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Name: Bustamante, Joshua M.

Year and Section: BS Accountancy III

Instructor: Ladylee T. Wasit Subject: Human Behavior in Organization


1. What causes the difference in the office’s atmosphere?
The attitude of Greg, the head of the evaluation division, was, in my opinion, what made
the difference in the office’s atmosphere. He should not act like that as one of the
company’s leaders; instead he should approach the analyst and talked to them to fix the

2. Characterize George and his management style.

George became easily irritated when he noticed that there had been no improvements
following the performance evaluation, and this caused a conflict between the division’s
analysts. His management technique, in my opinion, is ineffective because the problem
has become severe.

3. How would he have improved himself and his style?

George would have been more empathetic and approachable in dealing the problem.
Instead of being irritated easily, he might have used the challenges their division was
encountering to better himself and his management style by engaging the analysts in the
appropriate manner.

4. What are the short and long-range problems in the case?

The problem might worsen the gap between George and the analysts, and this could lead
to their division’s being ineffective in the future. I believe that in order to achieve the
appropriate results we are aiming for, we should be building a good relationship with our
colleagues and co-workers.

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