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This is a questionnaire by BBA (Honours) student who plans to research about “Influence of
social media marketing in event sales”


Phone No:

Email Id :

1. Age group of respondents

a. 20-25

b. 26-35

c. 36-40

d. 40 above

2. Gender of respondents

a. Male

b. Female

3. Occupation of respondents

a. Student

b. Employed

c. Business Person

d. Service
e. Other_______

4. Kinds of events attended

a. Marriages

b. Theatres

c. Fashion Show

d. Concerts

e. Sports Event

f. Product Launch

g. Birthday Party

5. The source of getting pass/ ticket

a. Family

b. Friend

c. Office

d. Ticket Counter

e. Online

6. Whether social media has helped in knowing about events?

a. Yes

b. No

7. Do Social Media influences your decision ?

a. Yes

b. No

8. Best way to know about the event?

a. Social Media

b. Friends

c. Others

d. Sms

e. Mobile Phone Application

9. Do you access social media sites through mobile?

a. Yes

b. No

10. Which time of the day you prefer for event?

a. Morning

b. Afternoon

c. Evening

11. Which social media do you use the most?

a. Facebook

b. Twitter

c. Hangout
d. Google+

e. You tube

12. Do you use services of event managers?

a. Yes

b. No

13. Do attractive advertisement pushes you to buy event tickets?

a. Color

b. Model

c. Font

d. Design

e. Animation

14. Do attractive of color in advertisement influence your decision over purchase?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

15. Do you get fascinated to buy tickets due to celebrity?

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

16. Do attractive fonts make you remember a social media advertisement?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

17. Do attractiveness of design in advertisement act as a push towards purchase?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

18. Do attractiveness of animation in advertisement effect your decision?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree
c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

19. Do mobile ads influence your decision?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

20. Do e-mails marketing work in attracting you for events?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

21. Whether Facebook ads has helped in knowing about events?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral
d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

22. Do Friends opinion or attraction to advertisements occur due to likes?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

23. Do Facebook groups influence in creating attention which comes in between posts?

a. Strongly Agree

b. Agree

c. Neutral

d. Disagree

e. Total Disagree

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