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Saint Mary’s University

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Mark Steve M. Dairo MSPED 202 (Sat, 8:00-11:00 am)

MAEd-SpEd 1


1. Based on your academic readings, what is your own definition of a curriculum?

Based from what I have read and learned about the meaning of curriculum, I’ll say
that curriculum is the “blueprint” of the teaching and learning processes. It is the basis of
what will be done for the whole T-L process.

There are different views about the meaning of curriculum. From essentialists, it is
more on the written plan and focused on the basics and the traditional system of
education while on the other hand, the progressive says that the written plan should be
actualized meaning they are more focused on the performance tasks and the outcomes
of the plan. Combining these two views, from planning up to evaluation process.
Curriculum is the total learning experiences of the individual.

2. What is the significance of understanding the curriculum in the lens of an


Understanding the curriculum as a teacher is very crucial because once the teacher
understood the curriculum, obtaining the objectives will be at his/her hands. This is
important because the curriculum contains the “what will be done” in the teaching and
learning process.

In addition, understanding the curriculum is one of the signs of being an efficient

and effective educator because you’ll not only know the “whats” but the “hows” as well.
Without understanding the curriculum is like going in the middle of a war without a plan
and weapon and unrepaired to be victorious. In order to have a sound and effective t-l
process, in order to achieve each objective, an educator must understand the
curriculum first.

3. Compare and contrast the different types of curricula. Discuss briefly the
essential characteristics of each type.

There is no single curriculum used inside a classroom. Most of us will think that
curriculum is just the plan made for the teaching and learning processes but it is actually
not. There are different types of curricula used by the teachers before, during, and after
the T-L process.
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

I will start with the Recommended Curriculum. It is what the experts in education
suggest. These are the suggested tools to be used by the educators in their teaching
and learning process and may assure the effectiveness and efficiency of the T-L

Another type of curriculum is the Written Curriculum, simply put, it is the kind of
curriculum which has been put down into writings. Example of this are the Daily Lesson
Plans used everyday by the teacher, Weekly Plan, the teacher’s documents and the
likes. Another type of curriculum is the Taught Curriculum. It is when the written
curriculum put into action by the teacher. This kind of curriculum is the most unique
because every educator has his/her own style or technique in delivering his/her lessons.
This is very crucial and must be based on the learning needs of the learners. Learned
Curriculum, on the other hand is the things that has been put or instilled on every
learner. This pertains to the holistic changes undergone by the learners not only
academic but the whole aspects.

Written and Recommended curriculum are not enough for the whole T-L process
that’s why there is this another type of curriculum, the Supported Curriculum. It is the
additional to fill the gap or the needs in the T-L process. Tools, books, technologies, and
activities are examples of the supported curriculum.

After written, taught, and learned curriculum, here comes the Assessed
Curriculum. These are the method used by the educators to measure the learner’s
success. It is important because in here, the teacher will know whether or not the
objectives were met at the end of the lesson or the whole T-L process. Example of this
are the different kinds of test like formative or summative tests, performance-based
tests, portfolio and the likes.

We also have the Hidden Curriculum, these are the things learned by the learners
which are unplanned or not written down. This may include not only in academics but
the values, behaviors, attitudes, and the likes. These are not planned but still very
essential for the T-L process.

We have different types of curriculum but these are all equally important in the
teaching and learning process. They are connected that’s why it is very crucial for an
educator to know how these different types of curricula work together.
Saint Mary’s University
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya

4. What are the significant activities of the education sector relative to curriculum
implementation especially that S.Y. 2021-2022 is about to commence?

One of the major problems that educators encountered during the outbreak of the
COVID-19 is if education will still continue because face to face learning is not allowed.
That’s why the DepEd recommended the different modes of learning excluding the face
to face or the traditional set-up. This includes the modular and online mode of learning.
Instead of using books, they produced and distributed modules to the learners. But
since time is already limited, another problem is how will the teacher deliver all the
learning contents.
The DepEd has made changes on the current curriculum to cater the problem. They
are now teaching the Most Essential Learning Competencies or MELC. the DepEd also
conducted and still conducting different webinars for teachers to be ready for the new
normal of teaching and learning process. Not only they have produced modules but
Radio-Based Instructions or RBI as well. Furthermore, there is now a television new
channel of DepEd for the learners to watch on.
The pandemic is a real challenge for every teacher, every learner, every parent, and
stakeholders. That’s why collaborative relationship must be observed as curriculum is
dynamic and is subjective to changes.

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