EVS Sem II Regular Exam Question Bank

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EVS-II Question

Bank Sem II

le No/
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. Question 1 2 3 Answer4 Answer No.
Plastics make up
almost…....... percent of the
municipal solid waste
1 stream. 20% 40% 13% 25% Answer3 1
Containe hotels,
The largest amount of rs and and As As
plastics is found in…......find packagin hospitals durable nondura
2 out wrong option. g . s bles Answer2 1
Which is not the waste
material that comes under Soft Shampo
the category of containers drink o Trash
3 and packaging? bottles Lids bottles bags Answer4 1
Applianc Wine and
Which waste material that es and and beer mineral
comes under the category of Furnitur glass water Medical
4 durables? e bottles bottles devices Answer1 1
ol and
Which is not the waste Diapers polyeth
material that comes under and Cups ylene
the category of trash and carry Medical
5 non-durables? bags utensils bags devices. Answer3 1
Biomedi Agricult
Which waste has a cal Packagin ural Nuclear
6 relatively short life? waste g waste waste waste Answer2 1
What are the different Feedstoc
and Treatme
methods that used to k and Incinerat
Recyclin nt and
manage packaging waste? Compost ion and
g. Landfill.
7 Choose incorrect answer. ing. Burning Answer4 1
(Polyvin Wood Metals,
Packaging may contain yl packagin plastic
some critical substances carbon g, nails solvents
which may pose a risk to and and , Cardboa
the environment. Which are heavy metal asbesto rds and
8 those critical substances? metals strips s papers Answer1 1
explosiv Flamma Wood Carcinog
e, ble, packagi enic,
oxidizin teratoge ng, nails eco-toxic
Which waste are recognized g, and nic, and and and
as hazardous waste? Find corrosiv mutagen metal infectiou
9 out wrong answer. e ic strips s Answer3 1
Hazardous waste arises
from a wide range of Industri
different sources Househo Commer al Agricultu
including…......figure out ld cial activitie ral
10 wrong option activities activities s activities Answer4 1
ion and
physical Physical
The main disposal route for or Manurin Incinera or
hazardous waste chemical g and tion and chemical
is….......choose wrong treatme composti burning treatmen
11 answer nt. ng . t. Answer2 1
durable Only
plastic heavy
Recycled items metals
On the recovery side, a or Valuable collecte recoverd
significant proportion of burned metals d and and
12 hazardous waste is as a fuel recoverd recycled reused Answer1 1
Human Only
Air and Soil and health those
water workers and handle
Hazardous waste can compone in that environ hazards
13 present a potential risk to nts field ment waste Answer3 1
to that
perticula Special Special Special
Hazardous waste is r arrange manage legislatio
14 typically the subject of industry ment ment n Answer4 1
Some of the largest waste metals,
generating industrial food, Wine, wood
sectors in Western and beverage beer, and paper
Central Europe include the and beef, wood and
production of….......strike tobacco pork and product paper
15 out wrong answer products leather s products Answer2 1
Wastage arises from
activities such as the Municip
construction of buildings Construc al non Municip Agricultu
and civil infrastructure, and tion and degrada al ral and
maintenance is known demoliti ble hazards Industria
16 as…... on waste waste waste l waste Answer1 1
In some countries even Construc
materials from land tion and
levelling are regarded Mining Quarryi Hazards demoliti
17 as….......... waste ng waste waste on waste. Answer4 1
Concrete, bricks, wood, Municip ction
glass, metals, plastic al non Agricult and Quarryin
solvents, asbestos and degrada ural and demoliti g and
excavated soil are the ble Industri on mining
18 wastage of…....... waste al waste waste. waste Answer3 1
Mining waste arises
from….....Mention incorrect Prospect Filterati Extracti Treatme
19 answer. ing on on nt Answer2 1
Construc from the
tion and Topsoil processi
Mining waste is made up demoliti and ng of the
of…..............Mention wrong on overbur Waste ore body
20 answer. waste. den. rock. (tailings) Answer1 1
Process water, process ction
chemicals and portions of Pharmac and
the remaining materials is Chemica eutical demoliti
also a waste of….... l industrie on Mining
21 Industry s waste. waste Answer4 1
It is
It is very large useful
useful volumes for
and safe and agricultu
Closed for the potentia re,
mining industri l for forest,
is better al and hazardo animals
The major concerns in than urban us including
relation to mining waste open develop substan human
22 are….. mining ment ces beings. Answer3 1
Large areas of land are ural
required for depositing of waste Mining Therma
which type of waste, that and and l power Sugar
causes environmental animal quarryin plant mill
23 pollution waste g waste waste waste Answer2 1
Waste Waste
for Waste for
electrical for engine Waste
and electron and for
electroni and electrici ethonol
c electric ty and
equipme equipme equipm ethylene
24 WEEE stands for…... nts nts ents electron Answer1 1
Nuclear Electron Radiatio equipme
25 E-waste includes…... waste waste n waste nts Answer4 1
Surgically removed body Patholog Biomedi
parts waste are also known ical Clinical cal Anatomi
26 as….. waste waste waste cal waste Answer4 1
y spilled
Anatomi Patholog broken
Which is highly toxic cal ical thermo Clinical
27 biomedical waste? waste waste meter waste Answer3 1
Stalks, dried grass, dried Food Agricult and
and wet leaves, husk, etc. industri ural trash Recyclabl
28 waste belongs to… al waste waste waste e waste Answer2 1
and wet Garbage
Farm manure or compost is leaves, Agricult and
made from the waste husk, Recyclab ural trash
29 like…..... etc. le waste waste waste Answer1 1
Garbage dried
The waste which is used as Agricult and Recycla and wet
fodder for domestic animals ural trash ble leaves,
30 are….. waste waste waste husk, etc. Answer4 1
Which residues present in
grass, Chemic Mercury
the soil in small quantities,
dried al spilled
which is usually not visible
Pollen and wet fertilize out from
but they form the most
harmful agricultural waste? grains leaves, rs and broken
and husk, pesticid thermom
31 insects etc. es eter Answer3 1
Animal dung, excreta of
other animals and the Organic
bodies of dead animals. Agricult Biomedi and
This type of waste belongs ural Animal cal recyclabl
32 to waste waste waste e waste Answer2 1
Utmost care should be ive Testing
taken for disposal of which minerals nuclear
type of waste? Nuclear and weapon Biomedic
33 waste metals s al waste Answer1 1
out from
Which type of wastage Biomedi broken
caused irreparable damage cal thermo Toxic Nuclear
34 to the marine life? waste meter metals waste Answer4 1
Carbon Dust
generate particles
Heavy metal residues, Mercury d from Lead, and
found around mines and and coal arsenic, pollen
quarries contain toxic ferrous mines cadmiu grains
35 metals like etc. etc. m, etc. etc. Answer3 1
ding air,
ound The
water, water in
Fine particles of carbon the the
generated from coal mines, water in streams Surface
heavy metal particles and the , ponds and
radiation from coal mines Surroun streams, and undergro
mix with dust causes ding air ponds aquifers und
the….....strike out the wrong and soil and pollutio water
36 answer pollution aquifers n pollution Answer2 1
Vast Vast Vast
damage damage damage
The pollution caused by the
Vast to the to the to the
spill oil from oil rigs in the
damage algae fish and coral
sea along with metals and
to the and other reef
chemicals, causes…..
marine sponge animal ecosyste
37 life. life. life. m. Answer1 1
activities The
are Mining, garbage
similar industri generate
to those al or d mainly
of constru from
househol ction residenti
Househo ds and and al and
ld and commer demoliti commerc
commer cial on ial
Municipal waste does not cial enterpri process complex
38 include…. waste ses es es. Answer3 1
ion of Careless
non-rec ness of
yclable the
stuff people,
and the governm
The amount of municipal Change proble ent and
solid waste has been With in m of municipa
increasing rapidly and its rising lifestyle waste l
composition changing due urbaniza and food manage corporati
39 to…..find out wrong option. tion habits ment ons Answer4 1
incinera of glass,
tion paper,
(increas metal,
Just ingly plastics
What is other alternative to dumping with and
waste management other this recover other
than land filling? Choose composti waste in y of material
40 incorrect answer. ng ocean energy) s. Answer2 1
of soil
There are numerous Landfill and
potential impacts associated gas, fertile
with the landfilling of waste Producti odours, due to
including….....choose the on of flies, land
41 incorrect answer leachate vermin filling Answer4 1
Biodegra Bayerisc
dable he Bavaria Botanical
Municip Motoren n Motor Manure
42 What is full form of BMW? al Waste Werke Works Waste Answer1 1
Househo Food ol and
ld and waste polyeth paper
Bio-degradable Municipal commer and ylene and
waste includes….......find cial garden carry cardboar
43 out wrong answer waste waste bags d Answer3 1
Approximately…....... of
municipal waste is
44 biodegradable. 70% 60% 50% 40% Answer2 1
Lack of
The disposal of garbage is a Increasi gy,
major problem worldwide ng Increasi Changin capital
and the problem is industri ng g and
aggravating due to…....find alisation urbanisa lifestyle Infrastru
45 out wrong option . tion. s. cture Answer4 1
matter Any
Any and Any mortal
material martial metal stuff
which is which is which is which is
used to used to used to used to
Packaging is defined
contain, contain, contain, contain,
protect, protect, protect, protect,
handle, handle, handle, handle,
deliver deliver deliver deliver
and and and and
present present present present
46 goods. goods. goods. goods. Answer1 1
bottles Alumini Plant
and um cans leaves Timber
Packaging waste material plastic and food and pallets
items includes…....figure out containe wrapper animal and
47 incorrect answer rs. s. hides drums Answer3 1
Agricult cturing
ural, industri
Traditio es,
nal rural househo Restaura
Packaging waste can arise Superma societies lds, nts and
from a wide range of rkets, and hotels, transpor
sources retail modern and t
including…......choose and urban hospital compani
48 incorrect option outlets. societies. s. es. Answer2 1
Food Metals
wrappe and
Plastics rs, other
Which non biodegradable and Timber wood
packaging items causing polyethy pallets packagin
incalculable harm to the Alumini lene and g
environment? Figure out um Cans carry thermoc material
49 wrong answer. and foils bags ol s Answer4 1
Which district of India is
completely free from plastic Cherapu
50 since 1998? Ladakh Shillong Nainital nji Answer1 1
employment to around 70% Automo E -
of the total work force Agricult bile Comme IT
51 worldwide. ure Industry rce Industry Answer1 2
growing growing
even a more growing growing
single than twotwo single
What does Monoculture in crop in a crops a crops a crop a
52 agriculture means ? year year year year Answer4 2
Heavy High Harsh
Yielding YieldingYielding High
variety variety variety Yielding
53 HYV stands for seed seed seed Variance Answer2 2
“Blue Baby Syndrome” is Air Noise Pollutio Soil
54 caused by Pollution Pollution n Pollution Answer 3 2
To treat
the soil
To add to flush To stop with
more the soil waterin harsh
The “treatment” for salt in with lots g the chemical
55 salinization is the soil of water. soil s Answer2 2
A person whose caloric
intake remains below
minimum of ______kcal/day
56 becomes malnourished. 500 1000 3000 2000 Answer4 2
“Any change or disturbance
to the land perceived to be Land Land
deleterious or undesirable” Afforest upgrada degrada Deforest
57 is termed as ation tion tion ation Answer3 2
A type of Farming where, ve
'Livestock rearing and Plantatio Mechan Slash
agriculture are carried out n ized and burn
simultaneously on the same Agricult Mixed Grain agricultu
58 field' is called ? ure Farming Framing re Answer2 2
It is estimated that up to ___
percent of the worlds
agricultural land is
59 seriously degraded. 40 50 60 70 Answer1 2
“______ is related to
non-availability of quality Food Malnutr
60 food”. Security Hunger ition Disease Answer3 2
According to the 2014 WHO
report, air pollution in 2012
caused the deaths of around
__ million people
61 worldwide. 2 3 8 7 Answer4 2
What is produced by ive
nuclear explosions, nuclear Water pollutan
62 events and war explosives ? vapour ts Oxygen Ozone Answer2 2
A major source of Ground Septic Agroche l
63 water pollution is ______ tanks Sewage micals effluents Answer1 2
Name the disease occurred
due to consumption of
methyl mercury Minama
64 contaminated fish. Itai-itai Diabetes ta Cancer Answer3 2
Name the disease caused by
cadmium contaminated Minamat Diabete
65 rice. a Cancer s Itai-itai Answer4 2
The upper layer of the
unsaturated zone of earth is Organis
66 called as The soil Water Air m Answer1 2
Improper management and
maintenance of septic
system and sanitary waste Noise
leakage adds to the problem Air Soil pollutio Global
67 of …… pollution pollution n warming Answer2 2
_____ is the level at which
sound becomes physically
68 painful. 80db 90db 100db 120db Answer1 2
Awaaz Foundation is an Noise
Indian NGO working to Air Soil pollutio Water
69 control which pollution ? pollution pollution n Pollution Answer3 2
Since the beginning of the
industrial revolution, the
proportion of
carbon-dioxide in our
atmosphere has increased
70 almost by ____per cent 40 50 60 30 Answer4 2
Submergences of low lying
areas of the Earth is the Global
negative effect of which of Soil Noise warmin Malnutri
71 the following ? pollution pollution g tion Answer3 2
When did the Rio Climate
Change Convention
72 happened ? 2000 1992 1980 2005 Answer2 2
Developing green
consumption patterns will
require _______ between
consumers, communities Co-opera Competi
73 and civil society. tion Disunity tion Division Answer1 2
What would help in guiding
consumers towards
products and services that
cause less damage to the Food Food Food Eco-label
74 environment ? Security Chain web ling Answer4 2
“A company’s sense of
responsibility towards the
community and
environment (both Corporat
ecological and social ) in e Social Green
which it operates” is termed Responsi Eco-label Co-oper Consume
75 as bility ling ation rism Answer1 2
Which of the following
factor does not influence Advertisi
76 agriculture ? Climate Rainfall Soil ng Answer4 2
Which of the following
term means, "The process of
fertile land transforming
into desert typically as a Over
result of deforestation, Soil irrigatio Deserti Water
77 drought etc" ? erosion n fication logging Answer3 2
Death of aquatic animals is Noise Control
the ill effect of which of the Air Water Pollutio measure
78 following term ? Pollution Pollution n s Answer2 2
Growth Economi
Which of the following is a Reduced in c
negative effect of soil soil Global Agricult Develop
79 pollution ? fertility warming ure ment Answer1 2
Which of the following is a
negative effect of Noise Deforest Soil Hearing Desertifi
80 pollution ? ation Errosion Loss cation Answer3 2
use of
Which of the following Soil es and
option will help in achieving Deforest Conserv fertilize Desertifi
81 Sustainable Agriculture? ation ation rs cation Answer2 2
Use of
Which of the following Burning Releasin mode of
option is a solution for Air Fossil Cutting g waste transpor
82 Pollution? Fuel Trees in water t Answer4 2
Which revolution helped in Black Grey Green Brown
boosting food grain Revoluti Revoluti Revoluti Revolutio
83 production? on on on n Answer3 2
Which of the following Biologica
option means,'build-up of l
salts in soil, eventually to Eutrophi Saliniza Magnific
84 toxic levels for plants' ? cation Drought tion ation Answer3 2
Top soil
blown Pesticide Water
away by s logging
wind or accumul due to
washed ating in over Loss of
away by the food irrigatio Biodivers
85 What is Soil Erosion? rain chain n ity Answer1 2
Which of the following
option is defined as "Access
by all people at all times to
enough food for an active , Food Malnutr
86 healthy life" ? Security Hunger ition Disease Answer1 2
Which of the following
option means , 'gradual
increase in the earth's Loss of
temperature generally due Acid Water biodiver Global
87 to greenhouse gas effect' ? Rain pollution sity warming Answer4 2
About 20 species of pests
which have become
immune to all types of super Vulnerab
88 pesticides are known as pests Rodents Reptiles le pests Answer1 2
Decrease Increase populati
in the in the No on
Agriculture got increasingly demand demand demand worldwi
89 commercialized because ….. for food for food for food de Answer2 2
____forms the backbone of
the economy of the III rd Technolo Agricult Automob
90 world countries. gy Retail ure ile Answer3 2
Which problem occurs in
poorly drained soils where
water can’t penetrate Deforest Soil Deserti Water
91 deeply ? ation Errosion fication logging Answer4 2
Every year ____ million
people die of
undernourishment and
92 malnutrition 60 40 50 80 Answer2 2
Excess of fluoride in
drinking water causes
defects in teeth and bones Fluorosi
93 called _____ s Sinus Migrane Arthritis Answer1 2
______offers shelter, habitat
for numerous organisms
and is the living medium for Technol
94 plants. Air Pollution ogy Soil Answer4 2
What is the industrial limit
of sound according to the
World Health
95 Organization ? 90db 100db 75 dB 120db Answer3 2
Which of the following is Water Carbon-
96 not a Green House Gas ? Oxygen Vapour dioxide Methane Answer1 2
Since last 20 years, the
planet has been warming at 10
97 the rate of ____ /century. 6 degree 4 degree degree 8 degree Answer2 2
When the PH level of
rainwater drops below _____
98 it is known as acid rain. 10.2 10.5 8.3 5.6 Answer4 2
The practice of using
environmentally friendly
products that do not cause
risk to human health and do
not threaten the function Green
and diversity of natural Consum Green Marketi Promotio
99 “ecosystems” is called ? erism business ng n Answer1 2
The Brundtland Report Program Policy, People, Progress,
emphasized that , planet, planet, planet, planet,
sustainability is a and and and and
100 three-legged stool of ….. profit. profit. profit. profit. Answer3 2
Generat Damage
Which of the following es Job to Flora
option is an advantage of Increase opportu and
101 Tourism? Pollution in Waste nities Fauna Answer3 3
Which of the following
option refers to , 'people
who travel from one place
102 to another '? Tourist Resident Citizen Tenant Answer1 3
Which of the following
option is a Spiritual Tourist Haridwa
103 Destination ? r Paris Shimla Goa Answer1 3
No Gradual
Decrease Increase Change Decrease
How Trained Man power in in in in
104 can affect Tourism? Tourism Tourism Tourism Tourism Answer2 3
Lack of Attracti Variety
Which of the following Clean ve tour of
option is a Barrier of Site- Environ package Accomod
105 Tourism ? Seeing ment s ation Answer2 3
The word ‘tour’ is derived Alma Bona
106 from which Latin word ? mater fide corpus Tornare Answer4 3
Who gave this definition of
Tourism in 1910 “the sum
total of operators, mainly of
economic , natural which
directly relate to the entry,
stay and movement of Herman
foreigners inside and Eli n V.
outside a certain country, Alvin Hecksch Schullar Josiah
107 city or region.” ? Hansen er d Child Answer3 3
Who gave this definition,
“Tourism is the temporary,
short-term movement of
people to destination
outside the places where
they normally work and live The The
and their activities during Tourism Tourism
the stay at each destination. Society Eli Society
It includes movement of all of Alvin Hecksch of
108 purposes.” ? England Hansen er America Answer1 3
In order for tourism to
happen, there must be a Displace Degrada Renovati
109 ________ Division ment tion on Answer2 3
Tourism industry requires a Desynch
_________ of different ronizatio Imbalan Disaggr Synchron
110 industries and services n ce eement ization Answer4 3
Good Bad Only Only
transpor transpor Airways Road
Tourism is based on the t t transpo transpor
111 availability of network. network. rt t Answer1 3
Where is Chichen Itza New
112 located ? Paris York Mexico China Answer3 3
Tourism accounts for ___
per cent of the world’s
overall exports of goods and
113 services. 8% 6% 10% 20% Answer2 3
Visiting Visiting
tourist tourist
destinati destinati
ons ons Tourism Tourism
within outside from to
the the one another
country country country country
of of to besides
What do you mean by residenc residenc another resident
114 Domestic Tourism ? e. e. country country. Answer1 3
Visit to
Which of the following is Visit to Art
part of Adventure/ Sports Museum Gallarie
115 Tourism ? Spas s s Trekking Answer4 3
______ is famous for
Allopathic treatments
especially for cancer and Faridaba
116 heart related problems. Pune Nagpur Mumbai d Answer3 3
ns by
Which of the following is or
part of Educational research Paraglid River
117 Tourism ? Trekking ers ing rafting Answer2 3
_____ is a famous rural
tourism destination around Elephant Essel
118 Mumbai Karjat a Caves World Pagoda Answer1 3
________ is a very good
example for sustainable
tourism where all the hotels
use only solar panels to Auranga
119 generate electricity Mumbai bad Pune Nagpur Answer2 3
Politicians who visit to the
sites of natural disasters to
express sympathy and offer Historica
help to local people is a part Dark l Disaster Slum
120 of which tourism? Tourism Tourism Tourism Tourism Answer3 3
forests of
Identify the Man-made Taj Gangotri Eastern Chhattisg
121 tourism Resources Mahal. Glacier Ghats arh Answer1 3
To Brings
To To benefits
To promote promot like
Identify the objective of promote unemplo e employm
122 National Tourism Policy . poverty yment violence ent Answer4 3
Improve Econom
Tourist destinations that are d Seasonal ic Better
not active all year round infrastru unemplo multipli leisure
123 can lead to problems like cture yment er effect facilities Answer2 3
Intrusio Conserva
Better Frequent n of tion of
Identify Negative Impact of leisure social outsider local
124 Tourism on Culture facilities events s heritage Answer3 3
How many national parks
125 are there in India ? 104 50 80 150 Answer1 3
Domesti Outboun Internat Intercont
c d ional inental
126 What is internal tourism ? Tourism Tourism Tourism Tourism Answer1 3
Which of the following and Transpo
sector is not a part of Ammuni rt and Entertai Tour
127 Tourism ? tion Travel nment Packages Answer1 3
Adventu Religion
What is spiritual tourism Wildlife Medical rous based
128 also known as ? Tourism Tourism Tourism Tourism Answer4 3
Which of the following is a India Taj Elephan
129 cave ? Gate Mahal ta Red Fort Answer3 3
d litter
waste Increase Improve
Foreign disposal in s
Which of the following is a Exchang problem Investm Transpor
130 dis-advantage of Tourism ? e earner s ent tation Answer2 3
Which of the following
Tourism refers to,
'Observation and
Interaction with local
animal and plant life in Medical Spiritual Wildlife Business
131 their natural habitat' ? Tourism Tourism Tourism Tour Answer3 3
Which State is a world
tourist destination well
known for Ayurvedic, Jammu
curative and rejuvenating and Jharkhan
132 teatments? Delhi Kashmir Kerala d Answer3 3
use of
use of use of free use of
free time free time time for free time
for doing for doing for doing
business enjoyme househo social
133 What does Leisure means ? work nt ld work work Answer2 3
ve To get
Which of the following is Entertai environ more
134 not a reason for travelling ? Leisure nment ment stressed Answer4 3
India India Taxatio India
Tourism Textile n Telecom
Develop Develop Develop Develop
ment ment ment ment
Corporat Corporat Corpora Corporat
135 ITDC stands for ion ion tion ion Answer1 3
Relevant information to the Food &
interested tourist is Accomm Advertis Beverag Transpor
136 provided by ______ odation ement es t Answer2 3
Tourism accounts for ___
per cent of the world’s trade
137 of services 30 40 50 10 Answer1 3
Travelling to fragile and re/ Religiou
undisturbed landscapes on Cultural Sports s Eco-
138 Earth is a part of Tourism Tourism Tourism tourism Answer4 3
Visits to places that involve Adventu
danger to life at present or re/
have a history brutality are Cultural Sports Dark Religious
139 a part of Tourism Tourism tourism Tourism Answer3 3
an an an
Europea Australi an America
n an Asian n
Hermann V. Schullard was economi economi economi economis
140 _______ st st st t Answer2 3
Latin (‘Tornare’) + Greek Geograp Ecosyste
141 (‘Tornos’) = ________ Tourism hy Capital m Answer1 3
Tourism has three major
aspects i.e. Leisure, Rehabilit Recreatio
142 pleasure, and __________ Recycle ation Reduce n Answer4 3
Name the government
concerns that promote the MTDC
tourism on a wide scale and
143 throughout India. SEBI ITDC RBI UGC Answer2 3
In which year Manila
Declaration on World
144 Tourism took place ? 2000 2010 1980 2005 Answer3 3
The Red Fort in Delhi, the Historica
Taj Mahal in Agra are l Geo-tour Rural Dark
145 examples of Tourism ism Tourism tourism Answer1 3
The Jaisalmer Desert
Festival, Rann Utsav in Boost
Gujarat are held every year Technolo Boost Boost Boost
146 to gy Riots Violence Tourism Answer4 3
When was Indian Tourism
Development Corporation,
147 created ? 1975 1980 1966 1990 Answer3 3
In the international market India,
what is India's positioning Amazing truly Lovable ‘Incredib
148 statement ? India' Asia' India' le India.’ Answer4 3
The impacts of tourism on Only Only Negativ No
149 environment are _______ Negative Positive e impact Answer1 3
Name the first planned
ecotourism destination in Essel Thenmal Golden
150 India world a Shimla Temple Answer2 3
Manufac Chemical
Various industries that have turing industrie
Energy Environ
a scope of generation of units, s,
(renewa ment,
CERs(Certified Emission Metal Afforesta
ble and Ecology
Reduction) are: ……Guess producti tion and
non-rene and
the incorrect option. on, reforesta
wable Ecosyst
Mining tion
151 sources) em Answer3 4
Planting Water Saving
and conserva carbon
trading tion and and
Rajvir Singh of Uttarakhand m and
trees trading trading
152 is renowed person for….. tading Answer1 4
Uttarakh hal Delhi
and and Pradesh and
htra and
Uttaranc and Himacha
Two of India’s greener hal Meghala l Pradesh
153 States are……. ya Answer4 4
Premier accounting body in
154 the country is…… RBI Answer2 4
Populati , land
on degradat
explosio ion, soil Protecti
n, erosion, on,
develop degradat conserv
ment of ion of ation The
modern forest, and develop
Industri depletio judiciou ment
es and n of s use of and
growing water natural human
The way of life of Indians in urbaniza resource resourc settleme
155 the olden days was……. tion s es nts Answer3 4
It should Air,
be the water
duty of and
every noise
citizen of pollution
India to , land
protect Populati degradat
and on ion, soil
improve explosio erosion,
the n, degradat
natural develop ion of
environ ment of forest,
ment, modern depletion
includin Industri of water
g forests, Protectio es and resource
lakes, n, growing s and
rivers conserva urbaniz several
and tion and ation problem
wildlife judicious has s related
and to use of resulted to the
have natural in develop
compass resource several ment
ion for s were environ and
Article 51 A(g) on all living the way mental human
fundamental Duties’ of the creature of life of proble settleme
156 constitution states……. s”. Indians ms nts. Answer1 4
The Central Pollution
Control Board (CPCB) was
constituted in……....for
implementing provisions of
water (Prevention and
control of pollution, Act,
157 1974. Oct-74 Jan-74 Sep-74 Answer4
Jul-74 4
Perform Perform Perform
The State Department of this this this
Environment and State function function function
Pollution Control Board at the at the at the
at the
(SPCBs) are the designated Distric state Regiona
158 agencies to…… level. level. l level.
level. Answer2 4
The ment
Water (Protecti
(Preventi The Air on) Act,
on and (Preventi 1986.
control on and Forest
of control Conserva
pollution of tion Act,
, Act, pollution 1980.
Some of the special acts 1974(am ) Act, The
which deal exclusively with ended in 1981 The wildlife
environmental Pollution 1978 (amende Factorie (Protecti
are…..strike out wrong and d in s Act, on) Act,
159 answer 1988 1987) 1948 1972. Answer3 4
Water is
the state
the act
For the initially
establis applicabl
hment, e to
with the those
view of states
carrying which
out the had
purpose passed
s the
Provide Provide aforesai enabling
for the for the d of legislativ
conserva Preventi boards e
tion and on and and resolutio
use of control conferri n under
water of water ng on the
pollution pollution the above
and and assignin article
maintain maintain g them authorizi
The water Act, 1974 was ing or ing or necessa ng the
passed by the parliament restoring restoring ry parliame
under Article 252 (1) of the the the powers nt to
constitution of India. The wholeso wholeso and enact on
objectives are…….find out meness meness function a state
160 incorrect option of water. of water. s. subject. Answer1 4
The Acts The Acts
applies applies The Acts
to the to the applies
to the
Area of Jurisdiction of the Districts Regional to the
acts made by central of States areas states or
government and and Union
Union Union Territori
Territori Territori es.
es. es.
161 ies. Answer4 4
y has
This Act
been The
is to
defined importan
as a t
for levy
Municip Preventi
al on in
Corpora Cess Act
n of cess
tion or is the
on water
Municip rebate.
al The
d by
Council assesse
or is
Canton entitled
The Water Cess Act, 1977, The ment to a
Objective and Scope……pick water Board rebate of
up correct answer. (Preventi or any 25 per
s and by
on and other cent of
Pollution body, the cess
Control) entruste payable
es, to
Cess Act, d with if he
passed the duty installs
by the of the
s of the
parliame supplyi treatmen
nt, came ng the t plant
into water for
force in under sewage
Decembe the law or
necessity There
Some of the were
major Act was inadequa
areas of particula
hazard felt linkages
The environment protection The after
e.g. handling
act, 1986, Necessity and necessity the
Scope…..strike out wrong of the degradat matters
of toxic related
answer Act was of
particularwastes, Environmto
felt after were or (Air,Wateindustria
the not Deforestal and
Bhopal covered. ecology environ
Gas and mental
163 Tragedy. ecosystem safety. Answer3 4
This is a
g to this
Act, no
ment or
y can
use any
Forest Conservation Act,
land for
1980…..choose incorrect
statement about it.
This is s, or
the most clear a
importa forest of
nt trees This Act
powerful naturall has
Act and y grown given This Act
the there to extraor has given
conserva use it for dinary extraordi
The cannot A
Wildlife advise to Wildlife
Protectio the State Advisor
n Act has Govern y Board
been ment, for
Wildlife Protection Act,
enacted state every
1972…..select improper
by the pollution state
statement about it.
Parliame control and
nt to board Union The
protect and Territor Board is
wild central y is the to advise
animals pollution creation the State
and control of this Governm
165 birds. board Act. ent Answer2 4
of the
areas to
be In the
In the
declared formati In many
as on of matters
sanctuar the relating
may be
ies, policy to any
national for schedule
to it by
parks protecti of plants,
and on and animals,
closed conserv birds in
areas ation of the Act.
and the wildlife.
The Board is to advise the administ
State Government about…… ration
166 pick of wrong option thereof. Answer1 4
The administration of A Forest ral,
sanctuaries, national parks, and Forest
zoo etc. is carried out as per Envirom and
the provisions of the Act ent Environ
with the help of……. Minister A Chief ment
A Chief Warden Cabinet
167 Minister . Minister Answer3 4
The wildlife (protection)
Rules were made in 1974 January January January January
168 and notified in ……….. 1977. 1979. 1976. 1975. Answer4 4
According to the Wildlife bees,
Protection Act, 1972” butterfli domestic aquatic
wildlife” includes es, and or land
any……….select incorrect crustace reared fish and vegetatio
169 option. an animals moths n Answer2 4
The Ministry of
environment and Forests
has enacted the Biological
Diversity Act (2002) under
the United Nations
Convention on Biological Rio de New Washingt
170 Diversity signed at…… Janeiro York Japan on Answer1 4
General Agreem Goods
General Agreeme ent on And Tax
Army for nt on Tarriffs on
Tribunal Tax and and Transpor
171 GATT is a abbrivation of…… Treaty Taxation Trade tation Answer3 4
Tubercul Throwba Agreeme
osis ck Tool nt on
Treatme Thursda Box Barriers
172 TBT is a abbrivation of…… nt y Talks To Trade Answer4 4
Sanitary Special
State and Purpose Standby
Police Phytosa Syntheti Power
173 SPS is a abbrivation of…… Service nitary c System Answer2 4
Committ Career
ee on Chronic and
Trade Traumat Technic Common
and ic al Table
Environ Encepha Educati Expressi
174 CTE is a abbrivation of…… ment lopathy on on Answer1 4
Good Service Geo-Spa Geo-Scie
and on tial nce
Service Transpo Technol Technolo
175 GST is a abbrivation of…… Tax rtation ogy gy Answer3 4
Massive Degradat
erosion ion of
Massive & fresh
forest landslid water
Subsistence farmers, whose fire and es, and Reduced supply
livelihoods were dependent extra reduced access and
on the forests, faced the land for fertility to increase
consequences:…...figure out agricultu of the firewoo d
176 wrong answer re soil. d. flooding. Answer1 4
A chain
In the early 1980s, the hydroel
Karnataka Department of ectric
Forestry opened for logging dams to
the forests of the Western The control Making
Ghats, which spread across construc the land
the state of Karnataka. The tion of a rivers in available
government propose pulp and A the for
was…..pickup wrong paper plywood Western agricultu
177 answer. mill factory Ghats. re Answer4 4
ion a
A large
monocul dam to
ture teak provide
plantatio the
n, a water to
In 1983 the Forestry highly tribal for
Department decided to clear profitabl Making their
cut additional forest around e land doemesti
Sirsi, Karnataka, a village in Tribal venture. availabl c and
northern Utter Kannada. people e for agricultu
They intended to replace it settleme agricult ral
178 with nt ure purpose Answer2 4
Inspired by the Gandhian
principles of non-violence
and the efficacy of the
Chipko campaign in Sunderla
Northern India, villagers Pandur l
decided to take matters into Rajendra Medha ang Bahugun
179 their hand. Led by …….. Singh Patkar Hedge a Answer3 4
India’s southwest coast is a
1,600- kilometer-long
mountain chain with forests
older than the Himalayas.
The mountains are one of
the top biodiversity
hotspots in the world and The
UNESCO recently recognizes The The The Sahyadri
the regions as a World Western Aravali Silent Mountai
180 Heritage site. Ghat Forest Valley n ranges Answer1 4
It also
has an
level of
y and
Moderat endemis
ing the m and
tropical is
The climate recogniz
site’s of the ed as
mountai region, one of The
n forest the site the Western
ecosyste presents world’s Ghat is
ms one of eight’ deserted
influenc the best hottest area and
e the example hotspot found
Indian s of the s of their
monsoo monsoo biologic very
The speciality of Western n n system al valuable
Ghats is…..strike out wrong weather on the diversit resource
181 answer pattern. planet. y. s. Answer4 4
The government is planning
to build the world’s largest
182 nuclear power plant in……… Jaitapur Dabhol Redi Raigad Answer1 4
The total capacity of 9900 Hydroel Solar
MW power plant at Thermal Nuclear ctric power
Jaitapur, the largest in the Reactor Reactor Reactor Reactor
183 world will be known as……. Park Park Park Park Answer2 4
Increasi g poverty
Rapid, ng and
uncontro Destructi advance hunger
lled on and technol in the
populati degradat ogy in world
on ion of transpo and
growth wild life rtation Increasin
and habitats and g levels
Wasteful and commu of
use of Extinctio nication pollution
The major environmental resource n of with s (air,
problems we face today s. plants more water,
are……Guess the wrong and benefits noise
184 answer animals. . and soil). Answer3 4
A solution towards a better
environmental and greater
equity in health and wealth
for all the people in the Social Developi
world has to look and Develop ng
develop a Sustainable ment science
Development Policy which Environ and
would be based on…..pick Economi mental technolo
185 up wrong answer c Growth Care gy Answer4 4
e and
Agricult r
ure, Industri handlin
Environmental Care is forestry, es, waste g, Carbon
possible through effective mining water manage footprint
Environmental and treatme ment of and
Management in……..strike construc nt, fuel livestoc Carbon
186 out wrong option. tion storage k yards Credit Answer4 4
on of a
A en by
A decision- systems-
decision- making oriented
making process professio
process that nals with
that regulate an
regulate s the engineeri
s the impact ng, law,
benefit of or design
of human backgrou
human activities nd,
activities on the tackling
on the environ A problem
environ ment in generic s of the
ment in such a descript human-a
such a manner ion of a ltered
manner that the process environ
that the capacity underta mental
capacity of the ken by on an
of the environ systems interdisci
environ ment to -oriente plinary
ment to sustain d basis
sustain human professi from a
human develop onals quantitat
develop ment with a ive and/
It calls
for a It shows
multidis opportun
ciplinary ities and
or also
interdisc addresse
iplinary s threats
ment. It
approac and
h. It problem
with a
integrate It calls s. It
s researc stresses
different h and stewards
by large
viewpoi develop hip,
nts ment in rather
Characteristic of regardin Science than
Environmental g and exploitat
Management are……choose develop Technol ion.
188 incorrect option. ment. ogy Answer3 4
Efficient Impact
utilizatio of man’s Efficient
on of
n of interacti utilizatio
Environmental science on upon n of
with the
Management involve the and the environ
management of…..pick up technolo environ ment
189 wrong answer gy. ment assets Answer2
Environ populati
mental on and
pollution environ
and ment.
s- their
control. Comple
The scope of environmental conserva
Social x
education is broad-based tion and
issues working
and covers a large number manage
related of the Research
of areas and aspects like…… ment.
to ecosyste and
choose incorrect option. Ecology
develop m. The develop
ment urban ment in
and world Science
environ and and
ment environ Technolo
190 ment gy Answer4 4
ment in
traffic Marine
congetio Pollution
n due to Global ,
transpor Warmin Ozone Over-exp
The environmental tation g, Depletio loitation
problems we are facing atand Greenho n and of
the global level are……findcommun use Acid Resource
191 out wrong answer ication Effect Rains s Answer1 4
The terms Environmental The
Impact Statement (EIS) and The Europea
Environmental Impact United n Asean
States of
Assessment (EIA), were Kingdom Countrie Countrie
192 coined in…… s s Answer3 4
declare a
policy To
that will enrich To
encoura the enrich
ge a understa the
producti nding of understa
ve and engineer nding of
enjoyabl ing Biosphe ecologica
When EIS and EIA became e systems re and l systems
compulsory in the U.S. harmon and the to and the
under the National y importa stimulat importan
Environmental Policy Act between nce of e the ce of
(NEPA), in 1970. The man and human health natural
purpose of the Act the resource and resource
was…….guess out incorrect Environ s to the welfare s to the
193 answer. ment. nation. of man. nation. Answer2 4
the The EIA
impact is
on the prepare
bio-geop d to
hysical The EIA help the
Environ is Environ
mental prepare mental-
project is
and d by the sound
man’s project develop
health propone ment of
with or
and nt for the
wellbein any new surroun
g; the project, ding
effective as well area of
ness of as for the
peoples, the project.
policies, extensio The
program n or report
mes, moderni is to be
projects zation of submitt
ns and
and the ed to
operatio existing the
y site
nal project Depart
visits or
procedu which is ment of
The Scope of EIA is……pick The EIA the water The EIA
up wrong option. studies impact quality, studies
consist assessm Air consist of
of ent with quality, science
literatur the help Terrestr research
e of ial and and
research mathem Aquatic technical
and field atical, Ecology, field
work to statistica Noise work to
ascertai l and and ascertain
n the compute socio-ec the
baseline r-aided onomic baseline
conditio techniqu conditio condition
195 ns es. ns. s Answer4 4
River highway
EIA was introduced in India
valleys, s,
in 1978 and now covers airports,
thermal bridges,
projects like:……choose new
power, atomic
incorrect option. Environ towns
mining. power,
ment, and
ecology, communi
Geograp cation
196 hy projects. Answer2 4
ional Interior
Indian Organis Sub-Saha
ISO…..stands for Sub-cont Indian ation ran
inent Space for Organisz
Organiza Organiza Standar ation
197 tion tion disation Answer3 4
It is es’
chemistr issued by
y related the UN
term in Framewo
which rk
Carbon Conventi
reacts to on of
each and Climate
every Change
elements (UNFCCC
and ) to the
cheicals impleme
CER is
giving ntation
carbon of the
Carbon to one
as by Credit is ton of approve
products measure CO2 d Clean
in units reductionDevelop
of or its ment
Certified equivalenmechani
Emission Green sm
What is Carbon Credit? ReductionHouse (CDM)
198 Choose wrong option. (CER). Gases. projects. Answer1 4
The main buyers of Carbon
Credit principally countries
are…….figure out incorrect New
199 answer. Japan Canada Zealand Answer4 4
The major sources of supply
of carbon credit countries
India Brazil
are……strike out wrong Australi
200 answer a China Answer2 4

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