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Marilou B.



1. Analyze the importance of technology to the people and the world. Give at
least 10 importance.

1. Transportation
this is one of the most important in this world for this generation without a car
it is so hard to travel to the place you wanted to go.
2. Improves Communication
Communication is one of the hindrances before because it takes so many days
and time to communicate personally or with people, but now because of
technology, it is so much easier to share with people worldwide.
3. Helps in Starting a New Business
Everyone can quickly implement their ideas because the scope of possibilities
has increased drastically. Technology has helped people start their ventures
quickly and raise capital
4. Provides Access to Information
Information was hard to obtain from books as it took a long time to read books
and gather insights. The Internet has enabled everyone to have unlimited
access to information uploaded by millions of people worldwide
5. Saves Time
Many times, people used to get lost finding their way to their destination. You
had to ask around to get directions to the place you wanted to reach, which
meant that you were hours late at times.
6. Brings People Close
People who went to foreign countries could not see their loved ones and would
wait years to return to their home countries. With the help of smartphones,
people can video call their family members and friends to communicate
regularly. Technology has brought people closer to social media platforms
where they can remain up to date with their friends and family’s activities.
7. Quicker Decision Making
Technology is becoming increasingly capable of storing and handling large
amounts of data. Data can be used to streamline decision-making through
8. Gives Competitive
Edge Organizations that do something better than the others are usually the
ones who have been able to use technology to their advantage.
9. Efficiency Is Improved with Technology
Using lesser inputs to produce higher output has been the goal of many
companies for an extended period. Technology enables many industries to
achieve this goal with automation
.10. Saves Cost
Technology can significantly reduce the cost of business if it is adopted. For
example, organizations would mainly rely on paper for Communication. After
digitalization, the cost of purchasing a piece in bulk can be saved with the
paperless working environment.

2.Write an essay on your understanding of A GOOD LIFE. What is your basis

for a good life? Compose your essay in 200 words.
It was never as good as perfect life is; for me, life is a big word, and it was a
deep word for me to define, but what I have encountered in my life was quite a
roller coaster and a big lesson for me. A good life is not like just because your
smiling doesn’t mean it was a great and a good life you have, but for me, an
actual definition of A good life is contented; you are contented with what you
have in life, and you are contented of what you do in life it was a great
experience having a good life. Living your life to the fullest is a tremendous full-
filling feeling for me because I do not mind others anymore; I do not mind their
critique as long as I do my best and do it for myself. A good life is what I’m
excited about. Being in the age of twenty is the new start of being in the real
world, it contains more knowledge, we tend to have our pain days, but we
always remember that the better days are also coming, don’t be afraid, trust
yourself and be gentle to yourself also.
A. Explain the different interpretations of the Beatitudes based on the bible.
The beatitudes are statements about character and blessings that are part
of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which is written down in the book of Matthew.
Each beatitude looks at different parts of life and how all Christians benefit
from religion. Through these 8 Beatitudes, Jesus teaches us how to live in a way
that will bring us blessings and rewards. These blessings are not just for a
particular group of people; they apply to all Christians. These Bible verses will
uplift and inspire you as you face each day knowing that you are blessed. If you
apply the beatitudes to your life, no matter how old you are, what you do for a
living, or what role you play in your family, you will live a joyful, happy life! You
can read the whole Bible text where Jesus' words are written down below, but
here is a quick summary of the beatitudes.
1.The poor in spirit are fortunate, for thine is the kingdom of heaven.
Those who are poor in spirit have a deep sense of spiritual poverty and know they
are nothing before God. They have the kingdom of heaven because they seek it
and thus find and stay in it.
2. Blessed are those who are sad, because they will be comforted.
Blessed is those who are sad, because they will be comforted.The blessing is given
not on everyone who mourn, but on those who mourn because of sin. They will
be comforted by the realization and acceptance of God's forgiveness. But all
sorrow is caused by sin, either directly or indirectly. We might therefore conclude
that the beatitude encompasses all individuals who are led to a discerning of sin
by mourning, and who so abhor its effects and repercussions in the world that
they hunger for and seek the rescue found in Christ.
3. The meek are blessed, since they will inherit the world.
The humbled would be given far more than the prideful and arrogant. Because of
their ability to be content, the meek not only enjoy more of life on earth, but they
will also rule and enjoy the earth after Jesus' victorious return.

4. Blessed are those who thirst for truth, because they will be satisfied.
Because of Christ, we can believe that we will be righteous forever in heaven. We
are called to live like Christ, yet we are also absolved of our sins.
5. The merciful will receive mercy; therefore, they are blessed.
Because we've been shown mercy, Christians may extend mercy to one other. We
should forgive people and show mercy because God has forgiven us.
6. The pure in heart are blessed, for they shall see God.
The pure in heart are individuals who are free of bad desires and intentions.
Because they are devoid of self-righteousness and conceit, they can perceive and
feel God's presence.
7. Blessed are those who make peace, for they will be called children of God.
Individuals or communities who make peace between men fall under this
category. It includes even those who, despite their best efforts, fail to achieve
peace. They will be known as God's children because He is the God of peace, who
sent His own Son to be the Prince of Peace.
8. Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, because
theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Those who suffer for the kingdom of heaven are blessed by becoming closer to it.

B. Enumerate the 10 Commandments of God and Explain briefly each


1."Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods Before Me."

The entire law of Christ depends upon charity. And charity depends on two
precepts, one of which concerns loving God and the other concerns loving our

2. "Thou Shalt Not Take the Name of the Lord Thy God in Vain."
This is the Second Commandment of the law. Just as there is but one God whom
we must worship, so there is only one God whom we should reverence in a
special manner. This, first of all, has reference to the name of God. "Thou shalt
not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3.  "Remember that You Keep Holy the Sabbath Day."
This is the Third Commandment of the law, and very suitably is it so. For we are
first commanded to adore God in our hearts, and the Commandment is to
worship one God: "Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me." In the Second
Commandment we are told to reverence God by word: "Thou shalt not take the
name of the Lord thy God in vain." The Third commands us to reverence God by
act. It is: "Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day."God wished that a
certain day be set aside on which men direct their minds to the service of the
4. "Honor thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be long-lived upon the
land which the Lord thy God will give thee.
Love of God and love of neighbor are what make a person perfect. The three
Commandments written on the first tablet deal with God's love; the seven
Commandments written on the second tablet deal with neighborly love. But we
must "love in deed and in truth, not in speech or mouth."   For a man to love this
way, he must do two things: stay away from evil and do good. Some of the
Commandments encourage good behavior, while others prevent it. And we must
also know that we can stop bad things from happening, but we can't be good to
5.Thou Shalt Not Kill."
In the divine law which tells us we must love God and our neighbor; it is
commanded that we not only do good but also avoid evil. The greatest evil that
can be done to one's neighbor is to take his life. This is prohibited in the
Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill."
6. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
Adultery is forbidden after murder. This is
appropriate because husband and wife are one body. "They will become two in
one flesh," says the Lord. So, after an injury to a person's body, nothing is worse
than an injury to a person with whom one is joined. Adultery is wrong for both
the wife and the husband. We will start with the adultery of the wife, which
seems to be the worst sin. A wife who commits adultery is guilty of three serious
sins, which are implied in the following verse: So, every woman who leaves her
husband, first, she has been unfaithful to the law of the Highest; second, she has
sinned against her husband; third, she has committed adultery and had children
with another man
7.  "Thou Shalt Not Steal
Thou shalt not steal. This Commandment, as has been said, forbids taking things
wrongfully, and we can bring forth many reasons why it is given. The first is
because of the gravity of this sin, which is likened to murder: The bread of the
needy is the life of the poor; he that defrauded them thereof is a man of blood.
8. "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor."
The Lord has already forbidden anyone from harming his neighbor through deeds;
now he forbids us from harming him through speech. "Thou shalt not falsely
accuse thy neighbor." This could occur in court or in everyday conversation.
9. Thou shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods.
It is important to appreciate what others have because it makes us feel humble,
encourages collaboration and makes us be satisfied with what God gave us. Envy
is the gateway to the misery as greatly stimulates the desire to possess everything
that others have. The anger then hurls into the fate and to God "Why cannot I
have what the others have more than me?". It seems a serious injustice, an
affront to what we believe is right to have and the groans of wounded pride.
10. "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife.
The purpose of the commandment is mutual fidelity between man and woman in
marriage, their loyalty will be complete only if they can be faithful to each other
in thought and desire, and will reach a total transparency between them.
C. Write a summary of the first book of the bible THE GENESIS.

The Hebrew Bible begins with Genesis' creation story. God, a spirit hovering over
an empty, watery void, creates the world by speaking into the darkness over six
days. Every day, he praises his work (1:4). On the sixth day, God creates
humankind in his "own image" (1:26). He creates a man from dust and a woman
from his rib. God places Adam and Eve in Eden, encouraging them to procreate
and enjoy the world, but forbidding them to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of
Good and Evil.Eve meets a crafty serpent in the garden who convinces her to eat
the forbidden fruit, saying she won't suffer. Adam and Eve feel shame and
remorse after eating the fruit. God discovers their disobedience in the garden.
Then he curses the couple. Eve will have a painful birth and must obey her
husband, he says. Adam must toil for food. They're expelled from Eden.Adam and
Eve send Cain and Abel into the world. Cain, a farmer, offers God a portion of his
crops as a sacrifice, but Abel, a herdsman, is more pleased. Cain murders Abel.
God exiles Cain east of Eden. Seth is Adam and Eve's third child. Seth and Cain
increase human population.Humanity gets worse over 10 generations. God
laments humanity and plans to destroy it. Noah's blameless behavior earned
God's favor. God promises Noah and his family a covenant. He tells Noah to build
an ark large enough to hold his family and pairs of every living animal while God
floods the earth. Noah, his family, and the animals enter the ark, and it rains for
forty days, submerging the earth for a year. God calls Noah's family out of the ark
when the waters recede and renews their covenant. Noah's family exits the ark to
find a green, moist earth. God promises Noah's family a fertile lineage from this
new earth. To keep this favor, humans must not eat bloody meat and murderers
must be executed. God vows never to destroy the earth again, and the rainbow is
his sign.Noah gets drunk and naked in his tent. Ham sees Noah naked and tells
Shem and Japeth. Shem and Japeth hide their dad. Noah curses Ham's
descendants, the Canaanites, for Ham's indiscretion, saying they'll serve Ham's
brothers. The three brothers' descendants are ancestry. Humanity becomes
corrupt after many generations. Some men in Babylon try to prove their greatness
by building a tower to the heavens. God destroys the building because of their
arrogance. He divides humanity into separate nations by confusing their
language.The first eleven chapters of Genesis tell a reliable, but contradictory,
story about how the world was made. Scholars think that the story was not
written by one person, but by a later editor or "redactor" who put together
stories from different traditional sources into one book. For example, the person
who wrote the story of Cain and Abel knew things about Jewish law about
sacrifices that only a later writer would know. Also, the way the narrator starts
stories by saying things like "This is a list of Adam's descendants" (5:1) or "These
are Noah's descendants" (6:9) shows that these stories were told before the
current writer or redactor put them together in their current form.The world is
set up around a system of parallels and differences, which is the main theme of
the first eleven chapters. Light breaks through the darkness, land separates water,
and "the greater light" of the sun goes against "the lesser light" of the moon
(1:16). The story of how man was made is a more complicated example of parallel
and contrast. Not only is man made in the image of God, which is similar to God,
but woman, who was made from a man's rib, is different from man. The writer of
Genesis uses the poetic device of antistrophe, which is the repetition of a line in
the opposite order, to show the similarities and differences in how man was
made:So, God made people in his own image. He made men and women in his
own image. 1:27–29

The antistrophe suggests that the world makes sense when you look at it in terms
of binary opposites, or basic forces that work against each other. The first
chapters of Genesis talk about many binary opposites, such as good and bad,
work and rest, and day and night. The Old Testament probably talks about good
and evil the most. The story of Cain and Abel is where a long discussion of the
difference between good and evil begins. Cain's lying and killing of Abel, as well as
his evasive answers to God's questions, show that his evil was a part of him and
not balanced by any good qualities. God's punishment, on the other hand, shows
both justice and mercy. This shows that God is the absolute good, while Cain is
the absolute bad. Cain is banished from God's presence, but God marks him to
protect him from other people's anger.There are many pictures of the ground and
the earth in these chapters. In Genesis, the way people treat the earth is often a
sign of how full and good their lives are. God makes Adam out of dust, and when
God curses him, Adam's fate is tied to the earth:Because of you, the land is
cursed, and you will have to work to eat from it. You are dust, and you will return
to dust. 3:17, Cain is also cursed to the ground, since he is kicked out of his home
and sent to wander in a strange land. When God sends the flood and, in some
ways, when he destroys the Tower of Babel, he is angry at the ground. But the
ground is also a sign of God's blessing on Noah, because God's promise of fertility
to Noah's family is like the way the earth is green and full of life.In the story of
Noah, God uses symbols just as often as the people who wrote the story. God
says that the rainbow is a "sign" of his promise to people after the flood (9:12–
13). God often uses things in the world to show what his spiritual plans are. But,
unlike Homer's Greek gods or other Near Eastern gods, the Hebrew God is never
shown as being limited or defined by these things. Instead, the authors of Genesis
say that God is telling a complicated story through the act of creation and that
one of the main ways he communicates with his creations as he runs the world is
through symbolic meaning.The main goal of these introductory chapters is to
build a detailed etiology, or explanation of how the world came to be. The author
is trying to explain how some bad things that are part of everyday life came to be.
In these chapters, the questions about etiology are made clear. The writers and
editors have put together stories that explain how evil and separate nations got
started, why women have to live in a society with male standards, why humans
have to work to survive, and why our daily work is always so hard.

4.If you are the presidents of the Republic Act of the Philippines now what are
your plans and programs to achieve a better life for the Philippines. Enumerate
at leasr 20 items.
1.Fee foods for all homeless people
2.Free tuition for the children of single parent(s)
3.Free ride
4.More benefits for teachers
7.Tree planting
6.Anti discrimination act for all of human being
8.Llifetime imprisonment for all of pedophile
9. Free Hospital at secluded place
10.Building schools and hospitals at Province site.
12.Free orientation to the jobless people.
13.Gender equality and women empowement plan
14. Building Infrastructure to create more jobs
15.Increase minimum wage of salary
16.Scholarship for Indigenous/
17. Low price of oil
18. Free medication for less fortunate people
19. High qualities of facilities for elder people and homeless children
20.Low price of land especially for farmers
5.Watch steven Speiberg's science-fiction drama film, Artificial Intellignece
(2001). After watching the film , reflect on the plot of David, a childlike android
uniquely programmed with the ability to love. Write a short reflection about it.
Artificial Intelligence(2001) Reflection Paper
As we all know, artificial intelligence is the most recent and significant invention
human achievement from time to time, before an after Because it simulates
characteristics of human intelligence on senses, artificial intelligence can shape an
individual's behavior in how they take their responsibilities towards our society,
even in the entire world. Artificial intelligence can be a substitute for something,
replace something, or even replace a man.Why am I saying this? Depending on
how far the film goes, it depicts something that.Because they progress from
knowledge aggregators to information processors to artificially intelligent devices
that self-learn, artificial intelligence can rule over man.You will ever wonder how
they manage to satisfy various and selfish gratifications such as solitude,
entertainment, and sex. You might be curious about those sensible matters
because they create a bond of possibilities from impossibilities that turns you
green or it depends.In reflection to the film, it is more significant and relevant to
me and the rest that touches my heart like a crumpled piece that turns into full of
roses and enlightened me up. Because it depicts the meaning of love, care, and
attention that a child desired from his foster parents, as well as the rejection to
society of being different from everyone or anything. I know we can put ourselves
in David's shoes if we try."We are experts at projecting human emotions into non-
human subjects, from animals to clouds to computer games," I wrote in 1991,
"but the emotions only exist in our heads." 'A. I.' shirks its responsibility to deal
with this trait rigorously and opts for an ending that makes us want to cry while
leaving me with questions when I should have been finding answers."Technology
compensates for human shortcomings.In ways you'd never expect."A.I." is daring,
technically accomplished, challenging, at times moving, and endlessly watchable.
What keeps it from being great is a failure to really engage with the ideas it
introduces. Given what has come before, the film's conclusion is far too facile and
sentimental. On the most basic level of the film, which tells David's story, it has
mastered the artificial but not the intelligence. When I recently rewatched it, I
realized something else: "A. I." is not about humans at all. It is about the quandary
of artificial intelligence. A thinking machine is incapable of thinking. It can only run
programs sophisticated enough to fool us into thinking. A computer that passes
the Turing Test is not thinking.

6.Write a 20 item quiz about the module with corresponding answers.

Identfiication: 5 Item.
1.Humans desire to put an order to nature better understand and control it.
Answer: Calculative thingking
2.Pleasure is the most valuable pursuit of mankind and everything that one does
is to gain pleasure.
Answer: Hedonism
3.Bringing forth of an object into existence from creation of art.
4.Challenges nature in providing the energy that it needs.
Answern:Modern Technology
5.Humans allow nature to reveal itself to them without the use ifforce or violence.
Answer:Meditiative thinking.
Enumerate the steps toward the good life
4.Secure Income
5.Fulfilling oneself
6.Values and spirituality
7.Work and leisure
What are the examples of listed innovations
1.Medical technologies that may detect hereditary and congenital diseases.
2.Use of Cyborg techniques that may substitute human organs or limbs.
3.New biological or chemical methods to improve memory and learning
4.Multimedia system
5.Advance military and commercial airborne vehicles
7.Genetic testing to efficiently detect hereditary and congenital diseases.
Give one of the two functions of technology
1.Instrumental because it is a means to an end.
2.Anthropological because it is human activity

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