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Students focus on working on LKPD and stay oncam

Teacher : Ok, there is one minute left, do it well and do it right

Teacher : Alright kids, time has run out. after you look at the picture of the torso and
look for the names of the organs, please go to death, try to name any organs
starting from the A-H column in the main digestive system

Matin : Ok mam/sir, let me convey the results of my LKPD work. In column A.

Mouth; B. Pharynx; C. Esophagus; D. Stomach; E. Small intestine; F. Large
Intestines; G. Rectum; H. Anus. That's it mam/sir

Teacher : Ok thank you matin, for ade and rifki, is your answer different from matin?

Ade & Rifki : Same mam/sir

Teacher : Alright, so you have answered correctly, now please, Rifki, try to name the
organs in the additional digestion?

Rifki : Ok mam/sir, let me convey the results of my LKPD work. in column A.

Hearts; B. Gallbladder; C. Pancreas. That's it mam/sir

Teacher : Ok, thank you rifki, for ade and matin, are your answers different from

Ade & Matin : Same mam/sir

Teacher : Alright, so you have answered correctly. The teacher provides reinforcement
through PPT

Teacher : OK, now you will give material related to the digestive system in humans,
please pay attention to it carefully

After the teacher has finished delivering the reinforcement of the material, the teacher
gives the opportunity for students to draw conclusions

Teacher : Alright kids, can you understand the material related to the human digestive

All students : Understand mam/sir

Teacher : Alright children, after we learn about the main digestive system in humans,
then please draw conclusions from your learning today.

Ade : I am mam/sir

Teacher : Please Ade

Ade : Ok mam/sir, so the human digestive system is divided into the main digestive
system and the auxiliary digestive system where the main digestive system
consists of the mouth  pharynx  esophagus  stomach  small intestine
 large intestine  rectum  anus. While the additional digestive system
consists of the liver, pancreas and bile. Each organ of the digestive system has
its own function in the body so that the digestive process can run.

Teacher : Very good Ade. Anyone else want to conclude?

All Students : Enough mam/sir

Teacher : Well, that means you already understand about the main digestive system in

Teacher : The next meeting will discuss disorders related to the digestive system, as
well as efforts to maintain a healthy digestive system. Your task is to find
examples of disorders of the digestive system. Can you understand your

All students : Understand mam/sir

Teacher : Alright kids, because the learning time has ended, sir, it's enough to come
here, hopefully what we learn today can get useful knowledge for all of us,
thank you and good morning

All students : Good morning mam/sir, thank you mam/sir

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