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If you have upper-cross syndrome, scrap your entire upper-body

workout and perform the shoulder exercise routine below 3 days a
week for 4 weeks. Do two sets of 12 repetitions of each shoulder
exercise. Continue to incorporate these moves into your workouts
even after you've completed the program. If you have chronic
shoulder pain, see an orthopedist or physical therapist who
specializes in sports. Go to to find a doctor near you.

Shoulder-Adductor Stretch

Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your arms straight up in the
air. With your back flat, slowly move your arms back and down
toward the floor, keeping them straight and close to the sides of your
head. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds.


Stand facing a wall and place your right arm against it,
fingers pointing to 3 o'clock. Keeping your shoulder and arm flush
against the wall, rotate your body to the left by moving your feet.
When you feel a stretch along your chest, hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
Progression: After you've gained enough flexibility to perform the
stretch with your body perpendicular to the wall, move your arm up to
2 o'clock, then progress to 1 o'clock.

Kneeling Lat Stretch

Kneel in front of a Swiss ball with your left arm on the ball and the
other hand on the floor. Move your left arm forward until you feel
slight tension. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat with your right
arm. Progression: At the end of the stretch, when your arm is straight,
slowly move it inward across your body until you feel tension.

Swiss-Ball T

Grab a pair of 2- or 5-pound dumbbells and lie facedown on a Swiss

ball. Start with your back flat, your chest off the ball, and your arms
hanging down, palms forward. Squeeze your shoulder blades down
and together as you extend your arms to the sides, creating a T with
your torso. Pause, then return to the starting position.

Incline Dumbbell V Raise

Lie facedown on an incline bench and hold dumbbells below your

shoulders, thumbs pointing forward. Raise the weights in front of you
at 45-degree angles, forming a V with your arms, until your arms are
almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then lower the weights.

Kneeling External Rotation

Kneel with a cable station to your right and a small folded towel under
your left armpit. With your left hand, grab the low pulley handle.
Starting with the handle at your navel, rotate your arm away from
your body to a 10 o'clock position. Pause, then return to the starting
position. Finish the set, then repeat with the other arm.

Single-Leg PNF

Stand with a cable station to your left. Lift your right foot off the floor
and reach across your body with your right hand to grab the handle.
Pull the cable up and across your body while rotating your thumb to
the right so that at the top of the move, your arm is straight and to the
right of your shoulder. Reverse the move to the starting position and
finish a set before repeating with your other arm.

Standing Cable Reverse Fly

Grab the left handle of a cable-crossover system with your right hand
and the right handle with your left. Lean back and pull the handles
down and across your body while squeezing your shoulder blades
down and together. Pause, then return to the starting position.
Read more at Men's Health:

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