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2 Using expressions and formulae

Q1. Work out the value of each expression when a = 3.

a) 2a

b) a + 3

c) a – 5

d) a2

e) 10 –

Q2. Given x = 3, y = 5, z = 8 work out the value of

a) xy

b) xz + 5

c) 2(x + 1)

d) z/2

e) (x + y)/

Q3. Weight (W) in newtons (N) is calculated using the formula W = mg, where m = mass in
kg and g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2.
On Earth g = 10 m/s2.
Work out the weight, in newtons, of

a) a 5kg dog

b) a 70kg ma

Q4. The formula for converting a temperature from Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C) is
C = 5(F - 32)/
Convert these temperatures into °C.

a) 41°F

b) 59 °F

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