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Industrial Security Management Reviewer

A1. The Private Security Agency Law is known as

       A. R.A. No. 5487
       B. R.A. No. 5467
       C. R.A. No. 5476
       D. R.A. No. 5478

D2. Any Person who, for hire or reward or on commission, conducts

    or carries on or holds himself or itself out as conducting or
    carrying on a detective agency or detective service.
       A. Private Security Guard
       B. Private Detective
       C. Private Security Agency
       D. Private Detective Agency

B3. Any Person who is not a member of a regular police agency

    or the Armed Forces of the Philippines who does detective
    work for hire, reward or commission.
       A. Private Detective Agency
       B. Private Detective
       C. Private Security Guard
       D. Private Security Agency

A4. Any Person who offers or renders personal service to

    watch or secure either residential or business establishment
    or both, or any building, compound or area including but not 
    limited to logging concession, agricultural, mining, or pasture
    lands for hire or compensation or as an employee thereof is 
    known as
       A. Security Guard
       B. Private Security Agency
       C. Private Detective Agency
       D. Private Security Agency    

D5. Any Person, Association, Partnership or Corporation who

    recruits, trains, muster, furnishes, solicits individuals or
    business firms, private or government owned or controlled
    corporations to engage his service or those of its watchmen
    is known as
       A. Private Security Guard
       B. Private Detective
       C. Private Detective Agency
       D. Private Security Agency

A6. Security Agency must be owned and controlled by how many

    percentage of Filipino ownership?
       A. 100% Filipino
       B. 90% Filipino
       C. 75% Filipino
       D. 60% Filipino

D7. How many security agency may a person organize or have an

    interest in?
       A. Four
       B. Three
       C. Two
       D. One

A8. The Operator or Manager of a security agency must be at 

       A. 25 Years of Age
       B. 30 Years of Age
       C. 35 Years of Age
       D. 40 Years of Age

C9. The Operator or Manager of a security agency must be at 

    least a
       A. Ph. D. Degree Holder
       B. Master's Degree Holder
       C. College Graduate
       D. High School Graduate

D10. An Operator or Manager of a security agency must have no

     previous record of any conviction of any crime or offense
       A. Crimes Against Person
       B. Crimes Against Property
       C. Crimes Against Chastity
       D. Moral Turpitude    

B11. One of the following is not a disqualification for an

    operator or manager of a security agency
       A. Mental Incompetent
       B. Womanizer
       C. Narcotic Drug Addict
       D. Habitual Drunkard

B12. One of the following is not a requirement to qualify as a 

    security guard
       A. Filipino Citizen
       B. College Graduate
       C. Physically and Mentally Fit
       D. Not More Than 50 Years Old

C13. A Security Guard must be at least

       A. 5'2" in Height
       B. 5'3" in Height
       C. 5'4" in Height
       D. 5'5" in Height

C14. A Security Guard must not be less than 

       A. 19 Years of Age
       B. 20 Years of Age
       C. 21 Years of Age
       D. 22 Years of Age

C15. Who has the power to promulgate the rules and regulations

    to carry out the  provisions of R.A. No. 5487
       A. The President of the Philippines
       B. The DILG Secretary
       C. The Chief of the PNP
       D. The DOJ Secretary

C16. Who has the power  to exercise general supervision over

    the operation of all Private Detective or Security Guard
       A. LGU
       B. DILG
       C. PNP
       D. DOJ

A17. A Security Agency is entitled to possess firearm in a number 

    not exceeding 
       A. One Firearm For Every Two Security Guard
       B. One Firearm For Every Three Security Guard
       C. One Firearm For Every Four Security Guard
       D. One Firearm For Every Five Security Guard

D18. When may a security guard carry firearm outside of the

    establishment he is guarding?
       A. In Case of Emergency or Disaster
       B. When Summoned By PNP Member For Help
       C. When In Hot Pursuit Of A Thief Or Robber
       D. When He Escorts Big Amount Of Cash 
B19. A Security Agency operating in the City of Manila may 
    employ not more than
       A. 500 Security Guards
       B. 1000 Security Guards
       C. 1500 Security Guards
       D. 2000 Security Guards 

A20. A Security Agency operating in places other than 

     Metropolitan Manila, other cities and first class 
    municipalities  may employ not more than
       A. 500 Security Guards
       B. 1000 Security Guards
       C. 15000 Security Guards
       D. 2000 Security Guards

A21. A Security Agency operating in municipalities other than first 

    class may employ 
       A. Not more than 200 security guard
       B. Not more than 300 security guard
       C. Not more than 400 security guard
       D. Not more than 500 security guard

A22. How many security agency may a person, partnership, or

    association organize in one city or municipality?
       A. One
       B. Two
       C. Three
       D. Four

C23. Security Agencies may offer or render services to the 

    following establishments except one
       A. Night Clubs
       B. Coffee Shops
       C. Gambling Dens
       D. Restaurants

B24. The Chief PNP in issuing rules and regulations implementing

    R.A. No. 5487 or the Private Security Agency Law must 
    consult with the
       A. SAGSD
       B. PADPAO
       C. DILG
       D. LGU
D25. A Violation of the provisions of the private security agency
    law may result in any of the following except one
       A. Suspension
       B. Fine
       C. Cancellation of License To Operate
       D. None of the Above

D26. In a Security Agency, All of the following except one 

    should secure a license
       A. Those employed to manage the agency
       B. Those employed to supervise the security guards
       C. Those employed to do investigative work
       D. Those employed solely to do clerical work

C27. A Written Order or Schedule issued by a superior officer

    assigning the performance of private security or detective
    services duties is known as
       A. License To Operate
       B. Designation Order
       C. Duty Detail Order
       D. License To Exercise Profession

A28. In a Security Agency, Which of the following is allowed to 

    issue Duty Detail Order?
       A. The Branch Manager
       B. The Security Guard Supervisor
       C. The Most Senior Security Guard
       D. The Chief Of The PNP SAGSD or  Representative

D29. New Applicants for a license to operate a Security Agency

    shall be required to obtain a minimum capitalization of
       A. 250,000 pesos
       B. 500.000 pesos
       C. 750,000 pesos
       D. 1,000,000 pesos

A30. No regular license shall be granted to any Private Security

     Agency unless it has a minimum of
       A. 200 licensed private security personnel in its employ
       B. 300 licensed private security personnel in its employ
       C. 500 licensed private security personnel in its employ
       D. 1,000 license private security personnel in its employ

B31. No Regular License shall be granted to any company guard 

    force unless it has a minimum of
       A. 10 Licensed Guard Under Its Employ
       B. 30 Licensed Guard Under Its Employ
       C. 50 Licensed Guard Under Its Employ
       D. 100 Licensed Guard Under Its Employ

B32. No Regular License shall be granted to any private detective

    agency unless it has a minimum of 
       A. 10 Licensed Private Detective Under Its Employ
       B. 30 Licensed Private Detective Under Its Employ
       C. 50 Licensed Private Detective Under Its Employ
       D. 100 Licensed Private detective Under Its Employ

B33. What is the maximum number of private security personnel

    that a private security agency may employ?
       A. 500
       B. 1000
       C. 1500
       D. 2000

B34. What is the maximum number of private security personnel

    that a company guard force may employ?
       A. 500
       B. 1000
       C. 1500
       D. 2000

B35. What is the maximum number of private security personnel

    that a private detective agency may employ?
       A. 500
       B. 1000
       C. 1500
       D. 2000

B36. A License to operate a private security agency shall be valid

    for how many years?
       A. One
       B. Two
       C. Three
       D. Four

D37. The Application for renewal of license to operate a private

    security agency shall be filed at least how many days before
    expiry date?
       A. 15
       B. 30
       C. 45
       D. 60

D38.Under the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No

    5487, What is required to be displayed at all times in a 
    conspicuous and suitable place in a security agencies office
    or headquarters?
       A. Business Permit
       B. DTI Registration
       C. Articles of Incorporation
       D. License To Operate

D39. Services of any security personnel may be terminated on

    which of the following ground?
       A. Expiration of Contract
       B. Revocation of License To Exercise Profession
       C. Physical and Mental Disability
       D. All Of The Above

D40. All of the following except one is a ground for the 

     termination of the services of any security personnel
       A. Violation of Pertinent Rules Promulgated by the PNP
       B. Conviction of a Crime Involving Moral Turpitude
       C. Lost of Trust and Confidence
       D. Filing of a Criminal Offense in the Prosecutor's Office

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