Neverwinter - River District: 40gp To Existing Circle

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Neverwinter - River District

The Shard of Night 1

This floating tower peak was once an ominous presence that seemed to "eat" the shadows
Forgotten Realms/Abir-Toril of those who passed underneath it in daylight. It has since been raided and purified by
Selunite priests, and now serves as a temple to Selune. It can be accessed at night by
speaking a keyword, which conjures a set of stairs made of solidified moonlight.
Sword Coast/Faerun 5
Sacred Park of Sune 2

Before the spellplague, this open area was one of ther most famous
shrines to the goddess of love in all Faerun. Since then, it has laid in
ruins, serving only as a city landmark.

Nevershy Stables 8 The Cloak Tower 3

for sale only This imposing tower was once the citadel of the Many-Starred Cloak, an order of wizards
who disappeared during the spellplague. Now, after many years of being occupied by orcs,
● a new contingent of wizards has taken up the old tower. They hope to achieve similar
notoriety, but have yet to make substantial waves.
Cloak Tower 3
40gp to existing circle

● Shining Serpent Inn 6

● Largest inn in Neverwinter, safe and clean.

The River's Heart 7

● Enchanted items, magical scrolls, etc.

The Tower's Base 10

● Adventuring and climbing supplies.
The Board Laid Bare 4
Rack and Tackle 11
This well-known resturaunt serves no alcohol and
has no rooms for rent. But they do have cheap fresh ● Fishing and Hunting supplies.
food (mostly fish), which makes it a popular spot,
especially for travelers.

The Fallen Tower 5

This cellar tavern is built beneath a collapsed tower.
Its main attraction are ghostly images that fall from
the tower at night. They are harmless, and appear
to be non-magical, but are nontheless macabre.

River Market 9
This large open space near Neverwinter River
has become a popular spot for merchants to set
up a stall and hawk unique wares while in town.

River Tower Ruins 12

This tower once looked over the Neverwinter

River. Now it lies in ruins, and ghosts have
been said to inhabit the intact foundation.

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