapid results and relatively painless use.
including Cutimed Sorbact Hydroactive (Essity T/A Sloughy tissue including biofilm in the wound and
BSN medical) and HydroClean plus (Hartmann). eczematous surrounding skin may be debrided
Advantages include the selectivity of endogenous using monofilament pads
proteases, which are controlled by inhibitors such as l Hydrosurgery (Versajet, Smith & Nephew), a
TIMPs and others that prevent degradation of healthy pressurised water jet or whirlpool, is used to
tissue and the atraumatic painlessness of the process. clean the wound. 214 Debridement is rapid and
The disadvantage of autolysis is the extended time largely atraumatic to healthy tissue
required to debride the wound. Progress must be l Ultrasonic debridement,214 where the energy for
monitored by removing the dressings and reapplying, tissue disruption is provided by acoustic waves.
if necessary. Autolytic debridement may be combined Ultrasound delivered with saline, for example,
with mechanical debridement to facilitate WBP. The Ultrasonic Assisted Wound Debridement (Söring),
role of autolytic debridement to manage a chronic causes cavitation in tissue to disrupt slough and
wound is limited, due to the impaired physiology of the necrotic tissue. Non-contact ultrasound (for
chronic wound milieu. Non-surgical methods are example, MIST, Cellularity)214 uses an atomised


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

saline spray to assist debridement. A clinical study considered, such as the use of antibiofilm/antimicrobial
of the healing effect of MIST demonstrated combinations to disaggregate biofilms, thus improving
significantly improved wound closure in the effectiveness of the applied antibiofilm agent.
recalcitrant DFU compared with SoC, although in Generally, organisms are rarely resistant to or
this study MIST was not used as a debridement tolerate antiseptics, except in biofilm phenotype.
modality.215 Ultrasonic debridement may reduce Antiseptics, such as hypochlorous acid, clear
viable counts of Meticillin-resistant planktonics and are helpful after debridement to
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); however, the slow the biofilm reformation, but do not effectively
reported effect is small, based on in vitro disaggregate the biofilm EPS, especially with short
studies.216 Ultrasonic debridement is relatively exposure times of less than 5 minutes.120 Infrequent
painless, but the equipment is expensive and may examples of antiseptic resistance or tolerance include
not be easily available. silver resistance mediated by carriage of plasmid-
borne silver resistance genes217,218 or intrinsic
Note: the older traumatic method of wet-to-dry tolerance related to the structure of organisms.219 De
dressings is now not recommended. novo development of silver resistance appears to be
rare.218 In cases of resistance or tolerance, an
Inflammation and infection alternative antiseptic should be used.
The focus in this component is on bioburden Health professionals should be aware of the signs
management, and in particular the biofilm pathway. and symptoms of inflammation. The classical signs
Health professionals should refer to the details of the include redness, oedema, heat and pain. A wound
pathway in Section 4 and to the published biofilm may have exudate that signifies inflammation. This
pathway consensus.120 may include large volumes of exudate or purulent
exudate. Furthermore, signs of inflammation may be
Considerations for controlling less evident because of skin pigmentation or the
inflammation and bioburden underlying disease. Patients with diabetes may not
Health professionals should be informed about the show all the classical signs. The simple expedient of
antibiotic stewardship policy of their health- measuring the patient’s core temperature may reveal
care provider. inflammation, and laboratory investigations for
Stewardship policies may recommend antibiotics inflammation markers such as C-reactive protein
for specified clinical diagnoses based on the known (CRP) may be indicated.
resistance profiles of organisms endemic to the Inflammation and infection are conditions that
facility and local environment. The policy may also prevent healing. There is no clinical situation in which
specify a cycle of rotation of antibiotics to prevent not managing inflammation and infection is warranted.
organisms being exposed over long periods to the
same antibiotic, which can increase the likelihood Advanced therapy options for controlling
that new resistance will evolve. It may further specify inflammation and bioburden
antibiotics to be used in cases where resistant Biofilm pathway: recommended to manage bioburden
organisms have been isolated. and its contribution to inflammation in hard-to-heal
In general, topical antibiotics alone are not wounds. Briefly, the first stage is early intervention with
recommended for wound care, because this potential aggressive debridement and topical antiseptics with
pressure may favour the emergence of antibiotic detailed microbiology, followed by de-escalation to
resistance developing in wound microbes. In this assessment of response, further debridement and
regard, a more novel antimicrobial approach could be personalised antimicrobial therapy.120 Over four weeks


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

inflammation and healing are assessed, maintenance bacterial cell wall to allow leakage of cell electrolytes
debridement implemented, antimicrobial strategy and increasing permeability to allow entry of more
re-assessed, and host factors are managed. If at four silver ions.221 Examples of products containing
weeks healing has not progressed, advanced treatments antiseptics are:
are introduced (Fig 5). l Hypochlorous acid. Hydrocyn Aqua (Vigilenz);
Nexodyn (APR); Puracyn (Innovacyn); Revamil
Manage underlying pathology: inflammation may Wound Dressing; Octenilin Wound Gel (Schülke)
be caused by chronic underlying pathology that l Iodine. Inadine (KCI); Iodoflex (Smith & Nephew)
stimulates blood vessels in a classical inflammatory l PHMB. Activheal range (Advanced Medical
cascade. The assessment of the patient should include Solutions); Kendall AMD range (H&R); Suprasorb
detailed analysis of the underlying causes. These X+P; PuraPly AM (PHMB on native ECM,
should be managed over the entire duration of Organogenesis); HMB (Lohmann & Rauscher)
treatment using the best available methods l Reactive oxygen. SurgihoneyRO (H&R Healthcare)
consistent with clinical and patient needs. l Silver. Silverlon (Argentum). Oxysalts (Ag3+:
Crawford Healthcare); Maxorb Ag (Medline);
Antimicrobials and antibiotics: a number of options Optifoam Ag+ Foam Dressing (Medline); Aquacel
for antimicrobial treatment in the biofilm pathway are Ag (Convatec).
available. These include topical antiseptics, dressings
that physically adsorb or absorb and retain organisms Physical mode of action: physical modes of action
(such as bacterial binding dressings), innovative include adsorption onto the structure of the product and
antimicrobial therapies, biofilm disrupting absorption into the 3-dimensional structure of a
technology, and systemic antibiotics. product, combined in some products with antimicrobial
action. Examples include:
Antiseptics: a broad range of antiseptics (also known l Bacterial-binding dressings (Cutimed Sorbact,
as antimicrobial barriers) are available including Essity T/A BSN medical). The bacterial-binding
iodine, chlorhexidine, polyhexamethylene biguanide dressing contains Sorbact Technology, a
(PHMB), silver (metallic, nanocrystaline, ionic), hydrophobic fatty acid derivative which gives the
octenidine, reactive oxygen, and hypochlorous acid. dressings their highly hydrophobic properties.
Most antiseptics are represented by a large number of Hydrophobic bacteria and fungi222,223 become
products in a variety of forms from several rapidly and irreversibly bound in the dressing and
manufacturers, that allow the optimal treatment for are removed at dressing change, preventing the
the patient to be chosen. For example, Silverlon, is an further release of exotoxins and the release of
bactericidal nylon fabric wound dressing where each endotoxins upon bacterial cell death.224,225 These
strand is uniformly plated with pharmaceutical grade offer infection management and prevention due to
silver. The dressing, when kept moist, continually their purely physical mode of action. The
provides sustained release 24/7 of ionic silver (Ag+) of bacterial-binding dressing has been used
up to 70ppm and ensures the eradication of wound successfully to manage DFU226 and surgical
pathogens without staining or discolouration of the site infection.227
wound. A recent publication show a significant l Activated carbon. It has long been used as a filter
reduction (60%) of SSI.220 The silver ions reduce for volatile small molecules, such as those that
bacteria by interfering with thiol groups within cellular cause odour. Electrostatic forces enable activated
respiratory enzymes, interfering with bacterial cell carbon to attract and bind microorganisms and
division and inactivating DNA and by damaging the kill them. These properties have been exploited in


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

Zorflex (Zorflex), made from 100% activated increased blood vessel counts;248 and increased
carbon, which has shown promise in a case series cell proliferation. The LumiHeal device (Klox
of leg ulcers228 Technologies) has been evaluated in a real-life
l Gas plasma. The antimicrobial action of gas plasma setting of 100 patients with chronic wounds,
for planktonic and biofilm229 microorganisms, including VLU, DFU and PU. The intervention led
including ESKAPE pathogens, is well- to a positive efficacy profile in promoting wound
established.230–233 Gas plasma is created at the point healing and reactivating the healing process,251,252
of care by a high-voltage electric arc in the chosen as well as in QoL outcomes. It was also proved to
gas and kills organisms by the action of reactive be safe. A case series in VLU supports the use of
oxygen species.234,235 Gas plasma may stimulate this technology 243
healing236 through enhanced angiogenesis237 and l Biofilm disruption technology. The EPS of biofilm
local tissue perfusion.238,239 Gases used include is responsible for maintaining the 3-dimensional
ambient air and argon. The devices reduce the structure of biofilm with organisms distributed
temperature of the plasma at the point of generation within it, and is largely responsible for the
from several thousands of degrees Celsius to a resistance and tolerance of organisms to
harmless temperature for delivery to tissue. Cold antimicrobial intervention in biofilm.253
argon plasma treatment may reduce the antibiotic Disruption of biofilm by focusing on EPS is
sensitivity of MRSA in vitro;240 testing of interactions recommended as a paradigm shift in the effective
may be warranted. Examples of gas plasma therapies management of biofilm.253 A number of biofilm
indicated for wound management include the Adtec disruption products exist, from the family of Xbio
Healthcare Steriplas argon plasma device241 line of products from Next Science (BlastX gel
and MicroPlaSter242 SurgX sterile gel, TorrentX wound wash,
l Fluorescence biomodulation. Fluorescence Bactisure), while concentrated surfactants
biomodulation uses fluorescent wavelengths of (Plurogel, Medline) to disrupt bioflim have been
light to manage inflammation in a process known developed. The antimicrobial wound gel with the
as fluorescence biomodulation, or non-toxic Xbio technology deconstructs the
photobiomodulation. Light from a bacterial biofilm EPS matrix, destroys bacteria
monochromatic light-emitting diode (LED) is within the gel through the high osmolarity
transmitted from a hand-held device into a topical created in the wound and a surfactant that
light-absorbing molecule (LAM, also known as induces cell and spore lysis, and defends from
chromophores) formulation placed over the recolonisation, while maintaining a moist wound
treatment area. The LED light with a single peak environment.254 The gel has been shown to inhibit
wavelength between 440 and 460nm stimulates biofilm formation by wound bacteria in vitro and
fluorescent wavelengths of light emitted from the in vivo, eliminate established biofilm infection,
LAM into the tissue, where it exerts control of and reduce bacterial counts in biofilm by 6 to 8
bacterial bioburden243 and log10. CFU/disc.255 It is indicated for the
photobiomodulation effects.244, 245 management of wounds such as PU, partial- and
Mitochondria are reported to be the principal full-thickness wounds, DFU, leg ulcers and
cellular site of response to the postoperative wounds. Alone or in combination
photobiomodulation.246–249 The biological effects with SoC, the gel has been shown to be effective in
include: altered gene expression; expression of disrupting wound biofilm and improving healing
protective, anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and outcomes in recalcitrant wounds.256,257
pro-proliferation gene products;250 nitric oxide;245 Concentrated surfactant gel, for example PluroGel


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

(Medline), also helps manage biofilm and pressure may be unsuitable for use under compression.
infection. Slough and biofilms within the wound Viscous exudate requires managing differently to thin
are held together, and to the wound bed, to a watery exudate, as products that readily manage thin
major extent by non-covalent forces, which have a exudate may become blocked by viscous exudate,
tendency to be disrupted by a surfactant’s reducing dressing uptake and leading to pooling.
amphiphilic polymer structure. In vitro studies Purulent, haemopurulent or seropurulent exudate
demonstrate that the non-cytotoxic, water-soluble may signify infection. Colour and odour may be
gel is able to disperse microbial aggregates, indicators of microbial influence on the wound,
disrupt mature biofilms, and prevent de novo including biofilm and infection. The constituents of
biofilm growth.258,259 In vitro models also show exudate may include proteases that can damage
that the micelle-based matrix formed by the compromised skin. An algorithm for dressing selection
concentrated surfactant gel may interfere with based on the characteristics of exudate is available.265
quorum-sensing pathways in microbes which are The patient should be considered in selecting an
essential for biofilm development.260 appropriate moisture-management strategy. Exudate
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to leakage and soiling can adversely affect the patient’s
increase the O2 concentration in blood,261 and QoL and that of those around them; it also increases
evidence suggests it may be useful in the the likelihood of pathogens gaining access to the
treatment of some infections, including in deep wound.265 Dressing change frequency should be
and recalcitrant infections such as necrotising considered in the light of the ability of the patient to
fasciitis, and osteomyelitis, as well as aiding attend clinic or get access to community
healing in burn patients and reducing amputation nursing services.
rates in patients with DFUs.262,263 It is thought Oedema management with compression therapy
HBOT promotes the healing of infections by an may be challenging in patients with a history of
number of mechanisms, including direct cardiac failure, arterial insufficiency, and patients
bacteriostatic/bactericidal effects and unable to tolerate compression therapy.
enhancement of the immune systems.263 Management of moisture is a critical step in an
effective SoC. If not implemented, the wound may
Moisture balance become too dry or too wet and the surrounding skin
The focus should be on management of moisture in may be damaged by exudate that spreads from the
order to create a balanced, moist wound environment wound. Ineffectively managed moisture and exudate
for healing. may leak from the dressing and contaminate
secondary dressings and compression products, as
Considerations for moisture balance well as the patient’s clothing and environment. A
Excessive exudate production, or too little exudate or moisture-balanced wound environment is widely
moisture in a wound, leads to disrupted healing and regarded as optimal for wound healing once all other
potential damage to the surrounding skin. factors have been managed. There is no situation
Considerations include the exudate characteristics where moisture should not be managed and balanced
with respect to its amount, colour, odour, viscosity, in a wound.
possible constituents and appearance.264 The
periwound skin should be assessed for potential Advanced and other therapy options for
damage or compromise. The potential impact of other managing moisture
products used in wound care should be considered, for Dressings are the most commonly-used approach to
example, a dressing that is unable to retain fluid under manage exudate and moisture. Health professionals


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

should be familiar with the characteristics of Low moisture may be addressed using products
dressings available in their health-care system in that donate fluid to the wound. Hydrogels; gel-type
order to select the product that best matches the dressings, such as ActiFormCool (L&R) and Cutimed
patient, wound and exudate assessment. Sorbact Hydroactive (Essity T/A BSN medical) are
Management of oedema should be considered as suitable for this use. In a wound that is expressing
part of moisture management—oedema reduction is small amounts of fluid, it may be sufficient to cover the
a key element of effective wound management. wound with a moisture-retaining, occlusive dressing,
Oedema may be managed with compression unless such as a hydrocolloid (DuoDERM ConvaTec;
contraindicated, in which case diuretics may be Suprasorb H (Lohmann & Rauscher), to provide the
appropriate. A patient with lymphoedema should be moist wound environment known to facilitate healing.
referred to the lymphoedema team for
specialist management. Management of wound proteases
Low-viscosity exudate may be managed using one of Where excessive production of proteases is suspected, a
a wide variety of absorbent dressings, including foams, number of options are available for reducing their effect.
fibrous products such as gelling fibres, superabsorbent These include sacrificial substrate, for example,
dressings and NPWT. High-viscosity exudate may be Promogran (KCI); absorption and retention, such as
managed with dressings or methods designed superabsorbent dressings, including Cutimed Sorbion
specifically for such exudate. An example of such a range (Essity T/A BSN medical), the Aquacel range
dressing is Mepilex XT (Mölnlycke Health Care) and (ConvaTec), Durafiber (Smith & Nephew); or inhibition
Cutimed Siltec (Essity T/A BSN medical). Low-viscosity of proteases, for example, UrgoStart (Urgo Medical),
exudate in moderate-to-highly exuding wounds is Puracol Collagen dressings (Medline) Suprasorb C, a
suitable for management with superabsorbent collagen filler (Lohmann & Rauscher).
dressings, such as the Cutimed range (Essity T/A BSN
medical) and the Optilock range (Medline). These types Edge
of dressing are indicated for acute and chronic wounds, In full-thickness wounds and many large wounds,
to absorb and retain exudate. epithelial resurfacing takes place from the wound
High volumes of exudate can rapidly overwhelm edge. Monitoring the epithelial margin of the wound
dressings, even those with high absorption and guides the approach to management, in order to
retention capacity. An alternative is NPWT; some optimise the conditions required. The quality of the
examples include Renasys Touch (Smith & Nephew) and wound bed is key to epithelial advancement from the
VAC Therapy (KCI, an Acelity company). High-viscosity wound margins, and WBP focuses on this.
exudate can be managed with NPWT using instillation
in combination with specifically-designed foam Considerations for wound
dressings with large channels. The large channels allow edge management
the exudate to pass through and be removed from the WBP is a prerequisite for epithelial advancement.
wound surface. An example is VAC Instill Therapy The edge of the wound should be assessed for the
System (KCI), combined with a reticulated open-cell need to debride and for the possible need for
foam dressing, Veraflo Cleanse Choice (KCI).266,267 therapies to accelerate re-epithelialisation. Other
Many other examples of NPWT, including portable considerations include wound size and depth, the
versions, are available: Advance (Mölnlycke Health nature and duration of the wound, and patient-
Care), Avelle (ConvaTec), Invia Motion (Medela), related parameters, including psychosocial factors,
Nanova (KCI), PICO (Smith & Nephew), SNaP (KCI), and accessibility, environment and adherence to the
Venturi Avanti (Talley Group). care path.


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

In a wound for which the clinical objective is Considerations for repair and regeneration
healing, it is important to account for the role of the A hard-to-heal wound is likely to respond to therapy
wound edge. As with other aspects of TIMERS, for only once risk factors have been addressed. The risk
which debridement is a possible intervention, caveats factors are those identified in the patient and wound
described above apply. It is highly unlikely that assessment process of a high SoC. Critical factors
epithelial advancement from the margins will occur include the underlying pathology, infection, biofilm,
if high levels of exudate production, the underlying and patient-related factors.
pathology, biofilm, and infection have not been
addressed. Focus must be on these aspects first. When not to manage wound repair with
advanced therapies
Advanced and other therapy options for It must be established that the wound is not responding
reducing wound size to SoC and that the clinician has addressed all the risk
The wound margins should be excised if required as factors identified. Management of repair with advanced
indicated by callus formation or devitalised tissue. therapies should not be implemented until risk factors
Where epithelial advancement is slow, a number of are addressed. Some, but not all, authorities limit the
options for accelerating it are available. These include use of advanced therapies to use on wounds that have
tissue equivalent or living-skin equivalent products, responded to SoC by less than 50% at four weeks. The
such as allogeneic cellular graft products, including National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Alloskin (Allosource), autologous split-thickness skin (NICE) in the UK advises against the use of some
grafts, epithelial punch grafts and regulatory advanced therapies, based on efficacy and/or health
protein-containing tissue equivalents, such as economic grounds,271,272 although this is not a
dehydrated Human Amnion/Chorion Membrane universally held opinion.
allografts (dHACM; EpiFix, MiMedx) or
bioengineered skin substitutes (BLCC; Apligraf, or Advanced therapy options for wound repair
HDS; Dermagraft, Organogenesis). In cases where the A wide range of options for advanced therapy of
wound bed does not present with the optimal chronic, hard-to-heal wounds is available. Different
granulation tissue to receive skin grafts (for example, technologies are available to select from, based on the
if stagnant slough is present), the ulcer may benefit suitability of a technology for the wound and patient
from autologous punch grafting. Although some characteristics. Technologies include topically- and
pinch or punch grafts may not adhere to the wound systemically-delivered interventions, such as: oxygen
bed, they release growth factors, signal molecules (systemically-delivered); growth factor preparations;
and cells that enhance epithelial resurfacing and nitric oxide and sucrose octasulphate; tissue
reduce pain.268–270 Other options include the equivalent products; NPWT; systemic
previously-covered photobiomodulation device pharmacotherapy; and protein-based nutritional
LumiHeal (Klox) and protease- supplements, such as ProMod and Juven (Abbott).
modulating  technologies.
Topical interventions
Repair and regeneration l Nitric oxide (NO). A two-component gel dressing
The focus here is encouraging wound closure by: (ProNOx1, Edixomed) that generates and delivers
providing a matrix to support cell infiltration; NO directly to the wound has recently been
stimulating cell activity using signal molecules or shown to reduce wound area significantly more
growth factors; delivering oxygen therapy; or using than SoC alone in a real-world, open-label,
stem cells. multicentre RCT in DFU. 272 The study offers


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

preliminary evidence of efficacy that requires decellularised tissue matrices; placental-based

confirmation in an RCT that assesses complete grafts; bioengineered matrices manufactured from
wound closure solubilised ECM constituents, with or without added
l Oxygen therapy. Oxygen therapy is delivered cells; cell culture-based grafts; and collagen
either topically or systemically. HBOT is given via products. Products may be allogeneic or xenografts,
breathing air with a high, partial pressure of presented as sheets or powder, and be supplied
oxygen in a closed chamber (respiratory HBO: dehydrated or hydrated. The mode of action for these
rHBO). Health Quality Ontario found in its health technologies is provision of a scaffold to enable
technology assessment (HTA) that rHBO in cellular infiltration into the wound space. Matrices
conjunction with SoC improves wound healing in may be temporary and require repeated application,
DFU273 and may offer benefits in AU or integrated into the healed tissue and remodelled
management,274 possibly through reduction in over an extended time period. Overall, skin grafting
MMP levels275 as a result of reduced recruitment of for the management of DFU is associated with
neutrophils.276 Local oxygen therapies deliver an increased healing compared with SoC alone280
oxygen-rich atmosphere to the wound area, either by l Placental-based grafts. Amniotic and chorion
topical continuous delivery of non-pressurised layers are used in these products. DHACM
(normobaric) oxygen (CDO) through small cannulas (MiMedx) is an example that retains over 280
or thin tubes (Natrox/Epiflo) to wound dressings, or unique regulatory proteins present in the amnion/
by small chamber-based constant pressure devices chorion tissue after processing.281,282 These
(TWO2/TO2).261 bioactive proteins extracted from dHACM have
l Growth factors (GF). GFs may be delivered to a been shown to stimulate proliferation of human
wound as a gel (Becaplermin, Smith & Nephew) or microvascular endothelial cells and recruit
as autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP). PRP may mesenchymal stem cells283 in vitro and in
be presented as pure PRP or with other cells, with vivo,281,285 all of which aid in the wound-healing
or without a fibrous matrix such as fibrin.206 The process. Clinical evaluations have demonstrated
mode of action is stimulation of cell activity and the efficacy of dHACM in Wagner grade I and II
migration by providing signalling molecules that DFU209,210, 284–288 and VLU289,290
may be deficient in the wound. Some authorities l Bioengineered technologies. Many products are
do not recommend use of PRP in wound available in this category of advanced technology.
healing,206 and a systematic review concluded Examples include Dermagraft and Apligraf (both
that DFU may benefit.277,278 However, the evidence Organogenesis). Dermagraft is a cryopreserved,
of its effect is of low quality and requires 3-dimensional human dermal substitute (HDS)
confirmation in well-designed RCTs278 composed of human fibroblasts, an ECM and a
l Sucrose octasulfate. Previously known as bioabsorbable polyglactin mesh scaffold which
nano-oligosaccharide fraction (NOSF), sucrose may be serially applied to a wound without the
octasulfate is a constituent of UrgoStart, which need for removal of the product from the wound
has recently completed a multicentre RCT in 240 and is indicated for DFU.291 Apligraf, a
hard-to-heal, non-infected, neuropathic DFU, bioengineered bilayered living cellular construct
which demonstrated statistically significantly (BLCC) indicated for VLU and DFU, has an outer
greater complete wound closure at 20 weeks than layer of human epidermal keratinocytes, and an
did SoC alone279 inner layer of human dermal fibroblasts contained
l Tissue equivalents (TE) and living skin equivalents within a collagen matrix.292,293 BLCC has been
(LSE). Presentations of TE and LSE include: shown to induce a shift to healing through


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Advanced and adjunctive product use: when and how

modulation of inflammatory and GF signalling, VLU specifically, the health professional should
keratinocyte activation and attenuation of refer to a systematic review which found that
Wrt/β-catenin signalling in VLU.293 Both have bilayered grafts enhanced healing compared with
been shown to offer health economic benefit in the dressings. 306 However, studies conducted on other
management of DFU as a result of lower products were subject to high likelihood of bias307
amputation rates, fewer days’ hospitalisation and l NPWT. Already discussed in relation to
fewer emergency department visits than debridement, NPWT may be used to stimulate
conventional care294 in-filling of the wound and is associated with
l ECM-based technologies. Products based on enhanced take of skin grafts or cutaneous
collagen and other ECM constituents have been substitutes. A large number of publications attest
evaluated in chronic wounds. Collagen-based to the efficacy of NPWT in chronic wounds. A
products include Puracol (Medline),295 Biobrane possible mechanism is microdeformation of tissue
(Smith & Nephew), Suprasorb C (L&R) and by either continuous sub-atmospheric pressure or
PuraPlyAM (Organogenesis), a native structured repeated cycles of low and normal pressure, thus
ECM-based technology coated with an anti- creating a physical stimulus for tissue growth
microbial (PHMB). Hyaluronan (HA) has been l Other therapies: following systematic review,
shown to be involved in wound healing, with its Pentoxifylline has been recommended for the
functions modulated by its molecular weight, management of hard-to-heal VLU. 308
including control of inflammation and cellular Not all therapies are available in all countries.
functions.296,297 HA esterified with benzyl alcohol
(HYAFF) is the key constituent in the bilayer, Social- and patient-related
fibrous, non-woven product, Hyalomatrix The ‘S’ of TIMERS envelops the entire framework and
(Medline), with a semi-permeable silicone outer recognises the importance of patient engagement in
layer. In the wound, hydrated Hyalomatrix increasing the likelihood of healing. Social and patient
de-esterifies to deliver HA. Hyalomatrix has been factors are discussed in full detail in Section 6.
extensively evaluated in clinical studies and shown
to enhance healing in a range of chronic Extreme long-term, non-responsiveness
wounds;298–302 reduce scarring in full-thickness The care plan should be continued in the event of
burns302 and in scar revision;303 and offer rapid extreme long-term, non-responsiveness. Ethically, it
healing in large skin-loss injuries.304 is not acceptable to withdraw or stop therapy that is
l Cell-based grafts. Stem cell therapy and cultured recommended in best-practice statements, even if
epithelial cells are in this category. Cultured the wound has not measurably progressed.
autologous epithelial cell grafts include Epicel Treatment should continue in order, as a minimum,
(Genzyme), Epidex (Euroderm) and MySkin to prevent deterioration, and the healing
(Altrika). 305 expectations of the health professional and patient
In considering the use of advanced methods based should be managed accordingly. This entails
on autologous grafting or tissue-equivalent and redefining or repriorsitisation of patient and
bioengineered products in the management of clinical goals.


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Section 6. Management
of patient-related factors

he ‘S’ component of TIMERS (Fig 6) focuses on
the social situation and patient-related
Key points
factors. The over-arching social situation and l Social- and patient-related factors are likely
patient-related factors are critical in ensuring the to influence the outcome of the
most effective management of wounds and must be management of hard-to-heal wounds
l The panel identified psychosocial factors,
considered alongside all the other components of factors that affect adherence, physical and
TIMERS. Importantly, the first step in the TIMERS comorbidity factors, and extrinsic factors
framework is to conduct a holistic patient assessment l The more understanding and agreement
and diagnostic investigations to identify all the risk the patient has about their care planm the
more likely they are to adhere
factors associated with the wound and the patient. l Use of medical jargon should be avoided
These investigations should clearly identify the
non-clinical, patient-related risk factors. Manageable
risk factors may include educating the patient using
language and materials that they can understand. wound and what has caused it. Hence, a health
Uncontrollable risk factors may include the patient’s professional’s use of medical jargon could also lead to
living conditions, where they live and dementia. In poor adherence. The patient’s beliefs will be driven by
assessing social- and patient-related risk factors, it is this understanding and will be affected by their
important to distinguish between those that may be previous experience of management of the wound. The
addressable by the health professional and those that social support available to the patient from family and
cannot and must be accepted. friends may be insufficient to facilitate effective
Non-clinical social- and patient-related risk factors understanding of the care plan. Dementia and
may be classified as: psychosocial factors, factors that depression are also important. Dementia may make
affect adherence, physical and comorbidity factors, and understanding of the care plan and the needs of the
extrinsic factors. wound impossible for the patient, and in this situation
social support is critical.
Psychosocial factors
For the care pathway to be successful, agreement on Factors that affect adherence
its implementation—effectively, a form of ‘contract’— A critical part of managing hard-to-heal, and indeed
is required between the health professional and the healing wounds and any other medical condition, is
patient. Psychosocial factors107 that can negatively the patient following the agreed care path, a major
impact on the ability of a patient to reach such an driver of success.108,311 Debate among health
agreement are related to the patient’s ability to professionals on the exact terminology to use in
understand the care plan. Factors that may affect this relation to how well the care plan is followed
include the patient’s educational attainment level and exists. 312–314 The terms ‘adherence’, ‘concordance’ and
health literacy (HL). Levels of HL may be low and add ‘compliance’ have been used and, at the time of
cost to health care,309 because their wounds are less writing, these terms remain in use in different
likely to heal.310 Factors can also relate to the health countries and settings. ‘Adherence’ refers to the
professional and may include the inability of the degree to which the care plan is followed by the
clinician to explain adequately, the over-use of patient, whereas ‘concordance’ is related to the
medical jargon and an unwillingness to engage degree to which the patient and the health
constructively with the patient’s social situation. professionals have agreed the plan.315 Throughout this
Medical language can be difficult to understand, document, the term ‘adherence’ has been used for
leading to potential misunderstandings about the consistency. The reader should understand that this


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Management of patient-related factors

term as used here has a meaning analogous to the action of the treatment. Compression for chronic
‘concordance’ or ‘compliance’ in the context of how the venous disease is an example of where movement of
care path is followed. The term ‘compliance’, which the calf muscle pump by foot flexion or walking
implies following instructions rather than acting with creates pressure spikes in the veins that assist the
agreement,315 has fallen out of favour in the UK, as it return of blood to the heart, 320 and it is important
does not promote patient/clinician partnership. that the type of compression selected will work with
Factors that may reduce adherence include the the patient’s physical abilities. The patient may need
patient’s own goals, which may differ from those of to contribute to self-care by re-applying products or
the health professional and may be unrealistic. 316 monitoring the foot when their sight is affected by
Additionally, the goals for the patient may be retinopathy, impairing their ability to see the wound
different among individual health professionals. 317 or foot clearly. Comorbidities may adversely affect the
These factors will influence whether or not the patient’s ability to walk or confine them to a chair or
patient receives care that they are happy with and to bed. An elderly patient may be frail and/or arthritic
which they are prepared to adhere. For the care plan and unable to grip objects effectively. Sleep disorders
to succeed, the goals must align. If goals do not align, may affect the patient’s cognition and daily activities
the patient is likely to feel less empowered and in and reduce the effectiveness of the care plan.
control of their part of the care plan. This is likely to
affect adherence. 317 Patients may also harbour Extrinsic factors
dissatisfaction with the continuity of their wound These are indirect factors that may be uncontrollable
management as they see it. 318 The impact of the care or not addressable by the practitioner and may have to
plan on the patient’s activities of daily living (AoDL) be largely accepted. Examples are the patient’s
must be considered. Past experience may have shown environment and living conditions,321 the distance
the patient that a certain treatment was painful or from their home to the clinical setting, living alone,
‘did not work’. Whether the failure of a previous care social isolation, and access to care (although this may
plan was down to the care plan itself or the patient’s be addressable). Other risk factors include the patient’s
adherence to it should be teased out. Adherence is economic situation where, for example, travel to a
affected by how the care plan affects QoL, which is clinical centre or treatment is self- or part-funded.
often severely diminished by a chronic wound.56 QoL
is strongly influenced by four factors in VLU patients:
social function; domestic activities; cosmesis; Management of social and
emotional status. 318 Clinical factors that influence patient-related risk factors
health-related QoL (HRQoL) include pain, itching, Modification of social and patient-related risks is
altered appearance, sleep loss, functional limitation necessary to encourage the patient to agree to and
and disappointment with treatment. 319 QoL markers, engage with the care plan.
which are influenced by symptoms, may improve
when wounds progress or heal. Previous experience Psychosocial factors
and the goals of treatment are important factors in The health professional must present a care plan that
the choice that the patient will make about treatment can be understood by the patient, taking into account
and this must be considered. their ability to understand potentially complex
medical and clinical concepts and language. The
Physical and comorbidity factors better the patient understands and agrees with their
Patient mobility is important, in particular where it treatment, the more likely they are to follow the agreed
is required for self-care, or mobility contributes to care plan.322,323 Health professionals must also have


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Management of patient-related factors

enough information about the patient’s belief system, l Use motivational interviewing to maximise the
perhaps influenced by their past experience and the likelihood of adherence.
advice and guidance of others—clinically qualified The care plan may need specific interventions and
and lay—to tailor the plan to the patient in a way that methods to meet the goals for AoDL and symptom
they believe it will be effective. This may require management, including pain at all stages of the care
discussions with the patient’s social support system. pathway, to encourage adherence. However, it should
Educating the patient and others is a critical factor: be noted that the evidence for interventions to
education should be delivered simply and the health improve adherence/concordance does not appear to
professional must carefully explain why the steps of show benefit. 330
the care plan are needed. A patient with dementia or The care plan for a chronic, hard-to-heal wound is
depression will rely heavily, if not totally, on their likely to need input from the MDT or group of health
social support system for the effectiveness of the professionals, and this must be recognised. A
care plan. decision to move from active therapy of the wound to
Psychosocial factors are important and many are maintenance must be agreed by the MDT. The patient
difficult to modify; these can be modified if themselves may decide that they no longer want the
appropriate; however, skills are used and it could be outcome that is preferred by a health professional. If
suggested that a social worker or psychologist should the patient decides to move to a maintenance therapy
be part of the MDT. It should be noted that plan, the implications and consequences must be
psychology can play a significant part, not only for clearly communicated to the patient. The plan will
the patient, but also in improving the clinician’s care, include managing wound symptoms such as
so everyone benefits infection, exudate, pain and odour, rather than the
explicit objective of closing the wound.
The patient’s level of adherence should be assessed. Physical and comorbidity factors
Adherence to the care plan is heavily influenced by a Treatment that fits the patient’s physical abilities
number of factors,108,324–326 including the patient’s should be implemented as far as possible. A treatment
belief systems, impact on AoDL and QoL, previous that requires physical activity will be ineffective for a
experience of care and pain, either at dressing patient who is unable to engage in the required level
change or from the treatment generally. 327 The health of activity. If the patient is unable to administer
professional must ensure that the objectives of the self-care, then arrangements must be considered for
care plan are the same as those of the patient, the care to be administered by a trusted carer who
otherwise a disempowered patient and non- may be a health professional, family member or
adherence are the likely outcomes. 328 This requires friend. This person must be educated about what is
active listening on the part of the health professional needed and why, and how to deliver the care. An
and a two-way exchange of information:329 example is daily foot inspections in an obese patient
with diabetes and retinopathy. A patient who does not
l Assimilate the patient’s comments and wishes have retinopathy may be able to inspect their own feet
l Check for clear understanding using a mirror mounted on a wall or on a stick.
l Ask clarifying questions Comorbidities must be managed as far as possible and
l Re-check for understanding their compatibility with adherence assessed. Sleep
l Formulate a plan that aligns with the comments disorders, similarly, should be addressed if possible. If
and wishes the patient sleeps in a chair because she/he cannot
l Agree the plan with the patient climb stairs to the bedroom, then the care should


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Management of patient-related factors

accommodate this, with, for example, advice on relationships, and caring and quality. 333 Either
support, positioning and leg elevation. community nurses supported by advanced practice
clinics via telehealth technology334 or dedicated
Extrinsic factors hospital- or community-based clinics for patients
Although little may be done about the distance of the with wounds may in the future also contribute to
patient’s home from the clinic, it may be possible to better outcomes. 335,336 The key factor is access to
arrange for local volunteer services to help the high-quality, best practice, patient-centred care to
patient with low- or no-cost transport to the clinic improve outcomes. 337
when needed. The impact of leg clubs on VLU healing, In summary, social- and patient-related factors
although supported by low-quality evidence, appears are likely to influence the outcome of the
to be positive331–334 and encouraging the patient to management of hard-to-heal wounds. Despite the
attend such groups for social interaction, and care is evidence for some interventions and strategies
likely to be beneficial. Patients who attend leg clubs being of low quality, the panel recommends that
perceive the benefits to be sociability, enabling, these factors should be addressed.
knowledge and experience, interpersonal


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