Control of Batch Processes: D. W. T. Rippin

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Chemical Reactors (I)YC()RI> + '~~'1. \laaslJ'it'ht,
The :\ e th e rlallds. I ~ 'H~'


D. W. T. Rippin
Citnlliw/ ElIgill l'nillg Dl'pa rtll/I' 11 t, Fn/na/ IllStitl/tl' of Tnit ll% g1'. E.TH. Zl'IItl/lll/ ,
CH-8092 Ziiririt. Sll'it:n/WII/

Abstract. Measures taken to control batch operations are reviewed and classified
according to the amount of information available and the manner in which additional
information is acquired and utilized.

The appropriateness of particular control strateaies for a batch operation will depend
upon the wider system within which that operation ha s to be integrated. This system
will generally include other batch operations which must be coordinated to produce the
same product and may also encompass the production of other products. The role of these
wider considerations in setting the agenda for the control objectives of individual
batch operations is di scuss ed.
Keywords. Batch process operation, batch process co ntrol, estimation, fi .lterin g,
optlmal control, sensitivity anal ys is, un certainty .


In the title of the earlier DYCORD meeting 1. Di vers ity
batch processes were not mentioned explicitly.
However, of the 21 papers on reactors at that Batch processing environments are characterized
meeting, about one third concerned themselves by enormous diversity. Production scale may
with batch reactors. range from thousands of tons to a few kilograms
per year. The number of products produced
I shall assume that the "+" in the title of the annually in a production facility may be be-
present meeting refers to the official incor- tween one and several hundred or more. Products
poration of batch processes in general as and raw materials may be extremely valuable or
indicated in the full title. About one third of very cheap. Certain special equipment items may
the total number of papers is concerned with be enormously expensive. Some of the equipment
batch operations of various kinds, not confined and processes carried out in them may be very
to conventional batch reactors. reliable and reproducible or the reverse.
Limited availability and costs of energy or
In a meeting on dynamics and control it is other resources such as manpower may be
natural to include batch processes since they dominating or negligible. Promptness in servic-
are of necessity dynamic and in each batch they ing individual customer orders direct from
have at least a minimum requirement for control production may be crucial, or all manufacturing
- to start and to stop. However, for decades may be to medium-term stock. Someone who has
control engineers did not concern themselves grown familiar with a particular batch environ-
with batch processes, they had enough to do in ment and operates effectively there may fail to
control schemes for large continuous processes. appreciate that in another environment quite
Furthermore, ample profits could be made on different factors may dominate.
batch processes without bothering about sophis-
ticated control, and in any case the available Something of the diversity of applications and
control methods were not suited to highly non- individual operations may be seen in contribu-
linear systems operating over a wide range of tions to the present conference. A variety of
conditions and whose detailed behaviour was batch chemical reactors, including polymerisa-
often quite poorly understood. tion and fermentation reactors are treated. In
addition there are applications in canned food,
However, batch processes have now come to the crystallization, a batch furnace and
fore ~conomically which has, of course, stimu- photographic coating. Any number of other
lated competition and implied pressure for examples of batch operations could be quoted.
better performance and hence for better con- However, the challenge and fascination of batch
trol. At the same time the control community is processes derives not only from the variety of
concerning itself with more general problems batch operations, but even more from the multi-
than those of simple regulation, with more plicity of ways in which these diverse
complex, non-linear systems and with explicit operations are coordinated, managed and con-
recognition of modelling inadequacies. Thus trolled as constituent elements of a much
batch processes may now offer attractive and larger batch processing system.
challenging problems for the control community.
D. W. T. Rippin

2. Ill-definedness implementation: hardware and software

realisation of control. Possibly in-
This deliberately awkward term includes ele- tegrated with higher level requirements.
ments of change. variabi 1i ty. uncerta i nty and
lack of knowledge. each of which might or might
not be more precisely definable. but which These different problems require different
taken together reflect the situation very types of information about individual batch
commonly found in batch plants. operations which may be provided by a hierar-
chical model structure such as that shown in
The ill-definedness may encompass the system Table 2 (Rippin 1983b).
itself. the environment and the demands. The
system comprises processes for one or more Realistic batch problems at any level are
products which have to be realised in available solved by picking out the dominating effects in
equipment. The process may be only incompletely a situation and concentrating on these. Where
understood in that the processi ng time for a products are very valuable attention may be
given operation may be stochastically dis- paid to yield on raw materials and inventory
tributed between rather wide limits. the costs. Very expensive equipment may call for
dynamics of response to perturbation may change high utilization. It will not usually be pos-
over the operating region. the performance of sible to find an optimal. or perhaps even a
an equipment item may deteriorate with time. feasible. solution to a batch problem taking
Chanoes in the envirnnment may result in into account all possible relevant factors.
variability in resources or raw materials. New Ideally. a screening procedure should identify
demands may call for the production of products the dOminating factors and direct the user to
that were unknown or at least unanticipated. appropriate problem formulations and solution
when the plant was built. methods. In a familiar situation appropriate
procedures have probably been developed over
3. Demands on plant - versatility and time. However. in a new situation these proce-
flexibil ity dures may be by no means obvious. Work has
begun on a batch tool kit which. it is planned.
In batch situations processing facilities will eventually assist users in identification
commonly have to cope with many different of appropriate problem formulations and solu-
products. The choice of equipment and th~ tion methods in a general batch environment
planning. operating and control arrangements (Hofmeister. Halasz and Rippin. 1988. 1989).
have to allow for this versatility. Any in-
dividual operation almost always takes place
over a wide range of conditions. Operating and CONTROL OF A BATCH OPERATION
control facilities and any supporting models
and software must be sufficiently flexible to Plant design and the planning and scheduling of
accommodate this. production. possibly of many products. set the
scene for work of the type described by Juba
and Hamer (1986) in their practical and il-
MANAGING A BATCH ENVIRONMENT luminating review of the control of individual
batch operations. Their discussion of how
The recent surge of interest in quality control effectively the use of model based controllers
has reminded us that this is a discipline which can improve the operation of batch reactors is
should be exercised over the whole manufactur- illustrated by examples of the safe conduct of
ing operation including its design and exothermic reactions and the generation of
management. What can be said about total optimum profiles of control variables.
quality control can also be said about total
control of a batch situation. Delivering the Time did not and does not permit a comprehen-
rlght products at the right time with the right sive treatment of publications on batch process
quality and the right price requires attention control. even since 1986. and even if attention
to every part of the system. is restricted to the control of individual
batch operations. However. since the latter
This necessitates appropriate integration of topic is the main theme of batch papers ac-
the sequence of tasks to be carried out for cepted for this conference. the opportunity is
each process. the set of equipment items and taken to place these papers within a suggested
the product demands. classification of what might be done in the
control of individual batch operations. This
Batch problems may typically include: will help to highlight some main directions of
current activities. Control of batch operations
design: choice of the number and size of is exercised within a wider context. This
equipment items to meet the manufacturi ng determines the incentives for and the ap-
requirements of one or more products propriateness of possible alternative control
capacity planning: determine how the batch
operations required for a set of products Major challenges for the control of batch
should be distributed over a set of avail- operations are posed by the intrinsic charac-
able equipment items to manufacture the teristics of batch processes. namely their
products most effectively diversity and ill-definedness and the resulting
demands on the plant for versatility and
scheduling: determine the time sequence in flexibility. Thus the requirements at the level
which batches of different products are to of operational control may be very diverse and
be produced to meet a detailed pattern of subject to change.
customer requirements in time.
Modest changes and variations in the system can
control: ensure the performance of in- be accommodated by control action. The manner
dividual batch operations in terms of. for in which variability and lack of information
example. quality. capacity and timing are treated form the basis of the subsequent
classification of methods for the control of
Control of Batch Processes I : I:~

batch operations. Sufficiently substantial measurements. For example in some cir -

changes call for management intervention. One cumstances a concentration may be inferred
view of the challenge to modern control and from measurement of one or more physical
computational capabilities from ill-defined properties of a fluid. Of course, if the
systems, such as those for batch operations is system is sufficiently well known and under-
how much variability can be accommodated before stood, optimal levels and trajectories can
management intervention becomes unavoidable, be calculated for relevant variables and
that is, how much robustness can be provided or implemented as required. Representative
"How far can the bounds of modesty be extended?" results on optimal trajectories for a range
of batch processes were summarized in an
earlier review (Rippin 1983a). Some conclu-
OBJECTIVES OF BATCH sions which should be noted are:
there are common batch operations for
Control of batch operations can have widely which the optimal trajectories are to
differing immediate objectives. These range maintain constant levels of the cor-
from simply damping out the effects of small responding variables
perturbations from known standard conditions,
as in conventional control of continuous even for operations for which optimal
processes, to developing a complete operating trajectories can be determined, the
strategy on line in response to observed system advantage obtained by following the
behaviour. Objectives and control strategy trajectory rather than using the best
should be chosen to correspond to the prior constant levels of the variables and the
knowledge of the system and how well defined sensitivity of optimal performance to the
and stable this knowledge is. The variety of detailed shape of the trajectories may
the immediate objectives assumed for batch both be rather small.
control can be illustrated from papers in the
conference where some of the objectives are: it is important to determine first the
robustness against disturbances (Chen Quin, Nan best average levels of operating vari-
Li and others, 1989), tracking a profile for ables. Most systems are likely to be much
some variable of the system as closely as more sensitive to this than to details of
possible (Bordeneuve, Najim and Babary, 1989; trajectory shape.
Rafalimanana, Najim and Casamatta, 1989; Zhou
Hengjie and others, 1989), improvement in This is a warning that before significant
product quality expressed either as reaching effort is invested in optimization of
better levels of desirable qualities, for profile shape a preliminary evaluation
example in canned food (Gui-Qiao Li, Peng-Cheng should be made of u1timace potencial
Zaho and Ji-Cheng Wang, 1989) and polymer benefits. However, there are certainly
properties (Kozub and MacGregor, 1989) or significant benefits to be had, for example
reduction in variability about a specified from the temperature profile for a single
quality level as in the production of reversible exothermic reaction, or even
photographic material (Swanson 1989), end point spectacular ones (Denbigh, 1958). Perhaps
recognition and control in fermentation (Chen large advantages are more likely to be found
Qi, Fu Chunseng and others, 1989) and in when the objective function has a special
speCiality chemical production (Raw1ings, Hamer structure (Raw1ings, Hamer and Bruemmer,
and Bruemmer, 1989), improvement of production 1989) or when the product quality exhibits a
rate by reduction of batch time (Ko, Kirby and detailed dependence on the history of the
Tong, 1989) while at the same time maintaining operation as in crystal size distribution
desirable product quality characteristics as in (de Azevado and others, 1989) or in polymer
sugar crystallization (de Azevedo and others, constitution (Kozub and MacGregor 1989). It
1989), early identification of potentially would be of considerable interest to have
hazardous situations (Range 1989). available a catalogue of the possible
benefits of the use of optimal trajectories
The relation of the performance of one batch for a range of common operations and reac-
operation to that of the batch process, made up tion kinetic schemes. Such results could be
of several constituent operations, within its interpreted for a variety of objective
wider environment will be considered later. functions by using Horn's concept of the
attainable region (Horn, 1964) recently
revisited by Glasser, Hildebrandt and Crowe
MEANS OF BATCH CONTROL (1987). Some preliminary contributions to
such a catalogue were made by Hatipoglu
Methods used for the control of batch opera- (1985). For the computation of optimal
tions will be discussed in relation to the trajectories Cuthrell and 8iegler (1989)
amount of knowledge available about the system have demonstrated the effectiveness of
and what is done to cope with lack of defini- discretizing the trajectory by orthogonal
tion. Some different ways of treating the collocation on finite elements and solving
problems are listed in Table 1. Methods listed the trajectory optimization problem in this
alternate between specification of operations form by non-linear programming. An example
and the generation of further information until of the application of the method is
the information generation and operational presented in this conference (Rawlings,
activities are combined in stage 5. Hamer and Bruemmer, 1989).

1. Operate a known system OPERATION When the system is completely known, its
optimal operation for any objective function
Many batch operations are carried out to a can be realised by implementing appropriate
defined recipe which may have been arrived time profiles for the manipulated variables.
at during chemical development and is never However, ri g id observance of these time
changed. The recipe may involve maintaining profiles will not make any allowance for
levels or following trajectories of manipu- possible ill effects of small disturbances.
lated variables, measured variables or Of course, if the disturbances were com-
variables inferred directly from other pletely known, appropriate adjustments to
D. W. T. Rippill

the optimal time profiles of the manipulated recently given by Nikolaou and
variables could be made and implemented. Manousiouthakis (1988). Determination of the
However. in practice. the effects of distur- sensitivity jointly with a piecewise ap-
bances only become evident through their proximation to the optimal profile is
effect on the measured variables of the described by Eaton. Rawl ings and Edgar
system. A system which is more robust to (1988) •
disturbances may be obtained if the desired
operating conditions are expressed as time As already discussed. some control
profiles of one or more state variables. strategies regard the optimal profile as
These state variables may be measured given and seek to correct any deviations
directly or inferred directly from other from it as rapidly as possible or alterna-
current measurements. When the users have tively to minimize some average measure of
sufficient confidence in prescribed levels this deviation over the batch. However. this
or trajectories of measured or inferred strategy implies that the derived profile
variables. however these are derived. the remains optimal independently of any distur-
control task may be seen as simply correct- bances to the operation. As pointed out by
ing any deviations from these prescriptions. t~acGregor (1986): "Even the objective of
This may be done by conventional feedback bringing the reactor back to a trajectory
controllers with the set points constrained that is based on a purely deterministic
to follow desired trajectories. However. model. or even based on past experience is
since the dynamic characteristics of the questionable. because in the presence of
unit often change substantially over the stochastic variations that have caused the
operating region. there may be advantages in reactor states to deviate from this trajec-
enhancing the capabilities of the tracking tory. the precomputed trajectory wi 11 no
controller with adaptive or non-linear longer be optimal." A measure of the loss
features. Procedures for tracking specified attributable to such variations or alterna-
trajectories form part of several presenta- tively to the failure to respond to the
tions at this conference as already variations by continually re-evaluating and
mentioned. re-adjusting the optimal profile could be
the subject of further sensitivity studies.
Of course. if through the optimality condi-
tions. the manipulated variables can be The conclusion of a sensitivity study may be
determined directly as a function of the that the effects of incomplete knowledge of
current measured vari ab 1es. th is is 1i ke 1y the system are negligible compared with the
to be more effective than attempting to cost of attempting to compensate for this
track a time profile of a measured variable. lack of knowledge or to acquire more
knowledge. The system should be operated at
The operating characteristics of a system nominal values based on current knowledge.
may change with time or circumstances as may Otherwise measures should be taken to com-
the objectives or the inputs or other inter- pensate for the lack of knowledge or to
actions with the environment. If the system acquire more knowledge.
is sufficiently well known the optimum
operating choices can be determined for any 3. Control of the partially known OPERATION
of these conditions. It is a matter of
convenience whether such information is pre- For systems that are incompletely understood
determined and stored in advance or whether one of two general strategies for control
it is re-computed from time to time using and optimisation may be followed. One type
appropriate models as required. of strategy does not seek directly to obtain
more knowledge about the system but rather
2. Evaluate sensitivity INFORMATION to develop procedures which produce accept-
able or even optimal performance despite
In practice no system is completely known. this lack of knowledge. The other type of
However for many batch systems the uncer- strategy seeks to acquire more knowledge and
tainties may be sufficiently small or the then adapt its procedures accordingly.
consequences of the uncertainties may be
sufficiently small that the system can be The commonest measure to compensate for lack
treated as if it were completely known. of knowledge about the system is feedback
control. Adjustments of manipulated vari-
This is common practice for many batch ables to compensate for deviations of
operations which work on a fixed recipe. measured or inferred state variables from
Relevant composition measurements may be desired conditions is inherently more robust
difficult or impossible to obtain or even if than simply following a time profile for the
obtainable may be subject to such delay that manipulated variables. Sequence controllers
they cannot be used for feed back purposes which switch conditional on system state
on the same batch of product. have similar advantages over simple timers.
The importance of such constraints can be
quantitatively assessed by sensitivity Simple feedback procedures assume that the
analysis if appropriate models are available desired state of the system is known and has
for the system. The sensitivity of system only to be re-established. In fact. it may
performance to disturbances when control not be known or may not be stable when lack
variables are held at nominal levels and to of knowledge or variability is substantial.
changes in the levels of variables that are
held constant through the batch is easily One response to lack of precise information
determined. Methods are also available for about the system. particularly when this is
determining the sensitivity of systems in qualitatively expressed. is the use of fuzzy
which an optimal profile is followed. Some methods. which may be combined with or
examples of the application of sensitivity complemented by expert systems or other
analysis to batch reactors with optimal knowledge based procedures. A current ex-
profiles in temperature or feed rate were amp 1e of thi s approach is found in Chen Qi.
Fu Chunseng and others (1989).
Control of Batch Processes 135

When knowledge of system uncertainties is For systems which are too complex to model
quantitative, at least to the extent of comprehensively, benefits can be derived
i dent ifyi ng thei r nature and range, then from the use of tendency models which retain
more precise choice can be made of the the physical understanding of the system but
optimal operating procedure in the face of expressed in simplified form which is fitted
these uncertainties. to local behav i our. There are some accounts
of the use of such models, but no rigorous
If the system and its environment can be evaluation of their merits (Cawthon and
characterized by parameters with upper and Knaebel, 1989; Fil ippi-Bossy and others,
lower bounds on their values, then for any 1989).
defined control strategy, interval mathe-
matics can be used to determine the upper If the models are matched to system perfor-
and lower bounds of performance to be ex- mance in some way then, within their range
pected. If some measure of the desirability of validity, any of them can be used to
of a given range of performance is available predict the consequences of control action
then alternative control strategies can be on performance.
compared with one another and the best
selected. Reports are available of the However if, as is often the case, it is
application of such methods to a range of desirable to exercise control over some
equipment design problems (Gruhn, Fichtner performance indicator that is not directly
and Filipow, 1987) and to the design of a accessible to measurement, a model that is
multiproduct batch plant under uncertainty at least partly mechanistic will usually be
(Fichtner, Reinhart and Rippin, 1989). required to generate this information.
If, in addition, information is available or Heusinkve1d (1989) provides an example of
may be assumed about the statistical dis- offline model fitting.
tributions of the uncertainties, then by
integrating over the joint distribution of For systems with changing characteristics or
the uncertainties for a given control where the model has only local validity the
strategy a probability distribution of knowledge of the system can be continually
performance can be derived. With some updated on-line. The use of Kalman filters
measure of the desirability of the perfor-
mance distribution, as before, alternative of various kinds for this purpose is becom-
control strategies can be compared or op- ing increasingly common and successful. The
timised. Integration over the joint model may need to be relinearised over the
distribution of uncertainties can be carried operating region for the filter to give
out by Monte Carlo simulation, by numerical reliable estimates of system state. The
integration, amounting to structured sam- filter may also need to update the estimates
pling procedures, or by other methods (e.g. of system parameters repeatedly.
Reinhart and Rippin, 1986, 1987).
Success in the use of Kalman filters for
A very active field of research in control batch or semi batch systems is strongly
theory is the development of robust control influenced by the degree of realism with
strategies for linear systems of which the which disturbances to or uncertainties in
parameters are unknown but bounded. These the system are represented. MacGregor and
others (1986) stress the importance of
strategies give guaranteed levels of perfor- appropriate stochastic representation of
mance, even in worst case situations. non-stationary disturbances. If attempts are
However, neither this nor the other methods made to swallow these up in random noise of
which take quantitative account of the larger amplitude biased results can be
1 imits of knowledge, whether by distribu- obtained. DeVa11iere and Bonvin (1989)
tions or bounds seem to have yet been demonstrate success with similar methods for
applied directly to the control of batch estimation and Agarwal and Bonvin (1989)
operations. discuss strategies to improve the estimation
of both state and parameters.
4. Reconstruct the unknown INFORMATION
In many cases the information available as a
Knowledge may be added to information res u lt of the norma 1 beha vour of the system
directly available from the process to and naturally occurring deviations about
provide more useful information. Knowledge that normal behaviour may be insufficient to
contained in the very general observation characterise the model of the system with
that system behaviour changes regularly and sufficient accuracy to carry out appropriate
smoothly over the operating region, model based control or optimisation. The
encourages the use of empirical models to only way to obtain this information may be
predict and interpolate the effects of by deliberately exciting the system. The
change and variation over a restricted form and nature of the excitation can be
region of validity. chosen to provide the desired information
most effectively. In experimental equipment
The much more powerful knowledge of the there are no constraints on such excitation
general scientific principles governing the other than those imposed by the equipment
behaviour of the system allows more powerful itself. However, if such excitation is
models to be built. These may contain ele- suggested in production facilities careful
ments that are mandatory, resulting, for evaluation will obviously have to be made of
example, from conservation or thermodynamic the potential benefits of the gain in infor-
principles and elements that have to be mation which can be used for improved
matched to observation, such as rate expres- control as against possible loss of perfor-
sions for reactions. More distinctive mance ascribable directly to the imposed
information can be generated such as ex- excitations.
trapolations of system performance or
reconstruction of internal variables of the
system that are not susceptible to measure-
136 D. W. T . Rippin

5. Master the unknown INFORMATION + OPERATION information through probing could be traded
off against loss of performance due to the
The increased information about the system disturbances caused by excitation. Thus one
derived from modelling. reconstructing and could imagine an optimised. continuously
possibly probing can be put to use. If the maintained combination of excitation. es-
system is now sufficiently well known. the timation and operational adjustment. It is
control and optimisation strategies ap- not clear that resources are yet available
plicable to known systems that were to properly formulate such a problem of
discussed initially can be applied. realistic magnitude and solve it on-line in
real time. However. perhaps more impor-
tantly. it is not clear whether there are
There has been considerable interest systems for which the advantage derived from
recently in procedures which first learn such an integrated strategy would justify
about the system by filtering and estimation the development and operating resources
required . The relative merits of the in-
and then apply this knowledge in control or tegration or separation of the activities of
optimisation algorithms. If the system probing. estimation. control and optimisa-
changes there can be repeated iteration tion wi 11 certainly be strongly problem
between the estimation and control func- dependent. To my knowledge no serious ap-
tions . About half of the batch papers in the proach has yet been made to this problem.
present symposium are concerned with varia-
tions of this strategy. 6. Change the system INNOVATION
Zhou Hengjie and others (1989) use a recur- When the effects of lack of knowledge about
sive procedure at intervals to incorporate the system are sufficiently damaging to
offline information in an online model and justify the development and installation of
use the results with a non-linear feedback procedures of the type described for acquir-
control algorithm. Contributions from Najim ing and using more information. the question
and co-workers demonstrate the effectiveness should be posed whether equivalent benefi-
in widely different situations of using cial effects could not be achieved by other
estimations to cope with lack of definition means. More control over raw mater i a 1s. the
followed by procedures for tracking desire- installation of additional measuring equip-
able profiles (de Azevedo and others. 1989; ment. better training of operators. better
80rdeneuve. Najim and Babary. 1989; use of historical process data. changes in
Rafalimanana. Najim and Casamatta. 1989). the design of the process. or change to a
Swanson (1989) discusses the use of a Kalman different process. may in some cases be
filter for disturbance monitoring combined equally or more effective at less cost. A
with a multivariate controller. This is set sufficiently broad view must be taken of
within a wider context demonstrating syner- process improvement. Control is a means to
gistic benefits to the whole process an end. but i t is not the only possible
deriving from reduction in variability of means.
product quality. Rawlings. Hamer and
Bruemmer (1989) describe an application of
their method in which model identification HOW TO JUDGE SUCCESS
and determination of an optimal trajectory
are carried out sequentially. and both use a It is tempting for a control engineer to be
common method for solving a non-linear particularly impressed by. for example. the
optimization problem subject to sophistication of an on-line estimation. op-
differential-algebraic constraints. Since timisation and control scheme of the type
the presence of residual reactants at the described in category 5. Indeed. there may be
end of the batch incurs a heavy economic considerable intellectual satisfaction in the
penalty. there is considerable incentive for practical realisation of such a scheme.
trajectory and end point control. Kozub and However. a control scheme is judged in practice
MacGregor (1989) follow earlier work already not by its sophistication but by its ap-
referred to and describe the application to propriateness.
semi-batch polymerization of a reiterated
extended Kalman filter followed by a multi- A company may carry out its batch operations to
variate feed back control acting to maintain a fixed recipe with no feedback information
a desired open loop control policy. because i t knows no better. despite great
potential for improved performance by more
The applications referred to all combine elaborate control. Another company may carry
estimation and control in a sequential
manner iterating from one to the other or out operations in the same manner because.
incorporating updated estimates from time to through long experience and painstaking re-
time. One might speculate that a model based search. it has learned to select processes
estimator could be devised which generates which are highly efficient and extremely robust
directly the currently needed control sig- against disturbances. for which additional
nals so that control would always be control would be superfluous.
exercised in an optimal way corresponding to
the current state of knowledge (in the On the other hand. an updated model based on-
widest sense) of the system. line optimization scheme may be found in an
environment where it produces little or no
However. implementation of this degree of benefit over a much cruder. more conventional
integration does not appear to have been control scheme.
The question must always be asked: "Is the
A further step could be to integrate into control scheme appropriate to the nature of the
the overall optimisation scheme the active operation and the level of knowledge about the
probing for information. The gain in the system and its environment that is available or
quality of control and optimisation at- can be acquired?"
tributable to the acquisition of more
Control of Batch Processes 1:17

This prompts the further question: "Is the 3. Is reduction of the time needed for the
operation and the way it is managed appropriate operation of significant benefit, taking
to the process in which this operation has to into account any associated trade off in
be realised and the wider environment in which quality or resource requirement?
this process has to operate?"
a) for a single independent batch unit the
Appropriateness in a subsystem can only be increase in productivity may be benefi-
judged in the light of how the objectives and cial provided it is not incompatible
constraints of the wider system impinge upon with the capacity to produce elsewhere
the subsystem and determine in what manner any necessary intermediates or to
effective contributions to the overall system utilize its products elsewhere.
can be made.
b) for a batch operation in a production
line with other units operating on a
BATCH OPERATIONS IMPROVE THE OVERALL reduction of time is only of interest
PROCESS 7 for the unit with the limiting cycle
We assume first that a given product is to be
produced by a given process in a defined se- the optimum cycle time for the train
quence of operations. Each operation, or a sub- of units is generally longer than
group or cluster of operations, will be carried that for any of the units alone
out in an equipment item of appropriate type. A (Hatip10glu, 1985; Rippin, 1983a)
batch of product passes through the equipment
items in sequence. Its maximum size is Extension of time is justified since
restricted by the equipment item having the its benefits are enjoyed by more than
smallest capacity for that product. The maximum one unit. Optimization of individual
frequency of successive batches of the same units will not result in the overall
product is constrained by the equipment item optimum.
with the largest processing time.
We consider what contributions can be made by c) substantial change in the time required
improving the control of individual operations. for an operation may justify recon-
General questions may be posed: sideration of the clustering or
What performance is requ i red from the
process ••• in terms of product quality, grouping of operations to be carried
production rate and cost? out in the same equipment item, with
corresponding effect on the limiting
What constrains performance? cycle time.

What operations are critical for perfor- 4. Wi 11 improvement in control of this opera-
mance, e.g. in fixing quality, in tion contribute significantly to reduction
bottlenecking production rate, in dominat- in dominant costs or in demand for scarce
ing cost? resources?
What can improved control contribute in
these critical operations? BATCH PROCESSING - AN ESTABLISHED MEANS
What other measures might be equally or
more effective? I have characterised the control of batch
operations in terms of the strategies used to
cope with lack of definition,
The contribution deriving from improved control e. g. ignore it and act as if the system were
of a particular operation may be considered completely known, devise robust methods
with reference to : for controlling the partially known or
acquire more information.
1. Can this operation contribute a distinctive
quality characteristic that is not suscep- We gasp with admiration at the struggles, or
tible to change by subsequent processing? the elegance, with which the last bit of infor-
e.g. polymer constiution and properties mation is extracted from the system so that the
(Kozub and MacGregor, 1989) last cent of optimization can be squeezed out.
crystal size distribution (de Azevedo And yet, batch processing has been used for
and others 1989: Eaton and Rawlings, centuries as the obvious means to meet i11-
1989) • defined requirements using ill-defined
resources in an ill-defined environment.
2. Will the quality obtained in this operation
significantly influence the demands made The necessary operations for any required
upon and the quality obtainable from sub- product are carried out in sequence in one or
sequent operations? more equipment items. Batch processing is
e.g. level of byproducts or residual intrinsically robust against product change.
reactants (Rawl ings, Hamer and Any product that comes along can be made,
Bruemmer, 1989) provided only the right types of equipment
variability of product quality items are available. Their differing sizes do
(Swanson, 1989). not inhibit the manufacture of the product,
only the rate at which it can be produced.
If so, is there a possible trade off be- Batch processing is also robust against lack of
tween quality on the one hand and time and knowledge, provided some feedback information
resources assigned to this operation on the is available which indicates the extent of
other? progress or end point of an operation. It
doesn't really matter how long it takes
provided only you know when you have arrived.
138 D . W.T.Rip~n

There is no need to balance the throughputs of CAN CONTROL MAKE OTHER USEFUL
the constituent operations as in a continuous CONTRIBUTIONS TO BATCH PROCESSING 1
plant. The very wide flexibility of batch
processing is traded off against differing and We might reflect on what more general contribu-
possibly variable time uti1izations of the tions control could make to providing a
equipment items. However. this may not be a f1exlble production capability in an ill-
very serious price to pay. defined environment.

The design and operation of batch plants con- Could new control capabilities be used to relax
ventionally often proceeds on the basis of constraints. to give more float or
providing general facilities and dealing with freedom to operations. to ease peak
demands for products as they arise. using rules demands on resources i.e. to realise the
derived from experience to assign priorities oppOSite of the rigidity of deterministic
between products if necessary. The alternative operation?
is to seek more information in advance and use
it to determine the equipment configuration to Could control provide more flexibility in
be built or the allocation and timing of product change-over - perhaps par-
~icularly for products that are only
production of different products. The useful-
ness of such a procedure depends on the lnfrequent1y produced by making better
use of historical data to get the new
reliability and stability of demand forecasts batch right first time?
used and the robustness of the design or sched-
uling procedures. Recent work has shown that a Could more flexibility in rescheduling reduce
multi-product plant designed by using knowledge delay in responding to new orders or
of a probabi1istica11y defined mu1tiproduct order changes?
demand distribution can be significantly more
profitable than a plant design using only Could more integration between development and
average levels of the demands (Reinhart and production. perhaps even on-line.
Rippin. 1986. 1987). However. the robustness of allow preliminary information needed
this conclusion has not been explored. before production of new or modified
products to be acquired. transmitted and
In general. mu1tiproduct and multipurpose utilized more quickly?
plants are by their nature flexible plants but
there is no accepted measure of this How far would such acquisition of additional
flexibility and hence no precise quantitative information have to progress before a
or qualitative recommendations can be made of decision to accept production orders
how to achieve or improve any level of could be taken?
Could production of new or difficult products
Increased information about demand. expressed be assisted by on-line feed forward of
as well defined requirements for specific information from laboratory scale ex-
products. could lead to much more precise perimentation to simultaneous industrial
design and better planning of allocation and scale production?
control leading to higher utilization of
equipment. However. this might be purchased at
the expense of much greater rigidity - a system CAN THE EXPERIENCE OF BATCH PROCESSING
that was not flexible to product change or a CONTRIBUTE TO CONTROL 1
system that was bottle-necked everywhere if
expansion of capacity were required. In the last decade many chemical producers have
stepped from the relatively stable world of
If product requirements are not well determined large continuous plant production to the much
it may be better to develop clearly identified more volatile. turbulent world of mu1tiproduct
bottle necks where attention can be directed
and additional capacity provided if necessary specialities where a product which was here
(Johns. Marketos and Rippin. 1978). yesterday will be gone tomorrow to be replaced
by others which were not even thought of the
If process characteristics. such as operating day before yesterday.
time of an operation are known to have large
variability. it may be necessary to develop Quite a lot of success has been achieved in
conditional rules for allocation of operations reducing this turbulent environment to more
to equipment so that when an operation is managab1e predictability by applying methods of
completed. priority rules are used to determine modelling. optimization and control developed
what routing the batch follows subsequently as for continuous plants. coupled with tools for
equipment items become available for the suc- scheduling and planning from operational re-
ceeding operations. If statistical information search. They are gradually learning to tame the
is available about the distribution of these tiger of threatening chaos.
uncertainties such conditional rules can even
be optimised. However. it should be remembered that estab-
lished batch and speciality producers have long
experience of living with and profiting from
A simple configuration of batch equipment is such turbulence. Current sharpening of competi-
extremely flexible. Striving for increased tive pressures in these fields changes some of
utilization will necessarily inhibit these circumstances. But the assiduous quan-
flexibility. Excessive attention should not be tifiers gathering and using more information to
paid to increased utilization when the oppor- plan more effectively can also profit from the
tunity cost of increased capacity more tha~ experiences of these accustomed to riding the
justifies expenditure on additional equipment. waves of uncertainty who have developed ap-
propriate practices to support themselves.
Control of Batch Processes

Eaton, J.W. and J.B. Rawlings (1988). Feedback

Furthermore, the rigidities and regularities control of chemical processes using on-
governing old established commercial operations line optimization techniques. AIChE Annual
are increasingly being dissolved away so that Meeting, Washington, D.C.
the whole business environment, not just that Eaton, J.W., J.B. Rawlings and 1.F. Edgar
for batch and speciality chemicals, becomes (1988). Model predictive control and
more chaotic and we are told that we cannot sensitivity analysis for constrained
resist this. "The true objective is to take the non-linear processes. IFAC Workshop Model
chaos as given and thrive on it. The winners of Based Process Control, Atlanta, Georgia
tomorrow ••• will look onthe chaos per se as Fichtner, G., H.J. Reinhart and D.W.1. Rippin
the source of market advantage, not as a (1989). Design of flexible chemical plants
problem to be got around. Chaos and uncertainty by interval mathematics application.
will be market opportunities for the wise; Dechema Monograph Vol. 116, Computer
capitalizing on fleeting market anomalies will Application in the Chemical Industry,
be the successful business's greatest European Symposium, Erlangen, pp. 363-368.
accomplishment" (Peters, 1987).
Filippi-Bossy, C., J. Bordet, J. Vi11ermaux and
So the world of optimising and controlling S. Marchal-Brassely (1989). Batch reactor
large continuous plants will also become less optimization by use of tendency models.
predictable, more ill defined and the learning Comp. Chem. Eng., ll, 35-47.
process must be mutual. As computer modelling Glasser, D., D. Hi ldebrandt and C. Crowe
and control techniques are communicated from (1987). A geometric approach to steady
the large scale producers to the batch environ- flow reactors : the attainable region and
ment, so the experience of the batch producers optimization in concentration space.
in profiting from turbulence and even chaos Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 1803-1810.
should impinge on the quantifiers and Gruhn, G., G. Fichtner andG. Filipow (1987).
mode llers. Design of flexible chemical plants by
interval optimization approach.
We have been struggling to tame the tiger of Proceedings Chemical Engineering
threatening chaos, we may also profit by learn- Fundamentals CEF '87, 18th European
ing to ride the tiger or even, in the Congress on the Use of Computers in
advertising slogan of a less environmentally Chemical Engineering EFCE Giardini Naxos,
sensitive era "put a tiger in the tank" and see Italy.
where it takes usl Gui-Qiao Li, Peng-Cheng Zhao and Ji-Cheng Wang
(1989). The optimal nutrient retention of
canned food in therma 1 batch processes.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Proc. IFAC Symp. DYCORD+ '89, Maastricht,
The Netherlands.
I am grateful to Dominique Bonvin for numerous Hatipoglu, 1. (1985). Optimierung von
discussions on the topics of this paper. absatzweise arbeitenden Operationen
Optimale Temperatur- und Zusatzrate
Profile. Doctoral Dissertation No. 7788,
ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Heusinkveld, G.H. (1989). Off-line estimation
REFERENCES of kinetic parameters in batch
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1. Operate a known system OPERATION
1.1 with pre-specified levels or trajectories of manipulated variables
1.2 following pre-specified levels or trajectories of measured or locally inferred
1.2a) with feedback corrections to compensate for unknown disturbances
1.3 with adjustments calculated to respond to known changes
2. Evaluate sensitivity INFORMATION
2.1 to pre-specified operating conditions
2.2 to disturbances
3. Control the partially known OPERATION
3.1 qualitative lack of definition: fuzzy controls/expert system
3.2 quantitative uncertainty:
3.2.a bounded parameters: interval methods
3.2.b probability distribution: stochastic methods
3.3 robust control strategies
4. Reconstruct the unknown INFORMATION
4.1 improve quality of process information by modelling:
empirical/mechanistic/tendency models
4. la off-line regression/ 4.1b on-line updating
4.1c filtering: state and parameter estimation
4.2 probe process by excitation to improve quality of modelling information
5. Master the unknown INFORMATION + OPERATION
generate information from modelling and use for control and optimization
5.1 sequential implementation of estimation and control
5.2 simultaneous implementation of estimation and control
5.3 continuously maintained combination of excitation. estimation and operational
adjustment for overall optimum performance
6. Change the system I INNOVATION I
Is the control effect worth while in comparison with what else might be done?
COlltrol of Batch Processes 141

Table 2: Suggested Hierarchy of Models for Operating Units

Nature of Model Derivation of Model Use of Model

A) Comprehensive mathematical Understanding and modelling of Simulation and optimization of
model enabling performance significant physical and chemical performance of individual equipment
to be predicted as a function processes taking place. items, possibly also of overall
of time and of all significant process performance by flowsheeting
operating variables. or analogous methods.
B) Performance model enabling Either Co-ordination of operating cycle times
prediction of performance as from comprehensive model by fixing of sequences of units.
a function of permitted operating variables at optimal or
operating time. other selected values.
empirically, e.g. on basis of
prior process knowledge
C) Model of the time and capacity Either Equipment sizing and task assignment
requirement to produce a flxed from comprehensive or performance
level of unit performance - may model
be dependent on equipment or
batch size. Or
by external specification, e.g.
from research or development
D) Model of time requirement only. From previous models or Simple sequencing of production.
E) Stochastic model. May be superposed on any of the
preceding models.

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