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T ask 2:

BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the
work or colluded with any other student(s).
◻ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action
will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Student name Diana Jimenez

Student ID number 42285

Student signature DJ

Task Number 2

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a briefing report.

1. Introduction
Grow Management Consultants aims at:
“We are committed, as a business, to the well-being of both economic and
ecological systems, of both humans and other living things”.
The organisation will complete and execute its sustainable practices
comprehensively with this clear mission. The aim of the briefing report is to
provide applicable sustainability information, including legislation and current
organisational sustainability practises, as well as to look for feedback into
policy and procedures development.

2. Sustainability facts and figures

It needs an understanding of the current sustainability facts and figures of the
business to establish the sustainability policy and procedures that are
appropriate for organisational operations as follows:

(a) Resources:
· Company’s ten publications are published through a publishing house
in the USA. The books are produced using non-recycled paper and are
transported via air to Grow Management Consultants office. Options for
e-books are considered.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
· The company does not have a policy for purchasing equipment, and
buys equipment when required; often purchasing whatever is on
special at the time.
· Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc basis, often resulting in
large stocks of items such as notepads and A grade printer paper.
· The office is cleaned once a week by contract cleaners who use regular
cleaning products.

(b) Energy usage:

· There is older style florescent lighting in all offices, staff room and
bathroom. These lights are often left on after the work day has finished.
· There are no formal energy usage procedures for staff or signage to
remind staff.

(c) Travelling:
· All staff drive to work in their own cars although the nearest railway
station is only 10 minutes’ walk from the office.

· The two principal consultants have company vehicles. Both vehicles

are now five years old and need to be upgraded.

(d) Recycling:
· There is a waste bin and recycling bins, which are mostly used
· The company hosts regular meetings and workshops. Catering is
provided by an external caterer with all plates and cups supplied

3. Sustainability benefits
Growing Management Consultants are interested in developing a
sustainability policy and procedures that cover all aspects of the business
including, as a minimum, transportation, purchase, use of office power, office
supplies, and cleaning. If it is successful, there would be many benefits to
sustainability achievement:

(a) Economic benefits:

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
· Ownership and management will reap financial benefits from cost
control changes-due to reduced use of energy and water, as well as
increased revenues from recognition as a green space.
· The organisation has real sustainability trials to expand its portfolio of
business management, providing customers with sustainability and
leadership consultancy. This allows the business to grow
· This helps improve the image and creditworthiness of the company.
Customers and the local community would be interested in how the
organisation takes responsibility for environmental issues. This means
more public support, more potential customers, and more incentives for
market share growth.

(b) Ecological benefit, of both humans and other living things:

· The staff also benefit from the healthier working environment and team
building events, which could lead to a higher working efficiency and
· Local community is supported because the company would use local
services (for example, printing) rather than outsourcing overseas.
· Our planet is saved, more and more fresh air and green - thanks to
energy, waste, water and transport reducing.

4. Business planning, opportunities and sustainability

The company can insert a section of sustainability plan into its business plan,
which requires the following information:
· Environmental/ resource impacts - Describe the impact the business
could potentially have on the environment.
· Community impact and engagement - Describe how the
environmental impact affects the local community.
· Risks/ constraints - List any risks/ constraints to the business
resulting from any environmental impacts.
· Strategies - Detail any strategies the company will implement to
minimise/ mitigate its environmental impact and any risks to the
· Action plan - List key sustainability/ environmental milestones and
include the following details for each: (1) Sustainability milestone
- Detail the milestone the company is trying to achieve. For example,

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
reduce water consumption. (2) Target - Detail the target the company is
trying to achieve. For example, reduce water consumption by 30%. (3)
Target Date - Enter the date and year the company expects to reach
each target.

The organization’s commitment to sustainability offers a lot of potential

business opportunities. Therefore, the commitment should be communicated
not only internally among the team, but also externally to business partners,
suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
· Internal communication to employees - Sustainability becomes an
ingrained part of the company culture that its employees are proud of
and increasing their satisfaction.
· External communication to business partners, suppliers and
service providers - This can influence stakeholders’ practices and
practices in the broader community, too.
· Communication to customers - The company can demonstrate that
they are conducting their sustainability commitment to the
environment.  More and more customers expect this kind of
commitment from the companies they buy from.

5. Example sustainability policies and procedures

POLICIES - Grow Management Consultants commits itself to minimising its

impacts on our environment through clear viewpoint:
· Providing a safe and healthful workplace
· Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling
· Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organisation
· Participating in efforts to improve environmental protection and
· Enhancing awareness among our employees, volunteers, users and
clients – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally
responsible manner

PROCEDURES / Responsibilities
It shall be the responsibility of the Board to establish and maintain policies
and procedures and to bring these procedures into effect.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
It shall be the responsibility of the CEO to ensure implementation of these
policies and procedures.
· [Grow Management Consultants] will develop guidelines for staff,
volunteers and users to adopt sound environmental work practices, and
adequate training will be provided to ensure these practices are carried
· [Grow Management Consultants] will act responsibly to correct
incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the
environment. It will promptly report any such incidents to the relevant
authorities, and inform affected parties as appropriate.
· [Grow Management Consultants] will use reasonable endeavours to
reuse and recycle materials, purchase recycled materials, and use
recyclable packaging and other materials.
· [Grow Management
Consultants] will use all reasonable
endeavours to that its services and
products are safe, efficient in their use of
energy, protective of the environment,
and able to be reused, recycled or
disposed of safely.

6. Life cycle mapping

An assessment of the life cycle is a method
to define and quantify the environmental impact of the resource and resources
used throughout a product's life cycle, including growth, delivery, use and
A product or service is assessed or designed to reduce potential impacts on
the environment throughout its life cycle. A business can therefore set up its
detailed sustainability practises by full life cycle management processes,
ensuring that every phase of development is carefully examined in the sense

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
environmental sustainability.
Figure 1: Sustainability Consumption and Production policies along the
product life cycle.
Source: UNEP, Paris 2012

There are 5 stages in life cycle mapping process:

Because Grow Management Consultants is studying planning a sustainability
policy and procedures and has not released the policy yet, an example of
Potato producing company is utilised to illustrate for the usage of life cycle
mapping process.

Stage 1: Identifying the stages in the life cycle

Identify the key stages/processes in the production of the product or service
and record these in the linear life cycle.

Figure 2: Linear life cycle


Figure 3: Example linear life cycle – potato chips


Stage 2: Life cycle mapping

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Draw a life cycle map showing the
main stages for the product or
service. When completed the map,
use a highlight pen to highlight the
stages where the company expect
that the biggest environmental
impacts may occur.

Figure 4: Life Cycle Map – generic packet of chips


Stage 3: Identifying key environmental impacts

Use the information from the map to complete the life cycle impacts matrix by
thinking about the environmental impacts that may occur at each stage – note
some of these will be completely outside the influence.

Figure 5: Simple life cycle matrix - Potato chips

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K

Stage 4: Developing strategies to reduce environmental impacts

The company now need to think about possible ways of reducing these

Figure 6: Mitigating strategies - Potato chips


Stage 5: Selecting most effective strategies

In the final stage, plotting all strategies on the value versus effort grid to
decide the most effective strategies. The results could be analysed and
divided into 4 kinds:
· Easy Wins - these will require minimal effort and can be actioned
immediately; others will require assessment as the effort required could
outweigh the environmental value gained.
· Evaluate and Action - these will need to be evaluated and assigned
resources and responsibility in order to be actioned as the return is high
with medium effort.
· Divide and Conquer - these initiatives require dividing into
manageable portions, which can be placed into either ‘Evaluate and
Action’ or ‘Park’.
· Park - don’t proceed with these. However, they may be actioned later,
when more resources are available.

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Figure 7: Mitigating strategies - Potato chips

7. Legal requirements in relation to workplace sustainability

To support the development of workplace sustainability, several key
legislations related to sustainability relevant to the business are considered:

· The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

(EPBC Act) is the first comprehensive attempt to define the
Commonwealth’s responsibilities to environmental issues. The EPBC
Act is a framework provided by the Parliament of Australia for
protection of the Australian environment, including its biodiversity and
its natural and culturally significant places. The EPBC is effective in
July 2000. It proposed a range of processes to help protect and
promote the recovery of threatened species and ecological
communities, and preserve significant places from decline. The Act
identifies seven matters of national environmental significance: World
Heritage properties - National heritage places including overseas
places of historic significance - Wetlands of international importance
(Ramsar wetlands) - Threatened species and ecological communities -
Migratory species - Commonwealth marine areas and Nuclear actions
(including uranium mining & building of nuclear waste repositories).
· The Australian Packaging Covenant (‘the Covenant’) is an agreement
established to direct how the government and companies in the supply
chain share responsibilities for managing the environmental impacts of
consumer packaging in Australia. Related stakeholders to adopt and
implement the Covenant are the supply chain (raw material suppliers,
packaging manufacturers and suppliers, brand owners and retailers)
and consumers, waste service providers, recyclers and all levels of
government – Australian, state, territory and local.

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The Covenant aims at three performance goals: (1) Design: Optimising
packaging to use resources efficiently and reducing environmental impact
without compromising product quality and safety, (2) Recycling: Preventing
the impacts of fugitive packaging on the environment, efficiently collecting and
recycling packaging and (3) Product Stewardship: Demonstrating commitment
by all signatories.
· The Australian Ecolabel Program code of practice is to provide
voluntary standards for environmentally preferable standards. They are
a form of sustainability measurement directed to consumers, intended
to make it easier to take environmental concerns into account when
shopping. Ecolabelling objectives are protecting the environment,
encouraging environmentally sound innovation and leadership, and
building consumer awareness of environmental issues. It is established
found on the international standard ISO 14024: “Environmental Labels
and Declarations – Guiding Principles”.
· ISO 14001 Certification – It is a standard layout to create the
sustainability policy, which sets out the criteria for an environmental
management system and can be certified to. This certificate provides
the company a set process to establish environmentally aware systems
within the business, and once the company have achieved full
certification, it allows the organization to officially demonstrate
competence in this area (sustainability) to prospective clients.
· Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) - The GRI is a network-based
organisation that has developed the world’s most widely used
sustainability reporting framework and is committed to its continuous
improvement and application worldwide.
· National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth) - This Act
introduced a single national framework for the reporting and
dissemination of information about greenhouse gas emissions,
greenhouse gas projects, and energy production and consumption.

8. Example sustainability actions to inform action plan.

Sustainability actions to inform the sustainability action plan for the next 12
months, including identifying priority actions and longer-term actions.

Strategy/policy Target Compliance Details of action Persons responsib


RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Strategy/policy Target Compliance Details of action Persons responsib

Reduce non-renewable Decrease National + Implement new water saving Employees who work
energy use non-renewable Greenhouse initiatives office
energy use by and + Install the solar panel for
15% Energy energy production
by May 2019 Reporting + Change old-style florescent
Act 2007 (Cth) lighting in all offices, staff room
and bathroom to LEDs
+ Turn off all electrical devices
after the work day has finished

Engage and train 90% of kitchen Organisational + Introduce waste reduction All staff
employees on recycling waste is recycled policy initiatives
or composted by + Continue using waste bins and
December 2016 recycling bins

Switch to ‘green’ 65% of all Nil + Ask contract cleaners to use Purchasing departmen
purchasing suppliers to be eco-cleaning products all employees authoris
‘green’ by end of + Buy stationary requirements purchase or procure g
2019 with eco-friendly labels services
+ 100% paper purchased to be
from a certified sustainable
+ Increase the purchase of more
sustainable products and
+ Ask catering suppliers to use
paper plates and cups instead of

Higher education Minimum 20% of Nil + Introduce education All staff
staff engaged in scholarships to encourage
studying continuous studying

Decrease Reduce company National + Develop option of publishing e- Senior executives, pro
greenhouse gas emissions by 25% Greenhouse books instead of hard copies department and opera
emissions by 2019 and + Use local publishers and local area, and quality contr
Energy suppliers personnel
Reporting + Encourage staff using public
Act 2007 (Cth) transports

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
9. Performance Indicators
To measure environmental performance when the policy and procedures are
implemented, it is suggested usage of some suitable performance indicators,

(a) Environment:
· Paper recycled (tonnes)
· Paper use per member (kg)
· Waste generated per employee (tonnes/FTE)
· Electricity generated by solar PV (KWh)
· Emissions intensity (tCO2-e per million $ of assets)
· A 25 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
· A five per cent reduction per month for the next six months in solid
waste generated
(b) Community:
· Total community investment % of net profits before tax (NPBT)
· School visits
· Conferences supported
· Employee fundraising
· Zero breaches of regulatory requirements
· A monthly report on waste management
(c) Employees:
· Percentage of females in management
· Employee satisfaction
· Staff engagement rating
· Employee turnover rate
· Employees currently studying
· Study leave days granted
· Worker compensation claims
· Staff satisfaction with workplace health and safety (WH&S)
· Average lost time incident rate (in days)

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
· Number of employees using public transports
· All staff have completed training in compliance requirements
· Compliance with triple bottom line reporting
(d) Clients:
· Member satisfaction rating
· Formal complaints received by clients and external bodies

10. Proposed scope of the policy

Because sustainability development represents a balanced interaction
between the human-built and natural worlds, the policy and procedures apply
to three components: environment, social equity, and economy.

(1) Environment: Related to issues of

Water Greenhouse Gas Emissions Materials Used Atmospheric Emissions

Solid Waste Effluents Managing Biodiversity Energy

(2) Social equity: Related to issues of

· Enhancing Livelihoods (The relationship with Suppliers): The
company would focus on activities of “Managing Suppliers”,
“Responsible Sourcing”, “Supplier Engagement”
· Promoting People (Relationship with Employees): The company
would focus on activities to their staff about “Health and Safety”,
“Employee Engagement”, “Labour Diversity”, “Developing People”,
“Labour Relations”
· Improving Health and Well-Being (The relationship with Community):
The company would focus on activities which increase the awareness
and performance about “Health and Hygiene” and promote “Education”
in the Community.
(3) Economy: The company applies the Triple Bottom Line model to measure
how much of an impact the business has on its economic environment.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
2. Send an email to Paul (your assessor).

To: Assessor
Subject: Meeting

I am writing you about the briefing report which I prepared for us meeting this
Saturday 9th feb 2019.

I attached the briefing report. I would like to hear from you any question,
suggestion or addition.

Looking forward to hearing from you to procedure with the next step.


RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
3. Participate in a meeting with the stakeholders.

4. Send an email to all stakeholders at the meeting (your assessor).

To: Assessor and stakeholders

Subject: Confirmed agreement

I attached:

* Sustainability policy and procedures

* Sustainability action plan

Also I confirm the agreement we archived in the meeting today:

* Adding the function of multi - languages into the website.

* Focusing the E - commerce with functions of payment and shopping cart
* Mobile friendly using for mobile and table.

Related to KPls, the are

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
* Increasing sales
* The number of people who like our fan page through the website
* The result of quick survey

I would like to hear from you any question, suggestion or addition.

Looking forward to hearing from you to procedure with the next step.


5. Develop the Sustainability policy and procedures

1. Purpose statement
This policy and procedures will provide guidance to help "Growth
Management Consultants" play an active role in caring for the environment, its
people, its community, and promoting and contributing to a sustainable future.
"Growth Management Consultants" aims to: "As a business, we are
committed to the well-being of both economic and ecological systems, both of
human beings and of other living things." Wisdom

2. Scope of the policy

Since sustainability design reflects a balanced relationship between human-
built and natural environments, three components are protected by policies
and procedures: climate, social equity, and economy.

(1) Environment: Related to issues of

Water Greenhouse Gas Emissions Materials Used Atmospheric Emissions

Solid Waste Effluents Managing Biodiversity Energy

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
(2) Social equity: Related to issues of
· Enhancing Livelihoods (The relationship with Suppliers): The
company would focus on activities of “Managing Suppliers”,
“Responsible Sourcing”, “Supplier Engagement”
· Promoting People (Relationship with Employees): The company
would focus on activities to their staff about “Health and Safety”,
“Employee Engagement”, “Labour Diversity”, “Developing People”,
“Labour Relations”
· Improving Health and Well-Being (The relationship with Community):
The company would focus on activities which increase the awareness
and performance about “Health and Hygiene” and promote “Education”
in the Community.
(3) Economy: The company applies the Triple Bottom Line model to measure
how much of an impact the business has on its economic environment.

3. Policy principles
POLICIES - Grow Management Consultants commits itself to minimising the
company’s impacts on surrounding environment through clear viewpoint:
· Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling
· Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organisation
· Participating in efforts to improve environmental protection and
· Enhancing awareness among our employees, volunteers, users and
clients – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally
responsible manner
· Providing a modern, green, safe and healthful workplace
· Committing to diversity in a working environment where there is mutual
trust and respect and where everyone feels responsible for the
performance and reputation of the company
· Committing to working with employees to develop and enhance each
individual’s skills and capabilities.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Grow Management Consultants strives to fulfil responsibilities to the societies
and communities in which it operates.

4. Procedures
It is the Board's responsibility to establish and maintain and implement
policies and procedures. It is also the CEO's responsibility to ensure that
these policies and procedures are implemented.

Procedure title Responsibility

● Grow Management Consultants will use reasonable endeavours to reuse and recycle
materials, purchase recycled materials, and use recyclable packaging and other mate
● Reusing and recycling
● Recycling paper and rubbish
● Using recycled water

● Grow Management Consultants will use all reasonable endeavours to that its service
● Energy usage products are safe, efficient in their use of energy, protective of the environment, and a
Power is down! reused, recycled or disposed of safely.
● Energy Conservation: Turn off lights and switches when not in use

● Grow Management Consultants will develop guidelines for staff, volunteers and users
sound environmental work practices, and adequate training will be provided to ensure
practices are carried out.
● Sustainability awareness
● Grow Management Consultants will act responsibly to correct incidents or conditions
endanger health, safety, or the environment. It will promptly report any such incidents
relevant authorities, and inform affected parties as appropriate.

● Rubbish bins for waste other than paper and cardboard is provided on the premises a
● General waste
emptied daily by the cleaner. Rubbish bins in the kitchen are used for food waste.

● Using half flush on the toilet

● Turning off the water when not in use
● Water Conservation ● Encouraging shorter showers
● Turning off tap when brushing teeth

● Caring for animals

● Natural Resources & ● Reusing natural materials, such as trees, blocks, boxes and so on
Equipment ● Educating employees in the natural decomposition cycle through exposure and partic
worm farms and composting food scraps

● Consider the Bike to Work program

● Provide a safe place to park bikes up
● Green transport ● Promote walking to work or taking public transport
● Create environmental awareness around the use of transport: Every car off the road
difference to air pollution and to the traffic!

Consider allowing this for certain positions, maybe even one day a month or more if possi
● Working from home only does it eliminate the need for travel, but also adds time to an employee’s day and can
positive effect on their wellbeing.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Procedure title Responsibility

● Go digital on the documents - The greenest paper is no paper at all, so keep things d
whenever possible.
● Save papers ● Encourage the more documents do online, the less papers are needed.
● Where possible electronic communication will be used to reduce paper use within the
and in each room for newsletters, billing and other communication needs.

● Use environmentally friendly products - Starting small by swapping materials in the o

● Use green materials 100% recycled paper, refillable ink cartridges, non- toxic stationary items and so on
● Encourage the cleaning company to swap over to environmentally friendly products

● External partnerships will be developed and maintained where appropriate to promot

● Community engagement
sustainability within the local region and beyond.

6. Develop an Action plan for the upcoming 12 months

Sustainability Action Plan

Standardly, the consulting process of Grow Management Consultants
includes 5 main steps:
a. Entry and Contracting: Tasks include (1) Setting up the first meeting; (2)
Exploring what the problem is; (3) Determining if you're the right consultant for
the work; (4) Listing the client's expectations; (5) Specifying what expectations
you have and (6) Figuring out how to get started.
b. Data Collection and Diagnosis: After initial discussion with clients, the
company comes up with the own sense of the problem. In this phase, it needs
to know who is going to be involved in defining the problem; what methods will
be used; what kind of data should be collected; and how long will it take.
c. Feedback and the Decision to Act: As a consultant you'll need to report
your findings from stage 2. Complicated information and findings out should
be summarized and reduced so that it can be managed and understood.

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
d. Implementation: This stage involves taking everything that has been
decided previously and implementing the solution decided upon. Normally, the
client (organization) is responsible for this implementation.
e. Extension, Recycle, or Termination: Based on the result of consulting,
the client (organization) could conduct the extension, recycling or termination
towards the company’s consulting services.
=> Conclusion: Most of the company's operations are linked to hard copy
and soft copy data, direct and indirect communication because of its specific
qualities. Environmental impacts will focus primarily on the use of energy,
water, paper, and human factors.
1. Current: 15th January 2019

Issues Comments


● Company’s ten publications are published through a publishing house in the USA. The books
1. Paper usage transported via air to Grow Management Consultants office. Options for e-books are considere

● There is older style florescent lighting in all offices, staff room and bathroom. These lights are
2. Energy usage ● There are no formal energy usage procedures for staff or signage to remind staff.

3. Recycling ● There is a waste bin and recycling bins, which are mostly used correctly.

● The company does not have a policy for purchasing equipment, and buys equipment when req
4. Other resources the time.
and materials
● Staff buy stationary requirements on an ad hoc basis, often resulting in large stocks of items s

Social equity

● The office is cleaned once a week by contract cleaners who use regular cleaning products.
5. Suppliers ● The company hosts regular meetings and workshops. Catering is provided by an external cate

● All staff drive to work in their own cars although the nearest railway station is only 10 minutes’
6. Employees
Travelling ● The two principal consultants have company vehicles. Both vehicles are now five years old an

2. Future

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
No. Due date Objectives Measures of Performance
(Timing target)


May 2019 Paper usage – Decrease paper amount or hard ● Paper recycled (tonnes)
1 copies use by 20% ● Paper use per member (kg)

May 2019 Energy usage – Decrease non-renewable energy ● Electricity generated by solar PV (KWh
2 use by 15% ● Electricity use per member (KWh)

3 May 2019 Water usage – Decrease water use by 35% ● Water use per member (litres)

4 End of 2019 General waste – Decrease general waste by 15% ● Waste generated per employee (tonne

End of 2019 Recycling - 90% of kitchen and office waste is ● Recycling generated per employee
5 recycled or composted (tonnes/FTE)

6 End of 2019 Other resources and materials ● % Cost saving compared to the same

Social equity

● The number of suppliers using eco-frie

7 End of 2019 Suppliers - 65% of all suppliers to be ‘green’
products for their services

Employees – Travelling – 50% of employees using ● The number of employees using bicyc
8 End of 2019 “green” vehicles or public transport public transports

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Strategy for Achieving Objectives

Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Nam

● Using half flush on the toilet ● 15th Feb

● Turning off the water when not in use ● 15th March

Water usage –
Decrease water use by All staff
35% by May 2019 ● Encouraging shorter showers ● 15 April

● Turning off tap when brushing teeth ● 15th May

● Go digital on the documents - The greenest paper is no

● 15th Feb
paper at all, so keep things digital whenever possible.

● Encourage the more documents do online, the less

● 15th March
papers are needed.
Paper usage –
Decrease paper amount
All staff
or hard copies use by ● Develop option of publishing e-books instead of hard
20% by May 2019 ● 15 April

● Where possible electronic communication will be used

to reduce paper use within the office and in each room ● 15th May
for newsletters, billing and other communication needs.

● Install the solar panel for energy production ● 15th Feb

Energy usage – ● Change old-style florescent lighting in all offices, staff

● 15th March
Decrease non- room and bathroom to LEDs
All staff
renewable energy use
by 15% by May 2019
● Turn off all electrical devices after the work day has
● 15th April

● End of
● Consider the Bike to Work program
Quarter 2

● End of
Employees – Travelling ● Provide a safe place to park bikes up
Quarter 2
– 50% of employees
using “green” vehicles All staff
or public transport by ● End of
December 2019 ● Promote walking to work or taking public transport
Quarter 3

● Create environmental awareness around the use of ● End of

transport: Every car off the road makes a difference to Quarter 4
air pollution and to the traffic!

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K
Strategies Step by Step Plan Due Date Nam

● End of
● Ask contract cleaners to use eco-cleaning products
Quarter 2

● End of
● Buy stationary requirements with eco-friendly labels
Quarter 2
Purchasing d
Suppliers - 65% of all and all emplo
● 100% paper purchased to be from a certified ● End of
suppliers to be ‘green’ authorised to
sustainable source Quarter 3
by December 2019 or procure go
● Ask catering suppliers to use paper plates and cups ● End of
instead of plastics Quarter 3

● Increase the purchase of more sustainable products ● End of

and services Quarter 4

7. Send an email to the Principal Consultants (your assessor)

To: Assessor

I attached:

* finalised sustainability policy and procedures

* Finalised sustainability action plan
* Observation sheet

I would like to hear from you any question, suggestion or addition.

If there is no change, they are the final versions which need your approval
and signing - off.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K

RTO Provider 91153 - Cricos Code: 02672K

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