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No. 20-043

June 23, 2020


FOR : The CFC Family

FROM : Redentor Ragojos
CFC President

RE : Deployment of ONE Programs

The Office on New Evangelization (ONE) was created to be the primary help of the Board of
Trustees (International Council) so that they may arrive at well-informed and intelligent decisions
that impact on the various aspects of the life and mission of Couples for Christ. As such, ONE
functions as a think tank for the IC.

As part of their mandate, after programs or initiatives they propose have been developed, approved
by the IC and piloted to test their efficacy, such programs and initiatives should be deployed to the
appropriate operational unit within GMC for immediate implementation.

Following this principle, we wish to announce that Family is a Gift, which has been piloted in
several areas both in the Philippines and abroad, is now being transferred to the Office of the
President. The transfer is being effected so that the program can be provided with the proper
logistic and manpower support that will enable it to be more effective as a tool for evangelization.

Another program that has already been piloted in Metro Manila and found successful is the Online
Attendance Capture and Members Portal Initiative of the Programs and Initiatives Dept. of ONE.
This initiative has been effective in generating the required information that would complete the
One Global Data and the Members Portal of Metro Manila. This initiative is now being deployed

The matrix below shows the links to the instructional materials you would need in deploying this
initiative in your particular areas. We trust that you will study these materials and put them to
immediate use.

1 Video Tutorial - How to use the online attendance English Version
capture and how to Create an account in CFC
members portal Filipino Version

2 Written Instructions - How to use the online
attendance capture and how to Create an account in
CFC members portal

3 Written Instruction Infographic Style - How to
Create an Online Attendance Capture

4 Social Media Card and Pubmat template for

This initiative is under the supervision of the Evangelization and Missions Office. For inquiries and
assistance, please contact Andrea Samson at

Thank you and may God be praised in everything we do.


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