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Presented by:

Leydi Lorena Varón Aguirre

CC 1,120,578,961

Group: 90021A_1141

Presented to:

Natalia Isabel Grueso Arroyo

English ll

National Open and Distance University-UNAD


San José del Guaviare

March, 2022
Step 1: Reading comprehension exercise.

a. Choose the sentence that represents the main idea and write this.

Rta: Most of the univiersities in the UK are part of the top-ranked institutions in the world
for the high quality of its teaching and research. Universities are fully integrated into the
compact but lively cities of United Kingdom

b. Write in three lines the thesis of the text and supporting examples that sustenance this.

Rta: UK universities are among the highest ranked institutions in the world. students have
the opportunity to visit restaurants, theaters, cinemas and beautiful green spaces near the
faculties and academic departments. most universities offer language courses such as
Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, among others.

c. What does the phrase “Top-ranked” mean? Write your explanation.

Rta: that have the best quality education in the world

d. What can be inferred from lines 11 and 12 when the text says “Finally, it is important to
highlight that living in the UK is probably one of the most multicultural experiences one
can ever have, and universities are no exception”.

Rta: that the United Kingdom, in addition to providing quality education, also allows its
students to specialize in other subjects other than their careers, such as languages, and in
addition to learning a wide variety of cultures

e. Comparing the UK universities with Colombia universities, write some experiences a

foreign person can obtain here.

Rta: In Colombia, the universities also have multicultural experiences, because students
from all over the country come to the main cities to meet their goal of improvement, and
as we know, each region of Colombia has a different culture, which is why different ones
come to the universities. cultures.

Step 2: Writing an email about your professional experience.

The activity consists of a writing exercise where the student has to write a letter, showing his/her
professional experience in his/her area, according to he/she has been working, giving an answer to
the letter that has been sent from the company. Read the situation presented to you and begin
your exercise. 3 Share your letter in the Collaborative forum. Situation: You have presented an
exam to apply for a job in a company in Medellín and the result has been good. Now the company
needs to know your complete profile and to do an interview. So you have to read the letter that
the company has sent to you and give the answer to this.

for: Mara Rodríguez HR

FROM: Leydi Varon

business administrator

Subject: Answer Know your profile and Invitation to interview in Sigma software

results-oriented high-level executive with more than eight

years of experience developed in companies in the commercial and agricultural sectors, with
proven results in strategic planning, executive leadership,

multicultural environments, administration of human capital at management levels and

information technologies.

Special skills in international negotiations, integration of high-level teams

performance, project management, and development and integration of information technologies

Global information.


administrative assistant



Accounting assistant

Embobinados del Guaviare


I confirm my attendance at the interview scheduled on April 3 at 2:00 p.m.

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