JBS4.Creation and Maintenance of Files in jBASE 5-R10.01

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1. Welcome to the “Creation and Maintenance of Files in jBASE 5” learning unit.

learning unit will help you to work with JR files

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 1

After completing this course, you will be able to:

•Describe JR files
•Analyze the features of JR files
•Create a JR file
•Describe the header information of a JR file
•Analyze how to read and write records in a JR file
•Explain INTMODS
•Create a huge record
•Analyze the purpose of MINSPLIT
•Health check utility for JR files
•Analyze the environment variables related to CREATE.FILE command

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 2

1. You can classify files in jBASE into two major categories. The first type of files are the
hashed files and the second type of files are the non-hashed files. There are many file
types available in jBASE like UD, j3, j4, JR etc. In this learning unit, you will learn about
JR files. JR files are also called the resilient files. This type of file is new in jBASE.
2. The best feature about these types of files is that, it supports automatic resizing. You
need not manually resize these files when it grows like in j4.
3. To create a JR file, you will specify TYPE=JR.

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You will now learn how to create a JR file in jBASE.

1. Use the command CREATE.FILE to create the file. Following the CREATE.FILE
command, you will specify the file name. In this example the file name is TRAINING.JR.
The file name will be followed with the file type. To create a resilient file, the file type will
be JR.
1.2 On executing the command, a data file and a dict file will get created. The
name of the data file is TRAINING.JR and name of the dict file is
TRAINING.JR]D. Creating a JR file is similar to creating any other type of file in
2. After creating the JR file TRAINING.JR, if you check the size of the file, it will be 4096
bytes. Yes, on creating a JR file, jBASE will allocate only 4k of space for the file. In the
coming few slides, you will learn what is the purpose of this 4k space is and also how a
JR file grows.

When a JR file is created, the initial size of the file is 4k. This 4k (4096 Bytes) is meant for
the header of the file.

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1. Use the command jstat to obtain the statistics of the JR file. jstat command with the
option –v will give a descriptive statistic on a jBASE file. On executing the command
jstat –v TRAINING.JR, you can see the following details.

File Path : Holds the full path and the name of the file
File Type : JR signifies that the file is a resilient file
Hash Method : Default hash method for JR files is 5. This will tell you the hashing algorithm
being used for this file. There are many hashing algorithm available.
Created : Holds the date and time when the file was created
Frame size : Size of a frame that will be created to hold data

File Size : Size of the file on disk

Accessed And Modified : Holds the date and time when the file was last accessed or
Record Bytes : Holds the size of the records in the file.
Record Count : Holds the number of records in the file.
Bytes/Record : Holds the average size of a record.
Bytes/Group : Size of each data frame.
Data Frames : Holds the number of data frames allocated.

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1. Assume that when the file TRAINING.JR is created, only the one group was available in
the header.
1.1 You will identify this group as Group 0. This Group 0 is an internal hash table.
An internal hash table can only store pointer information, and these pointers will
point to data frames that actually contain data.
1.2 If you notice the internal hash table has only three modulo. This gets created by

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You will now see what happens when a user inserts the first record Into a JR file, in a flow.
1. User inputs a record with ID 1.
2. jBASE calculates a hash value based on the ID of the record, value returned by the
hashing algorithm will be in the rage of 1 to 3 as there are 3 internal modulo in Group 0.
3. Let us consider that the result of the hashing algorithm is 1.
4. Modulo 1 in Group 0 is locked.
5. A data frame of size 4k is created and the record is placed in it.
6. While modulo is locked, the address of the data frame is written to the locked modulo,
P1 represents a pointer to data frame 1.
7. After writing the pointer, the lock on modulo 1 is released.

jBASE maintains an internal table to store pointers to data frames that it creates. The first
internal table is referred to as Group 0 and will contain 3 internal modulo to store pointer
information. When a record needs to be inserted into the file, jBASE calculates a hash
value based on the ID of the record. Since there are 3 modulo available in Group 0,
jBASE will return a value in the range 1 to 3. Based on the value returned, the
appropriate modulo in Group 0 is locked. A data frame of size 4096 Bytes is created and
the record is placed there. The address of the data frame is written on to the locked
modulo. Lock on the modulo is then released.

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JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 7
1. Let us now try to understand the file statistics after inserting a new record in the file. If
you notice, values of few parameters have changed.

Record Bytes : Holds the size of the records in the file at present. In this case, holds the
size of the 1st record that was input
Record Count : Holds the number of records in the file. In this case, it is one.
Bytes/Record : Holds the average size of a record. Since there is only one record in the file
now, the ‘Record Bytes’ and ‘Bytes/Record’ are the same
Bytes/Group : Size of each data frame.
Data Frames : Holds the number of data frames allocated. This is the most crucial point to
understand. To store the one record that we input, a data frame of size 4096 bytes has been
allocated. Note that space gets allocated as and when required and not at the time of
creating the file like J4 files.

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01

Now let us see what happens when a user inserts a second record.

1. User inputs a record with ID 2.

2. jBASE calculates a hash value based upon the ID of the record.
3. Let us assume that the result of the hashing algorithm is modulo 2.
4. Modulo 2 in Group 0 is locked.
5. A new data frame for modulo 2 is created and the record is placed in this data frame.
6. While modulo is locked, the address of the data frame is written to modulo 2, P2
represents a pointer to data frame 2.
7. After writing the pointer, the lock on modulo 2 is released.

By now you should understand that for each internal modulo one data frame will be created
as and when required.

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Now let us see what happens when a user inserts a third record.

1. User inputs a record with ID 3.

2. jBASE calculates a hash value based upon the ID of the record.
3. Let us assume that the result of the hashing algorithm is modulo 3.
4. Modulo 3 in Group 0 is locked.
5. A new data frame for modulo 3 is created and the record is placed in this data frame.
6. While modulo is locked, the address of the data frame is written to modulo 3, P3
represents a pointer to data frame 3.
7. After writing the pointer, the lock on modulo 3 is released.

Like J4 files, data will always be evenly spread and stored across data frames pointed by
internal hash table (Group 0). Since there are 3 internal modulo in group 0, there can be
a maximum of 3 data frames at this level. Each data frame can contain data (records)
up to the size of 4096 bytes. Each internal modulo holds pointers to its data frame. As
you would have noticed, data frames get created as and when required and not at the
time when the file is created. As you can see, there is no upper limit for the file size. We
haven’t specified any file size until now.

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After 10 records have been input into the TRAINING.JR file, following is the statistics of the

Record Count is ten

Data Frames is three

The statistics say that till now ten records have been stored in the JR file and up to three
data frames have been used.

Now that you have understood how records are stored in the JR files. Now let us see what
happens when records are deleted from a JR file.

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1. First note down the size of the JR file before deleting any record. Here ls –l command
is used. Depending upon the operating system on which jBASE is installed, this
command will change. You can also use the jstat command to check the size of the file.

2. Now delete a record from the file. The command to delete records from a file is
DELETE. This command is followed by the file name and then the record id. In our
example , the command will be DELETE TRAINING.JR 1

3. Now check the size of the file again. If you notice the file size would not have changed.
In jBASE, once space is allocated for a file, it will not be de-allocated on deleting any

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1. Let us analyse the file statistics now. If you notice, the file size remains unchanged.
2. The Record Bytes value is 221, previously it was 245.
3. The number of records is nine, previously it was ten.

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In all the scenarios you have seen so far, the data frames were not full. Now you will learn,
how JR files behave when data frames are full. Let assume a scenario
1. A User inserts a record.
2. jBASE hashing algorithm calculates the frame into which this new record has to be
3. Let us assume that the result is modulo 1.
4. The data frame pointed by modulo 1 is full.
5. When any one of the data frames are full or do not have enough space to store the new
record the existing data in the frame is re-hashed into the second set of data frames.
6. jBASE will extract the data from the original data frame, calculates a hash value based
on the IDs of the records, the hash value returned will be in the rage 1 to 7 as we are
now at the second level. Up to 7 new data frames will be created based on the number
of records and the hash value that jBASE returns. You must remember that all the
seven frames will not be created at one shot, depending upon the requirement frames
will get allocated. To the maximum 7 frames will get created. Data will be placed in the
new data frames.
7. The original data frame will be marked as free so that it could be re-used.
8. You learnt about the internal table ‘Group 0’ which held pointers to 3 data frames. The
next internal table in jBASE is called ‘Group 1’. This group is capable of storing pointer
information of up to 7 data frames.
9. Pointer information will be written into Group 1 so that it points to the data frames that
have been newly created. Pointer information of Group1 is written on to the appropriate
modulo in Group 0.

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01

Now if you check the statistics of the JR file

The value of Data Frames is 6. As you already know that it contains the number of frames
that actually contain data. In our example, two frame belongs to Group 0 and four frame
belongs to Group 1.

If you take a look at the Record Count you now have eleven records in the file.

The Free Space contains the value one to denote the data frame that initially contained data
has now been marked as free for future use. This is the data frame whose data has been
rehashed into four new data frames.

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This is how the JR file will look like after all initial data frames have been rehashed.

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Group 0: When the JR file was created, initially there was only one internal hash table
available, with three modulo.

Group1: When the data frames pointed by the first hash table became full, the data frames
were re-hashed and a second set of internal hash table were created with seven modulo

Group 2: Likewise, when the data frames pointed by the second hash table became full, the
data frames were re-hashed and a third set of internal hash tables were created with 19
modulo each.

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Let us view the statistics Of The File After 16 Records Have Been Input

Data Frames : There are 12 data frames that contain data now
Record Count : We have 16 records in the file now
Free Space : There are no free frames now. The data frame that was marked as free has
now been used by jBASE and hence the value ‘0 frames’

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1. Why should Group 0 contain 3 internal modulo and Group1 contain 7 internal modulo?
1. The number of internal modulo for Group 0 and Group 1 are parametrizable
2. In fact there is another group called Group 2 which can contain up to 19 internal
modulo. This is also parametrizable
3. In the CREATE.FILE command, we can specify
1. Up to 3 internal hash table modulo
2. The default values are 3, 7 and 19. Hence
1. Group 0 contains 3 internal modulo
2. Group 1 contains 7 internal modulo
3. Group 2 contains 19 internal modulo

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1. The internal modulo that a user can specify must
1.1 be prime numbers
1.2 not exceed a cumulative product of 485
( x + x*y + x*y*z)
2. These values can be specified with the CREATE.FILE command using the INTMODS
3. You have specified INTMODS = 3,5,7.
4. If you check the statistics of the file, Internal Modulo is 3/5/7

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Temenos recommends default INTMODs of 3,7 and 19. Do not change INTMODs

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1. When data could not be fit into the 3 data frames allocated for Group 0, data was re-
hashed into data frames belonging to Group 1.
1.1 Maximum data frames that can exist at Group 1 level is 7 for each of the 3
Group 0 internal modulo
2. Similarly, when data cannot be fit into the frames that belong to Group 1, data will be
re-hashed into data frames of Group 2
2.1 Maximum data frames that can exist at Group 2 level is 19 for each of the 7
Group 1 internal modulo

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When data is re-hashed from Group 1 to Group 2, steps similar to the ones that you have
learnt so far will apply
1. New data frames up to 19 will be created
2. Data will be re-hashed into the 19 data frames
3. Pointer information will be updated in Group 2, it will hold pointers to the data
4. Pointer information will be updated in Group 1, it Will hold pointer to internal
hash table Group 2
5. Original data frame will be marked as free for future use

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19 Data Frames For Each Of The Group 2 Modulo have been allocated.

This slide represents data frames that can get created for internal hash table Group 2 and
shows linkages only for the first part

Once data frames for Group 2 modulo have been created you can have unto a maximum of
399 data frames each of size 4096 bytes. That is 3 * 7 * 19 = 399 data frames. File Size
would be 399 frames * 4096 Bytes = 1634304 Bytes.

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First, what is considered a huge record?
A record that is greater than or equal to the size of OOG Threshold is considered a huge
record. OOG stands for Out Of Group storage. The default value of OOG is 2048 bytes.

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You can define OOG Threshold value using the SECSIZE option with the CREATE.FILE

Note : The above command has been executed on Windows to state the fact that JR files
work the same on Windows as well as Unix

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What Happens When A Huge Record Is Inserted Into The File?
1. User inputs record with ID 4
2. jBASE calculates a hash value based on the ID of the record
3. Assume that the resulting modulo is 3
4. Data is bigger than OOG Threshold
5. Create as many OOG frames as required and store the data. Make data frame of
modulo 3 point to the OOG frame

P1, P2 and P3 represent pointers to data frames 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Each OOG Frame
will be of size 4096 bytes like other data frames. Depending on the size of the record,
required number of OOG frames get created and data is split and stored across these OOG
frames. When data is stored in more than one OOG frame, the OOG frames maintain
pointers to the other OOG frames that have been created to store the record (Like a link list)

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1. When a record greater than or equal to the size of OOG Threshold is inserted
1.1 Data is stored in out of group frames (OOG Frames)
1.2 The size of the record determines the number of OOG frames that get created
1.3 Record will be split and stored across the OOG frames that have been created
for the record
1.4 Each of the OOG frames will hold pointer information to the next OOG frame
(Like a link list)
1.5 The main data frame will hold pointer information to the first OOG frame
1.6 Compare this to ‘Secondary File Space’ in J4 files

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Analyze the statistics of the file now.
There are totally 17 records in the file.
The last record inserted (Record number 17), was bigger than 2048 bytes. Hence, 2 OOG
frames have been created and data has been split and stored there.

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Assume record number 17 has been deleted. Let us analyze the statistics of the file now.

The OOG Frames value you see above get marked to 0 to denote that there are no OOG
frames for the file now
Frames allocated to a JR file are never de-allocated unless the file is deleted. The OOG
frames have now been marked as free frames for re-use

Compare the size of the file on disk with the screen shot in the previous slide. Note that the
size on disk is not the same in both

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You know that the maximum number of data frames that we can have once we have
reached Group 2 is 399. Here, the number of data frames is 1359 and the number of Pointer
Frames is 124.

What does this signify?

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For ease of understanding and to avoid clutter, only part of the JR file is described here.
Consider that all data frames are full.

1. User inputs record with ID 2673

2. jBASE calculates a hash value based on the ID of the record
3. Assume that the result is modulo 1.
4. No space in the data frame
5,6,7 Re-hash data in the data frame into a maximum of 31 data frames and make the
original data frame a pointer frame
8. Data frame that has become pointer frame
9. Data frames other than the initial 399 that have been created

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If all 399 data frames have been created and If there is no space to hold new data, what
happens next?
The data frame that does not contain space to hold new data becomes a ‘Pointer Frame’. A
Pointer frame is one that points to data in another data frame. New data frames referred to
as ‘External Data Frames’ (Up to 31) are created for each pointer frame and the data is re-
hashed into the new data frames.

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Is the number 31(Number of external data frames) hard coded? Can’t it be parameterized?
The value can be parameterized using the MODULOS option in the CREATE.FILE
command. This option is not working at the present.

Is there a health check utility for JR files?

Yes. The command is jrscan which is similar to jcheck for J4 files. We will discuss about
this command as we proceed further.

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Is there a way to pre-allocate size for a file, on creation?
Yes. The size of the file (at creation time) can be set using the option MINSPLIT in the
CREATE.FILE command. By default, the value of MINSPLIT is 0. This implies that the size
of the file when created is 4096 bytes and when 399 data frames are not sufficient, up to 31
data frames will be allocated for each data frame that overgrows. Specifying a value for
MINSPLIT pre-allocates space for the file. Let’s see how.

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MINSPLIT has to be used with caution as it pre-allocates space for a file. The value for
MINSPLIT can be set in the range from 0 till 4.
The MINSPLIT value forces a table to be created with a minimum split level and would
normally be used only where the future data population is known to be large and will remain
large throughout the lifetime of the file.

1. When MINSPLIT is set to zero, by default 4096 bytes is allocated

2. When MINSPLIT is set to one, the calculation is (3*7*19)*4096 bytes
3. When MINSPLIT is set to two, the calculation is (3*7*19*31)*4096 bytes
4. When MINSPLIT is set to three, the calculation is (3*7*19*31*31)*4096 bytes
5. When MINSPLIT is set to four, the calculation is (3*7*19*31*31*31)*4096 bytes

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What you see here is statistics of a file when MINSPLIT is set to 1

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As the internal structure of JR files differs from hashed files, new utility jrscan which offers
similar functionality as jcheck. The options available are

-a - Show header values

-b - Bitmap scan – verify frame use
-h - Display help
-i - Display internal hash table
-k - Display record keys
-ln - Set split level to n
-s - salvage data to SLVG_ prefixed copy of file
-v - verbose output

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When jrscan is used with –v (verbose) option for a file , we get following details

1. Header information, offset for each of the level

2. The total file size, number of data bytes, number of items, number of OOG frames
3. Total data frames for each of the levels etc

In the screenshot shows the result of jrscan on FBNK.SECTOR. This file has 45 records
with 3 data frames.

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1. In an ideal situation JR files does not get corrupted since its has auto-resizing feature.
2. On rare occasions, when number of OOG frames are in large numbers, there is a
chance that file can get corrupted
3. Result of jstat and jrscan commands can be used to determine whether the file is
4. SELECT command on the file also shows error

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1. When jstat command is triggered on the file with verbose option, along with the file
details HASH error and Scanfile: Bad termination is shown.
2. We can note that for the given example, the number of OOG frames is in large number
with no free frames
3. SELECT command also throws error message

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1. Overly sized files can be salvaged using jrscan with –S option
2. At the jsh prompt, jrscan -Sv salvage with verbose option
3. The salvaged data is written with an prefix SLVG_<file name>
4. Salvaged data can be viewed with the command SELECT SLVG_F.<file name>
5. Salvaging JR files can result in data loss

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Now you will learn about two CREATE.FILE related environment variables.

1. If you set some value to the environment variable JEDI_PREFILEOP, it gets defaulted
while using the CREATE.FILE command. Let us understand this with an example.
1.1 Set a value “TYPE=JR LOG=NO” to this variable, you can use the command
export JEDI_PREFILEOP = “TYPE=JR LOG=NO” if you are working on UNIX.
2. Now create a file just by giving a command CREATE.FILE followed by a file name. Let
us consider for example CREATE.FILE TRAINING.TEST
2.1 Now check if you have got the values set in the environment variable. Use the
jstat to do this. Can you see the Type set to JR and Log set to NO.

Remember that value specified in this variable takes more precedence over the value
supplied in command line for the CREATE.FILE command.

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Let us now look into the next environment that CREATE.FILE uses.

1. This variable is the same like JEDI_PREFILEOP, If you set some value to the
environment variable JEDI_POSTFILEOP, it gets defaulted while using the
CREATE.FILE command. But you should remember that value specified in this variable
can be overridden using the CREATE.FILE command.
2. Let us understand this with an example.
1.1 Set a value “TYPE=JR LOG=NO” to this variable, you can use the command
export JEDI_POSTFILEOP = “TYPE=JR LOG=NO” if you are working on
3. Now create a file using the CREATE.FILE command followed by a file name, also
specify the file type as J4. Let us consider for example CREATE.FILE TRAINING.TEST
TYPE=J4 1 1
2.1 Now check if you have got the values set in the environment variable. Use the
jstat to do this. If you notice, though you have set JEDI_POSTFILEOP to
TYPE=JR, the file type of the file you created just now is J4, this is because
you have given TYPE=J4 in the CREATE.FILE command. As already said, the
value specified in the CREATE.FILE command takes more precedence when
compared to the variable JEDI_POSTFILEOP

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1. Should all T24 files be JR ?
1. No. It is not mandatory that all T24 files be JR files.
2. If not, what T24 files should be changed from J4 to JR ?
1. Files that are currently distributed in jBASE 4, can be made JR.
3. How do JR files perform in comparison to J4 ?
3.1 A badly sized J4 file will be much slower than a JR file
3.2 An aptly sized J4 file will be faster than a JR file
4. What is the disk usage profile of JR when compared to J4 ?
4.1 For both JR and J4 type of files, once space is allocated on disk they are not
de-allocated until the file is deleted

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1. Let us create a J4 file by name TRG.J4. Now if you wish to convert this j4 file into a JR
file, it is possible.
2. Use the command jrf with –H6 option with the J4 file name. jBASE will convert the J4
file into a JR file.

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Slide 46

A2 jrf has an option called '-H4' which according to helptext is suppose to force a file to have type J4. Using
this option I am unable to convert JR to J4. Well, we will never want to convert Jr to J4,but I thought it
is good to try.
Alm, 5/22/2008
JR files are multilevel hashed files which contain data frames linked by hierarchies of pointer
frames, all contained in a single physical file. There is a small hierarchy of modulo in the file
header through which all item ids are hashed before being written. Data and pointer frames
are allocated only as required. The split modulo¹ determines the hierarchical order, i.e. the
number of pointers per pointer frame (node) within the hierarchy. The split modulo can be
configured at file creation with reference to the likely number and type of keys.

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Let us look into some additional characteristics of a j4 and JR file

Backup: When set to YES, file will be backed up when the jbackup command is executed,
the default value is YES. You can change this value by issuing the command jchmod +B
<File Name> to grant and jchmod –B <File Name> to revoke backup feature.

Log: When set to YES, any DML (Data Manipulation Language) on the file will be recorded
by jBASE Transaction Journaling, provided jBASE Transaction Journaling is started. Its
default value is YES. You can change this value by issuing jchmod +L <File Name> to
grant and jchmod –L <File Name> to revoke log feature.

Rollback: The Rollback flag indicates if a file is subject to transaction boundaries. Its default
value is YES. If unset, it will have an impact on the way jBASE Transaction Journaling
journals data. To grant Rollback use the command jchmod +T <File Name> and to revoke
use the command jchmod –T <File Name>

Network: It is set for files that are NFS mounted so that jBASE can place byte locks on
them. Its default value is NO. It is not used by JR files as JR files use jDLS for locking.
Applicable only for J4 files. The command to grant this feature is jchmod +N <File Name>
and to revoke the command is jchmod –N <File Name>.

Secure: The file is flushed at critical junctures such that any file update will rely only on a
single disk write. This maintains the file structure in the event of system failure. Set so that
file structure never gets corrupt. Its default value is NO. It is applicable only to JR files. It can
affect performance if set. The command to grant this feature is jchmod +S <File Name>
and to revoke it is jchmod –S <File Name>

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2. FALSE – It stores only pointer information
5. FALSE – jcheck is for J4 type of files

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 49

In this course, you learnt about the JR files

You will now be able to

•Describe JR files
•Analyze the features of JR files
•Create a JR file
•Describe the header information of a JR file
•Analyze how to read and write records in a JR file
•Explain INTMODS
•Create a huge record
•Analyze the purpose of MINSPLIT
•Health check utility for JR files
•Analyze the environment variables related to CREATE.FILE command

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 50

JBS4.Creation And Maintenance Of Files In jBASE 5-R9.01 51

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