NSS-Comic-210040112-Social Issues Faced by Women

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Social issues faced by women

Of course darling, what's

on your mind? You look
Mom, can i ask you If you enjoyed your
something? job as a painter so
much, why did you

So that's what you have As a woman I was not

been thinking about! paid well. Men were paid
There are a lot of salaries higher than
factors darling. women.

I believe
there's more
Zzzzz..... to this..
Gender inequality and pay gap
in workplaces.
You are right, if the
society was to address
Gender inequality has these issues we would be Our country would
developing much faster progress so much
always held us back. more if we all
Women need to be worked as equals,
treated as equals. dont you agree?

I am so glad that your The other reason is that

generation is willing to fight after marrying your
this type of discrimination father, his family did not
and spreading awareness want me to continue
What are the other
factors Mom? I can't believe
father let this
Gender inequality and pay gap
in workplaces.
Indeed. The pay gap issue
arises once a woman has
This closed mindset a job.
Mom, I think you
has kept women
should fight too! You
from attaining jobs should start working
in the first place. again!

I am so proud of you. You

are right. I should not let
these social issues stop me.

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