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HelpText and Online Documentation

User Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS Holdings NV.

Copyright 2007 TEMENOS Holdings NV. All rights reserved.

HelpText and Online Documentation

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Installing T24 HelpText and Online Documentation ............................................................................ 3
Installing the Online Documentation ................................................................................................ 3
Installing the HelpText ...................................................................................................................... 4
Configuring ‘helpParameters.xml’ .................................................................................................... 5
Accessing the T24 HelpText System ................................................................................................... 6
Displaying HelpText Pages .............................................................................................................. 6
Editing HelpText Pages .................................................................................................................. 10
Creating HelpText Pages ............................................................................................................... 12
HelpText Page XML Format ........................................................................................................... 15
HelpText Menu XML Format .......................................................................................................... 17
WebServer Running as a Service .................................................................................................. 19
Displaying HelpText Pages from Desktop ......................................................................................... 20
HelpText Location .......................................................................................................................... 20
Help Display Order ......................................................................................................................... 21

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HelpText and Online Documentation

T24 provides access two help systems, HelpText and T24 Documentation. This document will explain
how to install and access the help files as required.

Installing T24 HelpText and Online Documentation

In order to use the integrated HelpText and Online Documentation in T24 Browser, the relevant
released documentation must be installed on the web server. Once the T24 Browser web archive file
(“BrowserWeb.war”) has been installed and extracted on the web server, the following documentation
should be placed in the specified directories on the web server :-

Release Documentation Web Server Location

Portal HelpText ZIP file containing the Any location accessible by the web server.
XML HelpText files for each T24
The location of the unzipped HelpText file should be specified in
the T24 Browser file “helpParameters.xml”. Please see below for
information on how to configure this file.
Portal Index XML file – On the web server in the “help” directory under the BrowserWeb
web application installation.
Contains an index of the HelpText files.
Portal Menu XML file – On the web server in the “help” directory under the BrowserWeb
web application installation.
Contains the menu of HelpText files.
Portal Document XML file – On the web server in the “doc” directory under the BrowserWeb
web application installation.
Contains the menu of the release
Portal Online Documentation (e.g. User On the web server in the “doc” directory under the BrowserWeb
Guides, Release Notes, etc). web application installation.

Installing the Online Documentation

The documentation for T24 Release is delivered as a Zip file e.g. This file is supplied
along with the T24 Release.

To Install the T24 Online Documentation unzip this file within the following location:
(where BrowserWeb is the location of the T24 Browser Web Application)

During installation you will be prompted to overwrite/replace the 'portal-doc-menu.xml' file. Ensure
that this is accepted.

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The Zip file contains documents in PDF format such as:

• Release Notes (including installation instructions)
• Defects List
• Highlights
• T24 User Guides

Once these files have been installed, restart the web server to ensure the files are accessible via a
browser session. The T24 Portal for Online Documentation can be accessed using the following
URL :-

Where “localhost” is the name or IP address of the web server, and “8080” is the port number of the
web server.

Installing the HelpText

The T24 Online HelpText is delivered with the T24 release as a Zip file e.g.

To Install the T24 Online HelpText unzip this file to any location accessible by the web server. The
location of the unzipped HelpText files should be specified in the T24 Browser file
“helpParameters.xml”. Please see below how to configure this file.

To Install the HelpText Index and Menu files, locate the files list below: (located in the zip file)

• portal-help-index.xml
• portal-help-menu.xml

Copy these files to the following location overwriting any existing files.
(where BrowserWeb is the location of the T24 Browser Web Application)

Once these files have been installed, restart the web server to ensure the files are accessible via a
browser session. The T24 Portal for HelpText can be accessed using the following URL :-


Where “localhost” is the name or IP address of the web server, and “8080” is the port number of the
web server.

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Configuring ‘helpParameters.xml’
Once the WAR file has been expanded, the ‘helpParameters.xml’ file found in the created T24
Browser directory requires configuring. This XML file contains a number of parameters used to
configure the HelpText system. The settings are as follows:

XML Tag Description Example Values

viewLocation Specifies a directory where the HelpText files can be found for D:\T24\HelpText\
Multiple ‘viewLocation’ nodes are supported.
editLocation Specifies a directory where the HelpText files can be found for D:\T24\HelpText\
Multiple ‘editLocation’ nodes are supported.
language Specifies the languages supported for HelpText files. GB
Multiple ‘language’ nodes are supported. FR
imagesDir Specifies the base directory that HelpText field images are stored. help/images
The directory must be accessible by the web server. C:\help\images
This can be a relative path or a full path.
editable Specifies whether the HelpText Files can be edited. YES
devMode Specifies whether the HelpText system is currently being used in a YES
Development mode. Live sites should always have this set to NO.

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Accessing the T24 HelpText System

Displaying HelpText Pages

The HelpText for T24 is accessed from the Help menu as displayed using the Help icon ( ) from the
main menu page, and then selecting the “T24 Online Help” option:-

Figure 1 – Help Menu

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This displays the Help Text system main page:-

Figure 2 – Help Text System

Alternatively, HelpText pages can be accessed through the following methods:-

1. Clicking on the Help icon ( ) on a contract screen:

Figure 3 The Help Icon on a Contract Screen

2. Clicking on a field name on a contract screen:

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Figure 4 Clicking on any on the field names will launch the HelpText

3. Double-clicking in the input box of a editable field on a contract screen

- In screen Versions where the field name or label is not displayed by double-clicking
in the input box the HelpText will be launched.

4. Directly using the following URL:

Where “localhost:9080” should be replaced with the address and port number of your web

The HelpText pages for T24 come in 2 forms: -

• XML pages transformed using a XSLT stylesheets (recommended format allowing editing)
• HTML pages (static pages that cannot be edited)

Please see the section on “Configuring ‘helpParameters.xml’” for more details on how the locations
and languages for the HelpText pages are configured.

From the main HelpText page, both a “PRODUCT VIEW” and “INDEX” can be used to find the
relevant help pages. By clicking on the relevant help page in the menu a page will be displayed as

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Figure 5 –Example HelpText

The “Edit” icon ( ) will only be displayed if the “editable” parameter in “helpParameters.xml” is set to
“YES”. This allows XML help pages to be edited and saved back to the web server.

NOTE: When displaying a helptext page, the “viewLocation”s defined in helpParameters.xml will be
searched for the relevant page.

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Editing HelpText Pages

The “Edit” icon ( ) is selected on a HelpText page a screen is displayed allowing the title, overview,
and field descriptions to be edited as follows :-

Figure 6 - Editing Helptext

The “Language” displayed on this page matches that in the T24 USER profile. If for some reason a
language code is not available (i.e. the HelpText main page was accessed directly outside of T24)
then a default language of “GB” will be used.

The “Path” displayed shows the location of the page being edited. This is determined by the settings
in the “helpParameters.xml” file.

The “Image” fields allow an image to be associated with the overview or a field. This will be displayed
below the overview or field description when in view mode. The image file should be in a format
displayable by a Browser (i.e. GIF or JPEG formats). The name of the file entered (e.g. “formula.gif”)
should correspond to a file in the directory specified by the setting of the “imagesDir” parameter on the
web server.

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When the “Save” icon ( ) is selected the changes will be saved back to this file on the web server.

When the “Update Fields” icon ( ) is selected a request is sent to the T24 Server to retrieve a list of
fields for the application. The helptext page will be updated to include any new fields. Any fields that
were on the helptext page but are not on the application will be removed from the helptext page. If the
“devMode” parameter in “helpParamters.xml” is set to ‘YES’ then any Local Reference field will not be
returned. If it is set to ‘NO’ then all Local Reference fields will be included in the edit page.

NOTE: When using the “Edit” icon ( ), an equivalent helptext page for the viewable file will be
displayed. This page may differ from the viewable page, as the “editLocation”s defined in
helpParameters.xml will be searched for the relevant page.

Please note: HelpText pages are stored on a product / application basis. Multi-language HelpText is
also supported by using locations and suffixes that denote their paths. The Help system will search
the locations defined in “helpParameters.xml” in the following order, using languages for specific
pages: -

1. <location>\<product>\<application>_<userLanguage>.xml
2. <location>\<product>\<application>_<userLanguage>. html
3. <location>\<product>\<application>.xml
4. <location>\<product>\<application>. html

Where <location> will be the “viewLocation” parameters when viewing pages, and the “editLocation”
parameters when editing pages.

For example, a French copy of the above ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT page could be stored under any of
the following paths:-


• C: \T24 Help\AC\ ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT_FR.html
• C: \T24 Help\AC\ ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT.xml
• C:\ T24 Help\AC\ ACCOUNT.DEBIT.INT.html

If the “helpParameters.xml” file specified “C:\T24 Help” as a location for HelpText files.

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Creating HelpText Pages

New HelpText pages can either be created using the HelpText system itself or by hand using the XML
schema described in this document.

If a HelpText page cannot be found by the system, then the following page will be displayed:-

Figure 7 - No HelpText found

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If the “editable” parameter in “helpParameters.xml” is set to “YES” then the XML pages that are in the
search locations of the system will contain a “Create HelpText” ( ) button. When this is selected a
simple HelpText page is displayed for editing:-

Figure 8 - New HelpText

This allows the title and overview fields to be edited. To obtain a list of fields for this application use
the “Update Fields” icon ( ). This causes a request to be sent to the T24 Server to retrieve a list of
fields for the application. The HelpText page will be updated to include the new fields. Use the “Save”
button to save the HelpText page to the web server with the displayed path name.

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The diagram below shows a page following the use of the “Update Fields” icon ( ) which caused a
new the fields “DESCRIPTION”, “SECTOR.CODE” & “SHORT.NAME” to be added to the display.

Figure 9 Update Fields

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HelpText Page XML Format

It is recommended that the HelpText files are only edited using the online facilities provided. However,
System Administrators who have access to the pages may edit the pages manually or using a XML
editor. This is not recommended as invalid XML documents will not be displayed correctly.
Should a page be edited manually then the following XML schema should be adhered to :-


<p multiple=”true”/>

<t multiple="true">
<p multiple=”true”/>


where the tags are as follows :-

XML Tag Description

product The product of the application as defined in the PGM.FILE
title The title for the help text page
table The application name
ovdesc The description of the overview
ovimage The name of an image file for the overview stored in the images
directory on the web server as specified in helpParameters.xml
p A line of text of a multi-line text field
t A menu topic section
field The name of the field
desc The description of a field
image The name of an image file for a field stored in the images directory
on the web server as specified in helpParameters.xml

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An example XML HelpText page for the “ACCOUNT.CLOSURE” application is as follows :-



<p>This file contains details such as outstanding interest and charges, and is used
to indicate that an account is flagged for closure.</p>
<p>The information is provided to help the user determine the entries which must be
booked to bring the Balance to zero and allow automatic closing to proceed.</p>
<p>The procedure for closing an Account is as follows:</p>
<p>(1) Select this application, and using the input function, set the
POSTING.RESTRICT field to a value in the range 90 - 99.</p>
<p>(2) The 'CAPITAL.DATE' filed holds the date on which the system should
start the closure process by capitalising outstanding interest and charges.</p>


<p>This is the number of an Account which is flagged for closure but has not yet
been closed. The information in the following fields was generated at the time the Account was
flagged for closure. </p>
<p>Validation Rules </p>
<p>2-16 numeric character Account Number or 3 to 10 type MNE (uppercase alpha or
numeric or '-') character Account Mnemonic.</p>

<p>Identifies the currency of the account liquidated to in field 15. </p>
<p>This is the Interest currency, if any, specified in the originating ACCOUNT
record. </p>
<p>Validation Rules </p>
<p>3 type SSS (uppercase alpha) character or 1-3 numeric character currency


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HelpText Menu XML Format

The HelpText menus (“Product” and “Index”) are stored as static XML files on the web server in the
following locations: -

help/portal-help-menu.xml Product XML file

help/portal-help-index.xml Index XML file

To update these pages use an XML editor adhering to the following XML schema :-

<ts c="Help Index for T24 XXX">
<ts c="”>

where the tags are as follows :-

XML Tag Description

ts Is a topics tag. It signifies a sub-menu section. These can be
t A topic tag
c The caption for a topic
ty The type of the menu item. For HelpText pages this must be
tar The target for this menu item, For HelpText pages this should be in
the form “<product>/<application>”

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An example XML menu page is as follows :-

<ts c="Help Index for T24 R05">
<ts c="Accounts">
<ts c="Applications">
<c>Account Link Table</c>
<ts c="Utilities">
<c>Nostro Account Report</c>
<c>Account Statement Entry</c>

This produces a menu like :-

Figure 10 - Menu

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WebServer Running as a Service

Analysis: Cannot find helptext when running Tomcat or any other web server as a service (on
Windows NT based systems) and the helptext is located on a remote machine.

Action: In helpParameters.xml use a full UNC (universal naming convention) path

e.g. \\machinename\sharename\folder.
In addition the machine will require the correct read/write permission on the remote machine, this can
be done as with a normal user however the username is the name of the machine where the web
server is running as a service. Notice in the screenshot below the user UKLAP-
KDEVLIN$ (EUROPE\UKLAP-KDEVLIN$), this is actually a machine.

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Displaying HelpText Pages from Desktop

Since a chm file is no longer released this will have an implication on Desktop and how it links to the
T24 XML HelpText system.
T24 implementations using Desktop can still access the latest HelpText by modifying the way Desktop
locates it’s help system.

HelpText Location
Before this can be done ensure that the HelpText has been installed and configure as described in the
sections in this document.
Once installed the T24 XML HelpText pages can be viewed from Desktop using the usual methods of
the “F1” key or double clicking on field names. Creation and editing of pages is not allowed via the
Desktop application.
To use this facility a web server must be running the T24 Browser web application. In addition, the
following Desktop Location options should be changed:-

1. The “Helptext” Locations option should be changed to contain a URL like :-

(where “localhost:8080” should be replaced with the address and port number of your web server).

Figure 11 – HelpText Location

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Help Display Order

The “Help Display Order” Advanced option should be changed so that the 1st option is set to “HTML”
rather than “Compiled HTML”. This will ensure that HTML and XML HelpText can be located and

Figure 12 HelpText settings

If the HelpText page cannot be found in any of the locations defined in “helpParameters.xml” then
Browser will recursively search sub-directories of these locations looking for the relevant page. If no
page can be found, then a list of searched locations is displayed.

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