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Changes and Corrections in FEMtools 3.5.

FEMtools 3.5.2 is a maintenance release that extends the DSP, MPE, pretest analysis and
correlation analysis with new features. A new add-on for interfacing with data files from
third party operational modal analysis software (ARTeMIS) is introduced in this release.
Furthermore there are various improvements and corrections to the interface programs,
commands and API functions.

Installation, Licensing and Configuration

 This maintenance release is available for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, Linux 64-bit and
Mac OS.
 The v3.5.2 release integrates all patches previously released for v3.5.0 and v3.5.1.
 A new add-on for interfacing with ARTeMIS data files is now available. See
Interfacing with ARTeMIS Add-on Module (New!).
 The Add-on Manager now only show available add-on installation packages. Patches
are now separately installed using the Patch Manager (Help > Update).
 The latest version of Reprise License Manager, RLM 9.2, is included with the
installation package. For information on what’s new in RLM 9, see the end user
manual at
A new Disk Serial Number hostid is now available on Windows which is useful if
your system has constantly changing ethernet addresses due to wireless network
 For nodelocked licenses on Windows OS that are protected by the Sentinel SuperPro
dongle, the newest version of the driver for Windows (v7.6.3) is included with the
installation package.

Documentation and Examples

 All FEMtools documentation is updated to reflect the changes in this release.
 A new user's guide is added that documents the ARTeMIS interface add-on module.
See Help > Manuals > Add-ons. The manual is installed with the ARTeMIS interface
 A new subdirectory <installdir>\examples\mpextractor\oma_erfftal_bridge has
been added that contains examples to demonstrate the use of FEMtools MPE and
DPS for operational modal analysis with multiple measurement sets. This example is
installed with the optional set of additional examples for OMA that can be
downloaded from the FEMtools web site.
 A new subdirectory <installdir>\examples\fea\static_stress has been added that
illustrates how to compute stress fields.

FEMtools Desktop
 The Help > Features menu item has been removed. The information on licensed
modules is now added to the license information list (Help > License Information).
 A new menu item has been added to the Help menu to install patches (Help >
Update). The patch installation files have to be copied to the packages directory first

 A new menu item for Mode Participation Analysis (MPA) has been added to the
Tools > Pretest or Tools menu of in the Model Updating and Pretest Analysis
configuration respectively. See Pretest Analysis.

 Color-coded mesh and matrix plots can now use a limited number of color bands
instead of continuous colors. This banded contouring can be activated using the
graphics customization dialog box, or using the BANDED complement of the MATRIX
and MESH commands. Note that for matrix plots, banded contours is only used for
top view plots.
 When displaying a matrix of type complex, then the modulus value is shown.
Previously the real part was shown.
 Wire frame thickness can now be controlled from the mesh customization dialog box.
 New utility scripts are added to produce animated GIFs or AVI on Linux OS. See
wgif.bas and wffmpeg.bas in the <installdir>\scripts\utilities directory.

ABAQUS FEA Data Interface and Driver

 It is now possible to import mode shapes from an Abaqus ODB file. This solution
requires a FEMtools script, a Python script and an installation of Abaqus Viewer. See
the Abaqus Interface Program and Driver manual for more information. The files, and odb_import_modes.bas are added to the directory
 An interface script has been added to import ABAQUS-generated ASCII .mtx files
and create a corresponding superelement in FEMtools. See the Abaqus Interface
Program and Driver manual for more information. The file abqrselem.bas is added to
the directory <installdir>\scripts\interfaces.
 It is now possible to choose between LANCZOS and SUBSPACE solvers. This can be
done with the GUI (Edit > Settings > External Solver > Abaqus > … > Eigensolver),
or directly in the abaqus.ini settings file (see <installdir>\scripts\drivers). Note that
the eigensolver names are case-insensitive.
 Added support for node NGEN along an arc (LINE=C).
 Added support for C3D2 and C3D3 element, respectively 2-nodes and 3-nodes solid
truss elements.
 Fixed ELGEN associated set numbering.
 Fixed reading of DENSITY property in undetermined fixed or free format context.

ANSYS FEA Data Interface and Driver

 It is now possible to import RST files larger than 8 GB.
 Fixed some ambiguities when converting beam188 section data into FEMtools
geometries and support of ADDMAS.
 Added support for pipe elements PIPE59 and PIPE288.
 Added support for elbow elements PIPE18 and PIPE60.

NASTRAN FEA Data Interface and Driver

 The interface and driver have been tested with MSC.Nastran 2011a and NX Nastran 8
 Plate bending ratio and shear ratio, respectively BRATIO and SRATIO, are now
supported and can be selected as parameters for sensitivity analysis and model
updating. These properties can be found on the NASTRAN PSHELL card.

 Card PCOMPG is now supported. This card is similar in contents to PCOMP but
allows definition of a layer global id for each ply.

Universal File FEA Data Interface and Driver

 A new interface script to export node and element sets to a Universal File was added.
The WUFFEM interface can export node and element sets to universal files. The set
information can be appended to an existing universal file, e.g.
WUFFEM File ‘MyFile.uff’ ElemSet On Node Set On Mode Append
Additional information on the syntax of the WUFFEM utility can be found by typing
HELP WUFFEM in the command entry line of the console window.

Universal File Test Data Interface and Driver

 The Universal File Test Data Interface has gone through a complete rewrite. There are
now many improvements and new possibilities. The following is an overview of the
most important ones:
o Support mixing of tracelines and elements with renumbering.
o Support of local coordinate systems with dataset 2411 used for test points.
o Support of dataset 2414 and dataset 2420 as test data.
o Support of datasets 0082 and 2431 to import trace lines.
o Export of ODS in UF format.
o FRFs are no longer cleared by each import command and can be imported in
several passes from different files.
o Mode shapes are no longer cleared by each import command and can be
imported in several passes from different files.
o Added support for comma (,) in addition to (.) in floating point numbers. Using
D for exponent instead of E is supported too.
o The number of coordinate systems that are imported is now reported.
o The number of trace lines that are imported is now reported.
o Residual shapes are now imported and stored as REAL frequency responses.
o Better error reporting. The line number where an error was encountered is now
o Verbose mode now supported for Test Data.
o STAR Modal format is now detected for complex modes and complex
eigenvalues are now converted to Hz. Previously the script or the
script USFT.bas had to be used to make this conversion.
o It is now easier to import test data that is spread over different files. For example
the test model in separate file, one file for each FRF, one file for each mode
o Mode shapes imported from multiple files are sorted and duplicates are
o Exporting to a file that already exist, will rename the existing file to .old (if file
overwrite mode is off).
o Trace lines stored in different groups are now preserved and can be displayed in
different colors. (See command MESH GROUP TEST).

o A utility script has been added to import several FRFs in one GUI operation. The
corresponding commands are written to the journal. See
<installdir>\scripts\utilities\ import_test_frfs.bas.
 Documentation on importing Universal File generated by LMS Test.Lab has been
extended with additional information about the use of local coordinate systems. See
Help > Interface Programs and Drivers > UNIVERSAL FILE Interface Program and
Driver > Processing Universal File Datasets > Importing Universal Files generated
by LMS Test.Lab.
 It is now possible to import and export Universal Files that contain dataset 58b
(function at points) in binary format. This is usually a much more compact format
compared to ASCII.
Use SAVE FRF TEST FORMAT UFF FILE filename to export FRFs using the
binary format.
Note that there is no SEARCH FRF TEST FORMAT ... counterpart since dataset
58b is included in a file that mixes ASCII and binary contents, and that INPUT FRF
TEST FORMAT ... is able to identify and process the binary content (in card 58b) at

Polytec Interface
 The direct interface with Polytec svd files now can use Polytec FileAccess library
version 4.3
 It is now possible to import FRFs from Polytec svd files.

ARTeMIS Interface Add-on Module (New!)

A new ARTeMIS interface add-on has been introduced. The interface enables bi-
directional data exchange between ARTeMIS and FEMtools. It supports the following
 Importing ARTeMIS configuration files into FEMtools; the READCFG command.
 Exporting the FEMtools database to an ARTeMIS configuration file; the WRITECFG
Detailed information on the new ARTeMIS driver can be found in the ARTeMIS Interface
User’s Guide.
This interface is installed as a free add-on and requires a separate installation package
that can be obtained from FEMtools Support. There is no separate license required.

Digital Signal Processor Add-on Module

The DSP commands now support time series obtained using different measurements
setups. Multiple setups are typically used to add additional measurement channels for
operational modal analysis of large structures, when only a limited number of sensors are
The complement SETUP is added to the DSP commands specify the setup ID.

Modal Parameter Extractor Add-on Module

The command for Modal Parameter Extraction (MPE) are extended to support multiple
measurement setups. Multiple setups are typically used to add additional measurement
channels for operational modal analysis of large structures, when only a limited number
of sensors are available.
The DEFINE CHANNEL and LOAD TABLE commands now supports definition of multiple
measurement setups.

The MPE COMBINE command is added to combine partial mode shapes obtained from
different measurement setups.
The MPE SWAPCHANNELS is added to swap channels in a setup.

Basic FEA
It is now possible to compute linear static stress and modal stress of 3D (solid elements).
The computed stress fields can be visualized by selecting the appropriate stress field in
the database explorer: Graphics > FE Mesh > Contour > Element Stress. The stress data
can also be accessed in FEMtools Script with the Ft_GetShape function.

Linear Static Stress

When the FEMtools database contains the results of a linear static simulation, it is
possible to derive stress fields from the calculated displacement field. The stress fields are
computed with the STRESS TYPE STATIC command. This command can compute
normal stress, shear stress and Von Mises stress. Note that the stress command only
supports 3D elements.

Modal Stress
When the FEMtools database contains the results of a normal modes analysis, it is
possible to derive the modal stresses from the calculated displacement field. The stress
fields are computed with the STRESS TYPE DYNAMIC command. The type of stress that
has to be derived can be selected with the following complements: NORMALTRESS
{ON|OFF}, SHEARSTRESS {ON|OFF} and VONMISES {ON|OFF}. By default, only the
Von Mises stresses are computed. Note that the stress command only supports 3D

Dynamic Analysis
 Enforced displacements are eliminated and transformed into reaction forces applied
to nodes directly connected to the enforced displacement DOF. This computation
involves the dynamic stiffness of the elements ensuring the connection. In addition to
the stiffness and mass contribution (K-w*w*M, where w=2*PI*freq) to the dynamic
stiffness, now also the contribution of viscous and structural damping are added
 When nodes or elements are cleared, then the internal number of nodes or elements
that are referenced in harmonic loads or harmonic responses, are now correctly
updated and entries corresponding to deleted nodes or elements are removed. Note
that elements are only involved in harmonic responses of type force.

Pretest Analysis
 The manual pretest commands (PRETEST) have been extended to generate a report,
compute FRFs based on the pretest analysis results and restore the FE model.
 A new command for Mode Participation Analysis (MPA) is added. See EXAMINE MPA
and Tools > Pretest Analysis > Mode Participation Analysis (MPA).
 A new command to compute Modal Strain Energy is added. See EXAMINE MSE.
 The EXAMINE NMD command now supports local coordinate systems.

Correlation Analysis
 It is now possible to compute Modal Force Residues (MFR) using reduced FEM. See

 Comac can now be computed with a custom set of mode shapes. See EXAMINE

Parameter and Response Selection

 Plate bending ratio and shear ratio, respectively BRATIO and SRATIO, can now be
selected as parameters for sensitivity analysis and model updating. These properties
can be found on the NASTRAN PSHELL card.

New Commands
CLEAR STRESS Clears element stress of 3D elements.
EXAMINE MPA Performs Mode Participation Analysis.
EXAMINE MSE Computes Modal Strain Energy.
MPE COMBINE Combines partial mode shape obtained from
different measurement setups.
MPE SWAPCHANNELS Swaps channels in a measurement setup.
READCFG Reading an ARTeMIS configuration file. This
command comes with the ARTeMIS Interface add-
on module.
STRESS Computes element stress of 3D elements.
WRITECFG Export a test model, channel definitions and time
series to an ARTeMIS configuration file. This
command comes with the ARTeMIS Interface add-
on module.

Modified Commands
CURVE The complement MARKER UP has been added to
place triangular markers on curves.
EXAMINE COMAC The complement MODE is added to use a custom
set of mode shapes.
EXAMINE NMD The complement CS is added to use local
coordinate systems.
EXAMINE MFR The complement TYPE is added to select
expanded test or reduced FEM.
and PHASE have been added. Default is MODULUS
for complex matrices, REAL in other cases.
The complement BANDED [ON | OFF} has been
added to display banded topview matrix plots.
The complement CMAP now provides additional
choices of colormaps.
MESH The complement GROUP, used in combination with
the TEST complement, has been added to show
groups of tracelines in different colors. This
behavior is similar to the set coloring in FE meshes.
The complement BANDED [ON | OFF} has been
added to display banded topview mesh plots.

The complement CMAP now provides additional
choices of colormaps.
PRETEST FRF Computes the FRFs based on pretest analysis
PRETEST REPORT Generates a pretest analysis report.
PRETEST RESTORE Restores the FE model after manual pretest

FEMtools Script
New Functions
OpenFilenames Returns a list of filenames using a file open dialog
GetHSV Converts a color definition integer representation
into (h,s,v,o) color definition triplet.

Modified Functions
AddItem A new optional argument is added for settings
related to integerbox and doublebox dialog box
GetRGB This function now also returns opacity.
HSV A new optional argument is added to specify
RGB A new optional argument is added to specify

FEMtools API Functions

New Functions
Ft_GetPointCSMatrix Returns the coordinate system matrix representing
the cosines of the coordinate system at a point.

Modified Functions
Ft_Command A new argument is added to specify that
commands are added to the journal file but do not
need to be executed.
Ft_DefSet A new optional argument is added to specify the
color to be used when displaying the set.
Ft_GetGraphic The new attribute “banded” is added to return
information about banded isocontour plots.
Ft_HostInfo The hosted type “disksn” is added to return the
hard disk serial number fingerprint.
Ft_SetGraphic The new attribute “banded” is added to control
banded isocontour plots.

FEMtools API Variables
Scalars and Strings
matrix.banded Specifies banded isocontour topview matrix plots
matrix.colors.colormap Specifies the colormap for color-coded matrix
mesh.colors.colormap Specifies the colormap for color-coded mesh plots.
mesh.contour.banded Specifies banded isocontour mesh plots (Boolean).

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