Tle 9 1ST Quarter Reviewer

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It is very essential for a manicurist to have knowledge on
the different parts of the nails for this will be your basis in
giving nail care services to your clients.
The nail is an appendage of the skin. Nail is a horny,
translucent plate that protects the tips of the fingers and
toes. It is composed mainly of keratin, a protein substance
that forms the base of all horny tissue. The nail is whitish
and translucent in appearance and allows the pinkish colour
of the nail bed to be seen. The horny plate contains no
nerves or blood vessels.
Onyx is the technical term for the nail. The condition of
the nail, like that of the skin, reflects the general health of
the body. Onychology is the study of nail. The nails vary in
thickness, being heaviest on the thumbs and big toes.
The characteristics of healthy nails are firm and flexible,
slightly pink in color and the surface is smooth, curved and
unspotted, without any hollows or wavy ridges.
Diagram of the Nail and its structure

The nail consists of three parts: nail body, nail root and
free edge.
Nail Body or Nail Visible portion of the nail that is
Plate attached to the nail bed.
Free edge End portion of the nail plate which
extends beyond the fingertip. It is
shaped during manicure.
Nail root Beginning of nail found at the base and
is embedded underneath the skin.

Structures beneath the Nail

The structures beneath the nail include the nail bed,
matrix and lunula.
Nail Bed The skin upon which the nail body or nail
plate rests. It is supplied with many blood
vessels and nerves. The blood vessels supply
nourishment for the nail.
Matrix Part of the nail bed which contains nerves
and blood vessels and is located beneath the
nail root. It produces cells that generate and
harden the nail and will continue to grow as
long as it receives nutrition and remains in a
healthy condition.
Lunula Halfmoon shape found at the base of the nail
where the matrix connects with the nail bed.

Structures Surrounding the Nail

The structures surrounding the nail include the cuticle,
eponychium, hyponychium, perionychium, nail walls
and nail grooves.
Cuticle The overlapping skin around the nail. A
normal cuticle should be loose and
Eponychium Cuticle extension at the base of the nail
body which partly overlaps the lunula.
Hyponychium Portion of the skin under the free edge of
the nail.
Nail Walls Folds of the skin overlapping the sides of
the nail.
Nail Grooves Are slits or tracks in the skin at the side of
the nail upon which the nail moves as it
Mantle Deep fold of the skin in which the nail root
is embedded.

Nail Growth
There are factors that can influence the growth of nails
such as nutrition, general health and disease. A nail grows
forward, starting at the matrix and extending over the tip of
the finger. Like hair, nails grow faster in warm weather.
Adult’s nail growth is about 1/8 inch per month
whereas the nails of the children grow faster than those of
the elderly. Toenails grow slowly but they are thicker and
harder than fingernails.
Onychosis refers to any disease,
disorder or condition of the nails.
Having knowledge about infections
caused by bacteria will prevent the spread
of infectious diseases, preserve the health
of the cosmetologist and the patron and appreciate the value
of proper sanitation.
Pus is the yellowish fluid that oozes
from the wound. It is a sign of infection.
White blood cells attack the bacteria and
consume them.
The pus contains blood cells, body cells and dead and
living bacteria. Bacteria may invade the body through cuts,
scratches or punctures in the skin or through any of the
body openings.
Fungi are plant organisms that live
on dead, decaying or living matter. Some
fungi are capable of causing serious
infections but some are harmful and
Diseases may be considered contagious or non-
contagious. A disease becomes contagious or
communicable when it spreads from one person to another
by direct or indirect contact. Some of the common
contagious diseases are tuberculosis, common cold,
ringworm, scabies, head lice, and virus infections. Coughing,
sneezing, unclean hands, eating utensils and salon
equipment play a role in spreading diseases. Diseases that
are not able to be spread from person to person are
considered as non-contagious. Genetic diseases, cancers,
mental disorders, autoimmune diseases and heart disease
are some of the many diseases that aren't contagious.
Sterilization is the process whereby microorganisms are
destroyed. Equipment and tools found in salon are needed to
be sterilized. Sanitizing or sanitation refers to the physical or
chemical means used to keep the salon and its equipment as
clean and free of germs as possible in order to protect the
health of the public.

Nail Disorders – are condition caused by injury to the nails,

diseases or imbalances in the body.
Name of Treatment/
Nail Care/ Pictures
Disorders Prevention
Appear blue in
color which
reveals that
body is not
It is
getting enough
oxygen. This
to see a
also indicates
physician but
Bluish infection in the
can also be
Nails lungs, such as
manicure with
Some heart
care and light
problems can
also be
with bluish
The result of This can be
Bruised trauma to the treated by not
nail nail plate. This applying
causes injury pressure on
to nail, blood nail plate.
trapped under
nail. There is
under the nail
Wavy ridges
It is
caused by
uneven growth
to buff the
Corrugati of the nails, nails carefully
ons usually the
to help remove
result of
or minimize
illness or
the ridges.
Split cuticles;
This may be
loose skin
trimmed with
separates from
the cuticle.
Hangnails nippers,
This is caused
by dry cuticle
and apply
cuticle oil.
Nails with a
It is
concave shape
usually caused
to file nails
Koilonych through iron
carefully with
ia or deficiency
no pressure
Spoon anemia. These
and use nail
Nails nails show
polish to
raised ridges
harden and
and are thin
protect nail.
and concave.
Leuconyc A condition in The white
hia which white spots on the
spots appear fingernail will
on the nails gradually
but do not diminish if
indicate you start
disease and as taking zinc in
the nails grow, daily food.
these white Limit the
spots usage of nail
eventually enamels and
disappear. polish to
Caused by
injury to the
It is
improper filing
Onychorr to soften nails
or exposure to
hexis or before
Split / trimming and
brittle use daily
Dry, brittle
Nails moisturizers
nails have
or have oil
An overgrowth
of the nail,
usually in
rather than
length caused File the nail
by a local smooth and
infection and buff with
can also be pumice
hereditary. powder
This condition
may be given
nail services if
infection is not
Onychatro An atrophy or File the nail
phia wasting away smooth with
of the nail the fine side of
plate which the emery
causes it to board. Protect
lose its luster, your hands
become from over
smaller and exposure to
sometimes water,
shed entirely. detergents,
Injury or and other
disease may chemicals.
account for
Caused by
nervous habit
and stress
related. It is a
sign of
anxiety that
It is
could benefit
Onychoph that the client
agy or receives
This has also
Bitten frequent
been linked to
Nails manicure. Do
obsessive –
not bite your
disorder. The
signs are
sensitive to
touch; nail
plate may
appear flat
and deformed.
The inward
advance of
Never attempt
skin over the
to remove
nail plate. This
results in the
loss of the nail
consult a
plate due to
physician for
Pterygium the
advice and
development of
treatment. It
scar tissue.
is also
Cortisone is
suggested to
used to
have oil
prevent the
of scar tissue.
Nail Diseases – are problems of nails from fungal and
bacterial infections to other causes of nail abnormalities.
Name of
Definition/ Treatment/
Nail Pictures
Description Care/ Prevention
inflammation of
the nail matrix
Always keep the
by pus
nails clean and
Onychia use properly
caused by
sanitized nail
implements and
In this
condition, the
It is recommended
nail grows into
to cut the nails
the sides of the
Onychocr properly and wear
flesh and may
yptosis comfortable shoes
cause infection.
or that fit perfectly
Ingrown (shoes with a wide
trimming and
Nails toe area and ones
shaping of nails
that don't press
are often
your toes)
responsible for
ingrown nails.
A condition in
which the nail
curvature is
increased and
Apply a
enlarged; the
nail becomes
cream on the
thicker and
nails every time
you wash your
Onychogr sometimes
hands or feet.
yposis extending over
Nails should
the tip of the
always be
finger or toe;
trimmed and
this condition
avoid tight fitting
results in
foot wear.
and pain if the
nail grows into
the skin.
It is recommended
to keep the nails
short and avoid
nail polish. Use
A loosening of an emollient
the nail caused cream after
Onycholy by internal washing or
sis disorder, bathing and try to
infection or avoid irritants
drug treatment. such as nail
polish remover
and enamel or
solvents and
cleaning agents.
Also known as
To prevent getting
tinea unguium
a nail fungal
or ringworm of
infection, it is
the nails is an
advisable to keep
the nails dry and
disease caused
clean, use an
by a fungus
Onychom antifungal foot
ycosis spray or powder
and avoid cutting
appears in
the skin around
whitish patches
the toenails since
that can be
this may be an
scraped off
entry point for
from the
A shedding of
one or more
nails, either in
whole or in
part. It can
occur during or
after certain Always wear
diseases of the properly fitted
Onychopt body, such as footwear that offer
osis syphilis, as a your toes lots of
result of fever space and dry
and system nails thoroughly.
upsets, as a
reaction to
drugs, or as a
result of
To prevent
always keep your
hands and feet
inflammation of
dry and clean,
the skin around
wear rubber
the nail caused
gloves with an
by bacteria. The
absorbent cotton
Paronych symptoms are
lining if your
ia redness,
hands are
swelling, and
exposed routinely
tenderness of
to water or harsh
the tissue
chemicals and
avoid cutting your
the nail.
cuticles or
pushing them


The following tools referred to as implements are
durable, permanent and are hand-held.
1. Mixing bowl is a small open-top, rounded cup-like
container used for mixing the aromatic oils and other fluids
for the hand or foot spa.
2. Pumice Stone is a type of volcanic rock, which is actually
frothy lava solidified to form a porous rock to remove dry and
annoying skin as well as calluses.

The following supplies/materials are the cosmetics that

are consumed and replaced from time to time. They are also
called consumables.

Alcohol is an organic compound used as


Antiseptic Solution is an agent that reduces

or prevents the multiplication of

Body Scrub is a mixture of natural

ingredients to keep feet soft, smooth and
moisturized and to remove dead skin cells.

Cling Wrap is a thin plastic film used for

sealing the paraffin during a hand spa.

First Aid Kit is a collection of supplies for

use in giving first aid.

Lotion is used to soften and moisturize the


Mittens are slips over plastic liners to

increase heat retention when used with

Paraffin wax is a mineral wax derived from

petroleum. It is a soft wax that melts at a
temperature cool enough to safely immerse
your skin. Paraffin wax is used as a
treatment in spas and salons to lock in
Soap is used for cleansing.

The following equipment are the items which are more

or less durable and permanent needed for a particular
activity or purpose.
Hand Spa Machine is an electronic gadget
used to soothe pain of arthritis, muscle
spasms and dry cracked skin of the hands.
Paraffin wax machine contains a heat
source and tank that holds paraffin wax. The
machine melts the wax and maintains it in a
liquid state.

Plastic Basin is used for soaking hands and

holding soapy water

Trolley is a movable cart that contains

supplies and materials.

Step by step instructions for disinfecting hand spa

1. Drain the water from the foot spa basin or bowl and
remove any visible debris.
2. Clean the surfaces of the foot spa with soap or detergent,
rinse with clean water, and drain.
3. Disinfect the surfaces according to the manufacturer's
directions on the label. Surfaces must remain wet with the
disinfectant for 10 minutes or the time stated on the
label, which may be shorter.
4. Drain and rinse with clean water.
Storing and Sanitation Techniques
Contaminant is any substance that causes
contamination. Salon professional must always ensure safety
and sanitation in the salon to prevent and control infections
and contagious diseases although it is very impossible to
keep the salon free from all contamination.
There is still a solution to prevent and control infections
or contagious diseases in the salon and that is through
decontamination. Decontamination is removing pathogens
and other substances from tools or surfaces.
There are three levels of decontamination and these are
sterilization, sanitation and disinfection.

Sterilization is the process of making an object germ-free

by the destruction of all kinds of bacteria and it is also the
highest level of decontamination. Sterilization is impossible
since you cannot sterilize all the tools and equipment used
in the salon.

Sanitation means significantly reducing the number of

pathogens found on a surface and is also considered as the
lowest level of decontamination. Why is sanitation
considered as the lowest level of decontamination? Example
is the hair in a comb. Hair is the contaminant in the comb.
How do you apply sanitation here? All you have to do is to
remove the hair from the comb and it is as easy as that. That
is why sanitation is the lowest level of decontamination.

Disinfection is the second level of decontamination next to

sterilization. Disinfection is very much applicable in the
salon since sterilization is not practical and sanitation alone
is not enough. Disinfection is the use of disinfectant and
antiseptic. Disinfectant is any substance or chemicals used
to destroy bacteria but is not safe to use on skin while
antiseptic is an agent that prevents the multiplication of
bacteria. Since it is milder than disinfectant. It can be used
directly on the skin.
Any of these levels of decontamination must always be a
part of every nail care services and should be done before
and after giving nail services to your client. Proper waste
disposal and proper handling and use of chemicals are also
of great importance when it comes to post-service activity.

Service Maintenance Program

Now, after performing the hand spa treatment to your
client, it is time for you to do the following steps:
1. Dispose waste products including used wax according to
occupational health and safety rules and regulations.
2. Sanitize and store tools, supplies and equipment.
3. Clean and sanitize work station for the next treatment

Good Housekeeping System (5’S)

Proper Waste Disposal refers to the process in keeping
waste materials or products in the proper place to avoid
Below are the steps in handling waste materials or products.

The 5’S
1. Seiri (Sort)
 Taking out and disposing of unnecessary items
 Items that are not needed are thrown away or disposed
2. Seiton (Systematize)
 Tools, equipment, and materials must be systematically
arranged for the easiest and most efficient access
 Arrange / Organize necessary items in good condition
 Assign a place for everything for easy access and returning
of the equipment, tools and even documents.

3. Seiso (Sweep)
 Cleaning even if things are not dirty. Regular cleaning
prevents things from getting too dirty that it would be
difficult to make it clean
 Indicates the need to keep the work place clean

4. Seiketsu (Standardize)
 Maintaining the workplace in high standard housekeeping
 Allows for control and consistency. Basic housekeeping
standard apply everywhere in the facility
 Housekeeping duties are part of regular work routines
 Prepare Housekeeping Standard Checklist. Checklist
should be very detailed
 Thoroughness is a requirement of EXCELLENCE

5. Shitsuke (Self-discipline)
 Doing things spontaneously without having to be told
 “Teach by doing”
 It is a good discipline to leave the workplace cleaner than
when it is found

Foot Spa Treatment is another relaxing service offered in

the salon that pampers our tired feet which is the most
exercised part of our body as it carries our weight and
performs most of the time during the day. Aside from
relaxing our feet, it can also help prevent and cure many
symptoms such as headache, stress, asthma, constipation,
sinusitis, migraine and improve the circulation of the blood
as one of the most beneficial effects of foot massage.


Most of the tools, supplies and equipment used in giving
hand spa treatment can also be used in giving foot spa.

Callus Remover refers to a tool designed to

strip off calluses and corns.

Foot file refers to a metal or sandpaper,

with a rough file on one side to remove
calluses and a fine file on the other to
smoothen the feet.
Pumice stone is used to soften rough areas
on the feet such as calluses


Foot Spa Basin is a large rectangular
container used for bathing and soaking
the feet

Foot Spa Machine is an electronic gadget

used to soothe pain of arthritis, muscle
spasms and dry cracked skin of the feet.

Foot Spa Stool refers to a simple seat

with three or four legs designed to provide
comfort and elevation during a foot spa
Paraffin wax machine contains a heat
source and tank that holds paraffin wax.
The machine melts the wax and
maintains it in a liquid state.

Antiseptic Solution is an agent that

reduces or prevents the multiplication of

Cling Wrap is a thin plastic film used for

sealing the paraffin during a foot spa.

Foot Blush refers to a liquid spray that

contains peppermint and alpha hydroxyl
acids derived from fruits that whisks away
dead skin cells deodorizes and soften the
feet, giving it a pinkish glow after use.
Foot Scrub refers to a mixture of natural
ingredients to keep feet soft, smooth,
moisturized and exfoliate

Foot Soak refers to a herbal blend to

relax, energize, soothe and deodorize the

Foot spa cream or lotion serves as


Paraffin Wax refers to a mineral wax

derived from petroleum. It is a soft wax
that melts at a temperature cool enough
to safely immerse the skin. Paraffin wax is
used as a treatment in spas and salons to
lock in moisture

Towel is an absorbent cloth for drying the

hands and feet.

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