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Subject Weekly Meeting SWRO Civil Works

Date 3/5/2022
Time 09.00 AM
Venue SUEZ site office Meeting Room
Participants Mr. Youssef SUEZ Construction Manager
Mr. Lakshitha Perera SUEZ Civil Project Engineer
Mr. Lahiru Rangana SUEZ Planning Engineer
Mr. Lakshitha Withanage SUEZ QA QC
Mr. Lakmal SUEZ HSSE Officer
Mr. Rukman SUEZ HSSE Manager
Mr. Sanjeewa MAGA Project Manager
Mr. Herald Gunaperan MAGA Planning Engineer
Mr. Chathuranga MAGA Construction Manager
Mr. N Kirishanthan MAGA QA QC
Mr. N Priyan MAGA Environment officer
Mr. Dharmapriya MAGA Safety officer
No. Agenda/Description Previous Response This Week Response

MAGA will submit it before 31st of March.

1 Design Submissions Foundation design report for the tower MAGA will submit on 7th April 2022 Received on 2nd May 2022, under SUEZ review
crane MAGA will submit on 23rd April 2022
MAGA will submit on 28th April 2022

MAGA planning to take concrete from their Batching plant

Batching Plant machinery received to the site,
in Kilinochchi after June 2022
MAGA need to take License from CEA and with the
Concrete Delays solution Will start the trial mixes in last week of April 2022
help of SUEZ, Documents will be submitted by 4th
Batching plant to be installed in site, Machinery will arrive
May 2022.
by 27th April 2022

CEYPETCO will supply Diesel on 31st March 2022.

Diesel Issue for construction Next batch will arrive on 4th May 2022, 6600L
CEYPETCO Diesel supply received on 9th April 2022.
Next order of 13200L will be placed 3rd May 2022
Next batch will arrive on 29th April 2022 (6600L)

Bracing Arrangement Design and MAGA will submit the design on 22nd April 2022 Submitted on 2nd May 2022, under SUEZ review.
construction disturbance MAGA will provide on 28th April 2022

2 Intake Pumping Station

MAGA will arrange concrete and Diesel adequately and will
be complete 3 piles per day.
MAGA will submit a revised program on 6th April 2022
Secant Piling works finishing date SUEZ expressed their deep concern in terms of the activities Will be finished by 8th of MAY 2022
2 Intake Pumping Station slippage, start dates and end dates not being respected.
MAGA will finish the pile casting on 4th of May 2022
MAGA will finish on the same date

Stopped due to the space issue, Will be continue

Pile Hacking Work Finish Date after completing the piles. Will be finished by 20th
May 2022

Capping Beam Start Date Will start by 17th May 2022

Will be discussed on 5th May 2022 at 9.30 AM

Dewatering system installation Excavation will not be allowed to start without the
dewatering system.

30th May 2022 tentatively depend on dewatering

Excavation Start Date

Shoring will be started after SWRO piling completion

Will be completed before 30th April 2022
Inlet Chamber and Overflow Shoring Will be discussed during the planning meeting on 25th of Started, will be finished by 6th of May 2022
April 2022
Will be start on 30th April 2022

Shoring will be started after SWRO piling completion

Will be completed before 10th April 2022, working in the
night sessions.
Finished, Bracing will be finished by 7th of May
Outlet Chamber Shoring Its not completed due to the breakdown of the only
hammer available at site (Excavator Mounted)
MAGA will start the work on this on 23rd April 2022.
Started, will be finished on 28th April 2022
MAGA is not able to provide a tentative date of delivery due
SUEZ highlighted that the material should be
to scaresity of material.
bringing to the site in riority order due to the
Supplier letter will be forwarded on 19th April 2022.
Rebar to receive to the site current situation of the country.
MAGA will deliver the rebar from Melwa after 4 days of
Next batch will be arrived on, 10th May 2022.
Rebar will arrive on 28th April 2022

Cracks in the screed concrete to start Methodology will be submitted on 27th April 2022. Repaired in the first part. Need to do the same for
the work Will be started on 28th April 2022. the next parts.

Will be done on 11th May 2022, Concrete will be

Concrete of the Base part 1
supplied from Tokyo.

Base part 2 rebar work Will be start by 9th May 2022

MAGA will discuss with top management on 30th March
SUEZ is instructing to bring the road 2022.
excavated material to stock inside the MAGA requested an instruction letter from SUEZ. Will be started by this week.
site premises. MAGA require site instruction to bring the material.
MAGA require site instruction to bring the material.

MAGA submitted it on 28th March 2022

MAGA will provide revised one according to the R3 program.
SUEZ asked to submit the program and histogram together.
R3 unofficially shared, SUEZ request and urge MAGA to
SUEZ requested to submit the R3 will be submitted to day and Manpower
submit officially, MAGA responded that the R3 is under top
Manpower Histogram histogram will be given on 6th May 2022
management review.
MAGA need to explore the posibility to change the program
and catchup the delays within the time limit discussion will
be happenn on 26th April 2022.

Long Boom excavater will arrive on last week of March.

It will arrive to site before 3 days to complete the secant
Excavators arrived to site.
Machinery (Cranes, Land Vehicles, pilling works.
Tower crane machinery will arrive within this
Excavaters) MAGA is confirmed the same date for the long arm
Two excavators will arrive today (26th April 2022)

Progress of supply material is very slow and SUEZ requested

from MAGA to improve and expedite before new year
Will be finished before holidays if the diesel is received on
Internal Access roads 6th April 2022 Ongoing, almost finished 70%.
MAGA is not able to provide material due to multiple
reasons at the moment. SUEZ urge MAGA to give a
confirmative date by Monday (25th April 2022)
Material is arrived to site for the 35% of the work.

SUEZ informed to MAGA that they have to prepare the

access to their office form the main gate. As in the future
Access to the site MAGA will not be allowed to access to the SUEZ stores area. Gate will be provided afted completion of the roads.
MAGA proposed that they are going to use the gate access
to the quartes area.
40% completed, SUEZ highlighted that delays are
Started on 25th March 2022
Shoring arrangement not acceptable any more and it is beyond the reality
Will be finished on 30th of April
and MAGA to take remedial action to expedite the
MAGA will finish on the same date.
temporary works.


MAGA will start the platform work by 5th May

2022. SUEZ agreed to give FC drawings before 16th
Column Footing Precasting May 2022.
MAGA need to submit the calculation for the hook

Will finish on 10th April 2022

75% completed, SUEZ highlighted that delays are
Will be finished on 25th April 2022 based on the concept
not acceptable any more and it is beyond the reality
6 DMPF Shoring arrangement that the diesel is not received for 5 days time.
and MAGA to take remedial action to expedite the
Will be finished by 30th of April 2022
temporary works.
MAGA confirmed the same date
will submit their feed back for the report on 29th March
MAGA need to revise the feedback form Report being shared with MAGA, and MAGA to
Weekly Safety Walkthrough
MAGA need to reply to the feedback form within the same close by 5th of May 2022.
MAGA has given the reply on the date. Need to continue.

Work permit training was conducted Its implemented and need to be improved,
and it was implemented. SUEZ suggest will be checked during the safety walk. Improvement is
to prepare an arrangement to keep the required hence, from today, 5th April 2022.
work permits. Implemented, and continues inspection required.

HSE Plan need to revise and arrange a Meeting will held on Friday 2.00 PM (22nd April 2022) Meeting will be arranged on 6th May 2022
meeting Meeting will be be held on 27th April 2022, evening.

Need to take internal observations and improvements

Done on same date and passed the observatioons
26th April 2022 a visit to be made to conduct the
Accomodation HSE Visit to MAGA, need to improve the conditions
accordingly. Will be completed before end of May
Inspection will be done on the same date.

Work Still Pending.

MAGA agreed to use dip trays for the generators from 6th
April 2022
MAGA need to provide the dip trays for the
MAGA completed the spill pan placing to the Generators
Oil Spills need to be avoided Generators and need to maintain the dip tray clean
and MAGA need to avoid spills during the transport and
and dry.
handling the oil.
Need to provide dip trays to the two large generators, by
29th April 2022.

MAGA need to provide a third party certificate for the

MAGA need to apoint two skilled riggers Will issue the certificates by today, 5th April 2022. Trainer will arrive on 12th May 2022 for the third
for the lifting works of the cranes. MAGA stated a new date for issuing the certificates, which party certificates.
will be 1st week of May.
MAGA confirmed the same date.

Need improvements and MAGA will improve it by 6th April
Need improvements and MAGA will improve it by 20th April
Cable Management to be improved Need to check during the safety walkthrough
MAGA is shifting the cables to the fence line. Will be
completed before 3rd of May 2022.

SUEZ suggested to implement a fine and Will implement within one week.
gift scheme to motivate employees to In Progress with suggestions. Before 13th May, gifts will be given.
maintain the housekeeping. In Progress with suggestions.

SUEZ Will provide the comments today (29th March 2022)

SUEZ comments sent, 30th April 2022 will Complete by
Concrete wash area to be arranged by Will start the work by 3rd of May 2022. will be
MAGA mentioned the need, to prepare a bigger one due to
MAGA completed before 10th of May
the batching plant. But untill then they will prepare as
agreed to start on 27th April 2022.

MAGA agreed to submit on 30th March 2022

Received on 6th April 2022, SUEZ comments being shared.
Camp Management plan to be
Awaiting for the MAGA reply received on 2nd of May, under review of SUEZ.
submitted by MAGA.
MAGA agreed to give reply on 20th April 2022
MAGA will submit the revised document by 28th of April

MAGA agreed to implement within this week

Portable ramp to be used during the
MAGA agreed to implement within this week Need some improvements on MAGA ramp,
concrete unloading without excavating
Ramps arrived to site and will be used from 19th April 2022. NAWALOKA ramp is in good condition.
Already at site and working.

Monthly statistics report to be

MAGA agreed to submit Reporting on Environment factors need to be
submitted 2nd of every month for the
To be implemented as discussed. submitted by today.
previous month
SUEZ highlighted that the PPE for the
workers were not provided adequately MAGA accepted to complete the full requirement
and still there are workers in the site within the week and fulfil the PPE requirement of
who is not wearing safety shoes or workers without any delay in the future.
safety boots.

MAGA need to submit the required documents for the

Installation of Batching Plant We need to take licence from CEA to start the work
batching plant.

MAGA agreed to implement

Until today MAGA did not completed and agreed to cover
Bentonite mixed sand to be stored
before 7th April 2022 MAGA sent a proposal and under process of the
properly until removing the dumping
Need to ensure the pile is closed all the time. client.
MAGA need to store properly, until the dumping location is

SUEZ informed that this amount can be given

during the off peak period of the project, but in the
MAGA requested 160A of Power
peak usage, MAGA has to cover their demand by
8 Power supply CEB

SUEZ confirmed that the Power Supply will be given

Power Supply to the Site
before 7th of May.
Grade 20, 25 and 30 trials will be done by 1st of April 2022
New trial mixes to be done in Tokyo
Still not done, will be arranged by before 8th April 2022
Super with new admixtures 20 and 25 6th of May 2022
G20 completed,
completed, 30 need to be done
25 and 30 to be done on 2nd May 2022

MAGA informed that there is a chilled truck (only one truck)

SUEZ highlighted that MAGA should
available and will not have any interruptions.
take action to store and supply, ice
MAGA will have a chilling tank for the MAGA Batching plant
during large pours.
in site.

Tokyo super BP need to provide plant MAGA agreed to submit ASAP.

MAGA will submit on 3rd May 2022
calibration report Will be submitted on 29th April 2022

New trial mixes in Sunken BP for grade Other trial mixes will be done by 5th April 2022
35A, 20 and 25 completed, 30 need to Still not done, will be arranged by before 8th April 2022 MAGA will conduct G15 by 3rd May 2022
be done Completed.

Water and Cement no exact date

Admixture will be submitted on 29th March 2022
Test reports of the material for concrete Water test report can be submitted before 30th of April
Tokyo Super Aggregate and fine Cement test reports will be submitted on 6th April 2022 Submitted
aggregate submitted. SUEZ Suggested to take the reports from a faster
Laboratory. And MAGA will arrange it 29th March 2022
9 QA QC Same status continues.

Material samples submitted one 23rd March.

Test reports of the material for concrete SUEZ Suggested to take the reports from a faster MAGA QAQC will be sent to ITI to close the issue
from Sanken Laboratory. And MAGA will arrange it 29th March 2022 and arrange reports on 4th May 2022
Same status

Submitted on 28th March 2022 for the expansion joints

Water Bar Samples Rejected, and resubmitted on 25th April 2022 and having Submitted by MAGA and under review of Client
some issues. New submittion was done on 25th April 2022.
MAGA agreed to arrange a person when the G35A concrete
Quality management in the Batching start
Will be shared from the road project for one month
plants to be maintained by arranging a A second Lab Technician will arrive within next week.
period and after will be available permanently
person in Batching plant. A second Lab Technician will arrive within last week of April.
Same date confirmed.

MAGA need to check the water quality MAGA will take the sample and arrange to send it to testing
for the curing water by 4th May 2022

Will arrive on 30th March 2022

Rain Fall gauge to be installed Will be arrive to site within this week MAGA will provide it by 4th May 2022
Will be arrive to site within 26th April 2022

Prepared By (SUEZ), Checked By (SUEZ), Accepted By (MAGA),

...................................................... .................................................. ......................................................
B. B. Lakshitha Perera Name: Name:
Civil Project Engineer Designation : Designation :
SUEZ International Organization : Organization :
Plant Grade Trial Mix Date Mature Avg. Strength %

3 Days 16.02 53.40%

Tokyo Super

7 Days 18.88 62.93%

20 14/02/2022
14 Days 29.87 99.57%
28 Days 27.69 92.30%
3 Days 25.37 56.38%
Tokyo Super

7 Days 27.84 61.87%

35A 14/02/2022
14 Days 27.84 61.87%
28 Days 44.86 99.69%
3 Days 42.24 93.87%
Tokyo Super

7 Days 53.40 118.67%

35A 10/03/2022
14 Days 0.00%
28 Days 0.00%
3 Days 42.02 93.38%
Tokyo Super

7 Days 55.80 124.00%

35A 10/03/2022
14 Days 0.00%
28 Days 0.00%
3 Days 20.00 44.44%

7 Days
35A 16/03/2022
14 Days
28 Days
3 Days 33.63 74.73%

7 Days
35A 16/03/2022
14 Days
28 Days

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