The Soredyan Isles

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The Soredyan Isles

By Jordan Prato


In the following pages the exotic wonders of the Soredyan Isles will be open to you. The land the people, the monsters, the glory is all found within this book. No longer will you need to make up maps and towns on the spot. No longer will you not know the name of the inn or who runs it. It is all here. Enjoy! Dearly Jordan Prato

Table of Contents
The The The The Soredyan Isles Reckoning People Society

The Nobility The Bestiality The Faith Terynidea Towns of Terynidea The common place of Terynidea The Rulers of Terynidea The Monsters of Terynidea

The Soredyan Isles

The Soredyan Isles is the exotic gem of a landscape adventure pours from. These islands are crafted perfectly for endless adventure and wonder. The Soredyan Isles consist of 7 islands. Each island is run by its own leaders and their own beliefs. Each island is distinctively unique but still related to the chain of islands. The Soredyan Isles is an extremely hot climate zone. It also is home to many jungles and beaches. The extreme

heat leaves many desserts also. Water is not scarce but bountiful in pools under mountains or in dense jungles. There ground is mostly flat but has several mountains and a small stretch of hills. Civilization has started to thrive into the medieval ages approximately 50 years ago. In relation to our current years it is approximately the year 1100. The Soredyan Isles goes by a 365 day year but not following A.D or B.C but A.R. Which stands for after reckoning.

The Reckoning
In the beginning there was just mountains and endless sea. On these mountains there was bare vegetation and the humblest of animals. There was also elves and the start of dwarves. The greatest were the dragons. The mountains were ruled by great ancestrial dragons. There was 3 dragons. A black dragon named Tornith, a green dragon named Dyth and a gold dragon named Azyraal . The dragons ruled and lived at mostly peace for thousands of years. The dragons lived on the highest of mountains and were worshipped by the elves and dwarves. The humanoids civilization had grown and now layered around the outskirts of the mountains where they lived. Man had started to form on the Islands. There curiosity and growth slowly over whelmed the islands and started war. These wars destroyed many elven and dwarven civilizations. The wars raged for hundreds of years. The race of man swelled and conquered. Before the dragons realized the dire situation man had began catapulting their mountain and scaling it, eager to see the treasure within. The dragon Dyth went down the mountain in a rage and fought man of the man and hunted them for almost 3 years. Man ran and he followed. He ate up entire cities and destroyed many mountains to get at them. He began flattening the land destroying mountains. After 937 days Dyth returned to the mountain and rested. After the many days of battle and the wounds he endured he died . His massive corpse decomposed but the un breakable scales of his rose up and in time formed a mountain. Mount Dyth. The heat and brimstone stayed in the

air for centuries after the conflict. Man had become the meager mouse and slowly began recuperating. It did not take them long before they had once again built up a great empire. They once again attacked the great mountain but with a new ally. Tornith had betrayed Alysaar through his greed and want for the entire mountain for himself. Alysaar managed to kill Tarnith in an epic battle but from a wicked spell Tornith had turned Alysaar to stone. During their colossal battle almost all of man had died. All man above the surface had perished. All were dead or underground but a young boy watching the battle from afar. As Alysaar turned into stone he saw the boy and shed 3 tears. These tears are known as Alysaars Tears each a very powerful relic.

After The Years Reckoning

The boy who watch3ed the mighty battle was the fabled Toryn Hared. The boy went to where Alysaar laid and found the stones. He picked them up and from some unknown reasons some of Alysaars powers transferred to the boy. The boy then went back to the people underground and brought them into a new era. The reckoning was over. Herod rebuilt up civilization and made peace with the elves and dwarves. He lived for an inhumanly 450 years. He ruled fairly and justly and rose to any problem with great bravery. The people of the Soredyan Isles still celebrate the day of reckoning. During this day all gather at religious buildings and pray. Some even head to the mountain where the battle occurred and spend 3 days fasting and making offerings to the dragons that now rule there.

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