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1.Why is education is important?

- is valued = értékes
- vehicle for imparting knowledge and all kinds of skills
- be a result of gaining knowledge through instruction or a learning
- develop and cultivate (művel) the character as well as the intellect
- play a really important/crucial (döntő) role in the socialization process
- Through education people are able to:
learn about the world around them
grasp new ideas (megért)
as a consequence evaluate (értékel, becsül) their
make well-informed decisions
- increase people’s earning potential
- essential for career advancement (előremenet)
(try to further their education to enhance=emel their chances of climbing
the corporate ladder=testületi)

2. The education system in Hungary

-enroll (beiratkozik)
-be obliged to do sth. = kötelessége vmit megtenni
-attend = jelentkezik
Children are enrolled in primary school between the age of 6 and 7 through
they are obligated to start their education earlier by attending pre-school
programmes in the kindergarten.
The PRIMARY SCHOOL consists of (tartalmaz) 2 levels, that is, the lower
primary level and upper primary level, both of which are made up for 4
There are 3 basic types of SECONDARY schools in Hungary:
-secondary grammar school
-secondary vocational school
-vocational school
The tertiary education (felsőfokú) is divided into 2 levels, bachelor and
Formal education is compulsory from the age of 6 to 18. Education starts at
-children learn basic norms , values, basic skills, their mother tongue
-they learn to undress, get dressed
-be well-behaved,
-read body language
-they learn which behaviour is praised (dicsér)or punished (büntet), what is
right and what is wrong
-how to use cutlery etc.
Formal education starts in the kindergarten.
-At kindergarten children learn through play
-they learn nursery rhymes, listen to tales
-get familiar (megismerkedik) with numbers, seasons, colours
-they sing, do exercise, learn the basic rules of being in a community etc.
Primary education:
-In their lower primary school classes children are expected to reach
minimum standards of literacy (olvasástudás) and numeracy (számolás).
-They focus on developing the skills of reading, writing and arithmetic.
-In the next four years students are taught science and arts subjects.
-After primary school they apply for admission to a secondary school.
Secondary education: aims to teach pupils the skills and knowledge for
getting a job or it prepares sts for entry into college and university
Comprehensive schools provide both academic and vocational education
There are:
state-run schools, independent , public, private, foundation schools,
prep(aratory) schools, boarding schools.
In Hungary you can go to :
Grammar , Secondary technical or Vocational schools
Grammar schools
have high academic standards / requirements (követelmény)
prepare their students for university entrance exams and final exams.
School leavers take their ordinary or advanced level final exams. If they
have good results they are admitted to university.
Further or higher education
full-time or part-time , or correspondence (levelező) courses Further
education often provides vocational training.
At colleges you master both the theory and the practice.
You get diplomas or certificates.
At universities students are trained in academic disciplines (tudományág!)
Universities prepare them for professions.
You can choose from undergraduate, postgraduate courses.
The courses are structured in modules, semesters.
Students earn a set number of credits and these credits accumulate
(felhalmozódik) towards a degree.
First you study for a bachelor’s degree (BA, BSc) for three years then for a
master’s degree (MA, MSc).
Those who want to get a doctorate need to do some original research and
take more exams
Students can get grants (tanulm. ösztöndíj), scholarships (ösztöndíj),
preferential loans (kedvezményes hitel) to support their studies.
3. What skills and competences are involved in Hungary pre-school
-focus on physiological and psychological development of children
-certain crucial (döntő) competencies like
the awareness of others’ needs
empathy can be enhanced (javított, erősített) most
efficiently by these programmes
promotion of skills such as fine motor coordination,
independence, cooperation, behavior with adults and
peer (társ)
-Main tasks: equip (felszerel) children with the social cognitive skills
necessary to enter primary school education
4. What is characterises primary education in Hungary?
-start at the age of 6 or 7
-generally spend 8 years there
- During the first 4 years (known as lower primary school):
the curriculum focuses on developing general skills and abilities
-While during second 4 years (upper primary school):
students learn various arts and science subjects
-The foreign language learning is also compulsory in primary school.
5. What is the aim of secondary education in Hungary?
Secondary grammar school:
-provide a general academic type of secondary education
-prepare students for the matriculation exam (érettségi)
that can be taken 2 levels: intermediate and advanced
-prepare students for the higher education
Secondary vocational schools:
-offer an opportunity to take a matriculation exam as
well as vocational education and training
Vocational schools:
-focus on learning a trade
6. What are the main effects of Hungary’s signing the Bologna declaration
on higher education?
-The purpose of the Bologna process to make standards of academic
degrees comparable (összehasonlítható) and compatible in the participant
-This process it is easier to move from an institute of higher education in
one country to that of another, and seek to employment abroad.
-The Hungarian tertiary education (felsőfokú) is divided for 2 levels which
are bachelor and master
-Moreover the credit system has been introduced that provides students
with wider choices of subjects and the opportunity to schedule their
courses according to their needs.
7. Students exchange programmes
-provide an opportunity for students to study in a foreign country and
experience the everyday life and culture there
-there is a wide range of programmes available
-the best known: Erasmus Programme which is an EU programme for
tertiary level students
-students who participate study for a period of at least
3 months in an EU country
-their grades and credits are recognized by their home universities
-students do not pay extra tuition
-can apply for grants to finance their accommodation and living expenses
8. School problems in Hungary nowadays
-lack of financial resources
-buildings are old and in poor conditions
-the furnitures and equipment are not up-to-date in many schools
-circumstances (körülmények) hinder effective education
-disciplinary problems and growing aggression at schools have a further
detrimental (káros, hátrányos) effect on the effective teaching and learning
-due to demographic decrease many schools have been integrated
(beolvadt) or closed down resulting in worse conditions for education
9. The main features (tulajdonság) of education in England
-There is not enough nursery school
-Parents themselves often form play groups for their children
where they can go few times a week
-By the law, all children between ages 5 and 16 must receive a full-time
-Most students study in publicly-funded state schools
-From 5 to 7 years : infant school (óvoda)
-From 8 to 11 years: junior school
-From the age of 11 most children attend a comprehensive school
(középiskola) until the age of 16 or 18
-After 5 years of secondary education, students take up to 10 exams in
different subjects at the level of General Certificate of Secondary
Education, also known as GCSE.
-After that students can leave secondary schooling or decide to continue
their studies
-Those who want to enter higher education are obliged to take advanced
level exams, known as A levels
-Undergraduate degrees take 3 years to complete in England
and master degree is normally earned in a single year
10. Education system in the United States
-start 8-grade elementary school at the age of 6
-after that attend for 4 years of high school
-school is compulsory until the age of 16 or finishing the eight grade
-after high school can attend university for 4 years
-local community and vocational-technical colleges offer 2-year associate
degrees and other courses while providing access routes to state and
private university master degree completed in one to 2 years, and doctoral
degrees can take up to 7 years
11. What is the role of kindergarten in the psychological development of
-learn and develop from every experience, relationship and adventure they
encounter (találkozik)
-have space and opportunity to explore objects and environments, it helps
them improve their imagination and creativity, master motor, cognitive and
language and social skills that are essential for their future development
-Children who have experienced the benefits of kindergartens:
-generally achieve higher scores on test
-have more advanced reading and arithmetic abilities
-be more independent in the classroom setting
-can work more cooperatively in a group learning
12. How arts and science subjects differ (különbözik)?
Art subjects: grammar, literature, history, music, foreign languages
Science subjects: biology, physics, mathematics, chemistry, geography and
computer science
-Art subjects are easier to cope with without teachers since a lot of
information can be gained from books and other sources
-Science subjects require more specialised thinking and understanding,
which is very hard/difficult to acquire without explanations of a good
13. Why is assessing (felmér) students performance at school important?
-provide motivation to learn as well as feedbacks on the individual’s
-students has to show their intelligence and power of reasoning
-examinations make both students and teachers focus on the requirements
of the syllabus (tanmenet, tanterv)
-learn to teach in a systematic manner
-the certificate and degrees obtained show employers what knowledge the
potential employee has acquired, and help to assess their mental and
general abilities as well as their aptitude (adottság)
14. Benefits and drawbacks of private and public education?
-family traditions and financial circumstances determine whether parents
choose private or public education for their children
-be expensive,
-smaller more caring environment
-facilities, infrastructure, after-school programmes are
more up-to-date since they can finance the cost from
tuition fees
-teachers are enable to focus more attention on
individual students explain
-lower drop-out rates
-fewer disciplinary problems and less violence
experienced in these institutions
-are vary widely in academic and extracurricular
-many of them achieve results as good as private schools
15.The importance of learning languages:
-advantageous in the job market both in the home country and abroad
-the ability to speak a language gives people the opportunity to explore
different cultures and get a glimpse of the everyday life of foreigners
-with the knowledge of a foreign language can also enjoy their travel more,
because they can communicate with the locals and fellow tourists
-being able to read books and watch films in the original language
16. How can be language skills be improved?
-there are several ways to improve an individual’s language skills
-read course books, fill various tests, web-based teaching material
-some people prefer attending classes, where they can practise their
communitain skills
-enriching (gazdagít) the vocabulary, pronunciation (kiejtés), listening skills
-read books, newspapers, listen music, radio programmes, watch films, play
language games
17. Why is English a world language:
-most common language used to communicate scientific, technological,
academic and international trade information
-allows people to access information technologies like the Internet and
satellite television
-has become the main language of entertainment since the American film
and music industries dominate the world
-most frequently taught foreign language
-strangers automatically communicate in English regardless of their mother
18. How can students finance their studies?
-depending their high school result students can get GRANT (ösztöndíj) from
the state
-apply for contribution (hozzájárulás) to their study related expenses
according to their financial background
-students can find various student job agencies which can give them works
-applying for student loans offered by financial institutions is getting
widespread among a lot of students
19. Advantages and disadvantages of student loans:
-help students to finance their study-related expenses, such as their tuition,
course materials and livinfóg expenses
-make education affordable for those students who otherwise could not
attend educational programmes
-the interest rate is lower
-the repayment schedule is usually deferred (elhalasztva) until the student
-Disadvantage: the loan is only a temporary solution since it must be repaid
regardless of the financial circumstances the student encounters when
entering the labour market
20 What is the importance of the Internet in the education?
- do not retain (megőriz) an enormous amount of information in their minds
-can search information about anything you want fast
-update knowledge, education through distance learning or e-learning is
largely built around the net
-for tertiary students create more individual learning tracks and they can
check how they are proceeding
21. What characterises distance learning?
-student do not have to attend school but get all the material by post or
email or they can download a website they have access to
-Ideal for those: otherwise unable to attend classes because of distance or
time constraints
-distance-learning programmes are open to virtually everybody all over the
world who have Internet access and can afford the tuition
-these programmes provide self-paced learning and personalised learning
-however may not all the necessary courses are available online
-in some cases that is impossible to get a degree without physical
-are suitable for those who can study better alone than in groups, do not
need personalised attention, or any push to complete work in time
22. What makes lifelong learning important?
-Lifelong learning is required both by the modern society and the well-being
of the individual
-because the constantly and rapidly changes in the world (technology)
people always have to update their knowledge
-broadening (szélesít) knowledge and participation educational programmes
have individual benefits too
-it can make a rewarding social experience (joining courses, workshops,
group learning events)
-offer many ways to incorporate activity into people’s daily lives (providing
a variety of classes like aerobics, yoga, hiking)
TK-s szavak
access = hozzáférés
accomplishment = eredmény, teljesítmény
apply for
aptitude = adottság, rátermettség
arts subjects = humán tantárgyak
science subject = reál tantárgy
cognitive = megismerési
cultivate = művel
curriculum = tanterv
defer = elhalaszt, késleltet
detrimental = káros, hátrányos
disciplinary = fegyelmi, fegyelmezési
diversity = sokféleség
enhance = javít, erősít
enquiry = érdeklődés
enrich = gazdagít
enrol = beiratkozik
equip with = ellát
fundamental = alapvető
gain = szerez
get glimpse of = bepillantást nyer
grant = ösztöndíj
hinder = akadályoz, meggátol
impart = átad, közvetít
peer = társ
praise = dicsér
proficient at = jártas, gyakorlott vmiben
reward = jutalmaz
student loan = diákhitel
study related = tanulással kapcsolatos
supplement = kiegészít
substantially = lényegesen
syllabus = tanmenet
tertiary education = felsőoktatás
trade = szakma
tuition = tandíj
update = frissít
vocational school = szakiskola
secondary grammar school = gimnázium
secondary vocational school = szakközépiskola

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