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Date: ____________

MODULE All about the Week: 04

O4 COOPERATING TEACHER Submission due date: _____________

PPST Domain 2
 Domain 2. The Learning Environment
Program Outcomes of Teacher Education
 Promote caring and learning friendly environment
 Maintain a collaborative learning environment

Desired learning outcomes

- Get acquainted with my cooperating teacher
- Listen and respond effectively to the expectations of my cooperating teacher
- Enumerate my responsibilities based on the given expectations
- Demonstrate knowledge of policies and procedures that provide safe and secure
learning environments.

Essential Questions
 What is the role of the cooperating teacher in my internship program?
 What expectations of me are given by my cooperating teacher?
 How shall I respond effectively to these expectations?
 What are the policies and procedures given by my CT on providing safe and secure
learning environment?

Lesson Overview
 The Cooperating Teacher is defined as a teacher with a minimum of three years of
teaching experience who acts as a mentor in the teaching internship program in the
area in which the teaching intern is earning her degree. The CT serves a model in all
aspects of teaching and learning.
o He/She engages you to work collaboratively and productively to enrich your
classroom activities.
o He/She allows you to reflect critically and creatively on your learning
experiences to ensure that you accomplish more and do better in your future
o He/She shares interactive and innovative teaching strategies and methods
you have not learned and are not familiar with to make your classroom
activities highly engaging.
o He/she gives second advice about the good / best practices in teaching and
o He/she gives teaching tips and how to do things in the most effective and
efficient ways.
o He/she suggests instructional resources to make your classroom activities
more meaningful and rewarding.
Complete the matrix given below. Choose only three (3) of the most important
expectations given by your Cooperating Teacher.

Expectations of My Cooperating Teacher My Responsibilities

Courteous, be polite, build good rapport to As a student teacher of this institution, I have to
your colleagues. Integrate values in be responsible enough to meet the expectations
education. Follow the rules and regulations of my cooperating teacher, the students and the
of the school. Put effort to your PPT and school. I have to put in my mind all the
comments and suggestions of my cooperating
employ honesty all the times.
teacher. I have to be patience in dealing with my
students. I need to consider the diversity of
learners. I also need to build a good relationship
to my other colleagues. So that by the end of
this practice teaching, I can say to myself that I
am now ready to become a professional teacher.
Our cooperating teacher expects us to stick I would take responsible actions to meet the
to the daily program. Every time we teach expectations of the teacher and my
our students, we must wear our ST uniform. cooperating school.
Before we teach our students, we must first
complete the lesson plan and module.

In the amidst of pandemic, our cooperating We must maintain a professional demeanor

teacher expects us to adjust in this while balancing the workload. Curriculum,
asynchronous learning environment. We students, parents, lesson plans, common
were instructed to use a variety of teaching core, and upper management are all crucial
techniques in order to adequately offer the considerations.
important knowledge that our students
should accumulate during the teaching and
learning process.

What is the impact of these expectations to me as a teaching intern?

As an intern, the impact of these expectations forces me to become a master of time

management. Working in a fast-paced professional environment has taught me that every
second counts. With the help of these expectations, I was able to maximize my time and thus
become a more effective teacher. And it motivates me to work hard even if the task is small
and insignificant. It will help you develop a strong work ethic, and others will notice your
efforts. Naturally, no one enjoys being criticized, and performance reviews can be
frightening. You'll almost certainly make a few errors and receive constructive feedback on
your work from both your coworkers and your boss. Always keep in mind that it isn't about
you. It's for your own good and growth, and it'll help you produce better work.

Your cooperating teacher is your role model in the following virtues. Complete the form
below and cite situations on how these virtues are applied?


Full Name: Academic Rank/ Title: Instructor II


Last, First, Middle Name Quasi/Designation:

Program Adviser, Master of Arts in
Home Economics
Age: 32 Civil Status: Widow Field of Specialization:
Home Economics

Highest Educational Attainment: Subjects Handled:

Doctor of Technology Education (on-going) Home Economics

Years of Teaching
Experience: 11 years


Virtue: Virtue:

You must be able to maintain your charm As a teacher, you have to put up with a lot.
when teaching. If a student is annoyed by You may have to deal with a heavy workload,
something, the teacher cannot be annoyed as behavioral issues, and colleagues with whom
well. Teachers serve as positive role models for you don't get along. You may disagree with
our students. We don't want to something, but you must accept
teach students to be impatient and ere, preferably formal responsibility for it. For example,
irritable because this will only lead not selfie.
many many teachers are concerned
to more problems. Students will about about the excellence curriculum.
believe it is acceptable to do it if
They have no choice but to pass it
they see their teachers doing
it in the classroom. on to their children, so they bear
it. You do it because this is how
you're supposed to educate them.

Virtue: Virtue:

Equality for a teacher means treating all Gratitude entails being concerned about other
students equally. You risk being accused of people's problems; as a result, a teacher must be
favoritism if you don't, which could get you in able to understand why some students behave in
certain ways. You must be able to accommodate
trouble. You must respect your students' right
them and be flexible enough to work around them
to equal treatment as a teacher. Fairness is
and find a way to teach them that will be beneficial,
crucial when it comes to grading homework, for whether they have behavioral issues or are having
example. If one person's answer is incorrect, difficulties with their work. Students from low-income
no one's answer can be correct. Giving families are said to perform worse in school than 2
different grades to different people's work is students from higher-income families. When this
just not right. happens, we must acknowledge it and collaborate
with them to improve.

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is expected to act as a role model and serves as a mentor of student interns?

A. Cooperating Teacher
B. Cooperating Principal
C. Practicum Supervisor
D. Practicum Trainer

2. The cooperating teacher plays a crucial role in __________________

A. Stating instructional outcomes

B. Providing classroom activities
C. Constructing modes of assessment
D. Ensuring the success of the internship program

3. Which are other activities that the CT can provide?

I. Visit other classes at the same level

II. Get know other teachers in the level
III. Get to know the school staff and becomes familiar with the school resources

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III

4. Which is the most important area where my CT can be of help in my internship program?
A. Honing my skills as a teacher
B. Ensuring good classroom management
C. Providing a safe and secure learning environment
D. Developing my personal and professional competencies

5. To assess my performance as an intern, my CT shall _________________

I. rate my teaching performance
II. evaluate my professional qualities
III. assess my communication skill

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II and III


Write an appreciation letter to your cooperating teacher for accepting you as his/her
teaching intern. Let him/her read this and request him/her to sign your letter.


Signature of Cooperating Teacher


Meets Standard of Approaching Meets Acceptable Does not meet

INDICATORS Excellence Standard of Standard Acceptable Standard

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
 Has all the  Has some  Has minimal  No aspect of
Performance aspects of work aspects of work aspects of work work meets level
Tasks that exceed level that exceed level that meet level of expectations.
of expectation. of expectation of expectation
 Has errors,
 Shows  Demonstrates  With some omissions, and
exemplary solid errors and misconceptions.
performance performance & Mastery is not
understanding thorough
Assessment Tasks With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
answers answers answers correct answers
The pieces of The pieces of The pieces of The pieces of
Learning evidence of learning evidence of learning evidence of learning evidence of learning
Artifacts is/are aligned with is/are aligned with is/are aligned with is/are NOT aligned
learning outcomes. SOME learning ONE learning with learning
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
The learning tasks are The learning tasks The learning tasks The learning tasks are
Creativity and done very creatively are done creatively are done quite done poorly done and
Resourcefulness & resourcefully. & resourcefully. creatively & need improvement.
The assigned learning The assigned The assigned The assigned learning
Submission of tasks are submitted learning tasks are learning tasks are tasks are submitted 3
Requirements on or before the submitted a day after submitted 2 days days or more than
deadline. the deadline. after the deadline. after the deadline.


Signature of Supervising Teacher

Date: ________________

 Adapted from Borabo, M. (2018). Teaching Internship. Metro Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Pages 8-15.
 Experiential Learning Courses Handbook (2009).
 Photo/Clipart Credits: Google Images

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