Department of Education: ENGLISH (For Elementary Participants)

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Moncada, Tarlac

ENGLISH (For Elementary Participants)

A. Headline Writing: Read the news leads below. Write an appropriate headline
maximum of six (6) words.

1. ____________________________________________________________________
Anonymous donors gave P68 million to the families of 68 soldiers killed in the ongoing
battle between government forces and local terrorist group Maute in Marawi City.

The Philippine Army turned over the financial assistance in checks amounting to P1
million each to the families of the 68 fallen soldiers yesterday at the Ricarte Hall in
Philippine Army Officers Club in Fort Bonifacio.

2. ____________________________________________________________________
Education Secretary Armin Luistro yesterday said his agency had not abandoned its
development of “God-loving learners” as he denied having been pressured by any group
into removing the phrase “God-loving” from the DepEd’s vision statement.

3. ____________________________________________________________________
MANILA, Philippines — Vice President Leni Robredo and Senator Panfilo Lacson are set
to meet to discuss how they could help the government fight illegal drugs.

B. Unit Counting

1. FEU rocks MOA; rules CDC

MSD Online Training on Campus Journalism 2022

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Moncada, Tarlac

C. Copy Editing and Headline Writing: Edit the news article using copyreading
symbols. Write an appropriate headline, maximum of 6 words.

HEADLINE: ___________________________________________________________

The dialogs were held on Friday in Mariano Marcus State University (MMSU) Audi

Torium, Vatac City, Ilocos Sur, and Santa Maria Sports Complex, Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur.

The meeting on Saturday was held in the Season Auditorium, Lingayen, Pangasinan.

ppart of the highlights of he’s visit were the distribution of fishing machinery and

equipments for the different beneeficiaries under the 5 banner programs of the da Region


Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary William Darla distributed billions and millions of

pesos worth of projects in his three-day sorties in the 4 provinces of Region 1 on Friday

and Saturday.

Secretary Darla met with farmers and planters including tillers in Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur

and Pangasinan in separate stakeholders’ fora to heard and addresses there concerns

for achieving the food insecurity agenda of President Rodrigo Bato Duterte.

The assistances incluudes the pro-vision of hybrid seeds, farm machinery, irrigation

services, infrastructures, and establishment of demo farms.

MSD Online Training on Campus Journalism 2022

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