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acetaminophen 13

•  That GI side effects may occur Precautions: Pregnancy, breastfeeding,

•  Pregnancy/breastfeeding:  to notify geriatric patients, anemia, renal/hepatic A
provider if pregnancy is planned or sus- disease, chronic alcoholism
pected or if breastfeeding
Black Box Warning: Hepatotoxicity

acetaminophen (Rx,
•  Adult/child >12 yr: PO/RECT 325-
650 mg q4-6hr prn, max 4 g/day; weight
222AF , Abenol , Acephen, ≥50 kg IV 1000 mg q6hr or 650 mg
Acephen Infant Feverall, ACET , q4hr prn, max single dose 1000 mg, min
Acetab , Apacet, APAP, Apra, dosing interval 4 hr; weight <50 kg IV
Atasol , Children’s FeverAll, 15 mg/kg/dose q6hr or 12.5 mg/kg/dose
q4hr, max single dose 15 mg/kg, min
Fortolin , Genapap, Infantaire, dosing interval 4 hr, max 75 mg/kg/day
Mapap, NeoPAP, Novo-Gesic , from all sources; EXT REL 650-1300 mg
Pediaphen , Pediatrix , q8hr as needed, max 4 g/day
Q-Pap, Q-Pap Children’s, Rapid •  Child $2 yr and <50 kg: IV 15 mg/kg/
Action Relief , Redutemp, dose q6hr or 12.5 mg/kg/dose q4hr, max
Ridenol, Robigesic , Rounox , single dose 15 mg/kg, min dosing interval
4 hr, max 75 mg/kg/day from all sources
Silapap, Taminol , Tempra , Renal dose
T-Painol, Tylenol, XS pain •  Adult: IV CCr <30 mL/min reduce dose
reliever and prolong interval, CCr <10 mL/min PO/
Acetaminophen (IV) RECT/IV minimum interval of q8hr
Ofirmive Migraine (unlabeled)
Func. class.: Nonopioid analgesic, •  Adult and adolescent: PO/RECT
500-1000 mg, max 1 g/dose or max
4 g/day
Chem. class.: Nonsalicylate, paraami- Available forms: Rect supp 120, 325,
nophenol derivative
  650 mg; soft chew tabs 80, 160 mg; caps
500 mg; elix 120, 160, 325 mg/5 mL;
Do not confuse: oral disintegrating tab 80, 160 mg; oral
Acephen/Anacin/Aspirin 3/Anacin-3 drops 80 mg/0.8 mL, liquid 500 mg/5
ACTION: May block pain impulses mL, 160/5 mL, 1000/30 mL; ext rel 650
peripherally that occur in response to mg, 80 mg/mL; tabs 325, 500, 650 mg;
inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis; sol for inj 1000 mg/100 mL
does not possess antiinflammatory Administer:
properties; antipyretic action results PO route
from inhibition of prostaglandins in •  Do not confuse 2 × 325 (650 mg), with
the CNS (hypothalamic heat-regulating 650-mg ext rel tab
center) •  Crushed or whole, do not crush ext rel
product; chewable tabs may be chewed;
USES: Mild to moderate pain or fever, give with full glass of water
arthralgia, dental pain, dysmenorrhea, •  With food or milk to decrease gastric
headache, myalgia, osteoarthritis symptoms if needed
Unlabeled uses: Migraine •  Susp after shaken well; check elixir,
liquid, suspension concentration care-
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hyper- fully; susp and caps are bioequivalent
sensitivity to this product, phenacetin Rectal route
aspartame, saccharin, tartrazine •  Store suppositories <80° F (27° C)
 Side effects: italics = common; red = life-threatening
14 acetaminophen
Intermittent IV INFUSION route Increase: hypoprothrombinemia—war-
•  No further dilution needed; do not add farin, long-term use, high doses of
other medications to vial or infusion device acetaminophen
•  For doses equal to single vial, a vented Increase: hepatotoxicity—barbiturates,
IV set may be used to deliver directly alcohol, carBAMazepine, hydantoins,
from vial; for doses less than a single vial, ­rifA­MPin, rifabutin, isoniazid, diflunisal, zid-
withdraw dose and place in an empty ovudine, lamoTRIgine, imatinib, dasatinib,
sterile syringe, plastic IV container, or mipomersen; monitor for hepatotoxicity
glass bottle; infuse over 15 min Decrease: absorption—colestipol,
•  Discard unused portion; if seal is bro- cholestyramine
ken, vial penetrated, or drug transferred Decrease: zidovudine, lamoTRIgine effect
to another container, give within 6 hr Drug/Herb
Increase: hepatotoxicity—St. John’s
Y-site: Do not admix wort, due to acetaminophen metabolism
Drug/Lab Test
Increase: LFTs, potassium, bilirubin,
CNS: Agitation (child) (IV); headache,
fatigue, anxiety (IV) LDH, pro-time
Decrease: Hgb/Hct, WBC, RBC, platelets;
Resp: Dyspnea (IV), atelectasis (child) (IV)
CV: Hyper- and hypotension (IV)
al­bu­min, magnesium, phosphate (pediat-
GI: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
hepatotoxicity, hepatic seizure (overdose), NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
GI bleeding Assess:
GU: Renal failure (high, prolonged doses) •  For fever and pain: Type of pain, loca-
HEMA: Leukopenia, neutropenia, hemo- tion, intensity, duration, aggravating/alle-
lytic anemia (long-term use), thrombocy- viating factors; assess for diaphoresis,
topenia, pancytopenia fever, baseline and periodically
INTEG: Rash, urticaria, inj site pain •  Hepatic studies: AST, ALT, bilirubin,
SYST: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic creatinine before therapy if long-term
epidermal necrolysis therapy is anticipated; may cause hepatic
TOXICITY: Cyanosis, anemia, neutropenia, toxicity at doses >4 g/day with chronic
jaundice, pancytopenia, CNS stimulation, use
delirium followed by vascular collapse, sei- •  Renal studies: BUN, urine creatinine,
zures, coma, death occult blood, albumin, if patient is on
PHARMACOKINETICS long-term therapy; presence of blood or
85%-90% metabolized by liver, excreted albumin indicates nephritis, I&O ratio;
by kidneys; metabolites may be toxic if decreasing output may indicate renal fail-
overdose occurs; widely distributed; ure (long-term therapy)
crosses placenta in low concentrations; •  Blood studies: CBC, PT if patient is on
excreted in breast milk; half-life 1-4 hr long-term therapy
PO: Onset 10-30 min, peak 1/2-2 hr, •  Chronic poisoning: rapid, weak pulse;
duration 4-6 hr, well absorbed dyspnea; cold, clammy extremities; report
IV: Onset rapid, peak 30-120 min, dura- immediately to prescriber
tion 3-4 hr
RECT: Onset slow, peak 1-2 hr, duration Black Box Warning: Hepatotoxicity:
4-6 hr, absorption varies occurs with high doses (>4 g/day); dark
urine; clay-colored stools; yellowing of
INTERACTIONS skin, sclera; itching; abdominal pain; fever;
Increase: renal adverse reactions— diarrhea if patient is on long-term therapy;
NSAIDs, salicylates; consider lower dose may require liver transplant, those mal-
Increase: methemoglobinemia—nitric nourished or using alcohol chronically are
oxide, prilocaine; avoid concurrent use at higher chance of hepatotoxicity

  Canada only Genetic warning

acetaZOLAMIDE 15
•  Potentially fatal hypersensitivity,
allergic reactions: rash, urticaria; if these acetaZOLAMIDE (Rx) A
occur, product may have to be discontinued (a-set-a-zole′a-mide)
•  Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epi- Acetazolam , Diamox ,
dermal necrolysis may occur during
beginning treatment or any other dose Novo-Zolamide
•  Pregnancy/breastfeeding: cautious use Func. class.: Diuretic, carbonic
in pregnancy, breastfeeding (PO), use a­ nhydrase inhibitor, antiglaucoma
only if clearly needed (IV) agent, antiepileptic
Evaluate: Chem.

class.: Sulfonamide derivative
•  Therapeutic response: absence of pain
using pain scoring; absence of fever Do not confuse:
Teach patient/family: acetaZOLAMIDE/acetoHEXAMIDE
Black Box Warning: Hepatotoxicity:
ACTION: Inhibits carbonic anhydrase
not to exceed recommended dosage;
activity in proximal renal tubules to
the elixir, liquid, suspension come in sev-
decrease reabsorption of water, sodium,
eral concentrations, read label carefully;
potassium, bicarbonate resulting in
acute poisoning with liver damage may
increased urine volume and alkalinization
result; tell parents of children to check
of urine; decreases carbonic anhydrase in
products carefully; that acute toxic-
CNS, increasing seizure threshold; able to
ity includes symptoms of nausea, vomit-
decrease secretion of aqueous humor in
ing, abdominal pain and that prescriber
eye, which lowers intraocular pressure
should be notified immediately; that
toxicity may occur when used with other USES: Open-angle glaucoma, angle-­
combination products closure glaucoma (preoperatively, if surgery
delayed), mixed, tonic-clonic, myoclonic,
•  Not to use with alcohol, herbals, refractory seizures, epilepsy (petit mal,
OTC products without approval of grand mal, absence), edema in HF, product-
prescriber induced edema, acute altitude sickness
•  To recognize signs of chronic over- Unlabeled uses: Urine alkalinization,
dose: bleeding, bruising, malaise, fever, metabolic alkalosis in mechanical venti-
sore throat lation, decrease CSF production in
•  That those with diabetes may notice infants with hydrocephalus, familial peri-
blood glucose monitoring changes odic paralysis, nystagmus
•  To notify prescriber of pain or fever
lasting more than 3 days CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hyper-
•  Not to be used in patients <2 yr unless sensitivity to sulfonamides, severe renal/
approved by prescriber hepatic disease, electrolyte imbalances
•  Hypersensitivity: to stop product, call (hyponatremia, hypokalemia), hyper-
prescriber if rash occurs chloremic acidosis, Addison’s disease,
•  Pregnancy/breastfeeding: May be used long-term use for closed-angle glau-
when breastfeeding, short-term coma, adrenocortical insufficiency, meta-
bolic acidosis, acidemia, anuria
TREATMENT OF OVERDOSE: Precautions: Pregnancy, breastfeeding,
Product level, gastric lavage; administer hypercalciuria, respiratory acidosis, pul-
oral acetylcysteine to prevent hepatic monary obstruction/emphysema, COPD
damage (see acetylcysteine mono­
graph); monitor for bleeding DOSAGE AND ROUTES
Angle-closure glaucoma
•  Adult: PO/IV 250 mg q4hr or 250 mg
bid for short-term therapy

 Side effects: italics = common; red = life-threatening

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