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DAILY SCHOOL Lamo National High School GRADE LEVEL 11

LESSON LOG TEACHER Merlie M. Binay-an LEARNING AREA Bread and Pastry
TEACHING DATE & TIME Tuesdays and Thursdays (varied time) QUARTER III-Week 7-8
Session Date: March 17, 2022 at 8:30 a.m. (Moved due to intervening activities)
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning competencies
Specific Objectives
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Activities/Strategies Annotations/Remarks
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page/s N/A No GC provided
2. Learners’ Materials Page/s
3. Textbook Page/s N/A No textbook prescribed
4. Additional Materials (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Personally acquired by the teacher
IV. PROCEDURE A. Preparation: The teacher checks online attendance (5 minutes)
A. Review of Previous Lesson B. Setting of Standards:.
C. Review of the Past Lesson.
D. Motivation:

E. Presentation/Exposition:

Presentation of the New Lesson

B. Establishment of the Purpose Activity No. 1.. ( (5 minutes)
for the Lesson .
C. Presentation of Examples/ Activity No. 2. (5 minutes)
Instances of the New Lesson
D. Discussion of New Concepts and Activity No. 3.. (5 minutes)
Practice of New Skills (1)
E. Discussion of New Concepts and Activity No. 4. (15 minutes)
Practice of New Skills (2)
F. Development of Mastery Activity 5a. (5 minutes)

Activity 5b..

G. Finding Practical Applications of Activity No. 6: (5 minutes)
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
H. Making Generalizations and Activity No. 7. (5 minutes)
Abstractions about the Lesson
I. Evaluating Learning Activity No. 8: (7 minutes)
Teachers’ Time
J. Additional Activities Activity No. 9. (3 minutes)
for Application or Remediation

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Teacher II MT II/SHS Subject Group Head

Approved by:

Secondary Schools Principal I

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