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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.9 No.

27 (2014)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm


Meenakshi S., and 2Purushothaman S. and 3Rajeswari P.
Research Scholar, Department of MCA, VELS University, Chennai, India.
Associate Professor,
Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering,
Institute of Technology, Haramaya University, DireDawa, Ethiopia

This paper presents a review of literature about texture image segmentation starting from the year 2000.
The review provides an overall view about the developments in the algorithms used for segmenting textured images.

Image texture has a number of perceived qualities that play an important role in describing texture. Laws,
1980, identified uniformity, density, coarseness, roughness, regularity, linearity, directionality, direction, frequency,
and phase in defining a texture. Some of these perceived qualities are not independent. Frequency is not independent
of density, and the property of direction only applies to directional textures. There is no single method of texture
representation that is adequate for a variety of textures.
Texture analysis concerns mainly with feature extraction and image coding. Feature extraction identifies
and selects a set of distinguishing and sufficient features to characterize a texture. Image coding derives a compact
texture description from selected features. By representing a complex texture with a small number of measurable
features or parameters, texture analysis helps great dimension-reduction and enables automated texture processing.
The following tables present literature based on clustering, filtering, and neural network. The effect of
noise, contrast, brightness on segmentation is presented.


S.No. Algorithm Feature No.Of Segmentation Result/Claim Referenc

Extraction Images / Accuracy e
Methods Type Of
1 1. Gabor Directional feature Weed The overall Uses a single AnsorJur
wavelet image classification input feature aizaIshak
(GW) accuracy is 94%, obtained via , 2009
2. Gradient GW algorithm
Field implementatio
Distribution n only
2 Wavelet Crop/Weed Synthetic The accuracy of They provided Bossu,
Transforms and discrimination , and Real these algorithms better results 2009
Gabor filtering Daubechies 25 and images. was compared than Gabor
discrete and showed that filtering not
approximation wavelets were only for
Meyer wavelets, well adapted for crop/weed
perspective classification
images but also in
3 Expectation Schwarz criterion; Images / EM algorithms Characteristic Jesmin F.
maximization Gabor filter Berkeley estimate the features Khan,
(EM) algorithm, database parameters of the related to the 2009
Unsupervised mixture of change in
Clustering Gaussians model brightness,
that represents the color, texture
joint distribution and position

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.9 No.27 (2014)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

of pixel features. are extracted

The performance for each pixel
has demonstrated at the selected
the effectiveness, size of the
accuracy and filter
superiority of the
proposed method.
4 Generalized Local Binary Brodatz An average of Smoother Waller,
Hough Transform Pattern database 86.9% was texture 2011
and achieved over 50 boundaries
Berkeley d tests. and reduced
atasets noise within
5 Recurrent Back propagation 25% faster than The off-line Atiya,
Network Training through that of the back version of the 2000
Algorithms 1. Time, propagation new algorithm
2. Constrained through time has
optimization, algorithm, complexity of
3. Gradient 3N
approximatio operations per
n iteration for
4. Optimal the case of
control, small number
5. Real time of output
recurrent nodes
6. Recurrent
6 Echo State 1. Learning Accuracy is The potential Jaeger,
Networks nonlinear systems improved by a for 2004
2. Artificial factor of 2400 engineering
recurrent neural over previous application is
network (RNN) techniques illustrated by
training equalizing a
n channel,
where the
signal error
rate is
improved by
two orders of
7 Random Neural Gabor Filters Ultrasound A strategy which Results are Rong Lu,
Network (RNN), image / is named as promising. 2005
Gabor Functions Brodatz quartered
album segmentation
strategy is also
presented here in
order to reduce
the computation
and speed up our
8 Fuzzy min-max Multilayer Color The images are One of the Kanchan
neural Perceptron images of distorted with good feature Deshmuk
network(FMMN) (MLP), The different different types of of this method h, 2006

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.9 No.27 (2014)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

clustering Neural Network types noise immunity is that, it does

algorithm with Multi such as not require a
sigmoid Function “Gaussian”, “Salt priori
& Pepper”, and knowledge to
“Speckle” with segment a
mean 0 and color image.
variance 0.1, 0.01,
0.02 respectively.
9 Standard echo Stochastic Japanese The average (i) Learning Jaeger,
state networks Gradient Descent Vowel number of test very slow 2007
(ESNs) method for the Dataset mis classifications dynamic
optimization of for individual systems and
the global ESNs was about replaying the
learning 5.4 with a learnt system
parameters (input surprisingly small at different
and output standard speeds, (ii)
feedback scalings, deviation. It classifying
leaking rate, dropped below relatively slow
spectral radius) 1.0 when 20ESNs and noisy time
were combined, series (the
then steadily went Japanese
down further until Vowel dataset
zero — here we
misclassifications obtain a zero
was reached by test error rate),
the collectives and (iii)
sized 500 and recognizing
1,000. strongly time-
10 Echo State LSM, ESN and Images of The Jaeger,
Networks and RNN with a Back brain computational 2007
Liquid State propagation role of
Machines decorrelation Rule individual
brain areas
within a
network of
brain areas,
collaborate on
the solution of
cognitive and
motor control
tasks in the
11 Echo state Neural Peak signal to Functional This method is The PSNR Purushot
Network (ESNN). noise ratio Magnetic found to be better can be further haman,
Resonance with higher peak improved by 2008
Imaging signal to noise further
(fMRI) ratio (PSNR) of modifying the
61 when ESNN
compared to the algorithm in

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.9 No.27 (2014)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

PSNR of the terms of

existing back- number of
propagation nodes I the
algorithm (BPA) hidden layer.
method which is
12 Echo State Artificial Training the Generating/adapti Aims to help Jaeger,
Networks and recurrent neural reservoir and ng the reservoirs in unifying the 2009
Liquid State network (RNN) the readout. and training field and
Machines training, different types of providing the
readouts reader with a
detailed ''map''
of it.
13 Wavelet Pyramid wavelet Textile High recognition Stitching Wong,
Transform, Back transform, Direct images and Detection defect 2009
propagation (BP) thresholding accuracy detection,
neural network. method, Quadrant stitching
mean filtering defect
method classification
14 Artificial Neural Combining the Satellite Modified PLSOM Indira,
Network, Genetic advantages of image is efficient and the 2011
Algorithm, Variable structure time taken for the
Kohonen’s Self SOM (VSSOM), segmentation is
Organizing Maps Parameter less less when
SOM(PLSOM) compared to the
other methods
15 Unsupervised Color The simulation To Do-
Learning, texture results indicate diminish Thanh
Centroid Neural images that the proposed the Sang,
Network(CNN) technique yields empirica 2012
the reasonably l process
segmented images of
in comparison paramet
with other er
conventional adjustm
algorithms. ent
16 Back propagation, Peak Signal Noise Natural Artificial Neural Chinki
K-means, Ratio(PSNR), images Network chandho,
Wavelets Means Square reflecting the 2012
Error(MSE), mean square error
Mean Absolute to be minimum. It
Errors(MAE) and shows increased
Normalized color performance
17 Noise Contrast Rotationally Brodatz and To identify Saka.Kez
Laplacian of invariant Vistex interior details ia, Jan
Gaussian, Textures and to 2013
Morphological enhance the
operation contrast of
image. To

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.9 No.27 (2014)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm


3. Conclusion
This paper has presented a detailed literature about texture segmentation. Majority algorithms in use have
been presented. The literature indicates further scope in developing algorithms for improving segmentation

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Mrs. S.Meenakshi has 10 years of Dr.S.Purushothaman completed his Dr.P.Rajeswari completed her PhD
teaching experience. Presently she PhD from Indian Institute of in Mother Teresa Women’s
is working as an Associate Technology Madras, India in 1995. University, Kodaikanal, India in
professor in Annai Violet Arts and He has 156 publications to his 2014. She has 24 papers to her
Science college, Chennai, India. credit. He has 21 years of teaching credit. Her areas of research
experience. Presently he is working interest is Intelligent Computing.
as Associate Professor in Institute Presently she is working as
of Technology, Haramaya Lecturer in Department of ECE,
University, Ethiopia. Institute of Technology, Haramaya
University, Ethiopia.


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