Principles of Management

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(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


Class: FYBMS Marks: 75

Subject: Principles of Management Time: 21/2 hrs.
Q.1. Choose the correct answer. (40 marks)
1. According to Mary Parker Fallot, management is an __ of getting things done through people.
(Art, science, profession)
2. The managerial grid model was developed by ___.
(Henri Fayol, Robert Blake and Mouton, F. W. Taylor)
3. _______ skills refer to problem solving skills.
(Technical, Administrative, Design)
4. The process of management is_____ in nature.
(One time, continuous, constant)
5. _____ is father of scientific management being the first person to consider management as a
science. (Henri Fayol, Robert Blake and Mouton, F. W. Taylor)
6. ____ provides a sense of direction to business activities.
(Planning, organising, Decision making)
7. The ___ plans are meant for repeated use.
(Standing, Single-use, Realistic)
8. A _ decision is used for repetitive activities.
(Rational, non-programmed, programmed)
9. In ____, the group members think independently.
(Brainstorming, Delphi technique, nominal group technique)
10. A _____ is a time table for activities.
(Schedule, Rule, Budget)
11. ______ determines boundaries within which decisions are made.
(Strategy, Policy, Procedures)
12. Division of work is based on the principle of ____.
(Equality, authority, specialization)
13. The concept of span of control was first asserted by ______.
(Garifuna’s, Lyndall & Urick, Sir Ian Hamilton)
14. ______ means to confer, or to transfer or to assign.
(Responsibility, Authority, Delegation)
15. ______ is considered as essence of management.
(Leadership, controlling, co-ordination)
16. ______ was developed by Du Pont Company for the purpose of scheduling.
17. ____ techniques analyse the cost-volume-profit relationship.
(Break even analysis, Self-control, Budgetary Control)
18. _______ is an approach adopted by companies to attain environmental objectives.
(Break even analysis, Self-Control, Budgetary Control)
19. The concept of MBO was popularized by ___.
(Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, Peter Drucker)
20. According to ____, a subordinate should receive orders from only one superior.
(Unity of command, Unity of direction, Scalar Chain, Authority and Responsibility)
Q.2. Answer any one question of the following. (10 Marks)
a. Management as a science.
b. Managerial Grid.
c. Principles in administrative management school.

Q.3. Answer any one question of the following. (10 Marks)

a. Process of decision making.
b. Characteristics of organizing.
c. Need for Green management.

Q.4. Answer any three questions of the following. (15 Marks)

1. Any five styles of leadership.
2. Distinguish between formal and informal organization.
3. Explain the Graecunin’s Theory.
4. “Authority can be delegated, but not responsibility.” Explain.
5. Explain briefly Principles of scientific management.

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