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MAES Module 44237

STUDENT’S NAME: John Clyde Perez


A) Paragraph 1: academic journal article
Paragraph 2: newspaper article
Paragraph 3: textbook
B) Paragraph 1: scholars
Paragraph 2: working women
Paragraph 3: general audience
C) Examples, quotations, and statistics are used to support points.

A) Interpersonal communication styles that are less effective
B) Sentence 1
C) By pointing out the two less effective interpersonal communication styles
D) That an aggressive style involves speaking in a disrespectful manner, expressing
anger, or trying to dominate the conversation
E) Sentence 5
F) That a passive style might lead a person to hide his or her beliefs, speak quietly,
and submit to all demands.
G) Sentence 11


“Communication with colleagues + requires sensitivity and understanding” Topic +

“Superstitions have been around forever” Too general
“Improving online social networks + can help professionals communicate” Topic +
“Although that policy proved ineffective” Incomplete sentence
“Convenience foods + are easy to prepare” Topic + CI

MAES Module 44237

A) Topic: Text messaging
Topic sentences:
1. Text messaging radically changed since the 1990s.
2. Text messaging is the best form of communication.
3. Text messaging saves a lot of time and money.
B) Topic: Movies
Topic sentences:
1. Watching movies is a good stress reliever.
2. Watching movies help cure depression.
3. Movies reflect the cultures of every nation.
C) Topic: Advertising
Topic sentences:
1. Advertising companies deceive the minds of young viewers.
2. Advertising companies in Asia are filled with racist content.
3. Advertising enhances one’s communication skills.
D) Topic: Online social networks
Topic sentences:
1. Online social networks are avenues for cyberbullying.
2. Online social networks bridge the gap of cultural misunderstanding.
3. Online social networks become the means for product advertisement.

A) Many governments are responding aggressively to the threat that cell phones pose
to safety on the road.
B) example: Sentence 8
statistic: Sentences 2 & 3
quotation: Sentences 5 & 6
C) The statistics, quotations, and examples in version 2 reinforces the claim of the
main idea of the paragraph which is about the aggressive responses of governments to
the threat of cellphone use to road safety.

Topic sentence: c
Chronological order: c f e a d b

MAES Module 44237

A) Paragraph 1: These examples clearly show that these days there is a greeting
card for every possible life event and for a few non-events as well.
Paragraph 2: This story is a good example of a legend invented by native people to
interpret the world around them.
B) Paragraph 1. By concluding the examples
C) Paragraph 2. By restating the idea in the topic sentence
D) Paragraph 1: These examples clearly show…
Paragraph 2: This story is a good example…

Topic sentence: Early childhood education programs such as head start provide
cognitive benefits well beyond preschool.
Supporting sentences: Recent studies that compare student test scores show that
children who are exposed to structured learning activities outside the home
environment are better able to adapt to formalized instruction in grades kindergarten
through third grade than children who remain at home. This is particularly true among
children from low-income families and children whose parents have a limited
proficiency in English. Children living in states that do not provide early childhood
programs, on the other hand, lag behind their peers.
Concluding sentence: Thus, state, and local governments must continue to bridge the
achievement gap so that students may reach their full potential at an early age.

A) Although it is difficult to solve public health problems, great success has been
achieved with certain illnesses.
B) The successful campaigns against smallpox and polio
C) 1st example: Sentence 2
2nd example: Sentence 8
D) Yes, all the sentences discuss and support the two major examples of the
difficulties in solving public health problems which is the claim of the topic sentence.
E) The concluding sentence paraphrases the topic sentence and stresses the main idea.
1. elimination
2. important

MAES Module 44237

3. individuals
4. illness
1. hard
2. issues
3. started
4. reproduce

The second paragraph is more coherent. The repetition of key nouns prevents the loss
of reference throughout the paragraph.

1. However,
2. while
3. ,for instance,
4. ,As a result,
5. More importantly,
6. On the contrary,
7. Unfortunately,
8. therefore
9. nor

The passage is focused on one idea which is about the extreme antagonism of dogs
towards cats. In fact, it includes its history, its present situation, and a relevant
example. Moreover, the supporting sentences and the concluding sentence do not get
off the topic.

Topic sentence: There are many types of pets in an average household.
Off-topic sentences:
 Birds provide people with a lot of company, if you like bird songs, but
their cages need a lot of cleaning.

MAES Module 44237

 A fish tank is great to look at but the tanks must be cleaned often as
 In a zoo, large animals, like polar bears, are left to themselves in their

Topic sentence: There have always been grand theories about suicide and attempted
Off-topic sentences:
 2. Not all these 200,000 attempts involved a serious risk of death, but
many of them were a gamble with life and/or death.

A. Arguments on single-sex classes policy
i. do not feel inferior when compared to girls, who literally “out-think” them
ii. more relaxed and more open to learning
B. Out-of-school interaction of children with members of the opposite sex
C. Discrimination in mixed classes
3. teachers call on boys more often than on girls, even when girls raise their

Paragraph 1: Recommend a solution or a call for action
Paragraph 2: Make a prediction
Paragraph 3: Suggest results or consequences
Paragraph 4: Quote an authority on the topic

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