Implementation of Radial Basis Function Neural Network For Estimation of Strain of Blade

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CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 5, No 7, July 2013 315

Implementation of Radial Basis Function Neural

Network for Estimation of Strain of Blade
R.I. Rajidap Neshtar and S. Purushothaman

Abstract---This paper presents estimation of stress and strain of a In step 2, an alternative procedure is proposed. After
Rapid prototype product using artificial neural network (ANN). analyzing the RP product with FEM software, the outputs of
Radial basis function network is used to train the ANN topology. 3D the FEM software along with the inputs of FEM are used as
model of blade is developed by using PROE. The model is analyzed training patterns for the proposed artificial neural network
using ANSYS to find the Von Mises stress and equivalent strain. The
algorithm is trained using 15 values in the input layer of the ANN
algorithms. The algorithms learn the input output relationship
topology and two values in the output layer: stress and strain that are of the values used an input and obtained as outputs for
to be estimated during the testing stage of RBF algorithm. analyzing the RP product. This type of analysis can be
extended to all types of RP products as well as other
Keywords---Radial Basis Function Network, Finite Element engineering products.
Method, Structural Analysis, and Blade. 1 Companies working on unique products and companies
which modify the size of a particular RP product can avail the
2. Such companies need not obtain costly FEM software;
R APID prototyping plays an important role in
manufacturing sample products for quick approval of the
customers. Colors can be added to the products for aesthetic
instead they can use the proposed approach to save the
investment of the FEM software for obtaining the stress, strain
appearance to impress the customers. Different functionalities values of the RP product.
can be provided in the RP product and put into use to verify
the usability. RP products are manufactured with layered II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
Manufacturing. It is the process of deposition of material layer Wenbin et al, 2002, applied optimization algorithms like
by layer. Continuous solid wire is melted, deposited on a non- genetic algorithm for the outputs of FEM. Attention is devoted
sticky platen. The melt solidifies. During this process, the to examining the effects of critical geometric features on the
platen is moved in x, y directions as per a sequence and a stress distribution at the interface between the blade and disk
sheet of solidified layered material is formed with a certain using a feature-based geometry modeling tool and the
thickness. This is called first layer of deposition and the platen optimization techniques. Various aspects of this problem are
is lowered to receive the next layer of deposition. The process presented: (1) geometry representation using ICAD and
is repeated until, the entire height of the RP product is transfer of the geometry to a finite element analysis code, (2)
achieved. The material is not deposited during layering application of boundary conditions/loads and retrieval of
whenever holes, curves, slopes are to be provided in the analysis results, (3) exploration of various optimization
product. methods and strategies including gradient-based and modern
The sequence of RP manufacturing is presented as follows: stochastic methods. A product model from Rolls-Royce is
Step 1: Created computer aided drafting and design of the RP used as a base design in the optimization.
Manevitz et al, 2005, Basic learning algorithms and the
Step 2: Analyse the model using Finite element software like
ANSYS, NASTRAN, if the RP product is the end neural network model are applied to the problem of mesh
product. Otherwise, if the product is only for a display or adaptation for the finite-element method for solving time-
customer approval process, no analysis is required for dependent partial differential equations. Time series prediction
small sized RP product.
via the neural network methodology is used to predict the
Step 3: Transfer the final RP model to RP machine. The software
in the RP machine will convert the model suitably for areas of ‘‘interest’’ in order to obtain an effective mesh
layered manufacturing. refinement at the appropriate times. This allows for increased
numerical accuracy with the same computational resources as
compared with more ‘‘traditional’’ methods.
REN Xiao-qiang et al, 2006, studied the nonlinear problems
Manuscript received on July 05, 2013, review completed on July 12, 2013
and revised on July 18, 2013.
of mechanics using ANN. They simulated two simple
R.I.Rajidap Neshtar, Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical elastoplastic problems. Lagrange Polynomial neural network
Engineering, Vinayaka Missions University, Salem, India. E-Mail: optimization results for elastoplastic problem are found to be
Dr.S.Purushothaman, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
comparable to traditional Hopfield neural network
PET Engineering College, Tirunelveli District-627117, India. E-Mail: optimization model.
Digital Object Identifier: AIML072013005.

0974-9667/CIIT–IJ-4551/05/$20/$100 © 2013 CiiT Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology

CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 5, No 7, July 2013 316

Hacib et al 2007, used radial basis function neural network III. METHODOLOGY
and finite element method (FEM) to solve the inverse problem ANSYS 14 software is used for analyzing the rapid
of parameter identification. The methodology use a large prototypes. A blade is considered for analyzing the estimation
number of variations of magnetic relative permeability and accuracy of RBF. The analysis conditions of the blade is
electric conductivity in a material under test by FEM. The presented. Load deformation response characteristics of the
obtained results are used to generate a set of vectors for the blade are determined using a finite element computer analysis.
training of a RBF neural network. The obtained neural Results of this analysis is used as training patterns for the
network is used to identify electromagnetic parameters of a ANN algorithm.
group of new materials that not belonging to the original Artificial neural network algorithm is used to supplement
dataset. Performance of the RBF neural network is compared the estimation of stress and strain values of the RP models.
with the most commonly used multilayer perceptron network The result of the analysis of blade is obtained both in graphical
model. and in numerical values. The numerical values of stress and
Scott et al, 2007, studied the accuracy of a finite element strain are used to train the artificial neural network (ANN)
model for design and analysis of a metal forging operation. topology by using RBF.
They found that, the method is limited by material model’s The ANN is trained using 15 values in the input layer two
ability to predict deformation behavior over a wide range of values in the output layer: stress and strain that are to be
operating conditions. Current rheological models prove estimated during the testing stage of ANN algorithms. The
deficient in several respects due to the difficulty in number of nodes in the hidden layer varies depending upon
establishing complicated relations between many parameters. the weight updating equations. Exact number of nodes, is
ANN has been suggested as an effective means to overcome fixed based on the trial and error method, in which the
these difficulties. A robust ANN with the ability to determine accuracy of estimation by the RBF is used as the criteria for
flow stresses based on strain, strain rate, and temperature is the performance of ANN algorithm.
developed and linked with finite element code. The training of patterns used for the ANN are chosen from
Toraño et al, 2008, used neural networks to estimate stress – the stress and strain data generated using ANSYS software.
strain of long mining wall. This knowledge and the detailed During the training process, mesh node numbers are presented
structural and constructive characteristics of the support in the input layer of the ANN and correspondingly, stress and
systems allow the simulation of the behavior of the roof strain values are presented in the output layer of the ANN.
supports through finite element method. Depending upon the type of values present in the patterns, the
Mohsen Ostad Shabani et al, 2011, used ANN and FEM for learning capability of the ANN algorithms varies.
estimating the yield stress, Ultimate Tensile Strength,
maximum force and elongation percentage of solidification in A. Radial basis Function Neural Network (RBF)
A356 alloy. The prediction of ANN model with one output Radial Basis Functions (RBFs), [John Moody and Christian
was found to be in good agreement with experimental data. J Darken, 1989, Craddock R.J., and Warwick K., 1996],
The results show that the prediction of neural network assures approximation to a function ‘f’ given input data. Input
modelling with four outputs cannot really give a good point is presented through a set of basis functions and the
performance and show the best relationship between each approximation is produced with RBF centers. Then the result
individual output and its inputs. is multiplied with a coefficient to sum them linearly. The
Mohsen Ostad Shabani et al, 2012, developed ANN model approximation is stored in the coefficients given function‘t’ to
to predict the hardness, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength obtain centers of the RBF. RBFs have the following
and elongation percentage. The prediction of ANN model was mathematical representation:
found to be in good agreement with experimental data. It is
concluded that considerable savings in terms of cost and time Where,
could be obtained by using neural network model. c is a vector containing the coefficients of the RBF,
Hyuntae et al, 2013, developed noncommercial ANN CR is a vector containing the center of the RBF, and
simulator with graphical user interface (GUI) to assist in rapid
a is the basis function or activation function of the
data modeling and analysis in the engineering diffraction field. network.
This software has been used to train and simulate the finite Training RBF with strain values
element modeling (FEM) data for a fiber composite system, Step 1: Apply Radial Basis Function.
both forward and inverse. The forward neural network No. of Input = 15
simulation precisely reduplicates FEM results several orders No. of Patterns = 500
of magnitude faster than the slow original FEM. The simulator No. of Centres = 10
GUI also reveals that output node size for materials parameter Calculate RBF as
and input normalization method for strain data are critical train RBF = exp (-X)
conditions in inverse network. Calculate Matrix as
A = GT * G

0974-9667/CIIT–IJ-4551/05/$20/$100 © 2013 CiiT Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology

CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 5, No 7, July 2013 317

Calculate mentioned in the x-axis. Figure 5 presents the strain patterns

B = A-1 used for training RBF.
Calculate The node number is given as one of the inputs at the input
E = B * GT layer of the ANN topology. Based on the requirements of the
Step 2: Calculate the Final Weight. F=E*D outputs, number of input parameters can be increased. Table 1
Step 3: Store the Final Weights in a File. presents the parameter used in the input and output layer of
The final updated weights are saved for estimating the stress RBF. Table 2 presents the numbers of nodes used in the input
and strain. layer, hidden layer and output layer during training.
ANSYS 14 software is used for analyzing the blade. The
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS numerical values of strain are used to train the artificial neural
Static analysis calculates the effects of steady loading network (ANN) topology by using RBF. The training of
conditions on a structure. Static analysis, however, includes patterns used for the ANN algorithms are chosen from the
steady inertia loads (such as gravity and rotational velocity), strain data generated using ANSYS program. During the
and time-varying loads that can be approximated as static training process, node numbers are presented in the input layer
equivalent loads. Static analysis is used to determine the of the ANN and correspondingly, strain values are presented
displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or in the output layer of the ANN. Depending upon the type of
components caused by loads that do not induce significant values present in the patterns, the learning capability of the
inertia and damping effects. Steady loading and response ANN algorithms varies.
conditions are assumed; that is, the loads and the structure’s Figure 6 present performance of RBF in estimating the
response are assumed to vary slowly with respect to time. strain for different number of centers.

Bounding Box
Length X 7.0667e-002 m
Length Y 1.8172e-002 m
Length Z 7.0667e-002 m
Volume 5.311e-006 m³
Mass 4.1691e-002 kg
Centroid X 7.9537e-018 m
Centroid Y -7.5e-004 m
Centroid Z
Moment of Inertia 1.1968e-005
Ip1 kg·m²
Moment of Inertia 2.3542e-005
Ip2 kg·m²
Moment of Inertia 1.1968e-005
Ip3 kg·m²
Statistics Fig 1 Blade
Nodes 3556
Elements 1603
Mesh Metric None

Structural Steel > Constants

Density 7850 kg m^-3
Coefficient of Thermal
1.2e-005 C^-1
434 J kg^-1
Specific Heat
60.5 W m^-1
Thermal Conductivity
1.7e-007 ohm

Figure 1 presents a blade under analysis. Figure 2 presents

the distribution of Von-Mises stress on the blade. Figure 3
presents the distribution of strain on the blade. Figure 4 shows Fig 2 Equivalent Stress
the amount of strain presented at various nodes that are

0974-9667/CIIT–IJ-4551/05/$20/$100 © 2013 CiiT Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology

CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 5, No 7, July 2013 318

Fig 3 Equivalent Strain

Fig 6 Strain Estimaion by RBF for Different Centers


0.01 TABLE 1
0.005 Inputs to the ANN topology Target outputs for the ANN
0 1. Diameter / Length of the model 1. Equivalent von-Mises
2. Thickness of the model stress in (Pa)





3. Width of the model 2. Equivalent strain (m/m)

4. Number of holes
5. Number of ribs
Node numbers 6. Maximum to minimum
diameter / Length
7. Uniformly distributed load
Fig 4 Strain Value in the Blade (1=’yes’ , 0=’no’)
8. Uniformly distributed load
9. Point load (1=’yes’ , 0=’no’)
10. Point load value
11. Yield strength
12. Ultimate strength
13. Young’s modulus
14. Poisson ratio
15. Node number

Nodes in Centers in Nodes in the
the input the Hidden output layer
layer layer
RBF 15 3 2
Fig 5 Strain Values used for Training RBF

In this paper, ANSYS 14 software is used for analyzing the
alloy RP model. The experimental simulation and the
conditions under which the experiments were simulated are
mentioned. Load deformation response characteristics of blade
model is determined using a finite element computer analysis.
Artificial neural network algorithms have been used to
supplement the estimation of strain values of the proposed
blade model. The result of the analysis of the model is
obtained both in graphical and in numerical values. The
numerical values of strain is used to train the artificial neural
network (ANN) topology by using RBF.

0974-9667/CIIT–IJ-4551/05/$20/$100 © 2013 CiiT Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology

CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning, Vol 5, No 7, July 2013 319

The algorithm is trained using 15 values in the input layer

of the ANN topology and two values in the output layer: strain
that are to be estimated during the testing stage of RBF
algorithm. The number of centers in the hidden layer for RBF
varies depending upon the estimation accuracy.

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R.I. Rajidap Neshtar completed his B.Tech in

Mechanical Engineering and M.E in CAD/CAM from
Karunya University, Coimbatore in 2008. He has 5
years of teaching experience. Presently he is working as
an Assistant Professor in Bethlahem Institute of
Engineering, India. He has attended various Faculty
development programs and Soft skill trainings and
attended various national and international conferences.

Dr.S. Purushothaman completed his PhD from Indian

Institute of Technology Madras, India in 1995. He has
124 publications to his credit. He has 19 years of
teaching experience. Presently he is working as
Professor in PET college of Engineering, India..

0974-9667/CIIT–IJ-4551/05/$20/$100 © 2013 CiiT Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Information Technology

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