Human Computer Interaction - IT - Nov 2017 - R12 & R14

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R12 & R14

Subject Code: R14A41IT04


School of Engineering
IV- B. Tech-I-Semester End Examinations, November - 2017
Subject: Human Computer Interaction
(Only for IT)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75
Section – A (Short Answer type questions) (25Marks)
 Answer all questions
1. Discuss the benefits of a Good Design? 3M
2. Write the principles of User Interface Design? 2M
3. Explain legal issues in design process? 3M
4. List interface design goals? 2M
5. Discuss textual displays? 2M
6. Explain about graphical and web displays? 3M
7. Explain about website navigation problems? 3M
8. List the types of windows? 2M
9. List the software tools? 2M
10. Explain about types of displays? 3M

Section – B (Essay Type questions) (5x10=50 Marks)

 Answer all questions, each question carry equal marks.

11. A) i) Discuss about interaction styles?

ii) Write in brief practical and objective measures of usability?
B) i) Discuss the concept of direct manipulation?
ii) Describe in brief about Web user interface?

12. A) i) Discuss about interaction of people with computer?

ii) Write in brief about Human considerations in design process?
B) i) Discuss the users requirements and tasks?
ii) Discuss about human characteristics in design process?

13. A) i) Explain about visually pleasing compositions?
ii) What are tasks performed by users when they interacted with computer?
B) i) What are the application screen elements? Explain.
ii) What are the technological considerations for interface design?

14. A) i) Explain about window presentation styles?

ii) Discuss about window sizing and placement?
B) i) What are the constraints of window system design? Explain
ii) Discuss the components of window?

15. A) i) Explain about interface building tools?

ii) Write short notes on screens and speakers?
B) i) Give brief note characteristics of input devices?
ii) Discuss briefly about speech recognition?

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