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Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of reading in Philippine history?
The importance of the reading in Philippine history is that even though we are not
currently experiencing the events from the past, we can feel it through reminiscing
and we can learn a lot from our past mistakes and success and use it to develop the
present and the future.
2. What is reading in Philippine history subject all about?
This subject is all about understating and appreciating the beauty of our past events
that may help us to improve our daily lives. It can also change someone’s political
or religious view for the better. It is a valid way of viewing reality.
3. What is reading in Philippine history objective purpose?
Its objective purpose is to help the students to think critically and use it to develop a
lot of things to solve problems from the past.
4. What are the issues problems on the Philippines local history?
The common issues and problems in the Philippine local history are poverty,
corruption, eurocentrism, mythologies, conspiracy theories, discrimination and a
lot more.
5. What important facts did you learn about the history of the Philippines?
For me, I find it interesting how we fought our way back after a lot of colonization
and how we survived all of that. Even though our country is not one of the strongest
and richest country as of now, I am still proud that we survived everything and
crawled our way back up. I also like the topic about our flag because it is really
interesting how people back then made our flag and its symbolisms.
6. How does history affect the present and the future?
History affects our present and future by making it our basis of what will our next
steps be. We learn from our past mistakes and helps us to improve and correct
those mistakes. We should take those mistakes as lessons to us so that we can avoid
it from happening again.
7. What are the important events in the Philippine history?
• Declaration of Philippine independence (1898)
• Execution of Rizal (1896)
• The Philippines became republic (1946)
• EDSA People Power Revolution (1986)
• Declaration of Martial Law (1972)
• The Philippines is discovered by Europe (1521)

Answer the following questions.

8. What is history and why is it important to study our history?
History is the study and the documentation of the past. It involves political,
social, economic, scientific, technological, medical, cultural, intellectual, religious
and military developments. It is important for us to study it so that we can
improve our present and future by using history as our guide.
9. What makes Philippine history unique?
Philippine history is unique from others because of our own culture, traditions
and beliefs. Every country has its own unique traits and I really like how our
country is known for being kind, hospitable, humorous, and just happy go lucky.
10. What is the best history in the Philippines?
For me, the most interesting history of the Philippines is the people power
revolution. I like how people stood for their life and faced their fears. It shows
how strong our unity is and how we can stand for our rights. It became historic
because the uprising was peaceful, bloodless, and successful.



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