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by Stephanie Kang

The dragons stood on the cliff; their hazel

eyes sweeping across the peaceful village. An outcast stood at the back, whining. The silver leader shot him a sharp look then resumed his position. The outcast slunk even further back, blending in with the shadows. The leader paid him no more attention. Instead, he concentrated on the last light in the village. Inside of the cozy home, a mother and her son were arguing. But mother . . .the boy pleaded None of this and that explaining! You better be getting to bed soon! But . . .the boy sputtered. There was a sharp whack. Now that should do the trick! Nothing more from you,now! After several more arguments(and whacks), the light went out. The leader shook his wings, arched them, and took off. A perfect line of black dragons followed him, a shadow in the sky. The outcast feebly flew behind. The boy who had recently argued with his mother looked outside. His face paled when he saw the sky. Dragons, he whispered. The whisper grew louder. Dragons! he screamed. His screams woke his mother. What? Dragons! Robin screeched. There are no dragons, the mother said. Youre just making up things. The boy pointed a shaky finger towards the window. The mother looked outside. There are no . . .The mother screamed. A huge, hazel eye stared at them out of the window. Robin, run! * * * * * * * * * * * Robin woke up in a basket that rocked back and forth, back and forth. He saw his mother, her eyes closed, her neck covered with blood. Robin gently touched her hand. So, you and me the only survivors, eh? a man said. Robin looked around. The man fell out of the shadows. The man, in fact, was drunk. His words slurred together as he spoke, his posture unstable. He stumbled across the basket towards

Robin. Drool slipped out of the corners of his ugly mouth and dripped on the floor. His mousy hair was crazy and Robin could see a mustache beginning to form. Wine was splattered on the floor. Come, my friend, lets have a . . . the man collapsed on the floor. Robin spotted a yellow, twisted claw protruding from his blood splattered back. Robin drew his eyes from the body after staring at it for what seemed like hours and surveyed the scene in front of him in horror. Thousands of corpses, maybe even millions, lay on the floor before him, all covered with red liquid and evidence of who killed them. Robin covered his eyes. He suddenly felt something very sticky on his hands. He stared at his hands. They were covered with blood, not a dragons but his! He touched his wound again, this time with one finger. It burned like fire! Do you like the wound I gave you? I drooled on it to make sure it hurt, a voice called jokingly. Robin raised his head defiantly and tried to make his voice sound fearless. No. The voice chuckled. Quite the type, arent you? Another voice joined in. Were going to have some fun with this one, right? Another joined in too. You promised! All right . . .give him water. A roughly made cup was lowered down. Robin eagerly drank the sweet water inside. He said thanks to the voice. The voice started to answer. But Robin never heard what the voice said. He was knocked out. A few days later, Robin woke up in a dragon chamber. A dragon looked at him with hazel eyes and said, Hello breakfast. Then it started laughing. Robin used this opportunity to run away. The dragon pulled him back. Oh no you dont, it said, then popped Robin in its mouth. Inside of the dragon, Robin was swallowed down a disgusting chute full of moldy leftovers, tossed about in a dirty sphere, and flung down into a thing the dragons called a stomach. Robin swam up to the island of skeletons. Some still had their flesh and eyeballs that eerily watched Robin climb up the mountain on the skeleton

island. Up there, he was surprised to find an old man with a dagger. Take this from me and plunge it into the heart of the dragon, will you? the old man croaked. Then he died. Robin blinked rapidly before realizing what the old man had said. He continued to try to find an end to the mountain, holding the dagger between his teeth. When he finally reached the top, he found the dragons heart. It was blue, with purple and white veins running across it. Robin stabbed at it, then plunged it deep in the heart of the animal. White blood squirted out. He kept going, until the beast was dead. * * * * * * * * * * * The dragons were eating dinner one day when the outcast began to twitch and wince at some invisible wound. The dragons lost interest in their food and watched the outcast fidget. A hole poked through his chest and the outcast fell down dead. The dragons wondered how the outcast had died while a human, not noticed, jumped out of a small hole it had made, and scurried away.

The End

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