Covid-19 Probability Detector: Mini Project Report

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Covid-19 probability detector

Mini Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of

Bachelor of Technology in (Computer Science & Engg.)

Submitted to

Session 2021-22

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow (U.P.)

Submitted By
“Anshir Chaudhary”
Roll No. 1806510011

Under the supervision of

Mr. Amit Verma
(Department of Computer Science & Application)
B.S.A. College of Engineering & Technology, Mathura

B.S.A. College of Engineering & Technology, Mathura

Department of Computer Science & Applications

The Industrial mini project report entitled “Covid-19 probability detector ”

being submitted by “Anshir Chaudhary (1806510011)” has been examined by
us and is hereby approved for the award of degree “Bachelor of Technology in
(CSE)”, for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval
the undersigned do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made,
opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but approve the project only for
the purpose for which it has been submitted.

(Amit Verma)
Asst. Prof.

(Vatsya Tiwari)
Asst. Prof.


This mini project report entitled “An mini project report on Covid-19 Probability
Detector” submitted by Anshir Chaudhary in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering submitted to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University comprises
only my work due acknowledgements have been made to materials used in the
report under the supervision of Internshala Trainings Team, Mr. Vatsya Tiwari,
Assistant Professor, BSACET and Mr. Amit Verma , Assistant Professor,

Anshir Chaudhary
Date: November 22,2021


The project work in this report is an outcome of continuous work over a period
and drew intellectual support from various sources. I would like to articulate our
profound gratitude and indebtedness to those persons who helped me in
completion of the project. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks
and deep gratitude to all those people who extended their wholehearted co-
operation and have helped me in completing this project successfully.
I am thankful to the Associates for teaching and assisting me in making the
project successful. Also I am thankful to Mr. Vatsya Tiwari, Mr. Amit Verma for
guiding me throughout the completion of report and Mrs. Durga Puja (Head of
the Department, Computer Science) for her support. I would also like to thank
my parents & other fellow mates for guiding and encouraging me throughout the
duration of the project.

Anshir Chaudhary

Table of Contents
 Declaration
 Acknowledgement
 List Of Tables
 List Of Figures
 Chapters
 Introduction
 Requirements
 My Data-Set
 Reading data.csv file
 Splitting of Data
 Training and Testing
 API and Render Templates
 Conclusion
 Refrences

List Of Tables

Patient’s Parameters
Features Labels
Fever Body Pain Age Runny Nose Difficulty
Breathing Probability of
YES YES -1 Covid-19
Continuous NO Discrete NO 0 (0-100)%
List Of Figures

Machine Learning model parameters:-

 A team of doctors can sit down to find out the best model parameters.
 A sample set of parameters is as follow:

 Average Fever-Continous
 Body Pain-0/1 Binary
 Age-Discrete
 Runny Nose
 Breathing Problem- Categorical: 0/1/-1

 Probability of COVID-19 Infection

As we know that the whole world is affected by the coronavirus. In this project, i
have program a “Coronavirus Probability Detector” using python and machine learning
concepts. This project is very different yet helpful for all of us in such a pandemic situation.
As this project is about the programming solution related to the Coronavirus Outbreak.

We will be using Jupyter Notebook for the initial development and then create UI which
tells whether the person has an infection or not based on input features using Virtual
Studio Code IDE.

My Idea for the solution of the coronavirus outbreak is:

 Stop the transmission by prioritizing tests and hence detecting the cases quickly.
 Data can be collected on the symptoms of COVID-19.
 A machine learning model is then trained on the data to find out the probability of a
person having the infection.
 The model is then used to find out whom to test for the infection first under a
limited testing capacity.
 The same model can be used to find potential candidate for conducting random
My Data Set(Randomly Generated via.,excel sheet)
Reading ‘data.csv’ file (through pandas in Jupyter Notebook)
Splitting of Data into Training and Testing in ratio 1:4 approx.
Training of the model via., Logistic Regression
Flask API & Requesting Inputs
Render Templates (UI Design)

 Official Docs:-
1. Python
2. Jupyter Notebook
3. Sklearn
4. Bootstrap
5. Flask, Render Template
 GitHub
 StackOverflow
 Google, Y.Tube

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